Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 25: The Great Tide of the Times Haohao Soup (4)

In May, the advancing caravans passed through Zizhou one by one, passed the Wangyuan Bridge, passed the Shiling where the Jurchen army finally retreated, and passed the wild mountains that experienced battles... until May 2 On the twelfth day, pass Jianmenguan.

After coming here more than a year later, many places have changed their appearance. The roads that can be widened in the mountains have been widened as much as possible. At this time, the places where soldiers were stationed everywhere have been changed to nodes for business travelers to rest, rest, and staff on the road. After the opening of the southwestern trade situation, the road to exit will be different. It's not enough. The mountain road that enters from Jiange must ensure that a large number of tourists come and go, so it also arranges a lot of staff to maintain order.

Most of these workers are serious and fierce. People who come and go are required to follow the prescribed path strictly and not to stay in relatively narrow places. Their voices are very loud and their law enforcement attitude is quite rude, especially when they arrogantly speak to the outside and ignorant people, and vaguely reveal the superiority of the "Southwesterners".

The scholars in the caravans out of Sichuan didn’t think there was anything when they came. They had been traveling in Chengdu for a while, and they began to discuss that these people were also "foxes and tigers", but they were small officials, and they looked more like the big officials in Chengdu. Arrogant. Some people secretly recorded these situations, and prepared to publish them as Southwestern information after returning home.

Ning Ji’s original camp for wounded soldiers has now been transformed into a quarantine station for migrants. Many civilians who come to the southwest have to conduct a round of inspections here. The main body of the inspections are mostly migrant workers. Wearing uniform clothes, often carried by some team leaders, they watched everything around them curiously and cautiously. According to the scholars, most of these "poor people" were sold in.

Along the way, there are many memorial areas of the Southwest Campaign: what kind of battle happened here, what kind of battle happened there... Ning Yi paid attention to such "face-saving projects", and there were a lot of them after the battle. In fact, during the entire Southwest Campaign, every battle actually took place quite tragically. After the internal verification, textual research, and compilation of the Huaxia Army, the monument was carved in the corresponding place. Due to the limited number of stone carving workers, this The project is still continuing. Everyone walks on the journey and occasionally hears jingling sounds.

During the Southwest War, the Jiange Mountain Road was messed up, the road was damaged, and the transportation capacity was tight. Especially in the later period, the Huaxia Army rushed to the road with the retreating Jurchens. The Huaxia Army had to cut off the way to leave the enemy and the women left behind. Real people often fight desperately, with hysterical fights on both sides. Many soldiers' corpses are too late to be collected and distinguished. Even if they are distinguished, they cannot be transported to the rear for burial.

Later, the camps were only roughly distinguished and burned together, and their ashes were buried in the ground or scattered in the mountains. Therefore, these soldiers did not have graves elsewhere. The records in this mountain were not only their monuments, but also their real tombstones.

Qingshan had the honor to bury the loyal bones. Regarding the records everywhere in this mountain, people from either side showed sufficient respect. When resting in the temporary residence at night, some people would go to the nearby monument to worship incense and sing, and the smoke was burnt. Every time someone who burned paper money was stopped by the patrol team, or even started a debate or scolding, they would be arrested and locked up in the mountains for a day.

When the caravan was staying in the mountains, Ningji also went there twice. He didn't like Shangxiang, and preferred the memorial form of cutting up pork head meat, making some wine and eating it together. A middle-aged scholar in the same company saw that he was cute, so he enthusiastically told him the steps of worshipping gods and making memorial services. Sincere, the steps must be accurate, each method has meanings, otherwise the heroes here may be open-minded, but in the future it will inevitably offend the gods. Ning Ji looked at each other like a fool.

"I don't believe in God, there is no God in the world."

He despised people and looked very cute. Then the middle-aged scholar taught me: "Youth, young and energetic, but you shouldn't talk nonsense. Have you seen everything in the world? How can you say that there is no god? There are gods in the first three feet... and you can easily offend other people if you say this straightforwardly..."

Ning Ji said in his heart that labor and capital have said that there is no god, and you still keep saying what if someone offends me... But after experiencing the things in the small yard last year, he knew that there are so many foolish fools in the world, so he was too lazy. Go talk.

The middle-aged scholar thinks that his reaction is cute and cute. Although young and energetic, he is not like other children who talk back and argue, so he continues to say a lot...

Along the way, people showed various performances to the hero's memorial service. For Yu Ningji, except for some memories in his heart, he didn't touch too much. When he was not too old to remember anything, he said to them "I'm going out" when he was going up the incense, left Jianmenguan, and waved back towards the mountain. The leaves on the mountain waved in the wind.

After leaving Jiange, it is still the territory of the Chinese Army.

The Southwest War, the final decisive battle between the Seventh Army and the Jurchen West Route Army, created a large area from Jiange to Hanzhong for the Chinese military circle, and in fact created a lot of convenience for the shipment of Southwestern materials. Although there have been two roads in Sichuan since ancient times, but in fact, it is not easy to go through the waterway of Yibin and Chongqing or the land way of Jianmenguan. In the past, the Huaxia Army was not able to manage outside, and business travelers from all over the world left Jianmenguan to live and die. There is life, although the greater the risk, the higher the profit, but in general it is not conducive to the flow of resources.

At this time, the Huaxia Army had two more collecting and distributing endpoints outside the sword pavilion. One of them was near Zhaohua after leaving the sword pavilion. The materials that came in or out could be gathered here once. Although many merchants still tend to enter Chengdu in person to obtain the most transparent price, in order to improve the transportation efficiency of Jiange Mountain Road, the horse team officially organized by the Chinese government will still transport many ordinary materials to Zhaohua every day, and even start to encourage People build some small workshops with low technical content here to ease the transportation pressure in Chengdu.

Since Chengdu’s major development has only been one year, it can only be said that Zhaohua’s layout is just beginning to take shape. A large number of people from the outside gather in this place outside Jiange, which is even more important than the development area of ​​Chengdu. It is dirty, messy, and poor. Workers transported from outside often have to stay here for about three days. They need to pay a sum of money, and the doctor will check for diseases such as the epidemic, take a hot bath, and if the clothes are too worn Usually, they have to change. The Chinese government will distribute all the clothes uniformly, so that many people appear to wear the same clothes after entering the mountain.

Ning Yi once complained at home that the clothes were unsightly, like a prisoner, but the auntie took him back with the cost issue.

Beggars in rags are not allowed to enter the mountains, but they are not without help. Many factories in the southwest will recruit people here at a low price. Once a "deed of sale" is signed, the quarantine and replacement costs of entering the mountain will be borne by the factory and deducted from the salary later.

"...Speaking of which, Zhaohua is still conscientious."

If you travel all the way, the scholar "has a lot to do." Lu Wenke sighed with Ning Ji: "The Huaxia Army has helped out a contract for the sale of people, and every household who buys here must have it. The contract is only set for five years. Who wants the manufacturer to pay? Yes, in the future, you can pay off your debts after you work. If you want to leave after five years, you can still pay a sum of money to redeem your life. However, after five years, there are also ten and twenty-year contracts with better conditions and promises. Many, sign for those who have the ability...but there are also black-hearted people who have signed the contract for 20 years. There is nothing in the contract. If it is signed, it will be miserable..."

"Since the Huaxia Army has given a five-year contract, it should be stipulated that only this one should be signed." Fan Heng, a middle-aged scholar who had previously been educated rather than worshipping God, frowned when he talked about it. What a difference in pants."

"Who knows what they think, I really want to say, those people who have no longevity, can walk here to sign the contract is considered good, what it looks like, you have heard of it."

A few scholars got together to play dumb riddles, chatted for a while, and then began to point out the various problems of the Chinese army living in Sichuan and Shu, such as the problem of inflow and outflow of materials that could not be solved, and Sichuan and Shu were only peaceful and difficult to make progress. The story of Fang Qiu quoted classics and criticized Fang Qiu.

The caravan of more than one hundred people went all the way, and all kinds of people gradually formed small groups. There were five scholars like Lu Wenke and Fan Heng, and most of them gathered together to chat. Ning Ji's identity is a young doctor with a family history. Although he has always been a scumbag in Zhangcun's school, his basic knowledge is not bad, and there is no problem in literacy, reading and writing. In addition to his cute appearance, this group of scholars will also treat him When they were of the same kind, chatting and talking nonsense, always called him together, and from time to time, there were people who even gave him snacks. Although most scholars and scribes are poor, those who can travel around with the caravan at this time still have some possessions.

After entering the caravan, Ningji can no longer eat like at home. More than a hundred people travel together, organized by a caravan, and eat a large pot of rice every day. Frankly speaking, the food this year is really unpalatable. Ning Ji can eat more on the grounds of "growing his body", but because of his martial arts practice. Years of metabolism speed, it would be a little scary to really eat.

His status as a doctor is a convenience. For such a long journey, most people can only walk on one pair of legs. After walking for a few days, blisters will inevitably occur. There are more than one hundred people, and there will often be small accidents such as broken feet. Rather than relying on their own The medical skills, the attitude of not afraid of dirty and tiring, and the harmless and cute face of humans and animals quickly gained the favor of most of the caravan, which made him...won a lot of snacks during the travel period.

Such a mentality is too inconsistent with the status of the future "top master in the world". Sometimes when I think about it, Ningji feels somewhat ashamed, but there is no way.

Mosquito meat is also meat. What else can I do if I’m away from home...

All the way to Zhaohua, in addition to showing a lot of people a little trouble, these five scholars get along more often. Fan Heng, the middle-aged scholar who taught Ningji to respect the gods, was relatively rich. He occasionally passed by cheap restaurants or food stalls and would buy something to feed him, so Ningji had to bear him.

When walking behind a few people, and often camping next to them, there are often a pair of father and daughter who are performing arts. Father Wang Jiang has practiced some martial arts. The body looks strong in middle age, but there is already abnormal blush on his face. He often exposed his shirtless throat to practice with an iron gun.

—— Hard practice of external skills, old age will be miserable. This middle-aged artist has actually had various problems, but these kinds of physical problems have accumulated for decades, and it is difficult to solve them. I would rather be able to see it, but it is also There is no way, it's like countless entangled thread balls, you need to be careful about which one to pull first and which one to pull later. Many famous doctors in the southwest can cure him, but he has been practicing battlefield medical skills for a long time. At this time, he was not fifteen years old, and he could only cure the opponent by prescribing a prescription, so he didn't say much.

The daughter of the performer is Wang Xiuniang. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. She has dark skin, well-proportioned figure and strong thighs. She has two braids and did not learn any advanced martial arts from her father. The most proficient technique is to turn somersault, which can turn a hundred at a time. Except for playing with monkeys, the father and daughter brought a well-trained monkey called Wangsheng. This time they went to Chengdu and seemed to have made a lot of money. They were happy to prepare to do business all the way back to Jiangnan.

The buskers can actually be beaten, but soon after starting the journey, Wang Xiuniang turned to Douwei again and came to Ning Ji for diagnosis and treatment. Her ankles were not terrible, but since then, Wang Xiuniang often came to harass Ningji. For example, after setting up camp, she gave Ningji some wild fruits, and also gave others some by the way. Sometimes she said, "Brother Aotian is so cute." To pinch Ningji's face, after a while, several scholars became familiar with her, and they could talk to each other for a while.

Ning Ji only thought that she was cute at first, but she soon realized that this woman should have come to Lu Wenke. When she stood there and talked to Lu Wenke, she always twisted her braids and twisted her hands subconsciously. The little tweaking gesture exudes the foul smell of courtship...women are like this, disgusting. Not surprising.

Of course, even though he understood this, he didn't have any plans to expose the other party's attempted behavior, on the contrary he was relieved. When the woman came over and twisted his cheek, he stretched out his hand to squeeze the other's cheek and pull the person away. Anyway, this woman didn't want to harm herself, and Lu Wenke didn't seem to be a good thing either. He didn't care about the fate of these two guys.


The caravan stayed near Zhaohua for a day, and would rather take a half-filled meal. In the middle, he left the group and ate a full meal secretly, and then went east with the caravan.

After leaving the sword pavilion, after Zhaohua, there are two roads to choose from.

One is to travel north to Hanzhong along the Jinniu Road along the site of the Chinese Army, and then follow the Han River to the east, and you can go anywhere in the world. This road is safe and connected to the waterway. It is by far the busiest road. But if you go east to Bazhong, you have to enter a relatively complicated place.

In the past, since the Huaxia Army jumped out of the three counties of Hedeng, due to lack of manpower, there was no strong intention to expand beyond the majority of the Chengdu Plain. Later, the Seventh Army occupied Hanzhong, and the large area east of Hanzhong was convenient under the instruction of the Jurchens. Belongs to Dai Mengwei. Of course, this was the act of Jurchens putting eye drops on the Huaxia Army, but it was actually blocking the road out of Sichuan, and it was not the current Huaxia Army that was uncomfortable.

After all, with the momentum of the Huaxia Army last year, with the momentum of defeating the Jurchens, it is basically no problem to penetrate Hanshui to Xiangyang. The reason for letting Dai Mengwei let go was apparently from his campaign to "save millions of Li people", so he raised his hand, but at the same time, the two sides also signed many contracts, including Dai Mengwei giving up control of Hanshui River. It is not allowed to stop the operation of the east-west trade routes, etc. This is the bottom line of the Hua Xia Army, and Dai Mengwei actually knew it well.

This is the embarrassment of unequal strength. If Dai Mengwei is determined to "do what makes you upset", then the Huaxia Army will directly penetrate him and accept millions or even millions of people. Tired, but if Dai Mengwei is really crazy, it may not be so difficult to endure it.

Dai Mengwei is not crazy, he is good at forbearance, so he will not play this kind of "I hit you to death in the face" when it is meaningless. But at the same time, he occupied the business road, but he could not even collect too high taxes. On the surface, he firmly criticized the Southwest. He could not directly do business with the Southwest, and every power dealing with the Southwest regarded him as A madman who may go crazy at any time, this is very uncomfortable.

If the Huaxia Army sent to the entire world only simple commercial artifacts, it would be better to say, but since the second half of last year, he opened up high-level ordnance and technology transfer to the entire world-this is the lifeline of the entire world, it is necessary The critical moment is to be slowly illustrated.

For example, I, Liu Guangshi, is making an important transaction with the Hua Xia Army. You are in the middle and suddenly go crazy. What should I do? For such a big thing, can't you just say that I believe you? My deal with Southwest is really important to save the world.

Dai Meng placed the Huaxia Army together, used the power of the Huaxia Army to check and balance the Jurchens, and then drew benefits from the Jurchens to fight the Huaxia Army. Such a series of methods were originally interesting for all forces in the world, and verbally supported He has quite a few people. However, as the various forces have actual interest contacts with the Southwest, most of them have expressed such worries in the face of Dai Mengwei.

Don't be crazy, don't intervene, yelling verbally is enough, don't really mess around...No, how can you guarantee this to us?

Once the Southwest side has complicated interests involved with various forces, Dai Mengwei becomes an eyesore. The whole world has been ravaged by the Jurchens for more than ten years, and only the Hua Xia Army defeated them. Now everyone is hungry for the power of the Southwest. In the face of such benefits, doctrine is nothing. Sooner or later, all the arrows will become what is pointed out by thousands of people, and what is pointed by thousands of people will end without disease, Dai Mengwei understands best.

So in the second half of last year, a rebellion broke out in Dai Mengwei's territory. A general named Cao Silong was opposed to Dai Mengwei and rose up to split a part of the border with the Chinese Army.

Although this General Cao opposed Dai, he didn't like the Huaxia Army next to him. Here he abruptly expressed his acceptance of the orthodoxy of the Wu Dynasty, the command of General Liu Guangshi and others, and called for setting aside chaos and destroying all anti-thief. Under this big and vague slogan, the only actual situation that he showed was that he was willing Accept the command of Liu Guangshi.

Liu Guangshi spent money in the southwest, which made Mr. Ning smile all over his face. Regarding this matter, he sent a letter very reluctantly, hoping that the Chinese People's Government would understand the position of General Cao Silong and raise his hands high. Mr. Ning also replied with the letter, although he was reluctant to do so, but since Party A’s father had spoken, this face must be given.

Therefore, between the Huaxia Army and Dai Mengwei and Liu Guangshi, an enclave similar to a free port appeared. This place not only has Liu Guangshi’s forces stationed, but also secretly such people as Dai Mengwei, Wu Qimei, and Zou Xu who cannot trade with the Southwest. There is room for small actions in private. For goods coming from the southwest, if you turn here, you may get more value. In order to ensure his own interests, Dai Mengwei has maintained a good place in this area. The law and order of the whole business has always been guaranteed. It is really ironic.

"... On the surface, Cao Silong is Liu Guangshi's person. After turning Dai Mengwei, he recognized Liu as the master, but in fact, we think he has always been Dai's person. The matter of Dai Gong is really an old treacherous..."

When approaching Bazhong, Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and others pointed out to Ning Ji again and talked about the topic of Dai Mengwei.

When going southwest, ordinary scholars would actually take the road in Hanzhong. Lu Wenke and Fan Heng were very careful when they came, because the war subsided and the situation was not stable. After arriving in Chengdu for a period of time, they had some judgments about the whole world. Several of them are Confucian scholars who pay attention to traveling thousands of miles. After seeing the Southwest China Army, they also want to see other people's turf. Some even want to seek fame outside the Southwest, so they followed this caravan out of Sichuan. . As for Ning Ji, he chose one randomly.

"Gong Dai is now in charge of Ankang and Shiyan, both of which are on the banks of the Han River. It is said that the people there are living well. Gong Dai ruled the world with Confucianism and Taoism, and he has made great achievements. So we are going to see it with our own eyes. Dragon What's next, little brother?"

The main purpose of this caravan in Sichuan was to make a round on the site of Cao Silong and stop at a county town north of Bazhong before considering where to go next. Lu Wenke asked about Ningji's thoughts, but Ningji didn't care: "I can do it all."

"Well, you might as well travel all the way, or have a look after." Fan Heng smiled, "We have discussed this route. We will detour northward from Bazhong, pass the direction of Mingtongyuan, and then go to Ankang to board the boat and take Jingxiang eastward. Aotian is not very young, it is best to follow us."

"I can do it." Ning Ji thought in his mind that he could have a big meal after entering the city, and didn't choose the way for the time being.

On the afternoon of the first day of June, the team crossed the congested mountain road that was not spacious and entered Bazhong.

Everything in the city is chaotic.

A large number of caravans gathered in the small city. Outside the newly-built simple inns, the shopkeepers carrying towels and the dusty women were shouting soliciting customers. The stench of horse dung on the ground was unpleasant. For those who used to travel from the south to the north, this may be a symbol of prosperity, but for the people who just came out of the southwest, the order here seems to be much worse.

"Look over there..."

When everyone was on their way to the cheap inn nearby, Lu Wen Kolalanin's sleeves pointed to the side of the street.

On both sides of the long road on the other side, there were simple sheds erected everywhere, and some were fenced outside, which looked like prison cells displayed on the street.

There are people in the shed.

Men and women with gray faces and ragged clothes, as well as such and such half-old children, some of them slumped spontaneously under the undivided huts, and some were surrounded by fences. Some children howled loudly, sucked their fingers, or chased them in a pigsty-like environment. The adults looked at this side with empty eyes.

Going to jail is not like going to jail. It is not accurate to say that they are completely free.

"They are..." Ning Ji frowned.

"This is what Zhaohua said. The beggars who can walk there are all lucky. Those people can still choose, sign a five-year contract, maybe they pay off their debts in half a year and work in the factory for five years. There is still a lot of money left... These people have nothing in the chaos of the war, and some people are outside, saying that they will be brought to the Southwest. The Southwest is a good place. The contract is signed for 20, 30 years, For forty years, the wages have not been 10% of Zhaohua... What can be done? For the adults and children of the family, it is not only that I can only buy myself..."

"I think this is all a problem with the Huaxia Army!" Middle-aged uncle Fan Heng said as he walked aside, "Speaking of the law and contract, it is actually inhuman! There is a five-year contract in Zhaohua Mingming, then It’s not right to stipulate that all the contracts are the same. These people went to the southwest, and the contracts they had signed were so bad. The Huaxia Army should uphold justice and change them all. In this way, all people will support it! Mr. Ning, I said that when I was in the Southwest, I was also a fool. If I deal with this matter, it will take less than a year to repay it. The Southwest will have the best reputation!

"Maybe they want them to come by themselves..." Ning Ji whispered while looking at those hollow eyes. He felt compassionate and saw that the enemy could be killed, but it was uncomfortable to see such eyes.

There were noisy voices in the market, and Fan Heng, who was criticizing the Huaxia Army, could not hear what Ningji said. A scholar named Chen Junsheng who was walking in front turned around and said: "It's not easy to transport people, you said...Where do these people come from?"

This question seems to be quite complicated and a bit sharp. The five people on the road have mentioned it, and perhaps have heard some public opinions. When asked at this time, Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and others were silent. After a while, Fan Heng spoke.

"Go and see...you will know. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He meant something, and everyone continued to walk forward. Ning Ji became a little curious. When approaching the inn, he asked Lu Wenke, "Where to see what?"

Lu Wenke turned his head and whispered: "There was a saying in the past that most of the workers who have entered the Southwest over the years were sold from the site of Dai... There are so many workers, and Gong Dai is here. Of course there are, but not most of them. It is difficult for anyone to say clearly. We should go over there to have a look when we discuss it on the way. In fact, Dai Gong has a profound knowledge. The real person saved millions of people, but it is a great merit that cannot be erased. We are a little unbelieving to defile him with this."

"Oh." Ning Ji nodded. If he meets Dai, he will naturally kill him with a single sword. As for judging Dai's merits and demerits with these people, he will not do it, so there is no more comment.

Perhaps because of the sudden increase in passenger traffic, the newly built inn in Bazhong City is as simple as a wild land, and the air is sultry and filled with an inexplicable smell of shit. In the evening, when I would rather climb onto the roof and look into the distance, I saw the messy sheds and livestock-like people in the street market. At this moment, I truly felt that I had left the place of the Chinese Army.

I feel a little homesick...

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