Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 24: The Great Tide of the Times Haohao Soup (3)

When time passed ugly, the night was dark to the deepest level. The breath of flames near Wenhanyuan was pressed down, but teams of lanterns and torches were still gathered here, and the three floors inside and outside changed the atmosphere around here. It must be killed.

The guard in the palace had already laid a tight line of defense along the courtyard wall. Cheng Zhouhai and his deputy got off the carriage and contacted Tie Tianying, who had arrived here first.

"...Since the fire is about to rush, all the yamen's hands are on standby immediately, no one is allowed to move without an order... Your forbidden army looks at the inner circle, I sent people to look around, there are suspicious and spying , Let’s make a note of it, after today, we will come to visit each other..."

"... Your Majesty will come over later."

"...Okay." Cheng Zhouhai nodded, "How about the casualties?"

Tie Tianying looked at his deputy next to him: "It's terrible."

"Okay." Cheng Zhouhai nodded again, and then waved his hand with his deputy, "Go, watch outside, come and report if you have any news."

"Yes." The deputy left with orders.

Not long after, the convoy followed by guards came from the north and entered the side entrance outside Wenhanyuan. Jun Wu, with a long sword hanging from his waist, got out of the car, followed by Zhou Pei. They sniffed the air, followed by Tie Tianying and Cheng Zhouhai, and walked toward the courtyard.

In Wenhan Garden, the entire scale of a third-floor building, one house was burned out by the fire, and most of the main building was also burned. Due to the large-scale arrival of the water dragon cart, the air was full of unpleasant smells left by half of the wood burning at this time, and there was occasionally a **** smell faintly permeating. Because he had to discuss matters with Zuo Wenhuai and others every day, Li Pin, who lived not far away, had already arrived. He was greeted at this time and bowed with Jun Wu and Zhou Pei.

"How about the casualties of Zuo Qing's family?" Jun Wu asked first.

"Your Majesty, Princess, please come with me."

As Li Pin said, he led them to the third building which is still intact. Some young people were seen on the way. Several of them seemed to be moving in the burnt room of the main building. What to do.

"Zuo Wenhuai and Xiao Jingyi, are all okay?" Jun Wu suppressed his curiosity and did not ran to the scorched building to check. He asked on the way. Li Pin nodded and said in a low voice, "It's okay. The fight is fierce, but both Left and Xiao are prepared. Several people were injured. Fortunately, no major incident occurred. No one was killed, just two seriously injured. It’s hard to say for now."

Hearing this answer, Jun Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the burned-out one and a half buildings before he said to the side: "What are they doing there?"

"During the fight, several bandits rushed into the room in the building, wanting to fight stubbornly. Several people here persuaded to surrender in the room, but they resisted too fiercely, so...threw a few bombs from the southwest. Now that the body is broken, they... go in to find some clues. But the scene is too tragic, and it is not suitable for your Majesty to go over and watch."

"Don't look." Jun Wu looked at the ruined room over there, his brows stretched, he replied in a low voice, and then said, "The real countryman."

Blasting people to pieces with bombs is obviously not the criterion for the judges of the country, but seeing the emperor's rejoicing in this violent atmosphere, of course no one doubts it. After all, the emperor has been chased and killed all the way since he was enthroned. This drama of being assassinated by bandits and then drawing people around the house and exploding to pieces is really appetizing for him.

——That's how good people should be!

"Are the books and materials transported from the southwest damaged?" At this time, he looked at the burning trace and asked about this.

"Since arriving in Fuzhou, the first thing we did was to organize, copy and back up these books and materials. Even if something happens today, the materials will not be damaged. Oh, the fire scene that your Majesty saw at this time was intentional. Let it burn..."


"Your Majesty has to do something and suffer a loss first. It is an excuse. Use or not. After all, they are just these two houses. In addition, as soon as Lord Tie came over, he sealed the inner wall tightly, and the courtyard was tightly sealed. We Externally, it is said that tonight the loss was heavy and many people died, so the situation outside was a little flustered..."

"well done."

Jun Wu couldn't help but compliment.

The group had arrived in front of the intact wooden building at this time, and Jun Wu also observed some things along the way. Although the guards were responsible for some of the defenses on the outer and inner walls of the yard, the cleaning and surveying of the fighting locations was obviously controlled by this Chinese army team.

This is unusual. In theory, Tie Tianying must be responsible for this first-hand information. The two sides must have had some differences and even conflicts because of their exclusion. But in the face of Zuo Wenhuai and others who had just finished a round of killing, Tie Tianying was still not strong after all.

What emerges here is the true strength of this team of more than forty people from the southwest, which is very different from the respect and even shyness shown by Zuo Wenhuai in the past time. For those in power, there are of course bad signals here, but for Jun Wu who has been wondering and fantasizing about the powerful Southwestern forces, he has figured out a lot of things.

That's right, if it weren't for such an attitude, how could the teacher uprightly defeat Zonghan and Xiyin in the Southwest, who were more difficult to deal with than the Jurchen Eastern Route Army.

As a young and energetic emperor in his early thirties, he struggled for a lot of time under the shadow of failure and death, and had countless fantasies about what kind of iron-and-blooded atmosphere in the Chinese Army camp in the southwest. When the Huaxia Army finally defeated Zonghan Xiyin, he thought of the long-term failure and the massacre of the people of the Wu Dynasty. He only felt guilty in his heart, and even said directly such things as "the man should be like this".

Zuo Wenhuai was a talent cultivated by Zuo’s family in the southwest. After arriving in Fuzhou, although the preface of the palace was frank, it seemed too shy and literary. He still had some discrepancies with the Huaxia Army in Junwu’s imagination. I felt regretful for this: maybe the Southwest side considered that Fuzhou was too academic, so it sent some slick and sophisticated civilian soldiers over. Of course, it was a good thing to be useful, and he would naturally not complain about it.

At this moment, the side of Tu's poor vision was revealed in front of him.

That’s how it works!

Walking to the front of the two floors, a young Chinese army man from the southwest saluted him. He stretched out his hands to support the opponent's body stained with blood, and asked where Zuo Wenhuai was, and learned that Zuo Wenhuai was working. Looking at the culprit's body and wanting to call him out, Jun Wu waved his hand: "It's okay, let's take a look at what they are!"

At this time, the place where the corpses of the gangsters was placed was on the left side of the first floor. He had not yet reached it. Zuo Wenhuai and others, who had learned that the emperor had come, opened the door and gave a greeting to Junwu. Junwu greeted them a few words. , And then smiled towards the room.

"Your Majesty, there..."

Zuo Wenhuai also wanted to persuade him, but Jun Wu said, "It's okay, I've seen a corpse." He especially likes the sense of vigor and resoluteness.

This room is quite large, but the inside is full of blood and blood. The corpses are placed in three rows in front and back, and there are about twenty. Some are on the ground, some are on the table. Perhaps I heard that the emperor came over. A few hastily pulled a layer of cloth to cover. Jun Wu pulled away the cloth on the table, and saw that the body below had been stripped of his clothes, lying there naked, some of the wounds were more **** and hideous.

"...We have checked. Most of these corpses have dark and rough skin and calluses on their hands and feet. They look like people who have been at sea all year round. We have also noticed that some people have flexible steps during the fight. But the action of the bottom plate is very strange, like kung fu on a boat... We dissected a few people’s stomachs, but we didn’t find any obvious clues for the time being. Of course, when we first arrived, some traces could not be found, and we have to wait for the details. Let’s test it..."

Stomach dissection... Jun looked at the disgusting corpse with arms, and nodded again and again: "Has you come?"

"...Because we don't know who is doing it at the moment, we discussed with Master Li and thought that we shouldn't wait for people to come in first, so..."

"It's right. How about bandit martial arts?"

"The skills are all good, if you put it right in private, the outcome is unpredictable."

"Then why are we so few casualties?...Of course this is a good thing, I'm just a little strange."

"His Majesty, fighting in battle is different from provocations and provocations. Wenhanyuan is guarded by troops outside, but we have carefully planned what methods will be used if we want to attack here. There have been some plans. When the gangsters came, the secret sentry we arranged first discovered the other party, and then temporarily organized a few people to patrol with lanterns, and deliberately led them to one place. After they came in, they wanted to resist. It was a bit late...but these People are determined and not afraid of death. We only caught two seriously wounded people. We bandaged them and handed them over to Lord Tie later..."

"Yeah..." Jun Wu nodded, listening with gusto, and then solemnly said: "If you have this will, it may be the domestic slaves of some big clan. You can look for it carefully, and you can find it out."

"From the perspective of these people's steps in sneaking in, the troops on duty at the periphery know quite well. They just chose the time to change the guard. They came in quietly without disturbing them. This shows that the people here in Fuzhou do have a deep relationship. In addition, it hasn’t been a month since I came here, and I didn’t actually start doing things. I don’t know who made the move, so I’m so excited to get rid of us... These things are temporarily unclear..."

Jun Wu smiled: "These things can be investigated slowly. You and Li Qing made a good decision temporarily. First, block the news, burn the building deliberately, and show the enemy's weakness. When the news of your damage is released, follow It seems to me that those who are pregnant with ghosts will eventually show up slowly. Don’t worry, I will find a place for you for today’s affairs. By the way, where is the injured person? Take me to take a look first. The imperial doctor can put him in first, and after he is treated, he will be guarded strictly, and he is never allowed to reveal the slightest noise here."

Everyone then went to see the wounded in the room on the other side of the building. Jun Wu reflected: "In fact, since entering Fuzhou, some people have assassinated me before, but because the army is stationed nearby, there are also Tieqing’s. After all, there are few people in the city who dare to assassinate and kill people. You only came to Fuzhou and encountered such a thing. It is my negligence. The things in these dens really care about me. I don’t see them working so hard—"

He cursed fiercely.

This team from the southwest arrived here, after all, they have not yet begun to participate in large-scale reforms. In the first round of speculation in everyone's minds, first of all, they still think that those old scholars who have been thinking about the crime of slaying the king are the most likely to make a move. It is a truly massive act to be able to mobilize dozens of people to carry out the assassination in this way. If Zuo Wenhuai and others had arrived in Fuzhou, they would take it lightly, and they would probably die on the first floor tonight.

But looking at the blood stains on these people and the steel wire armors under their coats, Jun Wu understood that these young people were more serious about this fight than others in Fuzhou.

Such things may mean that they don't trust their own side in normal times, but right now, it really proves their correctness.

"I want to apologize to you." Jun Wu said, "but I also promise you that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

"Your Majesty does not need to be like this." Zuo Wenhuai bowed his head and paused slightly. "Actually... to say something rebellious, Mr. Ning from the southwest has told us before coming here, as long as the interests are involved, internal Struggle is more dangerous than external struggle, because many times we don’t know where the enemy comes from. Since your majesty has implemented reforms, we will be your pawn. Pawns do not avoid swords and guns, so your majesty does not have to wait for me to see. Too delicate."

Jun Wu looked at him, was silent for a long time, and then let out a long, long sigh of relief. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the meeting he had with the members of the Huaxia Army before Jiangning ascended the throne. It was the first time he saw the spies of the Huaxia Army head-on. The city was in critical condition and the supplies were tense. He wanted the other party to ask if there was enough food, UU Reading www.ukanshu.com, the other party answered: There is enough food, because there are not many people...

At this moment, Zuo Wenhuai faintly overlapped with that figure...

This is the Huaxia Army.

This is the Chinese Army!

If there were such soldiers around me back then, how could Jurchen raging and slaughter in Jiangnan...

He nodded.

After that, everyone discussed in the room for a while, about how to confuse the outside world and how to find out who is the master this time... When they left the room, the members of the Hua Xia Army had already banned some of them from Tie Tianying’s men. Wei made a handover—they were covered with blood, and even those who were still able to move looked seriously injured and miserable. But under this miserable appearance, the people who have survived the battle with Jurchen have begun to accept the challenges of strangers who are ground snakes in this strange place...

Before dawn, stars were shining in the night sky, the atmosphere of the fire was still pervading, and the night still seemed restless and restless. One wave after another is about to show its own posture...

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