Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 23: The Great Tide of the Times Haohao Soup (2)

As time approaches late at night, most shops are closed. The lights in Gaofu's building were blurred, and an important meeting was happening here.

"...I shouldn't have anything to do or not. The court attaches great importance to shipping, and it is always a good thing in the long run. The vast seas are vast, and the place under our feet will be taken away by natural disasters at any time. In addition to being spared, there is only Strong boats and sharp artillery can keep people at sea for two more days. What happened in Jinghan’s three years should be remembered. The emperor built a treasure ship to go to the Quartet and convince the Siyi people. Not long after, the craftsmanship of the treasure ship flowed out and killed here in the southeast. There are a few dead ghosts, but the advantage of that skill, we are sitting, and some of them still take advantage."

"The capital of the Jing Han Dynasty is in Bianliang, the emperor is far away, and a few ghosts are enough, but today... and the style of the new monarch today is far different from the one of the past."

"After the new emperor comes, he will fight for the hearts of the people and seize power, and he can be called a squat. Now he is going north to Lin'an in the next step. Suddenly he is thinking about sea trade. What is going on? Does he really want to go to sea? , Still want to knock on our stick?"

"The little emperor is short of money?" At this moment, Wang Yikui, who was seated last, asked with a cold expression.

"The imperial court is always short of money." Old scholar Tian Haoran said.

Gao Fulai said: "Since the new emperor came to Fuzhou, he started to search for things, run newspapers, and conduct new policies. Recently, he said that he respected the king and threw the barbarians. Half of the aristocratic families who originally stood on the orthodox side were offended by him. Yes, the sky is high and the road is far away, and you can’t reach this southeast seashore. But inside and outside Fuzhou, the most supportive of him has always been our maritime merchants. Since last year, my Gao family has received more than eight hundred thousand taels of silver from the court. , The ones you took out are not below this number."

He paused: "Xinjun is tough, it is the blessing of all the people. Now Wu Qimei and Tie Yan's generation kneel down on the golden dog and occupy Lin'an. My generation of Wu dynasty citizens can't stand it. It can be said that the war is short of money. But now It seems that being self-serving is the crux..."

Tian Haoran shook his head: "Brother Gao Xian thinks too much. The reason why the emperor is like this is all because we are merchants. If the court wants to divide powers with scholar-bureaucrats, it has to call out the slogan of exalting the king and fighting the barbarian. The new emperor’s precedent. Moreover, the new emperor has not yet succeeded to the throne, and all he has encountered is fighting and fighting. The methods are straightforward. It is the habit of young people, but the emperor can be direct. The people around him shouldn’t be like that. I see, this After all, your Majesty has treacherous officials by his side."

Gao Fulai smiled: "In today's room, how many people I waited for said it was a merchant, it doesn't matter, the Tian family has been a scholar for generations, and now he is listed as the merchant's generation?"

Tian Haoran touched his half-white beard, and smiled: "It is said to be a scholar of generations, but the business has been so big, the outside world has already regarded my Tian family as a merchant. In fact, this Fuzhou is located in the southeast, and it was not possible to get the champion. It’s better to do some business instead of studying. I knew that the Wu Dynasty was going south, so the old man would not sit with you anymore."

After the old man said this, most of the others laughed. After a while, Gao Fulai smiled and said solemnly: "Although Tian brother is humble, you have the most friends in the room, and all members of the department and the current left are your guests. The treacherous official who is talking about the trouble, I don't know who is referring to?"

Tian Haoran shook his head: "The current ministers and grandfathers were all old courtiers. They followed the dragon boat to go to sea and watched the new emperor succeed to the throne. They have done a good job from scratch, but in the eyes of the emperor, it may be just a hard work. The new gentleman is young and has a radical personality. He doesn't like the steady words of the old courtiers. He has always used some young people in private and some people from the princess mansion. You don't know. It's just that these people are not well-qualified and have bad reputations, so the aspect was returned to a few veterans."

"Now, just as Brother Gao Xian said earlier, the Hua Xia Army has come to a bunch of rascals, who are younger, and have won the emperor’s favor. They enter the palace every day, point the country in front of the emperor and confuse the crowd. They are from the southwest. How can someone taught by Demon Ning be kind to us? The emperor couldn't think of such a simple truth. It was only after they were bewitched that the rumors came out today, brother Gao Xian, do you think this is the truth."

"That's the case." Gao Fulai nodded, "Xinjun now takes Fuzhou, and the people of the world are looking forward to it, and he will go back to Lin'an. If this matter can be completed within one or two years, the foundation of the Wu Dynasty will remain. But these rascals of the Chinese Army came over and bewitched the emperor to care about sea trade...Maritime matters would make money in the long run, but in the short term, it was nothing more than throwing money into it and hitting people, and within three or two years, there would be fighting at sea. I am afraid that no one can do business. The meaning of the black flag is to drag the emperor down in Fuzhou."

When he said "when there was a fight on the sea", he looked at Wang Yikui who was opposite, and then swept away.

"Then there are two meanings now: First, either the emperor was deceived and really wanted to get involved in the sea. Then he first offended the officials and then the gentry, and today he is going to offend the sea merchants again. , I think Wu Chao is in danger, and I can’t wait to sit back and watch...Of course, it may also have a second meaning. Your Majesty is short of money. I am embarrassed to speak up. I want to come over and make a good start. Then... You guys, let's get the money. It's all right."

Everyone looked at each other, and there was a moment of silence in the room. Pu Annan first said: "The new emperor is coming to Fuzhou. We have never been a hindrance. After arriving in Fuzhou, we have contributed money and efforts. Previously, there were hundreds of thousands of taels. Pu did not care. But today, it seems that the money was spent a little. I was wronged, after paying so much money, the emperor turned his head and said he wanted to dig our roots?"

"The country is in a difficult situation. It should be given some money." Shang Bingchun said, "But after spending the money, I can't help but listen."

"It's okay to spend money. If your Majesty is determined to participate in the sea trade, what should I do?" Gao Fulai took the teacup and made a slight noise on the coaster.

Wang Yikui, who has always been taciturn, looked at everyone: "This is where you guys are. The emperor really wants to participate. He should talk to someone about it. Do you ask someone to persuade you first?"

"If the emperor really asks the door to discuss, then there is no need to persuade him, everyone in business, dare not verbally..." Tian Haoran stretched out his hand and stroked his neck.

"The emperor has been chased to the southeast, can this happen?"

"It's hard to tell the previous emperors, we... don't seem afraid to offend people."

When the five of them said this, they either played with tea cups, or rubbed their fingers on the table, without speaking for a while. After a while, Gao Fulai still said, "I have an idea."

Tian Haoran, Shang Bingchun, and Pu Annan lifted their tea cups, while Wang Yikui watched quietly.

"The imperial court wants to participate in the sea trade, whether it is true or not, it will be passed on sooner or later. When the meaning of the upper part comes down, we say no more, I am afraid it will offend people. Those elders in the imperial court will lobby, let us first Be psychologically prepared, I think...it's okay to spend this amount at most to settle this matter."

As he said, the five fingers that stretched out his right hand moved.

"fifty thousand?"

"Five hundred thousand."

"I'm scared, so much?"

"If the imperial court just wants to rip off, let's give the money directly. It is to raise the soup and stop the boiling. The real way to raise the soup and stop boiling is to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank. Brother Shang said that he wanted to hear something, and Brother Tian said that there was a traitor. North Korea, so what we are going to pay today is money for life."

Gao Fulai glanced at everyone: "Xinjun moved to Fuzhou, and we supported it. Many aristocratic families pointed to the court for benefits, and only we paid the court. It seems that it may seem softer, so it is not To say hello, we have to find us. In this case, the impression really needs to be changed. Come here while we haven’t found us. You can donate money but you can’t keep people."

Everyone looked at each other, and Tian Haoran said, "If there is no confuse, your majesty's mind will be much weaker."

"The Southwestern surnamed Ning killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty, and the people of the Wu Dynasty did not share the heavens with him." Pu Annan said, "Today they came here swaggeringly. Those who really care about the Wu Dynasty want to kill them soon. It is not surprising that they have something to do."

"Even though Mr. Pu came from a foreign country, he is quite sincere to my Wu Chao, which is admirable."

"My family is here. It has been passed down for several generations. Pu grew up in the Wu dynasty. He is a genuine Wu dynasty, and he should be concerned about the Wu dynasty. I have these five hundred thousand taels."

Everyone drank tea and chatted for a few words. Shang Bingchun said, "If even so, the problem cannot be resolved, what should I do?"

"Then pack up, go to the sea, guard the trade road with the Dragon King, and fight with the court for three years. I would rather not make money in these three years, than let the court taste the slightest sweetness-these words can be spread out, they have to let them I know, the man who walks the sea..." Gao Fulai put down his teacup, "...how ruthless it can be!"

In the night, the whimpering sea breeze blew across the streets of Fuzhou.

When approaching the son, the horse-drawn carriage crossed the streets of Fuzhou and came towards the imperial garden at the northwest end of the city.

This garden in the city is not far from the downtown area of ​​Fuzhou. After Junwu occupied Fuzhou, many places in it were divided and allocated to officials for office use. At this time, the night is already dark, but across the garden walls, you can still see lights in many places. The carriage stopped by a side door, Zuo Xiuquan got out of the carriage, walked for a while after entering the garden, and entered the place called Wenhanyuan inside.

This Wenhan Garden was originally used as a royal collection of books and ancient treasures. There are three two-story buildings with garden ponds nearby and beautiful scenery. At this time, the hall of the main building had its doors open, lights were on inside, and long tables were put together to form a lively office space. Some young people were still writing and processing documents at their desks. Zuo Xiuquan greeted them.

"I haven't rested yet, where is the town?"

After asking about Zuo Wenhuai's location, he went to look for him on the second floor next to the small building. On the way, he met with several young people and greeted him.

There are more than 30 young people in this team from the southwest, led by Zuo Wenhuai, but of course not all of them are from the Zuo family. In recent years, the Hua Xia Army has fought from the northwest to the southwest. Most of the participants are determined "rebels", but there are always some people who have different family backgrounds in the past, and they are not entirely true to the new emperor of the Wu Dynasty. Those who adopt an attitude of hatred, so some people who followed this time have some family background. There is also another part, which is followed by a curiosity and observation mentality.

Thousands of miles from the southwest to Fuzhou, and some supplies from the southwest were escorted. This journey was not easy. Although relying on the identity of the Zuo family and borrowing the advantages of several large caravans to move forward, he still encountered several dangers along the way. It was also in the face of several dangers that Zuo Xiuquan saw the ferocity of these young people on the battlefield. After a series of battles in the southwest, these originally flexible battlefields survived. Each of them has been forged into a weapon on the battlefield. They are determined to face chaos, and many people's battlefield vision, in Zuo Xiuquan's view, even surpasses many military generals.

In fact, Ning Yi has not given special preferential treatment to such elite soldiers as Zuo Wenhuai who have an enlightened foundation in the past—in fact, there is no room for preferential treatment. This time they were allocated after various selections. Many of them were not superior to each other and had no partner experience. The thousands of miles of roads and several tensions along the way allowed them to learn about each other. When they arrived in Fuzhou, they were basically a team.

They arrived in Fuzhou in April and brought with them the southwestern system and many advanced experiences. Of course, these experiences cannot be integrated into Fuzhou's system through a few "cheat books." Especially here in Fuzhou, Ning Yi has not sent a large number of professional teachers and technicians as he did with Jindi, and the early planning of reforms in various fields has become quite critical.

Every member of the team with experience in geophysical sciences has been arrested and is responsible for the sorting out of certain aspects of information, the negotiation and production of plans. What did a certain thing look like in Southwest China, why, what can be learned from, what areas can be changed, what can’t, what is a human problem, and what is a problem with funds... These days, the Wu Dynasty is here Wen Renbu Er led the team and came over to conduct a lot of meetings and discussions with everyone, and these young people also worked late at night every day.

Coming thousands of miles from the southwest, and having been through adversities along the way, Zuo Xiuquan is already familiar with most of these young people. As a representative of the great tribe who was loyal to the Wu Dynasty, he would feel excited and pleased to see these outstanding young people shining under various tests. But at the same time, it is unavoidable to think that the young people in front of the team actually have different minds. Even Zuo Wenhuai, a child of the Zuo family, may not have exactly the same thoughts in his heart as the Zuo family. Others It's even harder to say.

Ning Yi, who was far in the southwest, threw the seeds of such a team of more than forty people at hand, and now it seems that sooner or later, they will become outstanding figures on their own. On the surface, it seems that they have brought various experiences from the southwest to Fuzhou. In fact, what role will they play in the future Wu court? Thinking of this, Zuo Xiuquan faintly felt a headache.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and it is not yet time to worry too much. He went all the way to the second floor nearby. Zuo Wenhuai and the team's deputy Xiao Jingyi climbed down from the top of the building, and they seemed to say something like "pay attention to shifts." After the two sides greeted him, Xiao Jingyi used the reason of preparing for a midnight snack. After leaving, Zuo Wenhuai and Zuo Xiuquan went to the study nearby, poured a cup of tea, and began to discuss matters.

"... After leaving Fuzhou for a while, I just came back. I heard about something in the evening and came here... I heard that you recently suggested to your Majesty that you should focus on the sea trade in the direction of the investigation? Your Majesty is still quite interested?"

After the Fuzhou court's radical reforms, it hurt the hearts of many aristocratic families, but after all, there are many old Confucianists and families who have been favored by the country for a long time. In this regard, the Zuo family has always been the most in the Fuzhou court. A useful lobbyist. After Zuo Xiuquan returned to Fuzhou, he began to go out again. Only when he came back did he realize that things had changed.

When he asked at this time, Zuo Wenhuai showed a relatively soft smile: "Mr. Ning used to pay much attention to this area in the past, I just mentioned it casually, and I didn't expect your Majesty to really have this meaning."

Zuo Xiuquan frowned at him slightly.

At first glance, this nephew of his own family looks weak and deceptive, but after several months of traveling together, he really understands that the face under this smiling face is cruel and resolute. He may not understand most of the officialdom rules soon after he came here, but the Prelude to such a critical place, there is nothing to mention casually.

The smile on Zuo Wenhuai’s face changed when he saw the clan uncle’s expression: “The innovation in Fuzhou is too much, and there are not many allies. If you want to support a situation, you must consider large-scale open source. The northward attack is not necessarily wise. As the territory expands and the reforms are implemented, the expenses will only increase exponentially. At that time, the court can only increase taxes and taxes. If the people don’t have a living, they will kill themselves. Located in the southeast, the large open source can only It's the sea trade one way."

"There are several major problems in sea trade." Zuo Xiuquan said, "One of them, after his majesty got Fuzhou, he said to the outside world that he would go north and return to Lin'an. This matter can drag on for a year or two. People on our side will walk away slowly. Secondly, it is not that one person and two people can be familiar with the operation of sea trade in one day or two days. There are corresponding maritime powers, and if one is not good, dealing with them will probably take a long time. At that time, it will damage the morale of the north on the one hand, and on the other hand, the business route will not be able to open up. I am afraid the problem will be even greater..."

"We have also considered these things, but Uncle Quan, have you ever thought about what is your majesty's enforcement of reforms?" Zuo Wenhuai looked at him, and then paused slightly. "The past aristocratic families are gesticulating , I have to mix sand into the court, and now I can’t live with internal and external troubles. My Majesty said that he must respect the king and fight against the barbarian. This is the first principle of today’s innovation. You can use whatever you have. If you live, you don't think about him much."

"...Let the Zuo family lobby all parties, and want those who still trust the court to contribute money and support to your Majesty. Of course it is a good thing for someone to do this, but if we can't say anything, should we meet their expectations? Xiao My nephew thought that, at the moment, the illusory support of these aristocratic families did not need to be too important. For their expectations, they fought back to Lin'an, and then raised their arms and defeated He Wen with the support of the following...Don't say it is. I underestimated He Wen and the Fair Party. In fact, the whole process of deduction is really ideal..."

"...The future is the era of elite soldiers, Uncle Quan, I have stayed in the southwest and want to train elite soldiers. One of the biggest problems in the future is money. In the past, the court and the scholar-officials ruled the world together, and various families went to the army and the court. Lishen, there are millions of troops at every turn, but they eat nothing, they support the army but also rely on the army to make money...If you want to cut off their hands, you have to take your own money. The past gameplay didn't work. Solve this. Things are the focus of innovation."

"... Regarding the second thing you said, Uncle Quan, the imperial court has two fleets now in hand, saying that there are no talents to use. In fact, there are no shortage of talents who have gone to sea in the past. The imperial court's emphasis on maritime trade will benefit all those who depend on the sea for food in the long run. There are short-sighted and long-sighted maritime merchants. The imperial court raises its arms and it may not be able to combat division. Mr. Ning said that the old school is not Extremely afraid of innovation, the essence of their fear is loss of interest..."

Zuo Wenhuai's tone is not high, but he is clear and logical, and talks freely. He is different from the young and astringent he occasionally showed on the Golden Palace.

After saying this for a while, Zuo Xiuquan said: "But have you ever thought that your identity, after all, is the Hua Xia Army who came here, and came here, and put forward the first reform opinion, so out of common sense. Someone will say that you are the spies who deliberately sent by Mr. Ning to confuse the people and hinder the orthodox rise of the Wu dynasty... Once you have such a statement, all the reforms you will need to do next may be half the effort."

When Zuo Xiuquan mentioned this, Zuo Wenhuai was slightly stunned. He lowered his head and thought for a while. When he raised his head, his eyes flashed with terrifying murderous aura.

"Uncle Quan, we are young people." He said, "We have studied things in Southwest China in recent years. We have knowledge, speculation, and reform. In the final analysis, what we have learned the most in these years is to go to the battlefield and kill us. Enemy!"

His words were murderous. After speaking, there was silence in the room. After a while, Zuo Wenhuai said: "Of course, we have just arrived, and many things are unavoidable. But the general direction. We still think that this should be better. There are many craftsmen in your Majesty’s Gridwu Institute. It only needs a part of people to replicate the technology of gridding in Southwest China. It should be appropriate for another group to explore the direction of sea trade."

"Actually, it's amazing that you can think about so much. In fact, some things are as good as you said in Jiazhen. It is just icing on the cake to maintain the confidence of all parties. If you value too much, the gain is not worth the loss." Zuo Xiuquan smiled. "People say something is terrible. Some things should be considered when you can think about it. But when you just said killing an enemy, I was very touched. This is what you young people need, and it is what Wu Chao wants now. People say things. Now let us elderly people fix it. Now that you think it clearly, you should concentrate on doing things. Of course, don’t forget to be cautious and think more at any time.”

"Yes, Wenhuai was taught. Thank you Uncle Quan for taking care of it."

Zuo Xiuquan stood up, sighed slightly, and then patted Zuo Wenhuai on the shoulder. They are all self-sufficient people, and for a while they can’t tell each other, so they give in to each other. For people like Zuo Xiuquan, seeing that there are real talents in the family, even if they think differently for a while, he is ultimately proud and proud. Most comforted.

The two of them walked out the door all the way, and at the moment they were just chatting about all sorts of everyday things. When he went downstairs, Zuo Xiuquan patted him on the shoulder and said, "There is a secret whistle on the roof."

"After all, there is not much time to come here, I am used to it," Zuo Wen said with a smile.

"When you get here, your Majesty attaches great importance to you. The forces of the Zuo Family are all staring here now. They are home. You don't need to be so vigilant. Don't tire them."

"I know." Zuo Wenhuai nodded, smiling at what the elder said.

In the early morning, in the Fuzhou Palace, Tie Tianying walked over the eaves and patrolled the posts.

In the Imperial Study Room, the lights were still on.

When Zhou Pei and the court lady came over carrying lanterns, Jun Wu was wearing pajamas, holding a writing brush in one hand and an oil lamp in the other. They were looking at the southeast map on the wall, and half of the letters were written on the table.

"Your Majesty, it's not early, it's time to rest."

"There is still something to write." Jun Wu didn't look back, holding the oil lamp, still looking at the corner of the map. After a long time, he said: "If I want to open the sea route, I have been thinking these days, where to break the game... …Mr. Nanning said about the spider web. The so-called innovation is to work **** this spider web. No matter where you go, someone will pull you for profit. People with interests in their bodies will remain unchanged if they can change. It’s common sense in the world, but yesterday I thought, if I really make up my mind, maybe I can solve the Guangzhou issue next."

Zhou Pei frowned, then his eyes lit up.

Jun Wu still held the oil lamp: "Since we settled down in Fuzhou, we don’t have much territory on our hands. Going south is just to Quanzhou. Most of the people who support us will not be able to ship in. For the past year, we have pinched Guangzhou’s neck. Shaking all the time, I really want a lot of things. Recently the emperor said that they also have ideas?"

"In the past two months, several cargoes were said to have suffered accidents. The specifics are still unclear."

"We Wu Dynasty, after all, lost the whole country. To regain Fuzhou, I am glad that the businessmen in Fuzhou, but far away in Guangzhou, will inevitably lose their interests. Liu Fuming guards Guangzhou and has been delivering supplies for us, which is considered conscientious. But for Guangzhou As far as the merchants and ordinary people in China are concerned, what is the difference between the so-called communist society is difficult and the people's anointing. If we want to develop the sea trade this time, we will use the power of the Gewu Institute to improve the ships and equip them with new artillery from the southwest and open them to Guangzhou. China’s maritime merchants will be able to form a synergy with Guangzhou, and then we will be able to truly...more land..."

Zhou Pei looked at him quietly, nodded, and then asked softly: "Is that sure? You want to go like this?"

In the end, countless pros and cons analyses will eventually fall into a certain major goal. Whether it was going north to Lin'an or looking at the sea, once it started, two completely different guidelines and routes might be formed. Jun Wu put down the oil lamp and didn't speak for a while. But after a while, he raised his head to look at the night outside the door, frowning slightly.

Some movement seemed to be faintly coming from a distance.

"...Water in the city?"

The area of ​​the palace was small, and it lived on high places, so you could feel the signs of commotion from a distance. UU reading www. uukanshu. com Because something may have happened in the city, the guards in the palace are also mobilizing. After a while, Tie Tianying came to report.

"His Majesty...Wen Hanyuan was attacked by bandits, causing a big fire..."

Jun Wu was slightly stunned: "...what?"

"Wenhanyuan was attacked, and the Weichen sent a nearby guard over there. According to reports, there was a fight and a fire broke out. The casualties were not yet..."

With a bang, Jun Wu's fist hit the table, and the bloodshot eyes that had accumulated from staying up all night seemed particularly obvious at this moment.

"Take the sword, wear the armor, I want to leave the palace."

"The situation is still unclear at this time, and it is not suitable for your Majesty to move."

"Don't be impulsive—"

Tie Tianying, Zhou Pei and others quickly blocked it.

In the city of Fuzhou, many people were awakened from their sleep, and the night seemed to burn. The fire in Wenhanyuan lit the prelude to a series of struggles in the southeast...

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