Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 12: To whom does Yingying go? (under)

Sometimes, time will go back in the dream. He will see many people, all of them alive.

When I woke up, I would sit in a trance and forget where I was.

The misplaced memories remain in the brain. It will not be long before the icy reality turns into an empty echo in his mind before one can wake up painfully in this blank area.

The once full life, spirit, and even part of the soul were permanently destroyed in the past.

And compared to everything that more people have permanently lost, the loss of survivors today seems nothing more.

Jin Tianjuan was in the clouds at the end of February of the first year.

Tang Minjie woke up from a dream and sat on the bed.

In the previous dream, Wu Qiuhe appeared.

The woman used to be Chen Wenjun's maid, and her earlier identity was the niece of Kaifeng Fufu Yin. She is more knowledgeable than ordinary women and understands some tricks. After staying with Chen Wenjun, she planned something very well. In the early years, she even saved his life.

However, in terms of intelligence transmission and support, Wu Qiuhe is actually more inclined to the Wu dynasty regime and does not like the Hua Xia Jun very much.

Both sides have the same goal, and each is their master. During that time, there have been several battles and frictions. Wu Qiuhe has a stronger personality, and Tang Minjie is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but just saved his life, and his tongue is not very aggressive. After several secret actions, there were wins and losses, and Tang Minjie took the advantage to take two quick talks, watching the other party mutely eating Huanglian, and it was evil and evil.

In fact, I have made calculations in private. The woman has a good temperament. In the future, she can find an opportunity to win her to the Huaxia Army.

The last fight was due to the fool named Shi Jin. Although his martial arts were high, his brain was absent, and he made it clear that he wanted to die. Both sides were a little cautious. Of course, due to the strength of Mrs. Han, Shi Jin was rescued by Wu Qiuhe at the beginning.

But Wu Qiuhe underestimated the rug-type search inside and outside the city at that time, and the government finally found Shi Jin. After he escaped, Tang Minjie, who was the Canary, took advantage of it.

It was very happy at the time.

Then she could laugh at her.

However, when Shi Jin woke up and asked him about Wu Qiuhe, he even had some doubts about whether the woman had brought officers and soldiers, and Tang Minjie knew that he had suffered. Since he has such suspicions, it means that the appearance of Wu Qiuhe and the officers and men is just the time difference between the front and rear feet ... the sadness comes from it.

"In a place like Jin Guo, the Han people want to live a good life, and they can't do anything. Since you have seen the face of the bitch, brave man, you should know that there is no tenderness here, **** dog thief, next time. Just kill the past together! "

Shi Jin was casually sent in front of him, and then he went to ask about the situation. After a while, Wu Qiuhe was killed by Xi Yin. She was clever. She accused Gao Qingji in front of Xi Yin, but she died at that time without much torture. It's just where the corpse was thrown. It was more than half a year later to find out which mass burial place it was thrown in, and then I went to find it. I had no bones.

Over the years, many people who have experienced death have died in this way. Many have died more humblely, and some have suffered more. The people who suffered so much in peacetime can not imagine it. Even he remembered it. There is a large gap.

Why would you dream of Wu Qiuhe?

He thought about it, maybe because he saw a woman named Cheng Min in Shangjing some time ago. Some are similar and strong, some similar hatred ...

After Yan Jie succeeded to the throne at the end of October, Tang Minjie stayed in Shanghai for more than a month, trying to find possible break points in various messages. During this time, he often met with Cheng Min to summarize the news she asked for.

After the Xinjun came to power, the most news was still about various merits and rewards. Although Zongqian, Zongpan, and Zonghan did not have the throne, they were rewarded with countless honors. The powerful minister above man. But in the middle, the signs of power struggle still exist.

After all, Zong Han and Xi Yin of the West House were defeated in the Southwest, and this time the situation of going to Beijing was too tricky. Although Zong Qian and Zong Pan had to accept their later thoughts and ceded the throne to Wan Yan, after that, the checks and balances and weakening of Xifu were still proposed.

This is the result that Zong Han must face after the defeat of the Southwest. In the next six months, some power will be released, some positions will be replaced, and some benefits will be lost. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the power delivery, Zong Bi will lead the army into the clouds, and even after the snow melts, the Tushanwei will have a large-scale competition to judge that Zong Han can still keep it. How much real power is in the hands.

Throughout November, the initial scramble for this power in the Beijing capital was tumultuous. Zong Pan and Zong Gan temporarily reached agreement here, and they must cut off as much real power as possible. A large number of ancestors and honors are no longer present at this time. Many people may speak with conscience and do not want Kim to be in chaos, but there is not much support for Zong Hanxi Yin and the two.

However, when the two veterans arrived at this time, they also showed their hegemonic side. They both accepted Zongbi's challenge in a generous manner, and they continued to render this competitive momentum in Shangjing. If Tu Shanwei is defeated, that Zonghan can only let go of power, and nothing else needs to be mentioned; but if Tu Shanwei still wins, it means that the Black Flag Army in the southwest is far more terrible than everyone imagined. They must work together to make preparations to fight this future enemy.

In the final analysis, in the Golden Kingdom, it is possible to determine everything-the most accepted way-or force.

The news was summarized in mid-December. Tang Minjie had a general understanding of the situation, and then picked up things, ventured out of Shangjing in a snow-capped mountain, and embarked on a return journey in the cloud. Cheng Min was surprised when he learned of his plan, but in the end he just gave him a few pairs of socks and gloves.

Departing in mid-December, the road stumbled in the snow and snow, and it was February that it successfully arrived in the cloud. Unsurprisingly, Zonghan Xiyin and others did not even wait for too long in Beijing. They set off a few days before the New Year's Pass. The team of more than a thousand people returned to the cloud in late February.

Throughout the long snow and blizzard, Tang Minjie was wearing thick deerskin gloves, and from time to time would think of Cheng Min who was still in Shangjing.

Like Lu Mingfang, he also proposed to Cheng Min the idea of ​​letting her return to the south, but Cheng Min simply refused, and the eloquent Tang Minjie couldn't even find further rhetoric to persuade the other party to change his mind.

During the two or three months of going to Beijing, in the gaps between meeting, passing intelligence, and judging the news, Tang Minjie had visited the Qinglou near Cheng Min who sold his body in exchange for intelligence. The first few times were to connect and confirm the existence of each other. The last and the only exception was a few days before leaving. I stood at the street at dusk and glanced at the lights of the blue building, warm yellow , Crimson lights, thick curtains, solid buildings, everything looks comfortable and down-to-earth, making guests want to go in for a rest.

He couldn't even get closer to the long street.

It was a huge humiliation as a Chinese. He can stab his own heart, and he never wants the other party to stay in that place for another day.


But he couldn't convince her.


After getting up, I did a wash, dressed up and went to the street to eat breakfast, and then went to the scheduled place to meet the two companions.

This meeting was held on February 27. In addition to Tang Minjie, two deputies who were in direct contact with him, Sun Wang and Yang Shengan, were both members of the Huaxia Army who did not leave after coming from the southwest. Planning and action.

In the enemy ’s place, in principle, such a multi-person meeting should be very cautious in principle, but the meeting ’s request was made by Tang Minjie. After all, he obtained first-hand information in Shangjing and needed brainstorming, so he conducted the following manpower wake.

"... Theoretically, in the next six months, there will be a lot of friction between the power of the East and the West. If we grasp it well, we are not without the opportunity to let them burn their heads. But where is the specific opportunity, we need to discuss."

Half a year after he went to Beijing, Tang Minjie's understanding of Yunzhong was missing. But even if Sun and Yang accept orders to go to sleep, they naturally have their own sources of information for many things. The three exchanged information first, and then began discussions.

Sun Wangdao said: "After Yan Yan came to power, there have been some speculations about Zong Han and Xi Yin's approach to Beijing. I have heard some news that Shi Liai, who passed away in late autumn last year, before his death He has written many letters, asking his family to follow Zong Han and Xi Yin to go north, help persuade others to cooperate with Zong Han and Xi Yin's actions. Shi Liai is second to none among the Han officials, and was followed by Wan Yan Zongwang, Now outsiders also say that he is the person of Zongfu Zongbi ... "

"... If this matter is true, this old dog is eating before the death and posing with Zongfu Zongbi. I heard that Jin Wushu was just for his own use, if he knew that Shi Liai had done such a thing, he would not let it go. Family is better. "

Yang Shengan frowned: "However, Shi Li'ai is dead, and this incident broke out. Yu Jinguo's overall situation, I am afraid there will be no damage."

Aside Tang Minjie said: "You can remember it first, then find a way to find evidence, no matter what, as long as they can make them bite dogs, we are happy."

The three discussed for a while and talked about other places.

"... Zong Han and Xi Yin didn't hurry back in New Year in Beijing. Obviously, it was to compete with Zong Bi in the next snow melt. There are no detailed rules in this contest, but I guess Next, everyone will stare at this piece of meat in the cloud. Where Xifu is weaker, it will be eaten a little. If we can get more detailed information, we can plan it, start from scratch, and even ... The assassination caused Xifu to lose in some key places. "

"... This thing sounds possible, but I feel cautious. With such a detailed intelligence collection, we must first awaken everyone. To be honest, even if we awaken everyone, we may not have enough operational power ... And Zong Han and Xi Yin have returned. We must take into account that Xi Yin is prepared and deliberately dig a trap to give us the possibility of jumping. "

"... From a feasibility point of view, our only chance is here. We are all aware of the power of Xifu. Although Tu Shanwei lost in the southwest, but to the gang of Shangzongfu Zongbi, I It seems that Xifu ’s win is relatively large ... Once Zong Hanxi Yin stabilizes the situation in Xifu, from now on, as they said, do n’t take the throne, just focus on guarding against us, then our people will fight over in the future. Many people died ... "

"... Last winter and now, although there is no action in the dormant state, four people on my side are already dead. Put all their awakenings into this matter, and we have to see how big the win is ... … "

"... at least you can gather intelligence first, it's always worth it to take this risk ..."


The room murmured for a long time, and when the morning was about to pass, Tang Minjie suddenly spoke.

"... I still have a plan, maybe it's time. I said it, let's vote together."

Tang Minjie looked calm, and both Sun Wang and Yang Shengan nodded and motioned for him to say it. In the past few years, Tang Minjie's many ideas may be risky, but in the end they have found a way to implement them, and they trust him.

Tang Minjie then slowly expressed his plans.

After listening to the other two, their complexions were all complex, and afterwards, it was Yang Shengan who shook his head first: "This is not okay ..." Sun Wang also agreed with Yang Shengan's idea. The two of you said one thing and raised many objections view.

Tang Minjie nodded when the time was approaching.

He said: "Well, Yang Shengan, you make the minutes of the meeting. For this plan, after a detailed discussion, we voted. Our Hua Xiajun rejected it."

Yang Shengan thought for a while: "Is it necessary to record ..."

Tang Minjie nodded.

"... Write it down and let future generations have a view."

Yang Shengan made a simple record.

The wind blew through the window of this secret meeting point, and the city looked dark and calm. The white snow envelopes this world, and many years later, people will know some secrets of this world, and they will forget other things ... that is the truth that the record cannot reach. Truth and falseness are always intertwined.

At noon on February 27, Wan Yandezhong and Wan Yanyouyi were attending a party.

They followed their fathers to the north and saw a magnificent power struggle, and then went south under the rolling wind and snow, only to return to the cloud a few days ago. Such a journey sharpened their heart and soul, and made them more mission-conscious and more passionate in their chests.

For Zong Hanxiyin and others in Beijing, they all felt more deeply in the city. In the past few days, people even thought that this operation was a great deal. In the few days after they returned home Here, the honorables in the cloud set up a banquet, waiting for all the heroes to go to the banquet, and retell them all the thrilling things that happened in the capital.

Wan Yan Dezhong and Wan Yan Youyi are keen on such banquets, and many of them have been their former partners. They ca n’t refuse, and they do n’t need to refuse to promote the actions of the coach and others. So for several days, they were very busy.

It's drunk.

When I got home, I saw my mother who had a melancholic look in these days. They all have very good upbringing. They used to know that they should not show Jurchen ’s position too clearly in front of their mothers, but after going to Beijing this time, on the one hand, they were full of blood, on the other hand, they also had a huge sense of worry. One day the black flag would come over and destroy everything in the Golden Kingdom, so during these two days, occasionally, the mother could not help persuading her to look away.

"Ma'am, handsome, he really wanted to be a girl ..."

"After all, we are Jurchens, usually or indifferent, but we should not avoid it at this time, mother, the war of injustice ..."

"We may have to go to the battlefield one day and fight the black flag ..."

In such words, Chen Wenjun could only nod melancholy, and then let the maid of the family help them back.


At the same moment, Mandu Daru knelt in the study of this mansion and listened to Yan Xiyin's instructions.

He has now been promoted to the inspector of the capital of Yunzhong. Although this official rank is not high, he has crossed the transition from an official to an official, and can enter the study room of Gushenfu, which proves that he has been God regarded it as a trustworthy confidant.

"... The army has begun to move, and Zong Bi and they will arrive soon ... The situation in the cloud this time. It's not just a fight or a few contests. In the past, the things under the entire Xifu, as long as they can move, they will also Move, now there are conflicts between two official documents in several government offices. People on our side, if we take a step back today, we may have no officials tomorrow ... "

"... You are my own prosecutor, you don't have to worry about this, but under such circumstances, the gangsters behind them-especially the detailed work of the black flags here-must be ready to move, where are they going to do it? It ’s not clear right now, but I ’m going to mention you for this matter, find a way to get them all out ... "

The interview was not very long, Xi Yin finished speaking, waved his hand, and let Mandu Daru promise to leave. When he left, Chen Wenjun also brought some refreshments from the outside, probably hearing about something, her eyebrows stretched slightly.

Xi Yin, who was writing at the desk behind her desk, got up to meet her.

I can see for a few days after going home that the couple were actually thin. Xi Yin was last home a few years ago, especially when she was very thin, and her hair has changed from half-white to full-white. Worry about the current situation, and her hair is whiter.

"That's ..." Chen Wenjun asked.

"The newly arrived metropolitan government inspects Mandu Daru," Xiyin replied. "The next few days, I will start a contest with Zongbi. There are some people in the Yamen, mainly to deal with someone secretly making trouble. In the past few months, the two armies competed. If we lost, we would be very good ... Well, the pastry made by my wife is delicious. "

Xiyin's words are frank, and there is no meaning of reminding, but in front of his wife, it is considered frank. Chen Wenjun looked at her husband who was eating, and his brows stretched a little. At this time, he said: "I heard the official document outside."

Speaking of this, she was slightly placating the rice cake in her hand, and Xi Yin paused slightly. Instead, she put the pastry down solemnly, and then got up and walked to the desk, took out a thing, and sighed.

"A few months into the winter, every month, hunger kills tens of thousands of people. The death is because the firewood is not allowed to be chopped. This kind of thing is already stupid to the extreme, killing others can they live alone, a group of stupid Donkey ... I only issued the order today, it is too late, in fact it is not much remedy ... "

He looked back at his wife and said that it was actually a bit difficult to say: "There are many things in it, but I am really sorry for you. I promised to give the Han people a better treatment, but now ... I know you have these days How difficult it is. We lost in the Southwest, in fact, it is your Hans who are heroes ... "

When Xiyin said the last sentence, he smiled reluctantly and complicatedly. He naturally had many things he wanted to do for his wife, and had made promises. However, now that some things are beyond his ability, he can only talk about the heroes of the Han people and make her happy. A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Wenjun's mouth, but his tears were swaying down: "... No matter what, you have always saved people this time, let's eat ..."

This can only be a personal thank you for her as a wife.

Mandalu walked out of Gushen Mansion, and the afternoon sky was gloomy.

He walked to a small square not far away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was a notice from the commander-in-chief, someone read it out loud, but the commander issued an order, and no one was allowed to slaughter under any pretext. Hannu, the useless vegetation outside the city, does not allow anyone to deliberately obstruct the Han people from picking up. At the same time, Dashuai Mansion will allocate part of the charcoal and rice grains to be distributed in the Hanmin District inside and outside the city. Fine subsidies at home ...

In addition, several measures to guarantee the survival rights of Han slaves were announced.

Some of the Han slaves who shrank from passing by heard this and wept at the edge of the small square.

Xu is thanking the handsome man for his benevolence.

Mandu Daru thought so. He stood aside and looked at the suspicious person inside.

The thin man named Tang Minjie was bowing and passing him from the other side.

The name of the next big chapter should be called: "The Clown"

(End of this chapter)

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