Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 26: The Great Tide of Times Haohao Soup (5)

In troubled times, people have their own places to go.

After leaving Bazhong, the forward caravan emptied most of the cargo and lost dozens of accompanying persons.

Two of the five scholars also parted ways with Ning Ji and others here. There were left "great potential" Lu Wenke, "respect for the gods" Fan Heng, and occasional "cold-faced bitch" Chen Junsheng who expressed their opinions. They agreed to go a long distance together, crossed Bazhong and entered Dai Mengwei's site, and then followed the east of the Han River. In, rather than go on the road with them.

Leaving Bazhong and heading north, the caravan sold all the goods in the next county. Theoretically speaking, their journey ends here. Ning Ji and Lu Wenke and others who continue to move forward either find the next caravan to accompany or set off on the road. However, that evening, the boss of the caravan found them in the inn, saying that he had taken a good job temporarily, and then he had to take a trip to Dai Mengwei's site, and he could still travel for a while.

The two sides have become acquainted for more than a month, and Lu Wenke and the others readily accept this, rather than nothing else. So on the fifth day of June, the team of dozens of horses and more than 90 people carried some goods and drove some passengers on the same route, gathered a hundred people, and headed east along the winding mountain road. .

Among the newly joined passengers were two scholars, and they soon became acquainted with Lu Wenke and others. The team of "rudish scholars" who accompanied them has since returned to five people, chatting beside Ning Ji every day. As for Wang Jiang, Wang Xiu’s father and daughter who are playing monkeys and performing arts, they are still walking with the team at this time. They are more familiar with each other. When they walk the mountain road in the day and chat with a campfire in the evening, they look ordinary but physically. The vigorous Wang Xiuniang can also say a few more witty words with Lu Wenke and others.

The vicinity of Bazhong is still mountainous, and going north will eventually reach the bank of the Han River and enter Hanzhong under the rule of the Chinese Army. It is not easy to travel east along the rugged mountain road, but after crossing Micang Mountain, you will enter the hinterland of Dai Mengwei's rule.

The situation during the recent period is special. The number of merchants who take this east-west mountain road has been several times more than in previous years. However, except for a very small number of locals, most of them are profit-seeking businessmen with their own special purposes and demands, like Lu Wenke and Fan. Heng and Chen Junsheng are among the few who are thinking about "reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles" and therefore plan to go to see behind the Dai Mengwei site.

In fact, before they crossed the Han River, crossed the Jianmen Pass, and arrived in the southwest, Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and others were not conscious of wandering around. They just stayed in the bustling atmosphere of Chengdu for several months. Only these few scholars are ready to take a look at the whole world in a relatively harsh environment.

Of course, Ning Ji is even less clear about these things in the middle. His current policy is still to bear the humiliation in the name of Long Aotian. It's just that in the last few days, I can vaguely feel the subtle changes in the tone of several scholars talking and chatting.

When these scholars were in the Huaxia Army, they talked about many major events in the world, and they were mostly motivated and arrogant. From time to time, they pointed out the improprieties of the Huaxia Army. However, after entering Bazhong, it seems that the scenes of loudly pointing the country gradually disappeared. Many times compared the scene outside with the two of the Huaxia Army, and most of them reluctantly admitted that the Huaxia Army is indeed powerful. , Although it is inevitable to add a few words "but..." after this, these "but..." are after all much quieter than when they were on the side of Jianmenguan.

It was not a time when Wu Chaotianxia had not been peaceful and generous, but the dreamlike scenes were already more than ten years ago. The arrival of the Jurchens destroyed the fantasy dreams of the Jurchens. Even if Jiangnan had a few years of stability and prosperity, the short-lived prosperity could not really conceal the humiliation and fear of the Jurchens from the fall of the Central Plains. It was only ten years in Jianshuo. , It has not been able to create a solid atmosphere of "taking Hangzhou as Bianzhou".

The fourth journey of the Jurchens to the south did indeed bring about a catastrophe that the entire Wu dynasty fell apart. However, in the later period of this disaster, the Huaxia Army, which had been on the edge, was born and defeated Jurchen’s most powerful West Route Army. It brought them too great an impact.

These scholars plucked up the courage to go to the southwest and saw the development and prosperity of Chengdu. This kind of prosperity is actually not what touches them the most, but what really makes them feel at a loss is that the core behind this prosperity has theories and arguments that they cannot understand and are incompatible with the flourishing age of the past. These statements make them feel vain and uneasy. In order to fight against such uneasiness, they can only shout loudly and try to prove their value.

However, after leaving the land in the southwest, what they need to face is a broken mountain and river after all.

What's the point of continuing to speak loudly?

These things, for Ning Ji, it will take years to think about these things before they can really see clearly.


"...However, the biggest problem of the Huaxia Army, in my opinion, is still not being able to get a taxi."

Fan Heng and others continued the discussion at the moment when the caravan crossed the mountains and set up camp on the mountainside by the road in the evening to start a fire. It seems to be aware that he has left the Southwest, so he has to summarize his previous experience while his memory is still deep. The discussions over the past two days have gone deeper into some areas that they didn't elaborate on.

"...When I went to the southwest for a few months, all kinds of things were dazzling, the market was drunk, and the news on the newsprint was also eye-opening. But what do you care about most? To put it bluntly, it is not this southwest. The system of recruiting scholars. I have been to the so-called examination of civil servants once, have you ever been there?"

The middle-aged scholar named Fan Heng talked about this and looked at the people around him. Chen Junsheng smiled unpredictably with a cold face. Lu Wenke shook his head. The other two scholars said: "I passed the second class." Someone said: "It's okay." Fan Heng also laughed.

"On the day of the exam, not long after they entered the hall, two candidates tore up the paper and yelled at the paper as a shit. They studied the scriptures all their lives and had never seen such a vulgar scholarship system before they were invited out by the examination staff. To be honest, although I had prepared before, I never thought that Mr. Na Ning would have done so thoroughly... The five subjects of examination, the so-called language, mathematics, theory, structure, and application, overturned all the Confucian students’ previous studies. It's no wonder that everyone then made a lot of noise on the newsprint..."

Fan Heng said, shaking his head and sighing. Lu Wenke said: "The two subjects of language and theory are still somewhat related to what I have learned."

"Brother Lu is absurd." A scribe next to him also shook his head, "My generation has studied and studied for decades, self-literate and learned, to the Four Books and Five Classics, all the explanations in my life are the sage's trivial words, but the language tested in the southwest, It's just the foundation of literacy and learning. Look at the so-called Chinese test... In the first half of the book, an article in "Xue Er" is translated into vernacular and requires correct punctuation. "Xue Er" is just the beginning of "The Analects". I waited for my childhood It must be memorized. It is written on the top. What is the meaning of these questions?"

This person spread his hands and said, "As for the second half of the book, something happened in a certain place. I want you to write a letter to summarize it... Everyone, I only have one volume of Chinese. I have learned more than 20 years, but I can't test it. It is the foundation of the learning period. What Mr. Ning wants is someone who can write and write fluent sentences. This volume is 100%, it is said that I have taken advantage of it, but as long as literacy, who can not pass 80 Later, when I heard someone secretly talk about it, those with neat and gorgeous handwriting can add up to five points...five points."

He was indignant when he talked about the five points. Everyone naturally nodded.

"This is the place where my generation takes the most advantage." The man said bitterly, "And with the Chinese language, the mathematics is also a percentage, who is selected? It is just the treasurer of the accountant! Of course, Mr. Ning is very high-sounding. There are several items in the Six Arts of Gentlemen, and we can’t compare them to those accountants. The physical foundation is private, but now, it can’t be said to be unreasonable. After all, when you came to the southwest, Mr. Naning’s "Introduction to Physics "I've seen it all... But what is the so-called thinking about objects! Most of the five patterns on the test paper are one or two different from the others. Why are they different? Later, it was full of controversy. Mr. Ning was full of physics and objects. What is the relationship between these test questions and Gewu!"

"The five items of scholarship, except that language is slightly related to the past studies of classics, numbers, objects, and styles are all private goods. As for the last argument that the Lu brothers said before, although it is possible to discuss the situation of the world and write it out, When talking about the Southwest, don’t you still have to talk about one of his objects. The Southwest now has muskets, hot air balloons, rockets, and factories and workshops. If you don’t talk about these, how can you talk about the Southwest? And these, how can you discuss its development if you don’t understand its principles? So in the end, everything here is the private goods of Mr. Naning. So these days, how many scholars have gone to the southwest It's not going away in anger. Brother Fan's so-called inability to earn a scholar is just the same."

When he said this, everyone nodded. Chen Junsheng, with a grim face on the side, threw a stick into the fire:

"Not surprisingly, there have been rumors in the early years that the demon's ambition in his life was to destroy Confucianism, but later, the Southwest couldn't help but Confucian classics, and even the four books annotated by Qin Siyuan, which attracted people's desires and sought heavenly principles. The Southwest is selling great books to the outside world, and all parties in the world think he is retreating in spite of difficulties. Who knows that this time the Southwest recruits scholars, he realized that he was trying to be a poor man, not to say it, but there is really nothing under his hand. Be merciful. One volume of Chinese only tests for literacy and hyphenation. First, everyone has studied hard for decades, and then a few volumes of scheming and calculation. If Heiqi really wins the world, he will become a superior in the future, I am afraid he will really become Shopkeepers, accountants and others."

This Chen Junsheng didn't say much along the way, but as long as he spoke, he was often targeted. Everyone knew that he was talented and knowledgeable, so they couldn't help but ask: "Brother Chen didn't pass the exam?"

Chen Junsheng said proudly: "The message in my heart is not in the southwest. After reading it, I will go back after all."

Everyone was greatly admired, and Long Aotian, who was sitting at the side, shrank his head. At this time, he felt that the book was domineering, and he was a little shorter. He was a man of great martial arts, and he would be the best in the world in the future, but he did not love him after all. Reading has nothing to do with academic masters, so people with deep knowledge are always a little bit unaware. Of course, Chen Junsheng was the only one who could give him this feeling at this time.

"The message in my heart is not in the southwest. After reading it, I will go back after all...Write it down..." he thought in his heart. When I meet other people in the future, I can speak like this.

At this time, the sun had set, and the stars and night had risen in the dark mountains. Wang Jiang, Wang Xiu's father and daughter, and the two book boys came to the side and brought their food. Everyone continued to talk while eating.

"The same is true. In the past, everyone was ignorant of the theory of the extinction of Confucianism in the Southwest. By the first half of this year, these things will become clear. I have several friends who came out together because of this, and are going to vote for Dai Gong. Jundao Southwest’s perverse behavior is going to happen in the end. Those of my generation who are studying and learning will not be able to stay outside in the future. Southwest relied on the treasurer and accountant to defeat the Jurchens for a while, but Confucianism has been passed on for thousands of years. Could it really be better than this kind of profit-seeking trail?"

"It's useless to talk about moral articles. This is irrefutable. But if you don't talk about moral articles at all, can it last for a long time? I think that Dai Gong is right. He has lost his morals and is helpless. Sooner or later, bad things will happen. It's just his bad things. , It is also possible to make the world chaotic for decades..."

"I think the essence of the Southwest lies in the knowledge of things, and the way of physics is indeed broad and profound, but the lack lies in moral articles. The rule of things in the world can make the world's materials abundant and sufficient, but Confucianism focuses on people's hearts. Between the two, what is emphasized is a sublation. That’s all."

"In fact, in the southwest this time, although many people were caught off guard by the five exam papers of the language, mathematics and rationale, but the most keen thinking in the world is still among the scholars of my generation. After a while, the shopkeepers and accountants The literati can’t take advantage of it. After the scholars of my generation have thoroughly grasped the study of objects, they will certainly use them better than the vulgar generations in the Southwest. Mr. Na Ning is known as the demon of the heart, but what he accepts is all kinds of vulgar objects. It was a big mistake in his life."

"In my opinion, whether your thinking is quick or not does not depend on what you read. It's just that in the past it was my Confucian world, and most of the intelligent people in my childhood were selected in this way, but those who couldn't read, went to work as shopkeepers, accountants, Craftsmen... The benefits of the world’s ignorance of things in the past are a great omission, but even if you want to make up for this omission, you need quick-thinking people in the crowd to do it. Mr. Nanning, I can’t be wrong about things. What's wrong is that he acted too eagerly. Since the elites in the world were all Confucianists in the past, only Confucian methods can be used to select the elites, and then relying on these elites to gradually change them, and then it will be the truth. These shopkeepers, accountants, craftsmen and the like, because of their inferior qualifications, only practice low-level karma. He screened out those with inferior qualifications, and if they want to reform, how can they succeed?"

"Brother talks high."

"Rational, reasonable..."

After everyone talked about it, they talked about the fact that many Confucian scholars in the southwest had chosen the future. One of the two new scholars asked, "Have you ever considered Grandpa Dai?"

Fan Heng, Lu Wenke, Chen Junsheng and others looked at each other. Fan Heng frowned: "I waited for a few people to discuss with each other during the journey, and I did consider it, but at this time there were a lot of doubts in my heart. To be honest, the situation that Dai Gong has encountered since last year to this year is really not true. It's easy, and the response to it sounds admirable from afar..."

When everyone talked about Dai Mengwei's situation, they all nodded to Fan Heng.

Last year, when the Southwest War ended, Dai Mengwei saved millions of people in the hands of Zong Han and Xi Yin as a survivor. In a blink of an eye, he became the helm of the world’s largest forces and made clear that the battle against the Chinese Army was also worthwhile. The Huaxia Army has retreated, and Wei is indeed the most prominent figure in the world except for the Southwest China Army.

In a sense, his operation of turning his hands over the clouds and raining his hands is even more in line with the Confucian literati's imagination of the heroes than the bravery of the Huaxia Army. Just like when the Kingdom of Jin rose and the Kingdom of Liao remained undefeated, various Wu dynasty literati's tactics were endless, but the Jinren were too barbaric, and these plans eventually went bankrupt.

However, Dai Mengwei's success this time undoubtedly told the people of the world that with the strategy of the sea in his chest, the possibility of seizing the opportunity, making decisive shots, and using the power of Confucian scholars to manipulate the world in applause still exists.

Of course, despite such encouragement, in the following year, everyone knew to some extent that Dai Mengwei was not well.

Previously, the Jin Guoxi Road Army killed from Jingxiang to Hanzhong, and from Hanzhong all the way to Jianmenguan. Almost all cities and pools of thousands of miles along the way were burned, killed and looted. After that, there were still a large number of civilian husbands who were transporting grain by the Jurchen army. Water is stuffed in.

After the West Route Army evacuated in embarrassment, these people and materials could not be taken away. Millions of people, the damaged city, the few remaining supplies, plus a few Han troops with large numbers and weak combat power...were slammed into Dai Mengwei, although the Huaxia Army was for a while Retreat, but what is left to Dai Mengwei is still an embarrassing mess.

For most of the bystanders at that time, if Dai Mengwei was really a rotten scholar who only understood moral articles, then this piece of Dai's regime, which was pieced together under the special circumstances, might be due to various objective factors in the second half of last year. Falling apart.

However, things have not developed like this.

In the second half of last year, while the China People's Government inaugural meeting attracted the attention of the world, Dai Mengwei also completed his political arrangements along the Han River. Under the condition of lack of clothing and food, he sought help externally, mainly to Liu Guangshi, on the other hand, internally selected respected old elders and wise villagers, and based on the military situation, he divided the land and the settlements. Therefore, Dai Mengwei himself set an example to be thrifty, and he also called on all the people below to meet the hard times and resume production. Even on the banks of the Han River, he himself had personally set foot in the water and fished as an example.

In the last half of the year, the place under Dai Mengwei's jurisdiction experienced a difficult famine. Later, Cao Silong's rebellion rebelled and split a narrow area near the Huaxia Army into a neutral area. However, in most places under Dai Mengwei, the system of distributing responsibilities from the military to middle-level officials to the sages and senior citizens has played its role within a certain period of time.

Although some people starved to death in the interior, except for the "just right" rebellion broke out in Cao Silong's tribe, where there is a mess, there are not many signs of turmoil in the rest. Even this year, the miscellaneous generals and soldiers under the Jurchens who were originally still here seem to have more convincingly allegiance to Dai Mengwei. For the detailed reasons, all parties in the world have their own guesses. But the admiration of Dai Mengwei's methods is still a consistent emotion.

The old man who stood up high with the wrist with the sword walking in a high position in the blink of an eye, what was hidden in his chest was not just some plan of the sword walking in the front, he also indeed had his own solid skills in the upright administration.

So in the first half of this year, after the Confucian scholars who went to the southwest finally understood Mr. Ning's picture, they became more enthusiastic about Dai Mengwei's flattery. Many people think that Dai Mengwei has the posture of an "old sage", such as Tie Yan and Wu Qimei in Lin'an City, although they also opposed the Chinese Army, they are really different.

"...When I was in the southwest, I even heard a secret gossip saying that Mr. Na Ning talked about Duke Dai, and he couldn't help having a cross comment. The saying was'to cultivate the righteousness of the world, the ancient and the modern is perfect'... I want to come to the heart of his generation. Although the demon and Duke Dai are hostile, they sympathize with their abilities and have to be admired..."

In the light of the bonfire, Fan Heng shook his head and said gossip messages he heard from the southwest, and everyone listened with gusto. After saying this, he paused slightly.

"However, I can’t wait for Grandpa Dai’s side for three reasons... First, everyone naturally has their own place to go; second, I can’t help but worry. Even though Grandpa Dai is outstanding and smart, he is in this place. One piece, after all, it was the first part of the journey after the Huaxia Army left Sichuan. In the future, the Huaxia Army really has to do something. Whether the world can take it is of course two things. But the first person to bear the brunt is mostly unlucky. Dai Gong is the enemy of the Huaxia Army. , The firm will be the leader of the world, there is no room for change, and the jade will be burned in the future. After all, this position is still too close..."

"As for the third consideration, it is the news on the road recently that Mr. Dai's traffickers. If this rumor is implemented, it will greatly damage Mr. Dai's reputation. Although it is likely that the Huaxia Army deliberately spread rumors and slander, it can be implemented. Before, after all, it was inevitable to make people feel uneasy..."

When he said this, he lowered his voice slightly, and gestured in the direction of the others in the camp:

"The caravan's original itinerary was to stop in the north of Bazhong. Who knows that when it got there, the leader of Lu came over and said that there was a new business, so he went all the way east. I inquired privately, and it is said that he came here. On the other hand, a group of people are to be transported to Jianmenguan...Duke Dai’s lack of food and clothing, I am afraid it will be difficult to relieve this year. Many people are about to starve to death, so they have to sell themselves and their families together. The signing was a 20-year or 30-year death agreement. It was almost unpaid. The caravan prepared some food to take people away. People were transported to Jianmenguan like beasts. As long as they didn’t die, they would be transported to Jianmenguan. The black merchants in the southwest can make a lot of money in the process."

The fire was sobbing in the night, and the faces of the people around the fire were bright and dark. They remembered the scene of coming through the rugged mountain road this way, and they did pass by two caravans that were suspected of "traffickers" on the road. Most people have been sold "voluntarily", so they are not restricted in their freedom. It is difficult to make a conclusion, but at this time, imagine that it is really credible.

"...Dong Dai's side, food is indeed in short supply. If they have tried their best, some people will sell themselves to the southwest, it seems...not a big evil..."

Lu Wenke thought for a while and said hesitantly.

Fan Heng shook his head, his voice lowered: "If you are only willing to be sold, then there is nothing to say, but if there are all of Dai Gong's army and Xiangxian participating in this, what about? The people who could not support themselves under the rule were easily sold. While colluding with the black merchants in the southwest, the local village leaders and the army earned the bulk of it... If this is the case, how do you think about it?"

His low voice was mixed with the sound of the wind, and everyone around the fire leaned forward to listen. Even Ning Ji was listening while holding his empty rice bowl with his ears upright. Only Chen Junsheng picked up a branch and stabbed him in front of him. At the bonfire, sparks rose from the "crack" sound, and he smiled coldly.

"If this is the case, it can only show that Public Committee Dai is really shrewd and powerful...Think about it carefully. In such a situation, he has insufficient money and food to support so many people, so he sells those who can't live at the bottom. As a result of his work in the southwest, he obtained money and food, and used the money and food to stabilize the army under his hand, the old elders and the wise people everywhere. Because of the suppression by the army, old elders and wise people, although there are famines in various places, there will be no chaos. Because the upper and middle levels have benefited, the mobs who were originally left by the Jurchens have really been united in this mere one year, and they have sincerely recognized Dai Gong as the master. According to Southwestern, it is Being united by Grandpa Dai..."

The branch in his hand is pulling the flames: "In this troubled world, if it weren't for such a means, how can UU Reading www.uukanshu.com really be on the same stage with the northern gold man and the southwest black flag, and break each other's wrists? Ability, how can I get that Mr. Ning’s convincing "French ancient and modern perfect man"? I said as early as in Bazhong, where do so many people come from? There were speculations at the time, but if it was true, I was right This person, Dai Gong, was even more admiring. When he took over the site from the golden man, he was still a mob. In one year, all the interests of all parties were taken care of. From top to bottom, I think that I admire him, presumably the southwestern Mr. Ning really regarded him as an opponent after seeing these things."

"Of course you can say that." Fan Heng sighed, "But those who were sold..."

"In troubled times, they are still alive after all, so how can they complain?" Chen Junsheng said, "and they were alive later, they were also sold to the southwest. Think about it, they signed a contract of sale for 20 to 30 years to give Those black businessmen worked hard and were unpaid. Ten years or eight years, grievances broke out, and I am afraid it was also vented on the head of the Huaxia Army. When Dai Gong showed his benevolence and righteousness, he might be able to bring the other side into the army. According to me Say ah, Southwest said it respected the contract. In the end, leaving such a big gap, that Mr. Ning is not exhaustive after all. Sooner or later, he will suffer a big loss in these things..."

Everyone's feelings were complicated. Hearing this, they nodded, and Ningji licked the empty bowl next to him. At this time, his face tightened, and he couldn't help nodding. According to this "cold-faced bitch", the old man surnamed Dai is too bad. Like everyone in the General Staff, they are all scheming dogs good at digging...

And I overheard such a big secret today, and I don't know if I should write back to warn my father. Running away from home by oneself is a major event, but the news from Dai Laogu is obviously also a major event. It is difficult to make a decision for a time, and he licks his job tangledly...

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