Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1007: 0Mountain Twilight (Part 1)

The weather was gloomy, and the sound of the call sign outside the house stopped somehow.

In the small room, Tang Minjie, with a thin face and a beard, was curled up in a daze by the stove, and suddenly woke up. He raised his head, listened to the world where the outside became silent, took a sip of water, and reached out to wipe out some of the patterns on the ground furnace dust before slowly standing up.

Opening the door hard, the blizzard outside the house had stopped, and the murky voice gradually began to appear in the ear, followed by the vocals on the street, and not many footsteps.

Seeing the sky is afternoon, I don't know what time it is. Tang Minjie closed the door, counted in his heart, and turned back to sort out his coat.

When the hat is put on, the ears with frostbite can't hurt, I can't wait to stretch out my hands-this is not good in the north. Every winter, frostbite, fingers, feet, ears will be frozen, after arriving in Beijing, This situation is getting worse, and I feel itchy on my hands and feet.

Lu Mingfang is much better in this regard. In fact, if you take this into consideration earlier, you should let yourself go back to the south to enjoy a few days of blessings. With your own vigilance and talent, you will not be tainted by Mandu Daru in the future.

He thought so, putting on the gloves a little bit hard, and then putting on a layer of broken cloak with a scarf, the whole person could not see the characteristics very much.

This is one of the benefits of the snowy day. The people on the street try to cover themselves as hard as possible. It is difficult to see who is who. Of course, because Lu Mingfang ’s actions in Beijing were relatively restrained, he did not make trouble on the bright side, and the investigation of residents in this city was relatively relaxed. He had Xi ’s household registration, and most of the time he would not be troubled.

Leave the temporary residence door and walk south along the snow-covered road. This day is already October 21, starting from August 15 and rushing all the way to Beijing, it is already the beginning of October of this year. It was originally thought that Wu Qimai had been killed for so long, and the east and the west should have killed each other to decide where the new emperor belonged. However, the progress of the whole situation did not become so ideal.

For reasons that I do n’t understand, Wu Qimai modified his former edict before he died. In the final edict, he withdrew his order to the next King of the Golden Kingdom and left the choice of the new king to Wan Yan. The chiefs of the princes and Zhu Bo were elected by voting after vigorously discussing.

Such deliberations used to be the way the Jurchens were still in the tribal alliance stage in the early years. In theory, Daikin, who is already a country, has suffered such a change and is very likely to bleed up. However, during the whole of October, Shangjing did kill in an atmosphere, and there have even been emergency mobilization of the army and small-scale fighting on several occasions. However, the bloodshed that really spread throughout the city was always contained at the most critical moment.

Twenty days after arriving in Beijing, intermittent inquiries, Tang Minjie also roughly figured out the outline of things here.

At the moment, Shangcheng is in a stalemate stage of "the three kingdoms are standing still". As he once introduced to Xu Xiaolin, one side is Zufu Zongbi standing behind him, Lu Lubo is extremely fierce to finish Yan Zongqian, the other side is Wu Qimai ’s sister-in-law Wan Yanzongpan, and the third party belongs to the third party, which arrived at the end of September Zong Han and Xi Yin from Shanghai.

Theoretically, Zong Han has lost the possibility of becoming the next Golden Emperor. As soon as they arrived in Beijing, they first met Wan Yan Zongpan, who was in a disadvantage but still had a small voice; then, he visited each household , Began to flaunt the progress and horror of the Huaxia Army in the southwest; verbally demanded that the branches of the Golden Kingdom must put aside today ’s dispute and choose an emperor that would satisfy everyone to cope with the next big threat that might be killed from the south.

If such a thing was not mentioned by Zong Han and Xi Yin, among the golden people in Shanghai, no one would be able to understand it. But in any case, Zong Han ’s decades of fighting for Jin Guo did accumulate a huge reputation and power. Others may doubt other things, but everyone in Agu Da, Wu Qi Mai, Zong Wang, Lou Shi and others At this moment, no one can really question his judgment on the battlefield with Xi Yin, and in the hearts of many old people still surviving in the Jin Guo seniors, Zong Han and Xi Yin have a fistful heart against Da Jin After all, it weighs a bit.

In this way, the delicate balance in the capital has been maintained, and throughout the time of October, there has been no victory or defeat.

Of course, if we want to talk about the details, the whole situation is far more than such a little description can be summarized. From September to October, countless negotiations and fights appeared in Shangjing City. Since the chiefs of the Wanyan clan all had the right to vote, some elders with great esteem were also invited to come out and lobby. Naturally, there are threats and even murders to solve the problem. This balance almost broke the situation because of out of control. However, Zong Han and Xi Yin were running around, and they often pulled some key people to their side at the crisis. The situation is down, and their "black flag threat theory" is being sold more widely.

If there is a team that is longer than the action in Beijing, or if something happens in the cloud city, Tang Minjie said that he must take the risk once and for all. But the situation he is facing is also not ideal. Although Lu Mingfang ’s post came here, he and Lu Mingfang were not familiar with the intelligence network here, under the principle of "going to sleep" In fact, he did not want to wake up comrades here on a large scale.

After coming to Shanghai for so long, there is only one trusted source of intelligence, and out of cautious consideration, the exchanges between the two sides are intermittent, and I really want to say first-hand news, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Of course, there is no action team anyway-it's relieved to think about it.

When leaving the small alley in the civilian area and entering the street, a car of a royal family was driving, and the soldiers cleaned the road nearby. Tang Minjie and a group of people knelt beside the road, and when they looked up, Wan Yanzongfu's carriage hurried away under the soldier's arch guard, and he didn't know what was going to happen.

After this little episode, he got up and went on, turned a street, and came to a relatively quiet, snow-covered small square. He folded his hands and wandered around a few circles slowly to see if there were any suspicious signs. After about half an hour, the target person wearing a bloated gray coat came over from the street, in a simple little The door opened in front of the yard and entered the house inside.

Tang Minjie continued to wander around, and after a little more than half an hour, he went to the door of the small courtyard and knocked on the door. The door opened immediately-the gray man stood at the door and quietly peeped outside-Tang Minjie flashed in, and the two went to the house inside.

The woman in gray is a woman in her thirties, who looks pretty dignified and has a mole on the corner of her mouth. After entering the charcoal-fired room, she took off her jacket and took the kettle to pour two glasses of water. After Tang Minjie, who was cold enough to pick up a glass, she took another sip.

"How's the situation outside?" Tang Minjie's voice was slightly hoarse, frostbite itchy and unbearable, so he couldn't help but gently tear the scab on his hand.

"There is no progress," the woman said. "What I can hear now is some irrelevant gossip. The two sons and daughters who took the house took Zong Bi's things and cast them on Zong Gan's side. After Wan Yanzongyi and Wan Yan Ahuli, Sui Guogong and Mu Zong were lined up, I heard that they would arrive in Beijing in these two days. By then, all the chiefs of Wan Yan ’s branches had arrived, but I heard in private , Zong Qian has not received the most support here, and some people may not want them to enter the city too quickly. In fact, that's all ... do you trust me? "

When she said the last sentence, Tang Minjie, who was subconsciously leaning on the edge of the fire, was slightly stunned. Her eyes looked over, and the woman's eyes also looked at him quietly. The woman's Chinese name is Cheng Min. She was saved by Lu Mingfang in the early years. What she did in Shangjing was the skin and flesh business in Goulan. She collected a lot of information for Lu Mingfang in the past, and was slowly developed into it. Although Lu Mingfang said that she was worthy of trust, he was dead after all, and he had only met a few faces right now. After all, Tang Minjie was still vigilant.

A moment later, Tang Minjie turned his head: "I believe in old Lu."

The woman nodded: "You can't roast the fire because it's frozen. Stay away." Then he picked up the wooden tub in the house, scooped the hot water, added some snow, and put a towel over it.

"Sit down," she said, pushing Tang Minjie on the stool. "With these frostbites, don't worry about the roasting fire, the worse it gets. The washing can't use cold water or hot water, only slowly. rub……"

She said this, crouched there and gently rubbed Tang Minjie's hands a few times, and then stood up to wipe the frostbite on his ears and the pus that came out. The woman's movements are light and skilled, but she also seems firm. At this time, there are not many women who feel like they are charming, but Tang Minjie is a little uncomfortable. After the woman wiped her hands and ears, took a small cloth bag from the side and took out the small box inside, he asked, "What is this?"

"Healing frostbite, smell it." She understood the vigilance in the other person's heart and passed the thing straight on. Tang Minjie smelled it, but naturally couldn't distinguish it clearly, only to see the other person said: "You have been here so many times I really voted for the gold man and wanted to catch you, I could have caught it already, right? "

Tang Minjie looked at her: "I left behind, I have something wrong, you must die."

"That's not enough." The woman smiled calmly, took the pill box directly, picked out the ointment inside, and began to give him medicine. "This thing is not good just once or twice, mainly because of ordinary attention."

After applying the medicine to her ears, she put the basin on the ground and pulled up one of Tang Minjie's feet to take off her shoes. Tang Minjie struggled a little: "I have nothing on my feet."

"When you enter the door, you can see that your feet are itchy, just like your hands and ears, so you don't have to see them."

"I'm going back ..."

Tang Minjie hadn't finished talking, the other party had already pulled down the boots on his feet, and the room was suddenly smelly. People in all kinds of inconveniences in foreign countries, Tang Minjie has not even bathed for nearly a month, and the smell on his feet is even more exhausted. But the other party just moved his face a little later and slowly and carefully took off his socks.

Chilblains drain pus in shoes, and they are often tied with socks. Tang Minjie feels a little embarrassed, but Cheng Min doesn't care: "In these years of going to Beijing, I learned to wait for people. You smell like men. .nothing."

She removed Tang Minjie's shoes and socks, and then soaked in warm water for a while, then took out a piece of cloth to slowly scrub for him. Tang Minjie maintained a vigilance in his heart: "You are good at observing."

"If you hadn't learned how to observe words, how to get intelligence, many things wouldn't always be on your lips." The woman sitting in front smiled slightly. "Yes, how did Old Lu die?"

"I hurt him." Tang Minjie said, "He could have gone south alone, but I saved a woman over there and took care of him a little while en route to the south. I didn't expect this woman to be stared at by Golden Dog for several years ... … "

Tang Minjie said here, there was a moment of silence in the room, the movement of the woman's hand did not stop, only after a while, he asked: "Does it die happy?"

"Not caught." Cheng

"That's a good thing."

"You and Old Lu ..."

"We're okay." The woman wiped his feet, put on medicine, and looked up and smiled, "I like this, can't stain a hero like him."


Tang Minjie was speechless for a while, and the woman finished the medicine for him, picked up the tub and stood up: "You can see that you are almost the same, you are more vigilant than the old Lu, and you are always alert. This is a good thing, you are like this You can do great things with your talents, and you are all taken lightly. Do n’t wear socks first. I will look for rags and sew you a new one. "

After wearing a pair of socks for so long, it was basically dirty. Tang Minjie shook his head: "No, it's not early. If there is no other important news, we will meet again in a few days."

The woman nodded: "That's not urgent, at least let your feet dry."

The feet were coated with medicine, and the cool ones were very comfortable, and Tang Minjie didn't want to leave immediately. Of course, on the other hand, physical comfort always makes him feel a little bit uncomfortable and a little uneasy-in the enemy's place, he hates the feeling of comfort.

When the woman poured water in, Tang Minjie said: "Why ... why do you have to stay in that place ..."

The woman put down the tub and answered naturally: "I was taken into captivity when I was more than ten years old, and I stained the animals. Afterwards, I didn't get lucky. When I met Lao Lu, I had ... lived in those days. It ’s been six or seven years, and I ’m used to telling the truth. You ’ve said it too. I ’ll watch and watch, and I can get information from Lao Lu. I think it ’s revenge. I hate it, do you know? ”

She said here, her words were frank and her smile was colorful, but Tang Minjie nodded slightly.

"... Later, Lu tried to get me the identity of a Bohai woman. In Shangjing City, he would not be bullied like a Han woman. He also persuaded me to go back to the south and forget it. But what about going back? For the rest of my life, everything has really gone back, and I only feel pain in my mind. But staying here to inquire about the news, I know that I am licking the flesh on the Jurchen, and I feel better when I think about it. "

She paused: "This yard is the original home of the Bohai people. They died unexpectedly. I have my household registration, so I come here from time to time ..."

Speaking of which, there was a sudden gong sound from a distance outside the house, and I didn't know what happened. Tang Minjie's expression was shocked, and suddenly he got up, and Cheng Min's hand on the opposite side pressed: "I'll go out and see."

She put on her coat and flashed out. Tang Minjie quickly put on his shoes and socks, put on his hat, stretched out a nearby hatchet, and walked out the door. The gongs on the far street were quick, but they were not aimed at the ambush here. He hid behind the courtyard door and looked out. The pedestrians on the road hurried back. After a while, Cheng Min returned.

"Something went wrong." She whispered, but there was a look of excitement in her eyes. "I heard that the external army was mobilized, and the Hu Ben army was on the city wall. Maybe they saw Sui Guogong and they were going to Beijing soon.

Not all the heads of the Wan Yan clan clans live in Shangjing. After the official announcement of Wu Qimai, these people gathered in Shangjing. Once the people arrive in Qi, and the clan meeting opens, the throne may have to fall out. Under such a background, some people hope that they will arrive soon, and some people hope to be later, it is not surprising. And it is in this kind of game that large-scale bloodshed may occur at any time, and then a great division within the entire Golden Kingdom breaks out.

Tang Minjie came here, looking forward to such waves. He thought for a moment: "Can I go outside?"

"The military is in martial law, when there are few people, it may be very conspicuous. If you live far away, or you are under investigation ..." Cheng Min frowned here, and then said, "I think you should stay here for a while, Anyway, I ’m hard to get back together. If we meet someone at home, or if something really happens, we will take care of it. What do you say? "

She looked at Tang Minjie, and Tang Minjie hesitated for a moment. When he came to Beijing, he could not believe anyone for a while, so he played with some means and lived temporarily in the house he was looking for from the black market. This was also to have a way out when dealing with Cheng Min. Although there are no large-scale black flag raids in the capital at the moment, other winds are very tight and they have been interrogated and do not know what will go wrong.

Think of it this way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ finally said: "Okay, bother you."

Cheng Min looked at the shoes and socks on his feet again and smiled helplessly: "I will first find you some rags to make socks, and then find some food to eat."

It was dusk at this moment, the clouds in the sky piled up, or it looked like it might snow at any time. The two walked into the room, waiting patiently for the possible result of the night. The dimly lit city began to light up.

"... Now there is a rumored news from the outside world, there is a saying like this ... The attribution of the next Emperor of the Golden Kingdom was originally a matter of Zong Qian and Zong Han, but Zong Pan, the son of Wu Qimai, is ambitious and must be high. . Of course, Wu Qimei didn't agree at first ... "

In the outer city, the army stepped through the snow and crossed the street, and the atmosphere has become abhorrent. In the small courtyard here, the lights were swaying in the room. Cheng Min took out the needle thread and patched the socks with a rag, while telling Tang Minjie about Wu Qimai's story.

This is the beginning of a long night ...

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