Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1009: 0Mountain Twilight (Part 2)

See the poor figure.

In the huge hall, the atmosphere was sullen and quiet for a while. Except for the slap that Zong Qian took subconsciously, no one spoke, some people looked at each other, and some lowered their heads in contemplation. At this time, some people already realized what Zong Han and Xi Yin wanted to do in this game.

Xi Yin poured herself slowly.

"For the question of Xinjun, now all parties have come to an end and can't get out of it. The uncles and brothers sitting here today, you are sitting here, for the sake of Jurchen, why is it standing behind Zong Pan? Noble, with the rest of the country, let's help Xinjun take the position, can we still be more noble and distinguished? It is for the sake of women that there is basically no problem, but once today, the winners and losers are decided After coming, half of the people will not be able to sleep well and the country will be uneasy. "

"On the inside and outside of the capital city, there are already strenuous battles tonight. Before that, there were already a lot of honors and bloodshed inside and outside the city. Some people were missing, and they have not been seen today. The game also arrived in Beijing tonight. Let's walk together At the gate of the palace, you dare say that Zongqian must be superior, and that the emperor will be determined? If the superior is Zong Pan, you are also uneasy. Why do you retreat when the stalemate is here? "

Several people began to whisper.

Yeah, because of the decree of Wu Qibu, the top princes of the entire Daikin Kingdom have basically left the team, but how much benefit can they stand in this way? These people are already the most prominent princes. But once the team is wrong, for the next half of Xinjun's reign, these clans of the wrong team will not have a day to calm down.

Such a large risk, such a small gain, many people are unwilling to say the end. As soon as Wu Qimai's edict was announced, Zong Gan and Zong Pan began to pull people everywhere, and Zong Hanxi Yin also followed from the middle reaches to say, who can really stay neutral in such a big event? For more than a month, it has been difficult for everyone to advance and retreat. It is also for this reason that Xi Yin ’s proposal came to the forefront of many people.

And for a group of honored men who have experienced countless world events, it is natural that they will not think that the whole thing will be a temporary rise of Xi Yin or Zong Han.

Originally, the Southern Expedition failed, and Zonggan's superior and Xifu's decline may be the only ending in this matter. Who knows that Zonghan Xiyin's team Zong Pan will pull all the nobles off the court and do this deadlock that makes everyone embarrassed. By now, Zong Han and Xi Yin, who had been fueling the situation, started to break through this deadlock.

If it is said that the layout of the middle and the participation of Wu Qimai while he was alive, then the whole reason for this middle is indeed amazing. If the Southern Expedition goes smoothly and the Jurchens are strong, Wu Qimai may pass the throne directly to Zonggan, or even have some selfishness, so that his son Zong Pan may be superior. However, Zonghan suffered a terrible defeat in the southwest and Wu Qimai was sick. Zhong changed the obituary and dragged everyone into the water. In fact, it gave Zong Han and Xi Yin the only chance to break the game ... If you look from the back, the person who has been struggling for several years since the stroke was paralyzed Is there such a consideration for the giant bear-like emperor?

At this time it is difficult to pursue.

The night sky outside was covered with dark clouds, but there was no snow, and the air was cold and depressed. Xi Yin just came out of his sharp edge first, in Zong Qian Tie Qing's complexion, no one answered.

In the whole thing, Zong Qian was originally the most advantageous successor. However, after the two sides played a game and pulled everyone off, he suddenly discovered that Zong Han and Xi Yin originally wanted to continue this repressed The general trend is that he and Zong Pan will be released.

It was supposed to be the emperor's candidate, but he was also strong and strong, and was immediately thrown away by two knocking drums. Although such an idea has just been proposed, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

"Such a thing ... do you dare to tell Zong Pan?" He gritted his teeth, and said every word.

"It's all for Daikin's sake. All things can be discussed." Xi Yin said slowly, "If you take a step back, it's Zong Pan that evils me and Sticky Han, killing both of us, and he What benefits can you get? In the end, when you succeed to the throne, he and everyone around him must be worried. The result is far less than a small one. "

This discourse is slow, and Zong Qian is not only facing Zong Han and Zong Pan at this time, he is facing at the same time, as well as the big nobles of half the Golden Kingdom at this time. He didn't speak.

Zong Bi broke out over there: "I **** you--" I rushed down from above.

It seems that the old and thin Xi Yinbang overturned the table, and the tall figure burst out to meet the burly Zongbi. The stool that he lifted in his hand shattered according to Zong Bi's head, Zong Bi was already wearing armor, raised his hand to block, slammed, the wooden bench exploded in the air, Zong Bi shot two punches according to Xi Yin , Xi Yin grabbed the armor on his chest and hit a head with a hammer against Zong Bi's face door. The crowd saw two figures entangled in the hall like wrestling for a few times, and then Zong Bi was bombarded. Flew out and hit the steps at the entrance of the hall. He was in his prime, a tumbling, half-kneeling, blood in his mouth and nose.

There was blood on Xi Yin's forehead. He spread his arms like a giant who stretched the world in the snow, and the words in his mouth resounded like tigers roaring in the hall:

"Primary four, come--"

The crowd rushed up to separate the two.

Although he has always seen people in the manner of a scribe, he has never been a soft persimmon to be humiliated even among Jurchen ’s top military commanders. Even Zong Han, Zong Wang, Lou Shi and others, all respected him, could it be because of a little writing skills. Zong Bi was beaten by Xi Yin since he was a child. This victory in the South Expedition greatly increased his confidence. Considering Xi Yin ’s old age, he seemed to be dying, so he challenged him again. The bloodiness in Xi Yin's chest did not wear away.

"Let me go, I killed him—"

Although separated by people, Zong Bi couldn't contain his anger and roared and went up. Xi Yin's lips tightened, her robe sleeves fluttered, and she walked slowly to Zong Bi's square table before pouring a glass of wine.

"I know that this time when going south, the east side won after all, so you give in, Zonggan, you can't swallow this tone, but today everyone has stopped coming to Taiwan, you want to be tough, it is difficult. If you can consider the small We can also make concessions, this small one can pick from your side, and there is indeed a suitable one. "

Xi Yin looked at Zong Qian: "When Zong Jun passed away, you accepted Qi Er as his righteous son. He is the eldest grandson of Taizu. Let him be in high position. I am afraid that he will be the best for everyone. Although you are not the father But, after all, there is the grace of nurturing. This kind of affection cannot be removed. The throne returns to Agu to fight a team. Others are afraid that it will be difficult to covet. For you, there is not too much concession. "

Wan Yanzongqian was the eldest son of Agu Da, and there were still his eldest son Wan Yanzongjun, and then Zongwang, Zongfu, and Zongbi. Zong Junying died young, and after his death, his son Wan Yanqi was accepted by Zong Qian as his righteous son. Due to Agu's love for this great grandson, he has received numerous awards since childhood, but because his father is no longer there, not many people have too much hostility towards this child.

When Xiyin said here, he sighed: "As for me and Nian Han, I am old. I don't think about power any more in this life, but what I see in the southwest makes me both cherish. You and I, Nian It is rare to fight for the first time in the battle, and the place beside it may be blamed. On the battlefield, can we really be stunned? The first battle in the Southwest, the countless dead generals, how heroic they are on the battlefield, everyone has forgotten. "

"But in the battle of the Southwest, we still lost, almost defeated. You, the Southwest is like the Jurchen when we started with the ancestors of that year! It is even more than that! They have the science of learning and the method of training soldiers over there. We do n’t learn anymore, the scourge of destruction is not far away, I am afraid that he will sweep the Central Plains, and when we hit the north, the old things in this room today have not died yet! "

"Nonghan and I are only looking forward to the past of the Jurchens' stable and stable past. If the matter of going to Beijing can be settled securely, we will feel at ease in the cloud to train troops, build ordnance, and learn the things in the south. Soldiers, what we build will be used by our children in the future. Fourth, sooner or later you will be able to use it. You have a delicate mind and a stupid mind, but you have to pretend to be reckless. Why? Come on. There will be no conflicts between us in the future, you can rest assured. I beat you when I was young, I just ca n’t see the recklessness of your outfit! "

Here he is, throwing empty wine glasses on the table.

"I know that this matter has a lot to do with it. You have to close the door to discuss it. I'm afraid you won't be able to make up your mind tonight. If you take part in the game tonight, you are sure you will win if you enter the palace. Dake, when I did n’t come, I did n’t say anything, but if I was n’t sure, I thought about it a little bit, let ’s go, and everyone would n’t lose money. With all that said, Xiyin said goodbye, and then everyone made a decision. , Let's talk in more detail. "

He arched his hands towards the crowd, and after Yanchang stood up, he arched his hands to him. The others, including the silent Zonggan, gave him a gift. It was only when he turned away that Zong Bi shouted in the hall.

"Maybe you can't fight the Southwest, but you and Nianhan are in a coma, and your people can't fight anymore! No matter what happens this time, I will take the soldiers to the cloud in the coming day. If it ’s really bad, it means that you were deceiving in Upper Kyoto today. You are stealing your life. You are still talking about the powerful black flag and want to live! Then I will kill your whole family— "

Xi Yin stopped and looked at him: "Okay, then you can all come over ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to show you what you can do if you lose to Tushanwei in the southwest. Let your soldiers— —Leave the last words and come again—Farewell! "

After finishing his speech, he strode out of the hall, and after a while, he took a carriage outside. The brazier burned in the carriage, the temperature was quite warm, and Xi Yin leaned against the wall of the car. Then he took out the silk cloth and coughed depressively for a while. There were blood stains on the silk cloth. After all, he was old, only to fight Zong Bi, and finally suffered some injuries.

The caravan greeted the cold wind and blew across the quiet long street. After a while, he returned to the mansion on the other side of the palace and saw Zong Han.

"... Next, it depends on how to persuade Zong Pan, he will not be happy."

Zong Pan inherited the physique of his father Wu Qimai, and his body resembled a giant bear. Once he became angry, his temperament was quite brutal, and it was difficult for ordinary people to deal with him directly.

"I'll talk." Zong Han smiled coldly on his solemn face, "He will agree."

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