Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 22: The Great Tide of the Times Haohao Soup (1)


There was heavy rain outside the not-so-luxury palace. From far away, from the direction of the sea, lightning and thunder, and the cry of wind and rain, made the palace room feel like a ship on the sea.

Sitting on a chair in the middle of the Imperial Study Room, Zuo Wenhuai was talking to the young emperor in front of him about a series of things about the southwest. Zhou Pei, Cheng Zhouhai and others were also accompanying him.

"... Regarding the development of this area, when I came, Mr. Ning once mentioned that the southeast side is suitable for the development of sea-going technology. The artillery and other objects on the battlefield, these technologies we have brought are enough, the southeast is just right The coastal areas, and the need to develop commerce, along this line, the profit from research may be the biggest..."

"But the sea-ship technology is not very useful on the battlefield." Zhou Junwu looked at Zuo Wenhuai with a smile, "On the battlefield, after all, artillery, gunpowder and other things are reliable. With these delivered by Mr. Ning, we may be able to defeat Wu Qimei. , But if one day, we finally meet the Huaxia Army on the battlefield. During our research on sea ships, the artillery and rockets of the Huaxia Army have been replaced for several generations. In the end, it was not for China. Do you marry the army?"

"Forgive me... the minister said bluntly." Zuo Wenhuai hesitated and arched his hands. "Even if the artillery is developed together, the southeast side will not catch up with the Huaxia Army."

He followed Zuo Xiuwen and set off from the southwest with a group of young Zuo family members. It was not long before he arrived in Fuzhou after a distance of thousands of miles. In terms of thinking, he still regarded himself as a soldier of the Chinese Army, and he was affected by his identity. The official reward, knowing that these words may be a bit rebellious to everyone in front of them. But fortunately, after I said it, no one appeared to be angry.

The princess Zhou Pei with a graceful attitude even smiled: "Why?"

"There are two problems with the development of the study of geophysics. On the surface, it seems that it is just studying the study of geophysics. It is enough to invest money and manpower to make people think about inventing some new things. But in fact, the deeper thing lies in the popularization of the study of geophysics. Researchers and everyone involved in research work are required to have a clear concept of objects as much as possible. One is one, two is two. Let people know that the truth will not be transferred by human will. Researchers involved in direct work must understand this. The officials above must also understand this. Whoever does not understand will affect efficiency."

In Ningyi, Nanning, he gave a very detailed explanation of the subject matter, so Zuo Wenhuai was right now.

"The research on the matter is complementary to the thinking about the matter. If the research work is done well, the thinking will be improved. If the thinking on the matter is improved, the research on the matter can naturally be done better. In the Huaxia Army, Mr. Ning has been cultivating people from the Xiaocanghe period. It took more than ten years to learn the foundation of thinking. The results of today have been achieved. Southeast has to catch up in these two aspects. First, it will take several years to thoroughly understand the existing results. After that, it will make new things. At that time, the test is the thinking of things. Up."

"For more than ten years in the Huaxia Army, they have been desperately doing research and making breakthroughs every day. In this process, researchers have formed a clear method of comparison, induction, and summary. Southeast Asia copied the existing technology of others. Maybe the researcher takes a look, pats his head, and realizes that he understands it. It's as simple as that. When they study new things, they will find that their thinking about objects is not enough."

Zuo Wenhuai paused: "As far as I know, your Majesty has been imitating and researching hot air balloons and artillery objects a long time ago. The Huaxia Army already has them, but it is very difficult to copy them. Your Majesty will craftsmen. Get them together and let them use their brains. Whoever has a good solution will give the money, but these craftsmen’s methods are simply to pat their heads, try this, try that, it’s luck. But the real research lies in research. The ability to compare, summarize, and summarize. Of course, your Majesty has been advancing the study of things for so many years, there must be some people who have such a methodology, but if you really want to go to the forefront of this world, this kind of thinking ability must also be the best in the world. One or six relatives do not recognize it. If you are vague, you will be a little bit behind."

"I like your saying that the six relatives don't recognize it." Zhou Junwu is now serious and answered, but it is not easy to see what he is thinking. Zuo Wenhuai looked around and found that both Zhou Pei and Cheng Zhouhai looked solemn, and only then stood up and gave his hands: "It's... the minister Meng Lang."

"It's okay." Jun Wu smiled and waved his hand. "You have been studying in the Southwest for many years. It is very good to have this straight-forward temperament. We invite you to come back from the Zuo Family. What you need are these outspoken truths. From these In the words, I can see what kind of place the southwest is. Don’t change it. Continue to say, why do you want to study shipping ships.”

"Only relying on the knowledge of ready-made technology, the effect of cultivating the thinking of things is limited, because these researchers can easily feel that they have made results, and they can deceive people, and their pressure is not strong enough. It is better to find a more urgent need here, and the results are also The areas that are easier to test are for people to do research. For those who can frequently solve problems, it is easy to select them, and the survival of the fittest will promote them to develop the correct way of thinking."

With Zuo Wenhuai's words here, Jun Wu and Zhou Pei nodded in the room, and Cheng Zhouhai said: "I have always been developing sea-going ship technology. Nowadays, shipping on the southeast coast is well-developed, and there is nothing short of it. Mr. Ning asked us to care about the ships here, and it is not a good idea to be afraid."

"Money always... will be lacking." Zuo Wenhuai looked at a few people. He had just arrived and didn't know much about these things, so he hesitated to say it. Then he said: "In addition, Mr. Ning once said that the ocean is vast. On the one hand, it connects various foreign countries, and the sea is lucrative. On the other hand, the ocean is barbaric. Once off the shore, everything can only depend on oneself. In the case of pirates and enemies, whether the ship can be strong or not, whether the artillery can shoot a few inches more, are all real things. Therefore, if we are to promote long-term technological progress, the ocean environment may be more critical than land."

"Of course, this is... the idea from the southwest. Mr. Ning has a long-term view. In the past few years, he mentioned the benefits of opening the sea several times in small talks, and most of them were long-term benefits. Now that Wen Huai is here, he can The short-term benefits that I think of are nothing more than maritime trade. It costs too much money to raise soldiers, and maritime trade is rich in profits. Moreover, if the ship is better, the artillery is better, you can be better at sea. I think this truth is always not It will change..."

After Zuo Wenhuai arrived in Fuzhou, Jun Wu would have an interview almost every other day. At this time, talking about the ocean is more like a small chat. After he handed it over, he no longer clings to it. After all, this kind of general direction. It can't be said in a few words. Moreover, regardless of whether maritime research is developed or not, the work of replicating artillery must be put first, and this is something everyone understands.

After talking for a while, the heavy rain subsided, and Cheng Zhouhai sent him away from the palace. When Cheng Zhouhai returned to the Imperial Study Room, Jun Wu and Zhou Pei were talking in a low voice while holding tea cups. Cheng Zhouhai saluted him, and Jun Wu waved him to sit down at will.

"This person from the southwest is admonishing us." Zhou Pei said, and then looked at Cheng Zhouhai, "Do you think this is the idea of ​​Southwest, or the idea of ​​Zuo family...or his own idea?"

"Ning Yi's thoughts are very clear." Cheng Zhouhai smiled, "He can give us artillery, give us information, he can let us defeat other people, with his always domineering, maybe he still thinks Let us train him some researchers who have the thinking about things. In the future, he will win the world and all will be collected. Let us develop marine technology. Maybe he will call in the future. This technology is his."

"Wen Huai also makes sense." Jun Wu smiled while holding a teacup. "Thinking about studying things is very important. When I was in Jiangning Jiangewu Research Institute, I collected a large group of craftsmen and raised them every day. I hope they can do it. I ordered good things, and when I got good things, I didn’t hesitate to reward them, and even wanted to give them knights...It’s not a mistake, but only with these methods, those craftsmen are just trying their luck. They have that way of comparison, summarization, and induction is the right way. When he said it, I only felt like a head drunk. If these words were heard a few years earlier, I would avoid many detours."

He drank a sip of tea, and the reason for his serious expression might be that he remembered his past with Ning Yi in Jiangning. Unfortunately, he was too young at the time, and Ning Yi could not tell him about these complicated things. At this time, he realized that for several years. When the detours can be resolved in one word, the mood will eventually become complicated.

Cheng Zhouhai laughed and said: "I wanted to say that Mr. Ning directly threw artillery technology over, just because we don't want us to develop our own scheming thinking about things, but think about it, Wei Shi is also a bit cheap and sells well."

"The young people in the Zuo family were taught well, so there is no need to embarrass him." Zhou Pei said, and then frowned. "However, when he mentioned shipping, he was not aimless. I got news yesterday that Wu Peiyuan was transporting from Jiangnan West Road. The shipment that came was robbed on the way. I still don’t know if it’s true or not. Several ships in Guangzhou have to be postponed. From last year to now, many people who originally chanted for our support have now begun to rattle. Both ends. Fujian was originally high mountains and long roads. They added some plugs on the way, and many things would not be shipped in. Without trade, there would be no money. With this little business tax supported by the sea trade, we can only last until August."

"I have been out of the palace the last few times, I think it's pretty good outside, thriving." Jun Wu murmured while drinking tea.

"You have banned the seas, distributed acres, encouraged mulberry farms, and encouraged commerce. Of course, the small people in Fuzhou have a good life. But the original big family, they did not rely on doing small business in Fuzhou, buying some snacks and cakes. Live. They used to have people outside and were involved in the army. Therefore, they used convenience to transport things out of Fuzhou and bring in things outside of Fuzhou. Now we have received most of the power here, and those who lose power will run away. Go to other places to do business. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Can we still rely on those who sell cooking cakes and farmers to transport things out?"

"You have done a lot of things over the past year, which are all for money." Zhou Pei shook his fingers. "Outside the two armies of Han and Yue, they set up a military academy for those generals to learn and make newspapers. , Expand the Gewu Research Institute, conduct population and field surveys, and build ordnance workshops... This time things from the southwest come, you will have to expand the Gewu Institute again. If you have no money to expand, you can only adjust slowly..."

It's actually not the first time that Zhou Pei talks about it. Since the intention of the new court of Fuzhou to "respect the king and fight against the barbarians" became apparent, a large number of Wu dynasty clans who originally stood on the side of Jun and Wu have slowly changed their actions. Admonitions about the policy of "ruling the world with scholar-bureaucrats" have been brought up all the time, and the old ministers in the imperial court have all sorts of frustrations hoping that Jun Wu can change his mind.

In the outside world, some old scholars who were originally loyal to the Wu dynasty and had to support Fuzhou for smashing irons stopped their actions, and some of the teams that had brought supplies were at risk in the middle. No one directly opposed Junwu, but these big clans on the transportation roads only slightly relaxed their deterrence against the nearby mountain bandits and horse gangs. Fujian was originally a place with rugged mountain roads, which subsequently led to the continuous reduction of commerce and transportation.

People are waiting for Jun Wu's regrets and turning back. Jun Wu, Zhou Pei and others also understand that as long as he stops this tendency to centralize power, the original Wu Dynasty loyalists will continue to make supportive actions— At least better than supporting Wu Qimei.

Jun Wu looked at the map on the wall of the study room. The real estate he currently owns is not large, ranging from Changxi (Xiapu) in the north to Quanzhou in the south, and many places to the south belong to him in name, but he is actually watching and vacillating. , The two sides maintained an apparent harmony, and from time to time they also sent some supplies over, so Junwu did not continue to use troops south for the time being.

The power of the Lin'an small imperial court is now gathered in the Yongjia (Wenzhou) area to the north of Changxi. A large number of fortifications have been built to block the advance of Jun Wu and the coastal defense has been strengthened. This is the clearest line of conflict between the two sides. In theory, since Junwu is known as orthodox, he can't stay in Fuzhou all day. Sooner or later, he will choose to fight Yongjia and then return to Lin'an.

"Will we have money under Yongjia?"

"It will be better if you leave the mountain area, but you will still be controlled by Wu Qimei, Tie Yan and others, and they will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Get rid of them, the next step is to fight the fair party." Jun Wu looked at the map, "He Wen, still don't want to talk about it?"

There was silence in the study.

"...I talked with General Yue recently. Fuzhou has just taken root. There are not many artillery pieces for the time being, but it doesn’t matter much. According to Han and Yue, we will go all out and barely be able to eat the millions of Wu and Tie’s army. Going north and highlighting the mountains in the southeast, we must be prepared for a series of big battles... If we can get Lin'an back, there may be some turning points, but looking at the momentum of the fair party today, I am afraid they will meet for a while and will not stop. ."

When Jun Wu said this, Zhou Pei said: "You are already the emperor. Now everyone is watching our approach. If you keep hiding in the southeast and do not go north for a long time, I am afraid that people's hearts will also change next time."

"Going north, after fighting in Lin'an, then fighting He Wen, and raising my arms to call the world home, I think so. But no matter what I think, I always feel that the army, especially this year, is fair to the party’s changes in the south of the Yangtze River. Peasant uprisings and religious disturbances are not the same. It uses the method passed by Mr. Nanning, but a method that can reach this level in a year, why does Mr. Ning not use it? I think these violent methods are not superhuman. Whether it can be controlled or not, it's not the right time and place, and it can't last long. It will have trouble sooner or later. I can't hit it hard when it burns the most."

"No emperor has been afraid of rebellion throughout the ages..."

"We only have a few cities, so we forgot the previous ten thousand li territory. When we were a southeast emperor, slowly open up our borders and expand the land." Jun Wu smiled, he looked up at the map and didn't move for a long time. open.

"Sea Trade..."

He whispered.


It was summer in Fuzhou, the sea breeze came and went, and there were a few more thunderstorms, and the scene in Fuzhou was changing in full swing.

After the little emperor showed his political inclination to respect the king and fight against the barbarian, the large-scale commerce operations that were originally intended to be sent to Fuzhou stopped a lot, but after the original coastal ports became the core of the political power, the increase in commercial scale wiped out such signs. Various reforms have gathered the hearts and minds of the people at the bottom and the scholars at the bottom. With the boat going back and forth from Shanghai, the scene on the street always makes people feel alive.

In mid-May, about twenty days after the arrival of the Southwest China Army group, some complicated atmosphere was gathering in the city.

It was a starry night of the month. At the restaurant named Gao Fulou in the east of Fuzhou City, the young man sent away the guests in the building early, cleaned the ground, hung up lanterns, and arranged the environment.

When approaching Hai, a carriage stopped outside the building.

In the large private room at the top of Gaofu Building, a private party began to take shape.

The first to arrive here was Gao Fulou, the owner of Gao Fulou, and one of the most famous maritime merchants in Fuzhou, Gao Fulai. After Gao Fulai, it was Shang Bingchun, another big merchant with a fleet.

The third person arrived was a fat man with a white scarf. This person was named Pu Annan. His ancestors were a foreigner who migrated from Arabia. He has been Chinese for several generations, and now he has become a rich man with a place in Fuzhou.

The fourth person who arrived was a fat old Confucian student with half white hair and calm and proud eyes. This was Tian Haoran, the patriarch of the Tian clan of Fuzhou.

After the four people took their seats, they exchanged a few words, and only then was the fifth person led from the dark road. This man is tall and well-proportioned, with dark and rough skin. At first glance, he is a man on a boat who often walks the sea. This is Wang Yikui, the most powerful pirate "Dragon King" on the southeast coast.

He silently pulled the fifth chair by the black round table and sat down.

"Drink tea."

Gao Fulai said.

Wang Yikui picked up the tea cup, sniffed it and drank it in one sip, then put it down.

"Say something business." Gao Fulai said, "Everyone has heard the recent news. The Chinese Army came to a bunch of rascals and talked to our new emperor about the wealth of the sea. The court is short of money, so now I plan to fully develop sea ships. In the future, we will release the two fleets and make money with us. I heard that their ships will be equipped with iron cannons coming from the southwest... The emperor will ship heavily, and next, our maritime business will prosper."

He said festive words, but his eyes were cold and his words were cold.

The Wu Dynasty attached great importance to commerce ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not over prohibit the sea. When the Wu Dynasty was still ruling the entire Central Plains, the maritime trade in the southeast was well developed, but it occupies a vast land, and the Wu Dynasty court has never been official. Intervened in the sea trade, as long as the tax is paid, the barbaric affairs of the sea merchants are not touched by the literati, and there is a kind of reservedness of a gentleman away from the kitchen.

When the Wu Dynasty moved south to Lin'an, the economic center moved south to make it easier for Fuzhou and other places to receive all kinds of goods, which further promoted the development of sea trade. During this period, of course, some big people noticed this piece of fat and came to try to get a share. . But the sea is a savage place, and ordinary forces can't huddle together, and it's hard to get deep into it. After that, it went through more than ten years of fighting, until Nuzhen went south again, and the Wu Dynasty collapsed.

For Jun Wu, Zhou Pei and others who came to the southeast to conquer Fuzhou, the maritime merchants here adopted a positive and positive attitude, and also donated a large amount of money as military expenses to support the little emperor to fight north from here. On the one hand, of course, it is necessary to keep an incense, on the other hand, becoming a temporary political center will naturally attract more business contacts.

But right now, the little emperor is going to study sea ships and sea trade...

"... It shouldn't be done."

The chubby Pu Annan put his hands on the table and spoke calmly.

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