Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1005: Jun Ying Youyu Miao Wanli Stratus (Part 1)

Although it is the so-called golden autumn of August in the south, the north wind of the golden land continues, and the more the temperature goes to Beijing, the colder the temperature, and the snow is about to fall.

Fortunately, the gold men in Zonghan's team are all snow-stricken warriors. Although the temperature dropped, but the coat was wrapped and the fox fur was covered, the coldness in the north was much better than the dampness in the south. Mandu Daru listened to the generals in Jiangnan more than once. The summer and autumn seasons were good, but the coldness of winter and spring accompanied by the bursts of water vapor into the clothes, it was really not a good place. Sure enough, it feels best to go home.

A total of nearly 2,000 horse teams traveled along the official road to Shangjing. Occasionally, nearby princes came to visit the sticky and handsome generals. They discussed it in private. This time, everyone from the cloud also followed Continued to be interviewed by the coach or the **** of the valley, these people have a lot of connections among the middle people, but they are the key figures who walked in Shanghai in the near future.

Mandu Daru didn't have much background. He was one of the few people who was summoned on the road until August 17th. The **** Gu Xiyin was called. Although the status of the two sides is very different, they have met several times before. This time he was asked not to go to Beijing, but to ask him about the many problems that have occurred in the cloud over the past two years.

"... Regarding this issue in the cloud, I had some considerations before going on the expedition. I have also greeted all parties. What thoughts and contradictions did I have to wait until the return of the Nanzheng. But two years Since then, in my opinion, people's hearts have floated a little bit. "

The army was advancing, Wan Yanxiyin rode on the horse, and spoke to Mandu Daru on the side.

"Marshal is not with me, some people are provoked privately, can't wait, the swords are facing each other, there is something strange in the middle, but until now, the documents are unclear. Including the Qi family and Shi Yuanji in July the previous year That ’s not the battlefield. Half a city was messed up and hundreds of people were killed. Although the boss was depressed, I would like to hear your opinion. Who did it-who do you think did it, how? You can talk about it in detail ... "

There were sounds of hoofs around. This time I went to Beijing because of the position of the emperor and the outcome of the game between the East and West, and because of the defeat of the West Road Army, the defeat of the West may have been almost in front of everyone. But with Xi Yin's questions, Mandu Daru could understand that what Gu Shen was thinking about was farther away.

He pondered a little, and then began to talk about the clues that were found in the events in the cloud that year.

"... There are not many gangsters active near the cloud in recent years, there are many fortune seekers, and there are also revenge venters, but in the humble opinion, most of the gangsters have acted unscrupulously. It has been true for more than a decade To be a good planner, among the remnants of the Liao Kingdom, there were a few people like Xiao Qing, and then there was a series of secret investigations in the Wu Dynasty. However, Xiao Qing had given his head three years ago. Huang Qian, a thief who had risen before, privately reported that he was the leader arranged by the Wu Dynasty, but he had not been in contact with the South for many years. Later, he fell into the role of a robber. He took the Han slaves and sent them to the South. Infighting himself died years ago, there is no proof of death ... "

"Except for Xiao Qing and Huang Qian, the rest are naturally black flag gangsters. These people have acted meticulously and have a very fine division of labor. They have indeed done a lot of big cases in these years ... The incident in the cloud the previous year involved a lot It is uncertain whether they call it a humble job. There are indeed a lot of clues that seem to be the so-called black flag. For example, Qi Yan had a great hatred with the black flag in the Central Plains. Before the tragedy broke out, he was coming from the south. Some captives of the Black Flag Army want to torture and vent their anger. It must be said that the Black Flag wants to kill Qi Yan ... "

"... After the massacre broke out, the inferiority inspected the fire site and found some suspected traces. For example, Qi Yan and his two great-grandsons hid in the water tank to avoid danger. Later, they were burned alive by the fire. , Can't you struggle to climb out? Either taking medicine and getting tired, or something is pressed on the water tank ... In addition, although they may climb into the cover of the water tank and then something may fall down and press the cover, but This may be a coincidence after all ... "

"Of course, this matter is related to the old man later, and the clues of Wan Yanwenqin's side are directed to Master Zongfu's side, and no further investigation is required. It is not surprising to say that the matter was caused by the black flag, but on the other hand, The whole thing is intertwined and involved a great deal. On the one hand, a Han slave named Dai Mo fiddled with Yan Wenqin, and on the other, a calculation included all the bandits and grandchildren of the boss at the same time. From the back to the front, these calculations are extremely difficult, so without careful investigation, the inferiority position cannot be determined ... "

When Xi Yin heard this, she said, "What if it is a disciple of a demon?"

Dalu Road in Mandu: "The south is rumored to be powerful, and has the ability to confuse people's hearts, but from a humble perspective, even if it confuses people's hearts, there must be traces to follow. It can only be said that if the matter of the Qi family was The people in the black flag arranged deliberately. This person's ruthless means and deep imagination cannot be underestimated. "

Xi Yin smiled: "After all, you are still taken by you."

Mandu Daru thought for a while: "Dare not deceive the lord, the one killed by the inferior office, although it is indeed the leader of the black flag in the north, but seems to have lived in Shangjing for a long time. According to these years of exploration, the black flag is in Yun There is another powerful leader in the gang who is called the "clown". Although it is difficult to determine whether the Qi family tragedy is related to him, but after the incident, this person is in the middle of the series, and the private Zongfu and the boss Rumors that people are guilty and start first are very strong, and they have incited several fights, and many deaths and injuries ... "

"Pick up what you noticed something strange, and tell me in detail."


The team went all the way, and Mandu Daru sorted out many things in the cloud for more than two years. I was originally worried that these things would be too nagging, but Xi Yin listened carefully and occasionally asked a few words with a targeted purpose. Speaking of the recent period, he inquired about the killing of Hannu in the Yunzhong House after the defeat of the West Road Army. After hearing the description of Mandu Daru, he was silent for a moment.

"... in this world, no matter how docile dogs are in a hurry, they will bite people. The Han people used to be weak. After more than ten or twenty years of insults, people will eventually shoot a black flag. Daru, there will be in the future. One day, I will have a decisive battle between Dajin and the Black Flag. Before that, the Han Chinese who came to the North will plant the land for us and build things for us. Sooner or later, there will be some people who are not afraid of death, to fight against us. In the Qi family tragedy, the man who motivated Yan Wenqin to do things and eventually became a tragedy may be such a person ... what do you think? "

Xiyin turned his head to look at him, and Mandu Daru bowed his hand to salute: "Adult is right."

"I heard that the leader who grabbed the black flag was also because he borrowed a Chinese woman to play, right?"

"Indeed." Mandu Daruda, "but this Chinese girl's situation is also special ..."

He introduced the situation of the Han girl, and Xi Yin nodded: "After going to Beijing this time, and returning to the cloud, how to fight against the black flag criminals and maintain order in the city will be a big deal. For the Han people, no more Make more killings, but how to control them well, and even find a group of available people to help us catch the clowns, some things to consider carefully, at least Shi Yuanji ’s case, I Wanting to have a result can be regarded as an explanation to the boss. "

Mandu Daru lowered his head, Xi Yin stretched out his whip, and nodded on his shoulder: "After going back, I care about everything you do in the security patrol in the cloud, what to do, you have to think about these times Think about it. "

Blood threw up on Mandu Daru's head, he turned down and knelt down to kneel to thank him, Xi Yin smiled and waved his hand: "No need to be rude, come on, let's go again!"

Mandu Daru stepped on the horse and followed.


The team of Zong Han and Xi Yin went north all the way. During the journey, everyone's emotions were heroic and disturbed. Mandu Daru came over to accept some inquiries in front of the God of the Valley. At this time, he had been promoted to the rank of official, and he became more concerned about the fate of the generals and others.

There were rumors outside that Emperor Wu Qimai had collapsed in Shangjing at this time, but the choice of the New Emperor was undecided, and the Beijing Central Secretaries were not lost, waiting for Zong Hanxi Yin and others to make a decision. But where can such things be so easy to say, Zongfu Zongbi triumphantly returned to Beijing, now must have been active in Beijing, as long as they persuaded the people in Beijing, let Xinjun come to power in advance, maybe they can not get this The team of two thousand people has not yet arrived, and they will be surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Even if the coach is sitting in the town with Gushen and encounters the emperor's replacement, I am afraid that it is difficult for him to do it alone.

As a veteran and a headhunter who has been in the middle and lower levels, Mandu Daru ca n’t figure out what is happening in Beijing, or who is blocking Zongfu Zongbi ’s inevitable trouble, but when he camps every night, he It can clearly be seen that this army is also ready to fight or even break through at any time. Explain that they are not failing to consider the worst.

"People are dying, and they will not die for thousands of years ..."

This is the end of the matter, and worry is inevitable, but Mandu Daru had to sharpen his knife every day to prepare and prepare dry food, on the one hand, waiting for the worst possible arrival, on the other hand, looking forward to the handsome and the hero of the Valley God, After all, in such a situation, he can turn the tide.

On August 24, light snow fell in the sky. The attack did not come, their team was close to Shenzhou's boundary, and had already traversed half the road ...


At the same moment, in the southwest of Chengdu, thousands of miles away, the autumn sun was warm and warm. In the secluded health center, I would rather return hurriedly from the outside, holding a small package in my hand, and found Aunt Gu: "... help me pass it to her."

He probably introduced the contents of the package. Aunt Gu took the package and hesitated: "Why don't you give her ..."

"Whoever is the same to her, is hers originally. Aunt Gu, you and she are both women, it's better to say. I have to pack things up, and I will go back to Zhang Village tomorrow."

Aunt Gu laughed: "Are you really going back to school?"

"Well, my mother would hit me if you don't go back." Ning Ji stretched her hand and rubbed her nose, then smiled. "And I miss my mother and my younger brother and sister too."

"Then ... don't go with her?"

"Well, I'll see later ... what goodbye to her ..."

It would be better to avoid jumping in, leaving Aunt Gu to sigh slightly here.


The afternoon sun was slanting into the courtyard, falling in through the open window, UU reading www. After a while, uukanshu.com, a little doctor in a white doctor's uniform knocked on the door of the ward and walked in.

"Dr. Dragon, you are here."

Qu Longjun sitting on the bed showed a smile to the teenager.

A month passed, and there was not much communication between the two, but Qu Longjun finally overcome the fear and was able to smile at the doctor, so the other's face looked better. Nodded towards her naturally.

"Well, take a pulse for you."

He sat down beside the bed, Qu Longjun stretched out his hand, let the other person's finger fall on her wrist, and then there were a few usual questions and conversations. Until the end, Qu Longjun said, "Dr. Long, do you look happy today?"

"My brother is going to be married."

"Oh, congratulations."

Their exchange is here ...

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