Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1003: struggle

The warm room was lit with candles and candles, and it was full of medicine.

The small wooden table was placed on a large bed with thick bedding. There were already several sheets of written paper on the wooden table. The old man's hands were trembling, and he was still writing a letter. For a while, he waved his hand to the side, and the old lady, who was old, put on the water: "Master. You can't ..." Anxious and choked.

"It's okay."

The water is ginseng. After drinking it, the old man ’s spirit will get better, and he will continue to write: "... there is not much time left. These letters can guarantee that my children will spend more time in the Golden Kingdom. It ’s a birthday in a few years. It ’s okay. "

The old man is more than 80 years old. At this time, he is one of the highest-ranking people in Yunzhong Prefecture and one of the most respected Han people in the Golden Kingdom. Shi Liai. His body is approaching its limit. It is not a curable injury, but an aging body, destiny is approaching. This is a disaster that people cannot hide from, and he has already noticed it.

His original match had long passed away. Although there was a concubine in the family, the old man always regarded it as entertainment. At this moment, he never called the female family to serve, but only let the old lady who had followed her life and never married. On this day, he received a letter from the south, so he began to write from the night-but it was not a family wills arrangement. The wills were already written, and he could not stay at this time.

Several letters were written, and then stamped, enveloped by hand, and sealed with fire paint. Afterwards, he just summoned several children from the Shi family who were waiting outside the house, and gave them the letter, giving him the opportunity.

At the same moment, many people in Xiyin House were preparing for the journey. Chen Wenjun received several guests in the hall of the guests, and the brothers Yan Dezhong and Wan Yanyi were even more In the selection of the armor and weapons for the expedition, many home guards have also changed to long-distance dressing, and the kitchen is fully preparing food for travel.

In the three months since the news of Zonghan ’s fiasco in the southwest, the nobles in Yunzhong Prefecture showed a gloomy atmosphere. This gloom and depression can sometimes become violent and hysterical, But no one can avoid the gloomy truth. Until this day, as the news came, the few people in the city who had received the news seemed to have regained their vitality.

In the previous time, the West Road Army that Jurchen defeated and returned home had a brief confrontation with the forces of Lou Shuwan and Yu Yulin of Jindi, but soon after, the two sides reached a preliminary compromise, and the remaining West Road Army was able to safely pass through the Central Plains. At this time, the army arrived at Yanmenguan, but it would take some time to return to the cloud.

The ordinary night became darker, and around the time of the hour, there was a sound of gongs and drums in the north of the city. Many people woke up from the night and then went to sleep. In the early morning hours around Yinshi, Shifu, Xiyin, and parts of the city had a team riding out.

Wan Yandezhong and Wan Yanyouyi said goodbye to Chen Wenjun, who had been asked by Qian Dingwan, to report to the school near the South Gate of Yunzhong to gather at the time. The family had already arrived at this time. . In the north wind in the early morning, many people successively arrived here. Among them, there are nobles who are respected by the world. Such as Wan Yandezhong and Wan Yanyouyi are generally protected by the house guards, and they came after meeting. Say hello.

Two months ago, Mandu Daru, who had made meritorious deeds by killing the top intelligence chief of the Hua Xia Army here, stood in the corner, and his identity was completely ignored at the moment.

The number of the entire team was close to two hundred, and there were more horses. Soon after they were assembled, they left Yunzhong House under the leadership of a veteran.

It was dark for the team to leave the city. After running for more than an hour on the relatively easy road outside the city, the sky in the east became dim and then accelerated.

At this time, the golden people-especially those with status-riding horses is a must. The team drove all the way, only changed horses to rest once in the middle, and stopped camping until it was dark at night. The second day was a rush, and on the premise of not leaving people behind as much as possible, this afternoon, finally caught up with another team heading northeast.

This team is also a horse team, playing the flag of the handsome Wan Yanzonghan. At this time, the two teams merged into one team. Everyone saw Wan Yanzonghan with white hair and thin body in front of the team, and there were also the same servants. Hi Yin.

This southern expedition, which took two years, the army suffered a defeat in the southwest. Zonghan Chengcai's two sons Xie Bao and Shi Yema died in battle. The main force of the West Road Army returning to China was only Yanmenguan. Not many people knew it. Zong Han and Xi Yin and others have rushed to the northeast without stopping.

Zong Han had a serious illness on his way back, but he has recovered at this time. Although his body became thinner due to his illness, his eyes and spirit have completely restored to the former handsome man who controlled the half of the country. . Considering the deaths of Sheya Ma and Xie Bao, everyone was respectful. The team converged, and Zong Han did not stop the army's footsteps, but while riding a horse, he let the children of the Shi family and the rest of the people come to speak.

Wan Yanyin's hair was half-white when he went out, and he was completely white at this time. He and Zong Han met some of the main characters who came over this time-but not including the officials of Mandu Daru-this day and night, When the army camped, he asked his two sons in the barracks about the situation at home.

Dezhong and Youyi informed the situation of Yunzhongfu and the situation in their homes one by one. After all, they experienced too few things, and were worried about many things after the West Road Army's fiasco.

"... The East Road Army had triumphed before, but we were defeated on the west side. Many people felt that something was going to go wrong. The merchants who traveled to the city these days also said that something was going to happen in the cloud. Even when Zongfu came back, he deliberately took a few Ten thousand horses stayed in Zhangjiakou. Others said that they were all in order to deter the cloud, and they started to show their swords ... Daddy, this time the coach went to Beijing, why did he only bring such a few people, if they fight, Zongfu Zongbi Yan Strong hands ... "

In the past ten years or so, everyone has talked about the dispute between the Jurchen and the Eastern and Western Governments. After the defeat of the West Road Army, in the eyes of most people, the victory and defeat have been divided. Most of the nobles are restless. Wan Yan De Zhong Wan Yan Youyi as a clan example on weekdays, showed strong confidence to the outside world, but at this time when he saw his father, it is inevitable to raise questions.

Xi Yin looked at the two sons and shook his head with a smile: "The dispute between the East and the West is going to be resolved, and the people under the head have nothing to do. If the army will be used to solve it at the end, why would the sprint send troops to go south. What happened outside? You do n’t need to worry, the chance of victory is still above the temple. This time, I ’m from the Jurchen Clan, so I ’m calling you to come and go to Beijing. You have to look and learn. ”

Two young people's eyes lit up: "Is something going on?"

"Ask me wrong." Xi Yin still laughed, maybe the journey in the daytime was tired, and the smile was a little tired, and the flame was burning in the tiredness. "It is not important whether things can turn around. The important thing is that we The old things are not dead, so I won't give up easily. I am so, so is the coach. "

He did not answer his son's question directly, but this sentence said that both Wan Yandezhong and Wan Yanyouyi straightened their spine, feeling the flame burning in their hearts. Also, how many things did the coach and his father have experienced today, and now even if there is a little frustration, how can they not stand still, they can be like this at their age, what terrible are these young people themselves?

"Son understands."

After Yan Dezhong's solemn salute, Yan Yanyi was taught silently beside him. Xi Yin patted their shoulders and stood by the door to look at the sky outside: "However, there are indeed important things, I want to tell you something about this Southwest Journey. I have to tell you what the so-called Huaxia Army looks like, and this defeat, what ... why did it come ... "

The night fell and the north wind began to sob. The camp was burning with fire and swaying in the wind. In many tents, people endured the exhaustion of the day and are still dealing with the things that need to be dealt with, interviewing one by one and saying things that need to be communicated.

The distance from the cloud to the Beijing-Ninghui Palace is nearly three thousand miles. Even if the team is moving at full speed, it will take more than twenty days to arrive. They have already experienced a fiasco and lost their opportunities, but they are just like Xi Yin. Say, the Jurchen family is tied together, and no one will give up easily.

"... the situation in Beijing is like this ..."

In order to wait for Tang Minjie's arrangement, Xu Xiaolin stayed in Yunzhong House for another two days. On August 11th, in the small courtyard where he was hiding, Tang Minjie summarized the information from the Jurchen side and detailed it with Xu Xiaolin. Rely on memory.

"... The Jurchens used to be clan-based, and the emperor was not as particular about the south as the elite. The elite in the clan were elites. Nowadays, although the brothers Agu Da and Wu Qi Mai are successively in power, they are actually high-ranking members of the Golden Kingdom. As a result, their relationship has to be chased up two generations, and the grandfather Wan Yanwu Gunai, who basically belongs to A Gu Da, has spread its leaves. "

"Wanyan Wugunai has many sons, and now there are three more prosperous people. The most famous is Wanyan Jilibo. He is the father of Agu Da and Wu Qimai. Today's Jiangshan belongs to their family, but Lili Bo's brother, South Korea, who finished Yan Yan, gave birth to a son called Za Gai, and Za Gai's son was Zong Han. As long as everyone wanted, Zong Han could also be an emperor, but it seems unlikely at the moment. "

"Besides the imprisoned bowl and the impeacher, there is a brother Wan Yan imperial grandfather Sun Fengyi Guogong, imperial grandson's son Pu Jianu, you should have heard that Jin Guo's vigorousness is very powerful right now. The emperor, but his chances of victory are small. In any case, the next emperor of the Golden Kingdom would have appeared from these three factions. "

"In the middle, Zong Han was the first person under Agu, and the voice was the loudest." Tang Minjie said, "This is the old rule of the Golden State. The throne should take turns. When Agu died, according to this rule, the throne should return. When I came to the Changfang impeacher line, I gave Zong Han one time. This was originally Agu's idea, but I heard that the rules were broken later. Agu's gang of brothers, and the eldest son Wan Yanzongwang, these people are very powerful, no He gave up the throne and gave it to Wu Qibu. "

"Such a thing, of course, there is a deal in the dark, or appease Zonghan, and I will definitely take it for you next time. Everyone thinks so, so the dispute between the east and the west comes from the beginning, but such a commitment is not true. After all, even if you are given the opportunity, you have to have the strength to take it ... the fourth expedition of the female true, most people are optimistic about Zong Han, but unfortunately, he met us. "

Tang Minjie smiled.

"In the past, in order to fight against Zong Han, Agu's sons were all in a group. Zong Jun, Agu's son-in-law, had little ability. The most powerful thing at that time was the **** of war Wan Yan Zongwang. Three sons Zongfu and four sons Zongbi, this time the two hybrids leading the East Road Army south, the momentum is not enough, they came out to stand in front of it, it is the son of Yan Gu Zonggan, who is out of the bones, and Jinlu ’s Hulu Extremely strong. "

"So far, Zong Han is out of the game, and there are not enough brothers and sisters of the Pu family, so now the most powerful person, that is, Hu Lubo finishes Yan Zonggan extremely, if he succeeds, the throne will return to Agu In the first place, Zongfu Zongbi must have grievances and vengeances, and Zong Hanxi Yin will die ... of course, there are also horizontal branches in the middle. "

"In the past, the struggle for the throne of the Golden Kingdom was a fight between Ming Dynasty and Zong Han. In the past few years, Wu Qimai has fought for his son's power. His eldest son Wan Yan Zongpan, a few years ago He was promoted to extreme strength. Of course, he was not regarded as the same thing on both sides. Compared with Zong Han, Zong Gan, and Pu Jianu, Zong Pan had no hope, he was extremely powerful, and most of the people I just thought it was Wu Qimai's selfishness to take care of his son, but in the past two years, the situation has changed a little. "

"Taking advantage of the two troops going south, after Wu Qimei suffered a stroke, Wan Yanzongpan has been recruiting horses to buy horses and advocating privately. Wu Qimai's son can also be an emperor. Many speculators have come to his door during these two years. Compared with Zong Han, Zong Gan, etc., he still has no advantage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But what will happen in the end, and who knows ... This can be an article ... Of course, in the past it has been Lu The shopkeeper is sitting in Huining. I do n’t know much about the details. "

After all, it is too far away from Huining in the cloud. In the past, Lu Mingfang came to the cloud at a certain time to exchange information, but the lag of the situation is still very large, and many details in the middle are difficult for Tang Minjie to fully grasp. Jin Guo ’s possible direction of civil unrest was outlined, and then said: “In addition, I heard that Zong Han Xiyin and others have already thrown away the army and moved to Huining in advance. This time Wu Qimai was sent to death and went to Beijing to gather. It ’s very important. If we can let them kill a bloodstream, it will be the best news for us, and its significance is no less than a battlefield victory. "

Tang Minjie said this, looked at Xu Xiaolin, Xu Xiaolin frowned and remembered these things in his heart, and then smiled slightly: "I know what you think, but, according to my opinion, the shopkeeper Lu was most familiar with Huining, After his sacrifice, even if we intend to do something, I am afraid it will be very difficult, not to mention in this situation. When I set off, the staff had estimated that the murder of Han people by Jurchens would last at least half a year to a year. , So ... I have to think more about the life of my comrades. I do n’t spend much time here, I ca n’t point to anything, but this is also my personal thought. "

"What you said makes sense."

Tang Minjie nodded, but in front of himself, he was not a man of strong words. In today's situation, the difficulty of all people's actions in the cloud has greatly increased, not to mention the Beijing-Shanghai Huining which is two thousand miles away.

Lu Mingfang, it ’s not the right time for you to die ...

He sighed in his heart.

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