Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 11: To whom does Yingying go? (in)

From autumn to winter, the weather began to become cold. On the wilderness, business travel came wave after wave, and wave after wave went away.

On the land in the southwest, the place called Huaxia People's Government managed to increase the number of workshops near several big cities at a rate visible to the naked eye. The simple or complex post nodes have also become prosperous as the business trips have begun. The surrounding villages rely on roads and have begun to form a more obvious crowd gathering area.

A riot or event in Chengdu in July and August also brought a large number of trade orders to Southwest China. After seeing the excitement of Chengdu, the private merchants chose to conduct simple money transactions, and the representatives who came to watch the ceremony on behalf of various warlords and clan forces, and the Huaxia Army obtained a larger business plan, except In addition to the first batch of excellent military materials, there are a large number of technology transfer agreements, which will be carried out in the next one or two years.

For these warlords and clan forces, the two transactions have their own advantages and disadvantages. They choose to buy artillery, guns, and hundred steel-making knives of the Huaxia Army. The purchase is a little, but the advantage is that they can be used immediately. If you choose to transfer technology, Hua Xiajun needs to send skilled workers to work as teachers. From the construction of the workshop to the operation management of the assembly line, the whole set of talents has been trained. Things, no longer worry about dealing with the Huaxia Army.

At this time in the outside world, the name of the Wu dynasty survived and disintegrated shortly. Every emerging warlord and force was still in a period of sensitive adjustment and adaptation. Some people who realized that the Wu Dynasty could no longer control their own military law began to dominate their own destiny, and some famous celebrities started to walk from behind the scenes to the front desk. , Then began to shout, "The prince will be kind to Xiangning." During this period, some local officials are still waiting for the return of Wu Chaotianzi, but who is calling the slogan, who is telling the truth, it will take time to come Be verified.

With such a chaotic situation and complicated transition, it is impossible for anyone to guarantee that they will not be able to feed the people under their control, so they will raise their swordsmen and start begging nearby. Therefore, the first purchase of a batch of knives, guns and artillery produced in the Southwest is the most reliable guarantee for survival in this troubled world-of course, this is also the usual saying of Huaxia military officials when they sell products.

Since the Southwest has just experienced war, the materials and production lines are very tight, and the orders for weapons can only adhere to the principle of first-come-first-served. Of course, those who can provide a large amount of weapons materials and exchange guns for metal can get a slight priority.

Among them, Liu Guangshi, who had extensive contacts and ambitious ambitions, was the first large customer of the Huaxia Army. He ordered the largest amount of military resources from the Huaxia Army with a large amount of iron, copper, grain, ore and other objects. After the entire order was negotiated and reported, even Ning Yi, who was accustomed to the big world and had just taken over as chairman at the August Congress, could n’t help but sigh: “Open and bright, Liu Guangshi wants fire, it ’s him Be the boss ... "

In the discourse, he wished to give him the title of his boss, and then exchange orders.

Of course, the order is indeed enough. Since Liu Guangshi went down, a single order and intention mainly focused on the military industry is enough for Hua Xiajun to fulfill the current production plan two years later.

In addition to materials, the methods of technology transfer are varied, and some of them invite Hua Xiajun's technical personnel to pass in. The problem with this method is that the supporting facilities are insufficient, and all personnel must be trained from scratch, which takes longer. Some of them have recruited reliable personnel locally or sent their children to Chengdu directly, and stuffed them into the factory for training according to the contract. It took a few days on the road to grow up faster, and some wanted to recruit people for training in Chengdu. Hua Xiajun did not guarantee that they would really follow them after their studies ...

Of course, the more user-friendly and relatively complex training methods, the higher the fees. This is also a very reasonable thing.

Liu Guangshi also purchased several of the most expensive and critical military technology. At least in terms of the contract, at this time, the entire military industry of Huaxia Army, except for the rocket, he will copy a complete set of the past. Although such an order would also have to hollow out his belongings, the warlords in the surroundings will surely look forward to him, including Ning Yi, when they see a group of envoys including Yan Daolun and Yu Hezhong. All members have a very warm smile.

This kind of business has a lot of trade. Since September, the water and land commercial roads from Chengdu to Jiange have been on the way. . As for the prosperity of the waterways that flow out of the river, ships and vessels on the Jialing River have been speeding up, and various shipyards have speeded up to catch up.

The nearby forces of all sizes are now busy transporting supplies to the Southwest. The items can only be shipped before the artillery arrives. The artillery can be transported out. Our remarks are justified, and no one will feel ridiculous. I am certainly not a lunatic. Who knows whether the next door will suddenly go mad. Now that the emperor is irrelevant, everyone can believe that there are only knives and sticks in his hand.

The transactions on the bright side are extremely prosperous, and the black market business and smuggling in the dark are gradually emerging. Even if it is not an official caravan, if you can ship some new guns from Southwest, Dai Mengwei and others who ca n’t directly deal with Hua Xiajun are also happy to buy it, and even shipped to Lin’an to sell to Wu Qimei, maybe Earn more-The reason may be because there is not enough time for them to go back and forth to Lin'an, so everyone still does not know the reputation of Wu Qimei.

The huge prosperity brought tremendous impact and chaos, so that since August, Ning Yi has been sitting in Chengdu, personally pressing the whole situation to slowly get on the right track, the Huaxia Army has severely cleaned up several officials .

After the victory, it was a reward for merit, and now suddenly became the center of the whole world, and was tempted by various pursuits. This was the first group of people who began to reach out. Ning Yi, as he said at the previous meeting, made them a model of strict handling, ranging from shooting to jail. All the positions of the offenders were slammed to the end.

In this way, it was only in mid-December that Ning Yi temporarily let go of Chengdu, which was basically on the right track and was able to operate on its own under the official ’s seat. Returning to Zhang Village on December 20, I plan to spend a small year with my family.

The carriage crossed the road in the wilderness. In the southwest, it rarely snows in winter, but the temperature is still falling. Ning Yi sat in the car and felt tired when he was idle.

His recent "why come" idea is a bit more, because the pace of work is getting closer and closer to the rhythm of the previous life. Meetings, inspections, conversations, weighing people's hearts ... every day. The situation in Chengdu is uncertain. In addition to watermelon, other family members are not easy to come here, and he is becoming more and more important. In addition, his work style has always been overbearing. It may be meticulous to take classes during the grass-roots period. "You don't need to understand me, just look up to me", occasionally introspection feels that it is no different from the previous life.

The time to return home is this afternoon. At this time, Zhang Cun ’s school had not yet had a winter vacation. Several children at home, Yunzhu, Jin'er and others were still at the school. They got off at the gate of the yard and saw a figure waving on the hillside not far away. These days, Zhang Hong, who is protecting the safety of Zhang Cun, wears a military uniform with camouflage. Even after a long distance, she can see the smile on that face, and Ning Yi waved her hand exaggeratedly. Signaled her to come over soon.

Hong Ti pointed to the courtyard: you go first.

There was no one in the outer courtyard. After entering the inner courtyard, they saw two figures sitting at the small table choosing dishes. Su Taner was wearing a red-printed white dress with a red cloak on the back, a long ponytail in her hair, and a girl's dress. It seemed strange at first, but Ning Yi thought about it, but there were many Two years ago, after he woke up from a coma, the first time he met the wife of the fugitive, he was dressed.

At that time, she was going to meet this strange husband for the first time. On the one hand, she wanted to give a horse, and on the other, she planned to make peace. Perhaps because of this, she still remembers this outfit.

Xiao Chan, who was sitting at the stone table, had seen him and waved his hand. Taner looked sideways and a smile appeared on her face: "How is it?" She is a melon seed face. Over the years, Meiyu has added a bit of restrained wisdom and maturity. At this time, sitting sideways, the long braid hangs down, and there is a sense of girliness. Ning Yi smiled at her.

"It looks almost faded, and it stays."

"Xiang Gong remember this one?"


"I forgot about it earlier. When Jiang Ning escaped, he brought this body with him, and kept it in the cupboard. Recently he turned it out and basked in it. This red cloak, which I used to like, was a little fluffy now. "

Ning Yi laughed: "I heard that you recently had a red cloak, and it almost made people feel frightened. The people who killed them thought you were a blood bodhisattva."

He was referring to the big and small commotion that occurred in Zhang Village in July and August. At that time, a group of people ran happily and said that they would do something with the family and children of Ning Rentu. Most of them were arrested when they missed it. Seeing Taner's cold face. The punishment here has always gone to the top. As long as it has caused serious personal injuries, it has been shot and caused property losses, it will be sent to the mine to be locked up with the Jurchens, and they will not accept the money to redeem them. Most of these people have to do After more than ten years, the mine's drudgery may be released, and more may die due to various accidents during this time.

This is the result of Ning Yi's persuasion. Taner's brain is easy to use, and it is more open than other women in many ideas, but it is no better than a simple landlord in facing these things with family. A group of people in Chengdu is not enough to make troubles for their husbands. They have to come here to try to kill or take away the children in their homes. If she has such an idea, she should be late.

That's why, during that time, she personally interviewed every incident that happened. Ning Yi demanded to come by law, and she demanded that the crime should be punished according to the law.

At the end of July, many green forest people were still reveling. They were very busy for the Chengdu incident. Most of the former servants who went to Zhangcun were also generous. In August, the military parade was over and the congress was opened. Details about Zhang Cun were passed on. They really ran over and started, and none of them ended well.

And about the woman who appeared like King Yan Luo every time on the scene, it was also described vividly in the rumors. Everyone said that this was the one who was the blood buddha of Ning Yi ’s wife, who killed in Luliang Mountain. Ru Ma, Lin Zongwu are all defeated by her men, but they don't shoot much after marrying. This time they went to Zhang Cun, but they all touched the great master's bad luck.

In the past, a few people in the rivers and lakes knew about the red mention, but Zhu Ji ’s propaganda often bypassed her. Therefore, the grandmasters that everyone cares about for more than ten years are usually only the decent "iron arms" Zhou Dong and the villains "wearing the forest" "North legs" Lin Zongwu, the indescribable grand master Ning Ren Tu but these few. This time Zhang Cun's affairs were in full swing. Only then did someone dig out the matter from the depths of his memory and give Hong Ti a swift wave of presence.

Speaking of this, Taner's eyebrows also flashed a little bit of shame, and then she laughed: "I have discussed with Sister Tizi, and the nickname" Blood Bodhisattva "will be given to me later. She uses another one. . "


"Blood grape." Xiao Chan rushed to say.


Taner chuckled, Ning Yi froze for a while, and sat down next to her, holding Xiao Chan to kiss **** her face: "... still ... quite cute, so decided. A blood bodhisattva in our family , A blood grape, the grape sounds like a follower, in fact, the highest martial arts, or good. "

After the three of them smiled and arranged the martial artist with the highest temperament in the family but the most easygoing, Ning Yi began to ask about the situation of a group of children in the family.

At this time, from Ning Ji down, Yun Zhu's eldest daughter Wen Wen was twelve years old. Wen Jing loved reading, and when she laughed, it seemed like a copy of her mother. Ning He's character is not very strong. At the age of nine, he seems to be an ordinary silly boy. In the absence of external pressure, he did not even show the martial arts talent of his mother Hongti, and his grades were only moderate. Perhaps, the red mention living in the Taiping Nianjing will not become the first in the world of martial arts, and Ning Yi does not actually intend to squeeze his potential too much.

Ning Ke, who was the same year as Ning He, maintained her consistent lively and helpful personality. She had the most friends and the best personalities in the school. She worried about the matter every day. The committee members and life committee members are just passionate about other people's work, which always leaves their homework behind. This makes Jiner very worried. Jin'er always advertises himself as selfish, and can't figure out why his daughter has always been stupid.

Of course, Ning Yi thinks about it in private, but can understand some. If Jiner as a child would not be sold because of a family poverty, and would not experience so many bumps, then perhaps Ning Ke today would be another look for her.

Seven-year-old Ning Shuang and Ning Ning have reached the first grade this year. Two children who grew up as conjoined babies have always been better. Watermelon ’s daughter Ning Ning Xi Wu is very talented, but as a girl who loves swords and not knives, this time makes watermelon quite distressed, but think about it. When I was a child, I learned the sword and was brainwashed. "Hero" is also because he met an unreliable father, and it was relieved. Besides the martial arts talent, Ning Ning's academic performance was good, and the ancient poems were memorized one by one, which made the watermelon quite happy. , His daughter is not a fool, nor is he, and he was brought to ruin by an unreliable father ...

The only shortcoming of Ning Ning in Wenwu Shuangquan is that there are not many words. People like their name to be quiet. Ning Shuang, the second daughter of Yunzhu, is often the spokesperson of the two. A little more than her, still less than others. This may be because having suitable friends since childhood, you don't need to talk too much.

The only accident was that Ning Ning fell recently on her way home. As a beautiful and quiet little girl, she broke one of her front teeth. She didn't say anything, but she really cared about it.

"You will see you later, but don't laugh at her front teeth. Otherwise she will cry." Taner urged, thinking that Ning Yi was likely to do such a thing.

"Relax, I should be in the office, and I won't laugh." Ning Yi said with a smile, thinking that this kind of thing really resembled a watermelon copy. I lost my front teeth seriously ...

In addition to these small ones, the recent situation of Ning Ji is actually worrying. Perhaps it was because he went to the battlefield too early and saw his life and death. His emotions have not been stable. Of course, he has strong martial arts, looks good, and is very popular among a group of brothers and sisters, but these days his temperament I have been turning from outward to inward all the time, especially after October, sometimes sitting on the roof in a daze, sitting for a long time once, even sighing, I don't know what he is sighing, and then I started to look for books.

Xiao Chan was so shocked that Xiao Ji started to read books. He always felt that he did not know if he was sick, or one day he would suddenly escape into the empty gate to become a monk.

Of course, apart from these anomalies, his practice in martial arts has not been delayed. Even some special operations exercises in the army, and the spy exercises in Zhuji, he can easily adapt to it. Hongti and Watermelon also say that he is coming to Japan Achievements are limitless.

"This is the middle and second period. The whole person is the same, and they will be the same. Wenwen, Ninghe, and Ningke will be the same in the future. The children ca n’t control it at this age. They have a lot of ideas. Will gradually get better. "Ning Yi comforted Xiao Chan with an educator gesture that" no one knows education better than me ".

He actually understands in his heart, rather than thinking about the bigger world, the bigger rivers and lakes, if he ca n’t keep it, when he reaches the age of seventeen or eighteen, maybe he can only let him go out, of course, if He did n’t want to leave after the second period of middle school, so it would be better. The most important thing now is to use a "dragging" word trick to let Hongti watermelon give him more problems, telling him that it is early before he can go out.

"But Ning Xi didn't do that at first ..." Xiao Chan frowned.

"Ning Xi is silly."

Ning Yi opened the river with confidence, and then he was hit by Taner in his hand: "You are not allowed to say so."

After a few people finished talking about the child, Hong Ti also came in. Ning Yi told them about Chengdu things, talked about the business with various households, how they took advantage of it, and also talked about Zuo Wenhuai and others. At the end of August, they left Chengdu, according to the distance. If there is no accident, they should be in Fuzhou now, and they do n’t know what kind of scenery there is.

In this conversation, the children of Yunzhu, Jin'er and the family also came back one after another. Everyone greeted and snarled. Ning Ning was crying because of his unreliable father, and she wanted to run to no one's corner with tears in her arms. She was held in her arms by Ning Yi, and she had to bury her head in Ning Yi's arms. Tears also buried.

During the meal, the two brothers Su Wenfang and Su Wenyu also rushed over. Ning Yi asked about some small situations in the family during the split of Su's family. There were naturally protests among the clan, but Su Taner, Su Wenfang, Su Wending, etc. When people scolded, they suppressed it.

In the past, the grandfather Su Yu always worried that the children in the family were not talented. At this time, the background of the Su family was not only Ning Yi and Tan Er, including Su Wenfang, Su Wending, Su Wenyu, Su Yanping and others were already able to stand alone. The next fourth generation It has also been cultivated. For those in the family who have no ability or knowledge, there is no need to give them the right to speak.

After eating, Wen Fang and Wen Yu left and left to gather with their children to play for a while. Ning Yi began to walk upstairs and downstairs, ruining the women of the Liang family. He was under forty years of age, practiced martial arts, and his body was excellent. After a night of tossing until late at night, after everyone and the children had fallen asleep, he walked around in and out of the various rooms in the yard and looked at the past. The faces of his wives and children, and then sat down on the bench in the outer courtyard, thinking about things quietly.

Don't know when, Taner came out from inside and brought him a coat: "What do you want?"

"I want to spoil the good women."

"Don't be so tossed, you're not too young, it's going to be a good woman to spoil you."

Ning Yi laughed and hugged her into her arms.

"You know that when I do things, it's different from when I was at home?"

"Well, at that time ... as you said, it was more handsome."

"I have dealt with several batches of people recently. Some people ... you knew each other before ... Actually, it is almost the same as before. In these years, otherwise you will fight the dead, or you will go to a certain time, and the rectification will die, once at a time Here ... Hua Xiajun is getting stronger and stronger. I tell them things, and my temper is getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes I really think, when will it be? "

"Probably without a head ..." Taner reached out his hand, stroked his eyebrow, and then lay quietly on his chest again, "I said that I would like to remove Su's. Happy, the family is even more troublesome. But I thought later, what in our life is for? When I was a girl, I just wanted to help my grandfather take control of the family, and wait for potential children to come out, Just hand over this family to him ... After handing over to him, I hope everyone can have a good life, this family has hope and hope ... "

"... Today, this Su family has ten times more things than it used to be. There are hopes and hopes, and then next, will it be thousands of times more? The days you lived can be more than today. Is it better? I think of these and feel enough. I see that they have the benefits of the Su family, and they want more endlessly, and then they will become the second ancestors of extravagance ... so And beat them again. Every month, they cut a lot of them, and the workers in the factory messed up, and they were not even allowed to take money! If grandpa is still there, they will support me like this ... but Xiang Gong You are different from me ... "

"It's a good thing to see away." Ning Yi hugged her and sighed. "I was thinking ... Alas ... I can't really let it go today, so many **** people are dead, beat Jurchen, and recover. Zhongyuan, I do n’t know how long forward, and in the future, I live up to the expectations of all of them, but in the middle, I always feel that I am going to become a bad person ... "

Taner's head swayed on his chest: "Since the ancient history books have been cherishing the world, there is no such thing as good or bad."

"I didn't mean that ..." Ning Yi paused, silent for a while, and finally just laughed, "Fortunately, you are still here, if ..."

While speaking, it seemed that someone had probed the probe outside and retracted it again. Ning Yi frowned and waved over there: "What's the matter? Take it."

There was a person from the Secretariat who came in with a document: "It's an urgent matter from Chengdu, but it's not very important."

"give it to me."

The secretary handed that information to Ning Yi and turned around.

Taner said beside him, "Then let me go to bed first?"

Ning Yi glanced at the information and shook his head: "Come with me for a while, it is not a secret."

"What's that ..."

"Jin Guo changed the emperor ... Zong Han and Xi Yin ... amazing ..."

The news of the end of Jindi Wanyan was here as quickly as possible. Two months have passed. The first-hand news is extremely simple. Basically, it is also the first-hand official document issued by Jin Guo, but Many things inside can be guessed. Because of the young emperor's supremacy, Jin Guo temporarily avoided internal strife, which means that when the Huaxia Army attacked Jin Guo, it may take more than a year or two, or tens of thousands of lives.

The couple sat snuggling for a while, and Ning Yi probably told Taner some deductions from the staff.

"It stands to reason that the balance between the east and the west of the Golden Kingdom is already fragile. Does Zhu Ji have no action in the north?" Taner asked in a low voice.

"After the end of the Southwestern Wars, considering that the trend of hostility and even slaughter of Han Chinese in the Golden Kingdom will increase, I have stopped the Northland intelligence system from all activities and dormant self-preservation, but I still got the news before. Sacrificed in the middle of this year ... "

"Lu Mingfang ... the family at the head of Nalu ..." Taner's face flashed with sadness. She knew Lu Yannian at the time.

"Lu boss's family is gone ..."

"He came back before, why didn't UU read www.uukannshu.com leave his heirs."

"He is in that place all year round, who wants to leave him a heir ... actually he is not willing to ..."

There were yellow lights swaying in the courtyard. In fact, compared to the heroes who were still fighting in various places, he was a little troubled in the rear, and what could he count. Such a quiet atmosphere lasted for a moment, Ning Yi sighed.

"Do you remember ... Tang Minjie?"

"Remember, the one who studied with you while in Xiao Canghe, came to our house to help, the one who moved things, I remember he was a little fat and likes to laugh. But when squinting, he was very angry. The person who did the big thing ... he later committed an accident in Liangshan, you sent him out ... "Taner looked at him, hesitating for a moment," ... He is also now ... um? "

Ning Yi did not answer. He folded the information in his hand, leaned down, and pressed his head with his hand: "I hope he ... calm down ..."

There are countless things in this world that are painful.

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