Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 21: lets go! Long Aotian!

The day I just left home, I was very sad.

The grievance and anger originally caused by Yu Xiaoer's time was slightly diluted by a burden of parents, and it became more guilty and sad. It was a great concession that my father and elder brothers were considerate to the family and would tolerate them leaving home at this time; my mother’s temperament was weak, and she didn’t know how many tears she shed; based on the character of Auntie Gua and Sister Chu Yi, In the future, I will have to suffer a violent beating when I go home; and Aunt Hong is even more gentle. Now that I want to come back, I will not be able to hide from her when I leave home. The reason why she has not been taken home is probably because my father has made it to stop her.

Although he is only fourteen or five years old, he has already been on the battlefield and knows what the biggest bad luck every household will encounter. The world outside the southwest is not peaceful, if I really can't come back, how much suffering will my family endure. Just like the younger brothers and sisters in the family, if they had something that happened on the battlefield one day, they would be so sad that they wanted to kill everyone.

I was throwing in the post at night, and the emotions in my heart turned back and forth. Thinking of the mood of my family, especially my younger siblings, I couldn't help but want to go back immediately. I guess my mother is still crying, and I don’t know if my father and aunt will comfort her. Wenwen and Ning Ke might cry too. Thinking about it, it hurts badly...

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't sleep at night, so I climbed onto the roof and sat for a long time. The night breeze in May is refreshing and pleasant. The small bazaar developed by the post is still lit by lights, and there are some pedestrians on the road. The light of torches and lanterns is centered on the bazaar and extends into a crescent crescent. The light of villagers' activities can also be seen in the villages, and the sound of dog barking occasionally comes.

Sitting in this situation until late at night, most people have fallen asleep, and there is rustling movement in the room not far away. Ning Ji remembered the days when he was spying on petty dogs in Chengdu, but then shook his head again. Women are all bad embryos. Thinking about her, maybe she was already dead outside.

When the night was deep, I went back to lie down, tossed and turned for a while, and gradually fell asleep.

When I got up the next day, and after a violent punch in the inn yard, it was another day with a bright future.

Of course it's good to go back, but this time, it will be difficult to come out again for the rest of my life. He has been trained by a group of martial arts masters for so many years, and he has been together in a battlefield environment. He is no longer a kid who can't think about himself. His martial arts have reached a bottleneck. If he doesn't go out, he will only be playful in the future.

After all, it is important to practice martial arts and boxing at home, but once the foundation is reached, it is only through malicious combat that can make people improve. There are many masters in the Southwest family, and it is one thing to let go of the fight, and you must not be able to fight, but when you know the bottom line, you really want to form a huge sense of oppression on yourself, and that is less and less.

In Chengdu last year, Uncle Chen Fan took advantage of the opportunity of one-on-three, deliberately pretending that he could not keep his hand, and then slammed that punch. I thought I was almost dead, and the whole body was highly frightened, the possibility of mobilizing all reactions in my mind would benefit a lot after it was over, but this situation, even with Aunt Hong, can't do it now.

There are also many desperadoes in the army, who are best at fighting life and death, but if you want to fight with them, you may not be able to stop it. It's no small matter to hurt anyone.

In martial arts, the situation of experiencing life and death and then improving oneself is called "Stealing Heaven." The high stakes have this principle. Some people choose to practice boxing on the cliffs in the deep mountains. They may fall to death at any time and the effect is better. It's the same on the battlefield. The constant mental tension can make people mature quickly, but the situation on the battlefield has already been experienced.

When I was young, I just started learning. The way of martial arts is like the boundless ocean. I can’t see the shore. Aunt Gua and Aunt Hong have to do everything they can to resist. A few times they pretended to miss and hit In a fierce and swift place, "accidentally" slashed himself with a knife and a sword, making himself sweat all over with fear. But these are all "traps" they clicked on. After those battles, they could benefit a lot.

After going through the Southwest battlefield, killing many enemies before returning to the rear, this kind of fear has rapidly diminished. Aunt Hong, Aunt Gua, and Uncle Chen are still powerful, but how powerful they are, I already know how powerful they are. Can see clearly.

Later, on some occasions, he heard his father and Aunt Hong say that he was walking too fast and shouldn't be on the battlefield. If you don’t go to the battlefield, you can still improve for a few years before you can touch this boundary. After going on the battlefield, your mentality in actual combat is already solid. What's left is the increase in strength brought about by the natural development of the body, and you can go forward for a while. .

My father has rarely been in actual combat in recent years, but the theory of martial arts is of course very high.

The southwest is too mild, just like its four seasons, no one will kill him, and his father's wings cover everything. He continued to stay, even if he kept practicing, he would always be far away from Aunt Hong and Aunt Gua. If you want to cross this distance, you can only go out and go to the place where tigers and wolves are waiting and the wind and snow roar, to sharpen yourself and truly become the number one Long Aotian in the world... No, rather Ji.

As for Yu Xiao'er of the dog day-forget it, I can't scold her like that-she is just an excuse.

The young body is strong and energetic. After eating half a table of breakfast in the inn, he has done a good job of mental construction. Even the hatred was let go a little bit, it was really positive and healthy, only a little bit when paying the bill later. People who practice martial arts eat too much. If they leave the southwest, they may not be able to eat openly. This is the first big test.

Leaving the inn, the warm morning sun has risen, and there are many pedestrians on the road out of the town.

It is not the first time that Ning Ji has walked the several roads from Zhangcun to Chengdu, but at this time, he ran away from home and had a particularly different state of mind. He walked along the main road for a while, then left the main road and rushed along various paths.

Most of the plains in Chengdu are plains. The teenagers ran across the wilderness, ran across the woods, ran across the ridge, and ran across the village. The sunlight flickered through the shadows of the trees, and the yellow dogs of the surrounding villagers rushed out to attack him. He hahahaha dodged. , But no dog can get close to him.

On the fifth day of the fifth day, I spent a night in the wilderness. On the afternoon of the sixth day, I entered the suburbs of Chengdu.

With the ancient city as the center, from southwest to northeast, a busy commercial system has been built. New factories and workshops, large and small, have been built in and out of various villages on the outskirts of the city. Long sheds with incomplete facilities and newly built courtyards have invaded the original houses and farmland. A large number of workers from other places live in simple dormitories. Due to the increase in people, some suburban roads with few pedestrians have been Now it is full of silt and stagnant water, and when the sun is high, it turns into pitted black mud.

White lime can be seen everywhere, being thrown on the side of the road and around the house. Although it is only on the outskirts of the city, the staff with red armbands can often be seen on the road-I would rather feel cordial when you see this image-they Passing through each village, going to the factories and workshops to check the hygiene, although some trivial security incidents are also taken care of, the main thing is to check the hygiene.

The father and brother’s first request after the crowd gathered was to improve the personal hygiene of everyone. Workers who were transported in from other places must undergo intensive training upon arrival, and they would be instructed repeatedly to prevent them from being anywhere around the factory. Poop. And every factory wants to open the door, the first thing that needs to be prepared is a unified public toilet and a disinfected lime reserve-these things would rather have been heard from my father several times, and then I came back again and saw this for nearly a year. Over time, changes around Chengdu.

The roads leading to the city, large and small, are now widened, but they still appear lively and crowded. Due to the construction of factories in villages on the outskirts of the city, there are also several lively markets outside the city. Some snacks that were only seen in the city can also be bought here at this time. The price is cheaper than last year, which made Xiaoning. Ji lingered here for a while.

For the Southwest China Army, the biggest victory was the big victory in the past two years against gold. This victory spurred all warlords such as Liu Guangshi to place business orders. While a large number of official orders have arrived, various private business travelers have also flocked in. The price of goods in the southwest has skyrocketed, and the original production capacity has long been in short supply, so factories, large and small, are launched quickly. And for at least one or two years, Chengdu will be in a state where as many materials as it produces can be sold. This is not an illusion, but the truth that everyone can clearly see.

The west and south of the city have now been designated as formal production areas. Some villages and populations are still moving. Large and small factories are under construction, and many have already started production. On the east and north sides of the city, there is a huge trading area, where most of the raw materials and finished products needed by the factory are delivered in kind. This is the pattern that has gradually formed around Chengdu from last year to now.

Due to the rapid development, the surrounding scenes are all busy and messy, but for people of this era, all of these are probably unparalleled prosperity and prosperity.

As for the interior of the old city wall of Chengdu, it is naturally still the political, economic, and cultural center of the entire Chinese army.

The wealthy business travelers will come into the city to talk about a hugely expensive business, and perhaps only go out of the city once when a site survey is needed.

The Confucian scholars who are full of economics are fighting people here. The newsprint on this side has the most informed sources in the world and the most free controversy atmosphere. They can sit in the inn without even going out. Enriching my knowledge of the world in a day.

The knights from all over the place will not miss this new and prosperous city, even if it is just a trafficker who came from afar, they will not just stay outside the city and leave...

Ning Ji, who hasn’t been here for nearly a year, entered Chengdu after nightfall on the sixth day of the sixth day. He can still remember many familiar places: the small courtyard of the little dog, the bustling of Yingbin Road, and the place where Pingrong Road lives by himself. The small courtyard-unfortunately it was blown up, the hot pot in the squirrel pavilion, the venue of the world's first martial arts competition, the small medical hall where Aunt Gu was in...

He had the intention to walk around in Chengdu again, and also to see Aunt Gu who was still in the city at this time-maybe the little dog suffered so much outside, and ran back to Chengdu crying, she was not a bad person after all, just Stupid, dull, stupid, weak and bad luck, it is not her fault, the crime is not dead-but think about it, it is all over.

Dad hurriedly returned to Zhangcun to deal with his own affairs. Now that he is done, he might return to Chengdu too. With his character, if he catches himself in Chengdu, he will probably laugh with his hands on his hips: "Asshole, I gave you a chance." Even if you leave your father aside, your brother and sister-in-law are more likely to do something like this. . Especially the sister-in-law, if she caught up, she wouldn't have to be beaten.

It is no different from the base of the culprits.

He must leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

According to the experience here last year, many caravans that came to Chengdu will gather in the market in the northeast of the city. Because the outside world is not peaceful these years, caravans that run long distances often bring some passengers along the way. On the one hand, they charge part of the toll, and on the other hand, there are many people and strength, and they can take care of each other on the road. Of course, in a few occasions, if the thief’s spies were mixed into the team, it would probably be miserable, so there are often choices for the guests who are with them.

In the past year or so, Ning Ji has received a lot of training in the army that is necessary to go outside, and it is not a big problem to leave Sichuan alone. But considering that there will still be a gap between training and practice on the one hand, on the other hand, a 15-year-old young man walks outside and carries a burden, and he is more likely to be spotted if he is alone. Therefore, this one from Chuanchuan On the first journey, he decided to go with others first.

This evening I bought a medicine box and bought some medicines. By the next morning, he looked for a temporary registration for a caravan who had left today with an attitude of fear of being targeted by bad guys. In the morning, following this team of 32 workhorses, more than 130 people also fled from Chengdu...


"This brother, in Xia Lu Wenke, from Hongzhou on Jiangnan Road, I don't know where the little brother's surname comes from..."

A caravan of more than a hundred people mingled on the road to the northeast of the Chuan River. The flow of people was huge. Not far away, a thin and tall scholar who loved to make friends came over to greet him and exchange names.

Ning Ji has a cheerful and lively personality, and is also a lover of making friends. He immediately handed over: "Aotian in Halong."

"...What... God?"

"Dragon! Proud! God!" Ning Ji took a word for it.

The thin and tall Lu Wenke closed his mouth and took a breath, staring at him for a long while before clasping his fists in admiration: "Little brother's name is really magnificent."

"That's all said."

"Where is the little brother from? Where is he going?"

"Jiangning." Ning Ji said, "My hometown is in Jiangning, and I have never been there. I have to go over and have a look this time."

"Jiangning..." Lu Wenke's tone sank, "It used to be a good place over there, but now... it's a bit bad. After the new emperor became the throne there, the Jurchen slaughtered the city in Jiangning. The vitality has not recovered. I'm fighting the fair party again, I'm afraid there are no more people..."

"It's okay, it's a long way. When you get there, maybe Jiangning has already built it." Long Aotian smiled freely.

Lu Wenke shook his body and clasped his fists in admiration: "Little Brother Long is really open-minded."

The road from Chengdu to Dechuan stretches forward. On the road, various pedestrians, carriages and horses are staggered. In front of them is a family of four. The couple took their father, who is not too old, and their son, and drove a horse. The mule didn’t know where he was going; behind was a quack with a splashy face and the caravan’s guards were talking about something, and they all made ridiculous laughter. This kind of laughter is Yao Shubin, who is talking badly on the battlefield. It will also be sent out, making Ningji feel cordial.

The thin and tall scholar named Lu Wenke next to him was quite talkative, and after communicating a few words with each other, he began to point the country and talk about his harvest in Chengdu.

"...Although there are all kinds of apostasy in the southwest, what I have seen and heard in the past few months is really unspeakable. I was in Hongzhou, boasting that I had read poetry and books, and I could see Jurchen raging, The world is turbulent, and I just feel that there is no way to think about it. But after I came to the southwest, I saw this learning of things, this business method, so simple and so thorough. After understanding these methods, I returned to Hongzhou , There is a lot to be done, Brother Dragon, the sea and the sky, the sea and the sky, Brother Dragon!"

"Admire, admire, make sense, make sense..." Long Aotian admired him.

There are many familiar places on the road ahead. It will lead all the way to Zizhou, then out of Zizhou, cross the Wangyuan Bridge, and enter the large and small mountains in front of Jianmen Pass. UU Read www.uukanshu. Com, he and the people of the Chinese Army used to fight with Jurchens at various nodes in the mountains, where countless heroes were buried—although it was also the home of many Jurchen invaders, even if there were There are ghosts and gods, and the victor is not afraid of them.

Going forward, they passed through Jianmenguan, the world outside, rather than understand. The fog is rolling over there, or the sky will be broad, at this time, he is full of expectations for all this.


At the same moment, the big demon Ning Yi, who was evaded by the little knight Long Aotian, was in Leshan at this time, caring about Lin Jingwei's injuries.

This old man, who is not very capable in scientific research, is also the most outstanding affairs official who has been under Ning Yi since the Xiao Canghe period and has organized research work in an orderly manner. At this time, because of the explosion of the prototype steam engine boiler, he was injured in a large area, and he was fighting hard with death.

Thousands of miles away, a certain little emperor who would have coveted Lin Jingwei's position if he were in the Huaxia Army, had already received a gift from the southwest at this time, and began to build a more complete research institute. On the southeast coast, the new emperor’s innovation is generous and radical, but of course, he is also facing his own problems. These problems have begun to gradually emerge from the dark to the bright...

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