Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1006: Jun Ying Youyu Miao Wanli Stratus (Part 2)

In late August, the knife wound on the back was getting better. In addition to the itchy wounds, walking and eating on the ground were already able to deal with it easily.

The medical hall is located in a relatively secluded corner on the west side of Chengdu City. Hua Xiajun called it a "health center". According to the care of the aunt, it may be "adjusted" in the future. Perhaps because of the location, there are not many wounded and sick people coming here every day. When it is convenient to move, Qu Longjun also quietly went to see it a few times.

The small hospital where she lives is housed by female patients. Occasionally patients come to rest and take medicine in the two rooms next door, but they are not as seriously injured as her. Some local residents are also not accustomed to keeping the women in their homes in this strange place to recuperate, so they often go back after taking medicine.

Qu Longjun no longer has such concerns.

After staying here for a month, Qu Longjun was at first dazed and frightened, and then gradually became quiet in his heart. Although she didn't know what Hua Xiajun wanted to do with her at the end, after a month, she could already feel that the people in the hospital were not malicious to her.

Most of the time, she only touched two people here.

Aunt Gu, who manages the health center, is fat and looks kind, but from the words, Qu Longjun can distinguish her calmness and simplicity. In some clues of speaking, Qu Longjun can even hear her once. It is a woman with a knife who has been on the battlefield with a knife. These characters, like Qu Longjun, have only heard about it in the past.

Except for the aunt Gu who takes care of her more because she is a woman, and the other is the doctor Long Aotian who looks cold at any time. Although the martial arts doctor is as murderous as he is, he is also a bit unsmiling on weekdays, but after getting along for a long time, letting go of the initial fear, she can feel the goodwill of the other party. After the fight in the eleventh morning, it was this little doctor who rescued her, and then seemed to have taken on some of the ties, so came over every day to deliver food for her and cared about her health. .

It seems that the book "Women Are Half the Sky" was also sent by him. Later, several books appeared to teach people to weave and work and run small businesses to make money.

She was trained as a skinny horse since she was a child, and she had secretly speculations in private. For example, the two were of similar age. Did the little killer take a fancy to him? Although he was terribly cold, but he looked actually It's pretty, but I don't know if I will be beaten ...

As for another possibility, it was Hua Xiajun who was ready to make her recover from the injury and then forced her to go to another place as a spy. If so, it can explain why the doctor will come to check her injury every day.

These two thoughts were at the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't be sure for a while. I just remembered occasionally and felt uneasy.

On August 24th, the last interview was conducted. In the final conversation, the brother of the other party was about to become married.

After leaving the room, the doctor walking in the courtyard looked back at the door, and at his age, it was difficult to make a specific analysis of some hazy emotions. The girl in the room naturally did not notice this scene. For her, it was a simple afternoon.

On August 25, the doctor did not come.

On the day of twenty-six, Aunt Gu took a small package to the room.

"This is something to be passed on to you."

Aunt Gu said, then took out some silver tickets and title deeds from the package, and some Qu Longjun in the middle also recognized that this was Wen Shoubin's thing. Her deed was caught in these documents, and Aunt Gu took it out and tore it off.

"Your father-in-law, Wen Shoubin, entered Chengdu to try to misbehave. It was wrong to say that. But there was an investigation here, and he didn't do anything bad after all ... He didn't want to do it, and then died He brought some things in Chengdu, originally intended to be confiscated, but Xiaolong made a complaint to you, although he died, you are still his daughter in name, these things should be inherited by you ... It took a lot of time for Xiaolong to run around these days, well, this is all for you. "

Although Wen Shoubin is not a big man or a rich man in the outside world, he has dealt with rich households and sold women for many years. His accumulated wealth is also considerable, not to mention the title deeds in the parcel, but the gold and silver bills worth hundreds of dollars. For ordinary people, it is regarded as a half-life wealth. Qu Longjun's brain buzzed and reached out, but it was really difficult to understand this matter.

"This is ..." Qu Longjun reached out his hand, "Dr. Long gave me this?"

"It is the legacy of your righteous father." Aunt Gu said.


She was in a mess, and she didn't understand why. She had already made preparations for many people who were greedy for him. The best result was that the doctor of the Long family took a fancy to her. The worse result was naturally to let her be a spy. There are many more She didn't think about it badly. But why did she give all these things to her?

She thought for a moment in confusion and looked up: "... Doctor Xiao, why didn't he come to me, I ... I want to thank him ..."

"Xiaolong." Aunt Gu gave a sighing expression, "He left yesterday, didn't he say goodbye to you the day before yesterday afternoon?"

"... He said his brother is going to be married."

"Well, it ’s just a matter of marriage. He rushed back yesterday. After the marriage, he had to go to school to study. After all, he was n’t very old. The family did n’t allow him to come out. Will not come to Chengdu for a while. "

"Reading ..." Qu Longjun repeated a sentence, and passed a moment, "but ... why?"

"what why?"

"You ... Hua Xiajun ... What do you want to do with me? After all ... I followed Wen Shoubin to make trouble, you ... this is ..."

Her words were chaotic, and her tears fell unconsciously. In the past month, these words were held in her heart before she could speak. Aunt Gu sat down beside her and patted her palm.

"You haven't done bad things again. At such a young age, who can take care of yourself? It's a good thing now. You will be free in the future. Don't cry."

"Then I have to go ..."

"Go ... wherever you go, you can arrange it yourself." Aunt Gu smiled, "but your injury is not all right. You can think about the future, whether you stay in Chengdu or go to In other places, you can make your own decisions, and no one will restrain you like Wen Shoubin ... "

Qu Longjun sat there, tears falling all the way. Aunt Gu comforted her for a while before leaving the room.

It seems like a strange sea is coming from all directions.

Aunt Gu said the word "free", she was just strange, and she couldn't grasp the weight lightly. Although she was only sixteen years old, she has been living under the control of others since she remembered. She had father and mother at the beginning, and Wen Shoubin after her parents died. In the past, if she was sold one day, Whatever dominates her life will also become the benefactor who bought her, and may be attached to the heir to live farther away-everyone lives like this, but there is nothing wrong with it.

When Wen Shoubin died, he was scared at first, but then he fell into the hands of the Black Flag Army. When she understands in her life that there is not much room for resistance, even her fears will fade. Whether the Hua Xiajun people are in love with her, want to do something to her, or want to use her to do something, she can be clear. Understand, in fact, most of them are difficult to resist.

However ... free?

She remembered the cold-faced doctor Xiaolong. In the early morning of July 21, he rescued her and healed her wounds ... For a month, they didn't even say a few words, and now he ... …left already……


A few books were placed on the cabinet in the ward, as well as the packet of notes and money, and some intangibles added to her. I did not know when I had left. She felt a little incomprehensible about this world.

She remembered her dead father and mother.

Sometimes I remembered some memories on July 21st, and remembered what the doctor said vaguely.

"... Little bitch, you look like a dead fish ..."

Did we meet before?

Why am I a little bitch?

Haven't we seen it yet?

Why scold me ...

These doubts are hidden in my heart, layer by layer. And more unfamiliar emotions also came up in her heart. She touched the bed, touched the table, and sometimes walked out of the room and touched the door frame. She was strange and sensitive to all of this. Thinking of the past and the future, she also felt very strange ...

I didn't know how many times I cried in the room that night, and I gradually fell asleep until dawn. Two days later, Aunt Gu only called her at dinner, but the little doctor never came. She remembered what Aunt Gu said, and probably would never see her again.

On August 29th, perhaps because she was bored in the yard for too long, Aunt Gu took her to go shopping, and Qu Longjun also agreed to come down.

Since coming to Chengdu, Qu Longjun has been confined in that small yard, and there are only a few times to go out. At this time, after a careful tour, you can feel the vitality of the southwest street. I did n’t experience much war here. The Huaxia Army once again defeated the menacing Jurchen invaders. A large number of outsiders entered in July, saying that they would give the Huaxia Army a disarming power, but they were finally taken care of by the Huaxia Army. Post, all this happened in front of everyone.

In August, during the military parade, the trial and execution of Jurchen captives caused countless onlookers to zealously. Afterwards, the Huaxia Army held the first congress, declaring the establishment of the Huaxia People ’s Government and the contest in the city. It also began to enter the climax, and afterwards it opened up recruitment, attracting countless passionate men to vote. It is said that many businesses with the outside world were also finalized ... By the end of August, this vibrant atmosphere continues, this is Qu Longjun from the outside world Unseen scenario.

But at the moment, she didn't have much mood to feel everything.

"Aunt Gu." When walking across a street, Qu Longjun asked her: "Mr. Xiaolong ... is it actually a child of a prominent family in the Chinese army?"

Aunt Gu looked at him with a smile: "What's wrong? Loved Xiaolong?"

Qu Longjun smiled embarrassedly: "No, it's just that after two days of careful thought, he can do so many things. In the Huaxia Army, it must be more than a small military doctor."

In those days in the past, I thought about accepting and accepting, so I didn't delve into many details. These two days of thinking have been active. When I look back, I can find all kinds of unusual things. No matter how I say, he is also a bad guy who came to Wen Shoubin to mess with him. The title deed bank note seems simple, and when added up, it is also a huge asset. Even if Hua Xiajun is reasonable, he will not let his "righteous girl" inherit his inheritance so readily.

I saw Aunt Gu smiled: "His family really wants to keep it secret."

"Then I won't ask." Qu Longjun smiled and nodded.

Time passes August and enters September.

Qu Longjun began to learn to help in the hospital.

After the initial confusion in her heart passed, more specific things came to her.

She occasionally remembered her dead father.

The father died in the hands of Hua Xiajun.

Although in the past time, she has been arranged by Wen Shoubin to go forward, and after falling into the hands of Hua Xiajun, she is just a young girl who can't be too weak. But she had to face her own death.

Aunt Gu in the hospital is very kind to her, and she will teach her many things that she does not understand. She has probably accepted the concept that Hua Xiajun is not a bad person. She even wants to stay in Chengdu for a long time. Place to stay. But whenever he thought about this matter seriously, his father's death appeared in a more obvious form.

I was puzzled for a long time.

She also occasionally reads books, reads the story in the book "Women Can Hold the Half of the Sky", and reads the livelihood skills mentioned in several other books. All this is difficult to grasp in the short term. When reading these books, she remembered the cold-faced doctor. Why did he leave these books? What did he want to say? Why did he get the title deed from Jiangnan in the things he retrieved from Wen Shoubin?

She remembered the little doctor's family, is he a child of a big family in the Chinese army?

... may not see you again.

In this way, the time in September gradually passed. When October came, Qu Longjun summoned the courage to speak with Aunt Gu, and then frankly confessed his own thoughts-if he was still the thin horse at the time, controlled by others I lived where I was thrown, but now I ’m no longer dominated by people, so I ca n’t continue to stay here. After all, my father died in Xiao Canghe. Although he was unbearable, he was driven by Jurchen, but In any case, he is also his father.

After listening to these things, Aunt Gu persuaded her several times. After finding out that she couldn't persuade her, she finally advised Qu Longjun for how long. Although the Jurchens are retreating now, and there will be no soldiers for a while, the Jianmen Pass is definitely not peaceful. She is a woman who should learn more before leaving.

Qu Longjun stayed in Chengdu again for half a month. On October 16, it was only after weeping with Aunt Gu that he was planning to leave with the arranged caravan. Aunt Gu finally burst into tears and scolded her: "You stupid woman, in the future, our Chinese army will fight outside. Are you going to run away and want to be a fool who can't eat Zhou Su."

Qu Longjun took out the book "Women Are Half the Sky" from her arms: "I stay now, and I have been given your charity from beginning to end. If one day I can live on my own outside , I can really stand up to half of the sky, then it depends on my own ability, my dad may be able to forgive me. "

Aunt Gu scolded her again, and then made an agreement with her that she must come back and look at it in the future.

At this moment, the wind outside Chengdu is rolling up the dust of the long journey, and the fat aunt Gu doesn't know why. This seemingly weak, accustomed girl who got accustomed to perseverance only got rid of slavery. But if you think about it, this stubbornness is similar to the little boy who once dressed up as "Long Aotian".

Relying on her past skills, she dressed in a simple and somewhat ugly look, and then set off with the caravan of the far journey. She was able to write and calculate, and she had already agreed with the caravan master to help them do some small work on her way. There may be greetings from Aunt Gu behind, but in any case, after leaving the scope of the Huaxia Army, she will be able to have a little skill.

The carriage was grunting, facing the morning sun, and heading towards the distant mountains. Qu Longjun stood on the carriage full of goods and waved towards the rear. Gradually, Aunt Gu, who was standing outside the city gate, finally couldn't see it. She sat down on the cowl.

The convoy went all the way.

Little **** ...

Somehow, there seemed to be a vulgar voice ringing in my ears. She looked back, far away, Chengdu City has become a black line in her vision. Her tears fell suddenly, and she turned around after a long time. The front of her vision was an unknown road. The world outside was brutal and brutal. She was very scared and scared.

She rubbed her eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You are a little **** ... "

A slightly choked voice dispersed in the wind.


At the end of October, Aunt Gu went to Zhang Village and told Qu Longjun about Ning Ji who was still in school. Ning Ji was stunned and then jumped from the seat: "Why don't you stop her! Why don't you stop her?" She! She is going to die outside now! She is going to die outside— "

This world is a chaotic world. How can a girl like that dizzy go out, how can she live? This point can be clearly thought of even if you prefer to avoid it here.


At the same time, the snow-screaming northern land went cold to Beijing. A game of power began to show results.

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