Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1002: Message: Please take care of yourself

When the autumn sun is still golden and warm on the southwestern earth, the golden country of thousands of miles away, the breath of winter has come early.

On the 9th of August, in the clouds.

The lead-green cloud covered the sky, and the north wind had begun to blow on the ground. As a golden city, the cloud seemed to be helplessly plunged into a gray slough. Contaminated with gloomy breath.

Cars and horses entering and leaving the city seem to be a little less energetic than they used to be, and the sounds of the bazaars in the market also sounded lazier than in the past. It's like saying something confidential and important.

In the muddy streets and alleys of the city, the walking Han slaves wrapped their clothes tightly and raked in their bodies. They looked down like they were afraid of being noticed, but they were not cockroaches after all, and they could not become unobtrusive. Short. Someone was anxiously avoiding the pedestrians in front of the corner of the wall, but was still knocked over to the ground, and then might get a kick or be beaten more.

In this atmosphere, the nobles in the city still maintain a high emotion. The high-pitched emotions are violent, and they will burst out from time to time in the city, making such repressions, and occasionally **** revelry.

In the small courtyard on the south side of the city, Xu Xiaolin saw Tang Minjie for the first time.

Xu Xiaolin is a courier from the southwest.

There are thousands of miles between the Southwest and the Golden Realm. In this year and month, the exchange of information is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, most of the various actions in the Northland are handled by the person in charge here. Only one communication will be conducted to facilitate Southwest to make adjustments to the big course of action.

The result of the entire southwestern war was spread to the cloud in mid-May, and Lu Mingfang set off south to report the progress of the entire work to the southwest and provide Ning Yi with more reference for the next step of development. He sacrificed in late May.

At almost the same moment, Southwest has made further speculations on the development of the Golden State. Ning Yi and others do not yet know the news of Lu Mingfang ’s departure. Considering that even if he does not go south, the Golden State ’s actions need to be Changes and understanding, Soon afterwards, Xu Xiaolin, who had a certain life experience in the Golden Kingdom, was sent to the north.

After Xu Xiaolin arrived in the Golden State, it was near the end of July. The process of joining was cautious and complicated. Then he learned the news that the person in charge of the Golden State operation had been sacrificed-because Jurchen had hyped the matter as a merit.

Although before the Hua Xia Army had considered the action plan after the sacrifice of the main person in charge, in the enemy's situation, this set of plans will take a lot of time to run. The main reason is that under the premise of prudence, the verification of each link, the connection of each other and the re-establishment of trust all require more steps.

Because of this, although Xu Xiaolin probably delivered the message of arrival at the end of July, the first contact was still a few days later, and he himself remained vigilant and conducted two trials. In this way, he was led to here on the 9th day of August, when he officially met the person in charge who took over after Lu Mingfang.

The person in charge of the codename "Clown" was thin and thin, and his cheeks looked slightly depressed. This was a comrade who had been reminded secretly from the top before his departure and was trustworthy at a critical juncture. Xu Xiaolin finally established trust in him. The other party also monitored him for several days. After meeting, he removed a few piles of dry firewood in the yard and took out a small package to hand him. The package contained gold sore medicine.

Before joining the Huaxia Army, Xu Xiaolin followed the caravan for a period of time in the Northland. He was quite tall and understood the language of eastern Liaoning. Therefore, he was a good candidate for carrying out communication work. Unexpectedly, when I came to the cloud this time, I didn't expect the situation here to be so tense. He said a few words with a Hannu on the street and used Chinese. Several Hannus were beaten together, and they were beaten on the head, so far bandaged.

"... From the news of the defeat of the Golden Army in May, the entire Golden Kingdom became like this. Finding faults and hitting people on the road was not a big deal. Some big families started killing Han people. However, if the Hans are to be punished for fines, these big clan will openly kill the Hans in the family. Some of the Gongqing ’s children are competing with each other. Whoever pays more fines is the hero. There were two Hou Ye fighting last month. Then he killed two, and the other made up two more. In the end, each killed 18 people. The government came to mediation and stopped. "

Let Xu Xiaolin sit on the stool, Tang Minjie untied the bandage on his forehead and re-medication. During the medication, Xu Xiaolin listened to this and could see the deep and calm eyes of the man in front of him: "Your injury is still good. Those who don't kill people are afraid of losing money, but some people, He was seriously injured on the spot and could not survive for a few days, but the fine did not reach them. "

Xu Xiaolin was a warrior who had experienced the Southwestern War. At this time, he held his fist and looked at Tang Minjie: "Sooner or later, he will find it back."

"Well." There was only a slight smile in the other person's calm eyes. He poured a cup of tea and handed it over, and continued to speak. "The things here are more than that. Jin Guo came early in the winter and started to cool down now. Every year, the Han people here will die in a batch. This year is even more troublesome. The refugees outside the city are full of Han slaves who were caught in the past. At this time in the past years, they will start to cut trees and collect firewood, but the wild mountains and wilderness outside the city It ’s all Lord of the City, now ... "

His words paused and he drank: "... Now, people are guarding the wasteland, preventing Hannu from cutting wood and pulling grass into a trend. In the past these days, people outside the city have said that they were killed by stealing firewood. There will definitely be more people who will freeze to death this winter. In addition, there have been several private venues in the city. In the past, the place where cockfights and dogs are fighting has now taken out the murderous set. "

"Isn't Golden Dog catching people for labor ..." Xu Xiaolin said.

"When it comes to Xingtou, who can manage so much." Tang Minjie smiled. "Speaking of these, it's not for anything else. It can't be stopped, but someone has to know what it is like here. Now in the cloud It ’s too chaotic. I ’m going to send you out of the city as much as possible in the next few days. The next step in the report is to say slowly ... What are the instructions on the south side? "

"Actually, there is a certain amount of speculation about the situation on the south side." Xu Xiaolin said, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from the sleeve of the shirt. There was not much writing on the paper. Tang Minjie took it, and it was a simple one. Of goods. Xu Xiaolin said: "The messages are all memorized, that's all."

"wait for me a while."

Tang Minjie got up and walked to the small room on the other side. Xu Xiaolin nodded and sat drinking hot water.

After a short while, Tang Minjie came out of the room over there, and the number of words would be less after the message on the manifest was interpreted. In fact, because the entire order is not complicated and does not require excessive secrecy, Xu Xiaolin basically knows Yes, the manifest was handed over to Tang Minjie just to prove credibility.

"In the south, there have been certain speculations about the current situation of Jin Guo, so in order to ensure everyone's safety, it is recommended that all espionage work here go to sleep, do not actively investigate the news of Jurchens, and do not do any destruction. I hope you take protection of yourself first. "Xu Xiaolin looked at Tang Minjie and said.

Tang Minjie's expression and eyes did not reveal much emotion, but nodded slowly: "However ... too far apart, Southwest does not know the specific situation here after all ..."

Xu Xiaolin also nodded: "Generally speaking, the principle of autonomous action here will not be broken. It is up to you to decide how to adjust it, but the general policy is to save the lives of most people. You are heroes and should live in the future. Back to the south to enjoy the blessings, all heroes fighting in this place should have this qualification-this is what Mr. Ning said. "

Tang Minjie was silent for a moment, then looked at Xu Xiaolin.

"By the way, what about Southwest, can you tell me more specifically? I knew that we had defeated Zong Han and Xi Yin, and chopped off Zong Han's two sons. The next thing would be unknown. "

He said this, with a light smile in his words, and walked to the table to sit down. Xu Xiaolin also laughed: "Of course, I am a sword pavilion in early June, so the whole thing is only known until then ..."

He smiled and talked about what happened in the south after the end of the Southwest War to the beginning of June, including Ning Yi sent the whole world and invited the friends and friends, including the whole world ’s response to the Southwest War, including the planning, the upcoming During the military parade and congress that appeared, Tang Minjie asked a lot about the outline and process of the entire congress.

The news of the congress in June has not yet been released, but there is already a specific worksheet inside the Huaxia Army, so Xu Xiaolin, who works internally, can also say a lot of things, but every time Tang Minjie inquires about some key points, Will also ask him to live. Tang Minjie didn't bother much. When Xu Xiaolin didn't know clearly, he jumped to other places. For a few moments, Xu Xiaolin even felt that there was a shadow of Mr. Ning on the person in charge of the Northland.

He inquired the most about the Congress and went to places where people like parade and contests might be more interested. Tang Minjie didn't have too many problems. He just nodded from time to time and occasionally expressed his opinion with a smile.

"... Well, call in people, do a big show, and during the military parade, kill a group of Jurchen prisoners with famous names, and then after the group is dispersed, the news should spread throughout the world ..."

Xu Xiaolin thought about it a little bit: "But killing Jurchen prisoners didn't say ... Some people outside said that the Jurchen prisoners they captured could be negotiated with Jin Guo and they were a good bargaining chip. It was like playing Xixia and then finishing at Wangyuan Bridge. Later, they also changed captives. Moreover, the captives caught in their hands may allow these Jurchens to cast their devices. "

"Do not use a mouse?" Tang Minjie laughed. "You mean, don't kill the captives and keep them up. Jurchens might be better for the Han people here because they are afraid?"

Xu Xiaolin frowned. I saw my head shook his head and said with a smile: "The only way for them to drop the mouse is to kill more, kill more ... kill more ..."

There was a moment of silence in the room, Tang Minjie got a glass of water, took a sip, and the tone became gentle: "Of course, leaving this side aside, my main thought is that although the door was opened to greet the guests from the Quartet, there are many people who come outside They do n’t like us. They are good at writing splendid articles. After they go back, they should still scold and find various reasons ... But there is only one thing in them that they ca n’t hide. "

He said: "For more than ten years of war in the world, countless people have died in the hands of the Jin people. To this day, perhaps tens of thousands of people have gone to Chengdu. They saw that only our Chinese army killed the Jin people and stood in front of everyone. Kill those who should be killed. In this matter, the splendid article can't hide all kinds of distortions. Even if you write more truth, people who read the article will remember their dead relatives ... "

"Of course, this is just some of my thoughts. I don't know exactly what will happen." Tang Minjie smiled. "You go on, you go on ..."

Xu Xiaolin said a lot of things afterwards. There was a tragedy in the Southwest. Of course, it was more rare comedy. When he talked about some people who survived and reunited with his family, he could see the thin man in front of him. A smile in the corner of the eye.

After a while, he suddenly remembered and mentioned the rebellious incident that caused the indignation of the Huaxia Army during that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Speaking of colluding with the enemy near Funiu Mountain, occupying the mountain as king, Zou Xu, who maimed comrades ...

The north wind whimpered outside the room, and the world was gray. In this small room, Tang Minjie sat quietly listening to the other person talking about many and many things. In his hands, the tea was warm. of. He knew that in the far south, the efforts of countless people had already sprouted new buds.


"... The Jurchen Army's Eastern and Western Army have returned here, and even without our help, they will fight between the East and the West. Let them fight, let the South command, please pay attention to it, don't take it anymore Tim fearless sacrifice. Our sacrifice is too much after all. "

At the end of the day, Xu Xiaolin once again urged Tang Minjie.

Tang Minjie nodded.

"I know." He said, "Thank you."

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