Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1004: In hell

August 14, cloudy day.

Tang Minjie led Xu Xiaolin, and passed the inspection at the gate of the city with the identity of Xiren, and walked towards the post outside the city. The road outside the official road in the middle of the city is lined with gray land, and there is no bare thatch.

In the distance there are manors, workshops, and simple slums. In the view, you can see the walking corpses walking on the side. In the view, an old man walks slowly holding a small bundle of firewood, lingering in his body-this side As far as the environment is concerned, is it not an "old man"?

There are mountains and trees farther away, but Xu Xiaolin remembered what Tang Minjie said. Because of the hate for the Han people, many people in the mountains now do not allow the Han people to pick them up. The house in the field of vision is simple, even if it can be heated, many people will die in winter. Nowadays, there are such restrictions. When the snow falls, it will really become a **** on earth.

When he followed the caravan, he also saw the houses in these slums. He hadn't felt the mood like this at the time.

Tang Minjie walked sideways with his head down, and said in his mouth: "... I don't write much about the matter of the prairie people. After you go back, please ask Mr. Ning clearly. Although the Wu Dynasty was against Lianjin, I did a stupid thing, but that was the reason why the Wu dynasty itself was weak. Now that the Southwest War is over, it will take some time to fight north. It ’s a good idea to drive the tigers and devour the wolf here. I went to grab the Jurchen ’s ordnance, and I think they are not small ... "

"I will convey this in detail." The question about the prairie people may become a major policy for the future work in the Northland. Xu Xiaolin also understands the key to this, but then there are some doubts, "But this work, this Bian originally had the power to make ad hoc decisions, so why not make a judgment first and then pass it to the south? "

"For the prairie people, Mr. Ning's attitude is a bit strange. I didn't make it clear at the time. I was afraid I might be wrong, or there are some key points that I don't know."

Tang Minjie said, roughly mentioned with Xu Xiaolin. At the beginning, Mr. Ning once went to Xixia, and when he came back, he could only say that he was an enemy. It was just that the prairie people had not set foot in the Central Plains at that time, nor had there been any incidents of siege in the first half of the year. .

"... Yunzhong was originally a big city, but as Zong Han put the 'West Court' here, and added a hundred thousand more Han people, he couldn't live in the city anymore and added outside. These villages and workshops. When the prairie people came in the first half of the year, the Han slaves outside the city ran into a small part of the city. Most of the rest were captured and rushed to the outside of the city. Most of the surrounding Zhuangzi were burned ... "

Seeing Xu Xiaolin's eyes looking at this scene, Tang Minjie then introduced it to the surroundings.

"... The purpose of the prairie people is the ordnance stored in Fengzhou, so there is no massacre here. After leaving, many people have survived. But what about it, the surroundings are not good. After the house was burned, these new ones were more difficult to live, and now the firewood is not allowed to be cut. Instead of letting the prairie people come a few times, their horses come and go like the wind, although siege , But he is better than the field and likes to throw dead bodies into the city for a few days ... "

"... At that time, Yun Zhong sometimes stood in love, the plague did not start, most of the other cities could not resist, until the people died much, the surviving Han people might be better ..."

Tang Minjie chattered, the words were as calm as the southwestern women walked on the road while pulling homely. In the past, Xu Xiaolin also had many thoughts on the consequences of attracting prairie people, but at the moment of witnessing those rickets, he suddenly understood the other party's state of mind.

After that, I chatted all the way, and met with the previously arranged Xi Ren caravan not far from the post. Tang Minjie communicated with the caravan boss, and came back to tell me a few notes on the road. The two separated under the grey sky. When Xu Xiaolin finally looked back, the inconspicuous figure had already merged into the many pedestrians who went to the cloud, and he could not see it in a blink of an eye.


Pass the inspection of the city gate, then cross the street and go back to the place of residence. It seemed that it was going to rain, and the pedestrians on the road hurried away, but due to the north wind, the smell of mud in the road was a little less.

As he approached the dilapidated street where he lived temporarily, Tang Minjie slowed down as usual, and then walked around in a small circle to check for signs of followers.

It was cloudy and rainy, and there were not many people on the road, so it was easier to judge, but when approaching the dilapidated courtyard where he lived, Tang Minjie's footsteps slightly slowed down. A shabby black figure in a shirt was staggering forward against the wall, and sat down under the eaves outside the courtyard door. It seemed to want to avoid rain from the eaves, and his body curled up.

Doubts flashed in Tang Minjie's mind, and he walked slowly, observing for a moment, only to see that figure struggled to get up again, and wobbled forward. He let out a sigh of relief and walked to the door of the courtyard, on the side of the field of vision. The figure hesitated by the side of the road and walked back, probably to see that he was about to open the door, and two quick steps to reach out and grab him.


Tang Minjie's body turned away from the opponent's hand. It was a haggard and thin Chinese woman with a pale face and a wound on her forehead.

"Help, good people, help ... please take me in ..."

Over the past ten years, Jin Guo has successively arrested millions of Han slaves. Very few of them have free status. At first, they were as hard-working prostitutes as pigs and dogs. So far, few have survived. In the following years, Wu Qimai prohibited the arbitrary slaughter of Han slaves, and some large households also began to use them as maidservants and householders. The environment was slightly better, but in any case, the Han slaves were given too little free status. Combined with the current environment of Yunzhongfu, it can be inferred according to common sense that this woman should be a slave who can't survive in someone's home and sneaks out.

Someone on the other side of the street came over to this side. It seemed that the situation here had not been discovered for a while. The woman's expression became more and more anxious, and her thin face was full of tears. She stretched out her shirt and saw her right shoulder to chest. All are scars, and large flesh and blood have begun to fester and emit a foul smell.

She cried and said, "They took me back and I'm going to die ... People who want to be kept ..."

Tang Minjie looked at her, he could not tell whether this was a trap set by others.

Someone from the other side of the road ran towards this side. Someone pushed away Tang Minjie, then kicked the woman to the ground, started kicking and kicking, and the woman ’s body curled up on the ground, called a few times, then He was chained and pulled back like a pig or dog.

Not a trap ... this one can be determined.

Tang Minjie looked at all this indifferently. When the family members came to question him, he took the household registration deed from his arms and whispered, "I am not a Han." The other party just left.

Cold rain came from above.

Open the door home and close the door. Tang Minjie hurried to the room, found two books with some key information, wrapped it in cloth, put it in his arms, and then put on his clothes and hats to go out. When closing the courtyard door, the corner of the field of vision could still see the marks left by the woman who had been beaten by Fang Cai. There were blood stains on the ground, and the black mud slowly mixed with the road in the rain.

He glanced at it, and then did not stay. He walked through two streets in the rain, knocking on the back door of a family with the agreed method, and then someone opened the door. This is the one who has cooperated with him for a long time in Yunzhongfu. Deputy.

The order for the espionage work to enter the dormant stage has been passed down layer by layer. This is the meeting that Tang Minjie has made an appointment with him. After entering the room for a little check, Tang Minjie opened the door and said his intention.

"Starting today, you will temporarily take over all my work in Yunzhongfu. There are a few key messages. Let's do a handover ..."

Tang Minjie said, taking the two books out of his arms, the other side looked puzzled, but first nodded, and began to carefully remember what Tang Minjie said.

The whole process continued for a while, and then Tang Minjie solemnly handed the book to the other party. After the matter was completed, the deputy asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to Beijing on a trip." Tang Minjie said.

The deputy frowned: "It's not that I said before, even if I go to Beijing at this time, it is difficult to intervene in the overall situation. You let everyone save your life, and what are you doing together in the past?"

"The first-hand intelligence is a little more careful. Although I couldn't intervene at the time, it was easier to think of a way forward. The Jurchen and the Eastern and Western governments may have to fight, but the meaning of the fight is that it is also possible that they can't fight."

The deputy frowned: "... Don't be reckless. The style of Lu's shopkeeper is different from you. He is more important than intelligence gathering and weaker than action. If you arrive in Beijing, if the situation is not ideal, if you want to be tough, you will be killed. "

"I won't come here, rest assured."

The other party's gaze came over, and Tang Minjie looked back. After a while, that gaze retreated helplessly. Tang Minjie stood up.

"That's it, take care."

"Two thousand miles northbound, you have to take care."

The deputy said. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the process of sending him out, he couldn't help but tell him: "In this situation, they will fight each other as soon as possible, just look at it, don't do anything."

"Got it, don't mother-in-law."


All the way back to the courtyard where I lived, the rain penetrated into the clothes, and the weather in August was astonishingly cold. Think about it, tomorrow is August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival is full of moons, but how many moons are really **** round?

Tang Minjie stood outside the courtyard for a moment. At his feet was the place where the woman was beaten and bleeding. At this moment, all traces had been mixed into the black mud, and he could no longer see it. He knew it was on the land of the Golden Kingdom. The color of the Han people, some of them-including themselves-can still shed red blood when they are beaten, but sooner or later, it will become this color.

On August 15, the next day, Tang Minjie set off for the north.

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