Zhui Xu

: To whom does Yingying go? (on)

The lights in the room were still warm, and pancakes were spread over the pot, and both ate some of them.

They talked, feeling the passing of the night outside. There are various topics, but it is possible to avoid places that may be scars, such as Cheng Min ’s “work” in Shangjing City, such as Lu Mingfang.

Tang Minjie told Cheng Min about some of his life in Liangshan in the Southwest. At that time, the Huaxia Army withdrew from the Southwest, and the news of Mr. Ning ’s death came again. The situation was quite embarrassing, including dealing with various people near Liangshan, and they were all trembling. Yes, within the Huaxia Army, it was almost forced to split. In that most difficult time, the people relied on will and hatred to take root in the wild mountains, open up woodlands, build houses, build roads ...

"... the mountains in the southwest, after watching it for a long time, it's actually very interesting ... I didn't eat enough at first, I didn't have much mood to watch, there are deep mountains and old forests, there are many snakes, insects, ants and ants. Later, I could breathe a little, and I like to stay in the watchtower on the mountain. At first glance, all the trees are in the past, but countless things are hidden in it, sunny, rainy ... The weather is thousands of. Everyone said that the benevolent Leshan , The wise man enjoys water, because the mountains are constant and the water is ever-changing. In fact, the mountains in the southwest are really innumerable ... there are many fruits in the mountains, only I have eaten ... "

Cheng Min was from the Central Plains, and was taken captive to the north during his teenage years. He has never seen the mountains in the southwest or the water in the south of the river. The night waiting for change seemed long, and she asked Tang Minjie about these things. Tang Minjie said scatteredly, she also heard interest, and did not know whether she was not like this when facing Lu Mingfang Curious look.

Sometimes she also asked about Ning Yi: "Have you seen that Mr. Ning?"

Tang Minjie shook his head: "Not seen."

"No, that's a pity." Cheng Min said, "If the Jurchens are defeated in the future, if I can go south, I want to go to the southwest to see him. He is really amazing."

"Old Lu told you?"

Cheng Min nodded: "He told me something about Mr. Ning's days, like taking a few people to kill 50,000 people in Liangshan, which was later called the devil. There is also his martial arts and strong, people on the rivers and lakes listen After hearing his name, he was frightened by the wind. Recently, I sometimes thought that if Mr. Ning arrived here, he would not have looked at this situation and was helpless. "

Tang Minjie smiled slightly: "Mr. Ning also brought dozens of people to Liangshan, and he had already prepared his internal response before going. In addition, Mr. Ning's martial arts ..."

He paused for a moment, Cheng Min turned his head to look at him, and then he heard him say: "... According to legend, it is indeed very high."

"So, if Mr. Ning came here, he might be able to secretly shoot and kill the puppies one by one." Cheng Min waved his hands like a knife, "Old Lu also said before, that Hero Zhou died actually It is a pity that if we join us and secretly go to the North to arrange the assassination, the people of the Golden Kingdom will be almost dead. "

Although Cheng Min grew up in the Central Plains and lived in Beijing for so many years, without the need to pretend to be too disguised, the habits inside are already somewhat close to the northern woman. She looks beautiful and straightforward. She actually has a heroic spirit. Tang Minjie nodded in agreement.

At this time, after midnight, the two were talking, and their spirits had always been paying attention to the movement outside, and they said a few words. The night outside suddenly shook, and I did not know who it was. A sudden shot was fired in a very far place. , The sound passed through the low sky and spread across Shangjing.

Tang Minjie and Cheng Min rose sharply and rushed out the door.

"It's going to fight ..."

Tang Minjie murmured, his complexion turned a little bit ruddy, Cheng Min grabbed his tattered sleeve, and shook it hard twice: "There is something going wrong, something going wrong ..."

They stood in the yard to see the dark night sky. The quiet night around them gradually became turbulent. I don't know how many people lit the lights and were awakened from the night. As if a stone was dropped in a calm pond, the waves are pushing away.

"Wrap the remaining pancakes, if the army enters the city and starts to burn, maybe something is going to happen ..."

"The best result is that the two eastern and western governments directly started to fight, even if they were close to each other, Zonggan and Zong Pan fought head-on, and Jin Guo would also have a big mess ..."

"Although it is civil unrest, it is unlikely that it will be burned and looted directly in the entire capital. I am afraid that I can't control it tonight ... I don't have to escape ..."

Tang Minjie talked and talked about all kinds of possibilities, and went back to the courtyard outside the room. Although there was frostbite on his body, he did not feel any cold at this time. When Cheng Min came to the door, he said: "Put on your hat when you go out and calm down." His emotions were calmer.

The mouth still couldn't help but say: "Do you know that as long as the internal conflict between the East and West of the Golden Kingdom, the day when the Chinese army destroyed Daikin, it would be at least five years ahead of schedule. It could kill tens of thousands ... even hundreds of thousands. At this time, he ca n’t hold the gun, haha ​​... "

He smiled depressively and briefly, and looked a little weird in the light. Cheng Min looked at him. After a while, Tang Minjie took a deep breath and gradually returned to normal. It was only a short time later, listening to the movement outside, he still muttered in his mouth: "It's time to fight, fight soon ..."

"There should be a fight." Cheng Min poured water on him, so agreeing.


The light of hope seemed to be hidden in the thick clouds. It suddenly burst into bloom, but then it was slowly buried deeply.

The gunfire at midnight did cause a small wave of commotion in the city, and some places may even have a massacre. But I don't know why. With the progress of time, the unrest that should continue to expand has not continued to expand. More than half of the ugliness has even subsided gradually, disappearing invisible.

Without concrete information, Tang Minjie and Cheng Min could not analyze what happened this night. The night was quiet, and when the sky was about to dawn, no more changes occurred. When the martial law in the market was solved, I do n’t know when. Cheng Min went out to check for a moment, and the only thing he could be sure about was the killing last night, which had completely subsided.

Why can there be such gunfire. Why did the two sides of the crossfire haven't fought after the gunfire like that, what happened in the background? It is not known now.

"I went back to the building to inquire about the situation. Everyone will be able to talk about such a big thing last night. If there is an emergency, I will come here tonight. If you are not here, I will leave a note. If The situation is not urgent. The next time we meet is still scheduled for tomorrow morning ... I am better out in the morning. "

Cheng Min said this, and then said: "In fact, if you can trust me, you can live here for a few days, so that I can come over to find you. Shangjing is not strict with the black flag spies, this house should be It ’s safe, maybe better than you secretly looking for someone to rent. You ca n’t stand your hands and feet. ”

She said, taking the key from her body and putting it on the table. Tang Minjie accepted the key and nodded. As Cheng Min said earlier, if she voted for Jurchen, she should now be taken away. Although some of the gold men are suffocated, they are not so deep that they rely on a woman to talk to herself. Come inquire about things.

"I live here for a few days, your side ... come at your own pace, protect yourself, and don't cause doubt."

Cheng Min nodded and left.

Tang Minjie also went to the street to observe the surrounding scenes. The tension of last night must have spread to everyone in the city, but from their words, they could not hear any clues. After walking for a while, it began to snow again in the sky. The white snowflakes shrouded everything in the field of vision like a mist. Tang Minjie knew that the inside of the Golden Man must be experiencing upside-down things, but he couldn't imagine anything about it.

You can also wake up another intelligence officer and go to the black market to spend money on the situation, but the current situation may be faster than the news that is not sensitive to the process. Especially when there is no working team, even if he knows the information, he can't rely on himself to take actions that will shake the overall balance of the situation.

This day is October 22 of the first year of Wu Zhenxing and the fifteenth year of Jin Tianhui. Perhaps no key information was found. Cheng Min did not come over the whole night.

The next day was October 23, and in the early morning, Tang Minjie heard the sound of gunfire.

This time it wasn't a clash of cannons. A regular cannon blast like a drum blasted the dawn sky and pushed the door open. The snow outside was still falling, but the festive atmosphere gradually began to appear. Soon after walking on the streets of Beijing, he understood the ins and outs of the whole thing among the crowd.

Just yesterday afternoon, after the heads of the branches of the Dajin Wanyan family and Zhu Bo ’s fierce discussion in the palace, Wan Yanqi, who was the son of Wan Yanzongjun and the adopted son of Wan Yanzong, was finally selected as the third emperor of the Dajin Kingdom , Junlin world. The year of Lili Year is: Tianjuan.

Tang Minjie was silently listening to the announcer's reading of this matter in the snow and snow, and countless Jin Guo people cheered in the snow and snow. The fact that the three princes have seized the position has been bothering them for many days. Wan Yanqi ’s coming to power means that the princes and coaches who are the pillars of the golden country do not need you to fight for me, and the new emperor will not be after the throne Perform large-scale liquidation. The prosperity of the Golden Kingdom can be expected, and Putian celebrates.

That night, Cheng Min still did not come. She came to the small yard here. It was already early in the morning on the twenty-fourth day. Her expression was tired, and there were bruises on her face. When Tang Minjie noticed, she shook her head slightly.

"Last night the gang animals drank too much and had some fun. But thanks to their blessings, everything was clear."

Tang Minjie handed over a bottle of ointment, and Cheng Min looked at it and waved his hand: "How can a woman's face use this kind of thing, I have better." Then she began to talk about what she heard.

After Yan Yan succeeded to the throne, there was a noisy carnival in the capital for almost an entire night, and a group of honoraries who went to Cheng Min took out the inside story and vigorously preached it. In the whole situation since the last six months in Beijing, there was the layout of the prince Wu Qimai, and then Zonghan and Xiyin were in charge. On the night of the 22nd, Zonghan Xiyin personally persuaded the parties to propose to establish The younger generation's Wan Yanqi is the king, in order to resolve the impasse that can be seen at any time.

Zong Qian and Zong Pan were naturally unwilling at first, but the big nobles on both sides had already acted. The battle for power started because of Zongqian and Zongpan, but no one could escape a big fight. Who knew Zonghan and Gushen had a long-term plan, turning their hands over the cloud and raining over the hand, and cracking such a huge deal between their hands A difficult problem, from then on, the Golden Kingdom can temporarily let go of its grievances and unanimously contribute to the country. When a group of young honors talked about this, they almost regarded Zong Han and Xi Yin as gods.

At the same time, they all agreed that such powerful figures all returned to the southwest in the first battle of warfare ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The black flag in the south may be as terrible as the two described, and sooner or later they will become the Golden State A serious problem. So a group of young people drinking and carnival in the blue building, while shouting words that they must defeat the black flag and kill the Han people in the future. The "black flag threat theory" brought by Zong Han and Xi Yin seems to be implemented accordingly.

"... What happened to the gun that night?" Tang Minjie asked.

"It is rumored that Zonghan taught people to shoot a gun outside the city, causing deliberate disturbances," Cheng Min said. "Then, the parties are forced to give way to peace."

Tang Minjie sat quietly on the stool in the room. Seeing that Jin Guo was going to be chaotic that night, his expression was excited and he couldn't suppress his emotions. At this moment, the expression in his eyes had cooled down, his eyes turned, and countless thoughts jumped in it.

"My enemy, the enemy's hero." Cheng Min looked at him. "Is there any other way?"

Tang Minjie looked over calmly, and spoke a long time later, his voice a little dry:

"... nothing."

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