Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 27: Annoyance

The caravan marched through the mountains, and arrived near the mountain city named Zhenba the next day, and had indeed entered Dai Mengwei's territory.

For the Ning Ji child who will be the best in the future, this is the first time in his life that he has left the territory of the Chinese Army. During the journey, he has also imagined many encounters, such as the rivers and lakes described in the novel. , Bandit, I was found out of my identity, **** death, etc., and all kinds of amazing beautiful rivers and mountains... But at least during the first period of the journey, everything was incompatible with the imagined picture.

The rivers and mountains are not beautiful, and the hard-to-go places are no different from Liangshan and Jianshan in the southwest. The desolate mountain villages, messy markets, inns full of horse dung, and unpalatable food are scattered sparsely after leaving the Huaxia Army. On the road-and there were no horse bandits or bandits. Even the previous rugged mountain road was not guarded by bandits, staged a scene of killing or buying road money, but on the small road entering the town, there was The soldiers under Dai Mengwei set up cards to charge fees and check the documents, but they did not make things difficult for those who came from the southwest such as Ning Ji, Lu Wenke, and Fan Heng.

It was so different from what he imagined.

"... Cao Silong went out on purpose, and then came as a middleman to transfer supplies from the southwest. Therefore, the trail from Cao to Dai is protected by the two families. It is too early for the bandits to set up the village on the way. Was knocked out. In this world, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps, how can there be any way to go for the heaven...

Lu Wenke and others answered Ning Ji's doubts.

Without the romance of smiling proud of the rivers and lakes, what surrounds you is mostly realistic. For example, the adjustment of the original food intake is a long-term problem that has plagued the young brother of the Long family along the way-it is not unbearable. The food you eat every day is guaranteed to have no problems in action, but the change in habits makes people greedy for a long time. This kind of rivers and lakes experience can only be put in the stomach in the future, no one can tell, even if someone writes a novel in the future, I am afraid that no one will love it.

In addition to being greedy, he has actually maintained mental vigilance for the fact that he has entered the enemy's territory, and is always ready to fight and flee in blood. Of course, this kind of preparation made him feel more and more boring, especially since Dai Mengwei's guards didn't find faults and provoked them, bullying themselves, which made him feel that there is a kind of resentment that there is nowhere to vent.

The imagination of the rivers and lakes has initially failed, but in reality, it is not without gain. For example, in the daily twittering of the "Fu Rufu Group", Ning Ji has roughly figured out the "understanding" of Dai Meng's micro-domain. According to these people's speculations, Dai Laogu was on the surface, and secretly trafficked and controlled people to go to the southwest. He also joined forces with the village sages and the army to make the difference, which is really an abomination.

However, this reality is much more complicated when compared with the delightful enmity between the "jianghu". According to the rules of the "jianghu" in the story, the traffickers are naturally bad guys, and the traffickers are of course the innocents, and the good guys who fight for justice kill the bad guys who traffic in humans, and then they will be appreciated by the innocents. . But in fact, according to Fan Heng and others, these innocent people were actually sold voluntarily. They couldn’t eat and signed a contract for 20 to 30 years. If anyone killed the traffickers, they would be cut off. The life of the sellers.

The victims are voluntary, and the traffickers are doing good deeds. Even the Southwest, which is known as China, is still buying people on a large scale—also doing good deeds. As for the possible big villain Dai Gong...

“Dai Gong’s jurisdiction is said to have issued a proclamation that no one is allowed to sell the people under the rule to go to the southwest as slaves. Anyone who violates the order will be punished...

In this way, in the first month after leaving the territory of the Huaxia Army, Ning Ji deeply felt that "reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles."

The world in the story book is not right at all. Sure enough, I have to walk around to see these things clearly.

The team moves forward, and everyone has his own purpose. By this time, Ning Ji had already understood that if Dai Mengwei’s Confucian scholar had been identified from the beginning, after coming out of the southwest, most of them would take the most convenient road in Hanzhong and follow the Han River to Ankang and other big cities to seek officials. He is a leading figure among the Confucian scholars in the world. For the famous and capable Confucian scholars, most of them are treated with courtesy, and there will be an official position arrangement.

As for Fan Heng, Lu Wenke, Chen Junsheng and others, although they respect Dai Mengwei, they still have doubts in their hearts. After discussions in the southwest, Fang decided to go to the back of Dai Mengwei to find out. He had such an experience. In the future, he has more knowledge of the world than others. The caravan might be going to buy people in the Daigong territory. On the surface, they didn't say much, but in fact they were all secretly concerned about this matter.

Zhenba County is still a mountain city. There are not many people here, but compared with the mountain roads that have passed before, you can already see several newly built villages. These villages are located in the crevices, and there are many newly built villages around the villages. Around the walls and fences, some dull-eyed people cast their gazes at the pedestrians on the road from the village over there.

"Look at those newly built fences." Lu Wenke pointed to the scene there, and said the truth to Ning Ji, "This shows that although the famine has gone through, the officials and elders assigned here still do things under the command of the villagers. In fact, this is not easy. It proves that even if there are insufficient supplies, this piece is still in order."

"How about order from top to bottom?" Ning Ji asked.

"This is the essence of governance." Fan Heng leaned from the side. "After the Jurchens came, all the order in this area was disrupted. There were originally many mountainous people living in Zhenba, who had a fierce personality. The West Route Army killed them. Commanded the Han troops to come and fight for a round, many people died, and the city was burned. After Dai Gong took over, he redistributed the population, divided the area piece by piece, and selected officials and respected elders. Xiaolong At this moment, what is the biggest problem before them? In fact, they don’t eat enough, and if they don’t eat enough, what will happen?"

Fan Heng looked at Ning Ji, and Ning Ji thought for a while: "Rebellion?"

"Yes, everyone knows that not eating enough will force rebellion." Fan Heng smiled, "But how does this rebellion actually occur? Think about it, a place, a village, if too many people die of starvation, If there is no way for officials without authority, the village will collapse, and the remaining people will become hungry people, wandering around, and if this happens in more and more villages, then large-scale refugees will appear and order will be Not at all. But when I think about it, if only a few people died in each village, would it still be out of control?"

"..." Ning Ji stared.

"Gong Dai rescued millions of people from the Jurchens. At the beginning, he was still majestic. With this majesty, he divided the people under his rule into layers and divided hundreds of thousands of areas. After these village areas were delineated, The people inside are not allowed to move at will. Every village must have an old elder from the township responsible for it. In a few villages, there are officials and the army is on the officials. The responsibilities are distributed in an orderly manner. This is also why from last year to this year Although there is a famine here, there is no great chaos."

Fan Heng was quite intoxicated when he talked about this. Lu Wenke added:

"Brother Long, this level of distribution is simple to say. It seems that the past officials did the same, but often the good and the bad of the officials at all levels were mixed, and accidents were out of control. But this time, the level of distribution under Dai Gong’s rule is quite different. There is the meaning of governing a big country like cooking small fresh food, everything is in order, each in his own place and performing his own duties. This is why the scholars in the southwest recently said that Dai Gong has the image of an ancient saint, and he used'ancient methods' against the southwest. The'modern law' that deviates from the scriptures is also somewhat meaningful."

Ning Ji frowned: "Everyone is in his own position and his duties are performed, so the position of the ordinary people is to die quietly and not cause trouble?" The human rights thinking within the Southwest China Army has been awakened initially. Although I was a little scumbag in my studies, I can finally find some key points for these things.

Lu Wenke waved his hand: "Don’t be so extreme, Brother Long, just to say that there is such a reason. When Dai Gong took over these people, it was quite difficult. It is also the ability to use this method to stabilize the situation. It is very difficult to achieve this level. If Duke Dai does not use this method, and riots start, there will only be more people dead here, just like the hungry ghosts of the past, it will be out of control."

"But people are still starving to death."

"People will naturally die in troubled times. Duke Dai decides who should die. It's cruel, but even in the Southwest, didn't he experience such a famine? Since he has the ability to save people from dying in troubled times, he will naturally be able to govern the world. Let everyone have a better life, the scholars, farmers, industry and commerce each perform their duties, and the widows and widows and loneliness have their own support...This is the philosophy of the ancient sages..."

"The Huaxia Army fought with Golden Dogs in the northwest, and they only went hungry when they moved to the Southwest. Has the surname Dai played with Golden Dogs? How can we say the same? Golden Dogs died more in the northwest than we did!"

Ningji retorted unhappily, and Fan Heng beside him waved his hand with a smile.

"Hey, okay, okay, after all, Xiaolong came out of the southwest. Seeing Dai Mengwei's situation, it’s normal if you don’t look at it. There is nothing to argue about. Xiaolong can just remember this, Dai Mengwei Although there are problems, when doing things, he also has his own skills. Many people think of his skills in this way. Some people agree, but many people don't. We all come to see what happens. , Come on, eat candy, eat candy..."

Fan Heng talked about it, and Lu Wenke also smiled and said no more. As a traveling companion, Ning Ji is not too old after all. In addition, he has a pleasing face and can read a book. Most of the Confucian quintuplets treat him as a nephew, and naturally will not be angry.

Ning Ji took the sugar, considering that he was behind the enemy line and could not overly show the tendency of being "pro-Chinese", so he suppressed his temper. Anyway, as long as you don't regard Dai Mengwei as a good person and interpret him as a "capable villain", everything is still extremely smooth.

The team entered the town on this day, and only then discovered that the originally remote mountain city is now gathering many merchants, and some of the inns in the county seat are newly built. It was late afternoon when they stayed in an inn. At this time, everyone in the team had their own thoughts. For example, members of a caravan might approach the "big business" joint people here. Several scholars wanted To figure out the situation of human trafficking here, I also secretly inquired about the members of the caravan. During the evening meal in the inn, Fan Heng and others had a conversation with another member of the traveler team, but because of this, they heard a lot of news from the outside world. One, Ningji, who had been bored for more than a month, immediately became refreshed.

"...It is said that in September of this year, the Fairness Party will invite the world's tycoons in Jiangning to hold a hero meeting to select the martial arts leader. This heroic post has been sent out all over the world!"

During the inquiries of the inn, one of the travelers mentioned this matter, which immediately caused noise and vibration from everyone around him. Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and others who came out of Chengdu looked at each other, chewing on the meaning of the news. Ning Ji opened his mouth wide, and after a moment of excitement, he heard someone say, "Didn't that start with the Southwest Tournament?"

Someone hesitated to answer: "...The Fair Party and the Huaxia Army are originally one."

Only two words flashed in Ning Ji's mind at this time: despicable.

Last year, as the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchens in the southwest, in the east of the world, the Fair Party has also expanded its influence at an unspeakable speed. At present, it has already suppressed Tie Yan and Wu Qimei in Lin'an. Come. In the midst of this expansion, neither party has made any public explanations or statements regarding the relationship between the Huaxia Army and the Fair Party. However, for the "corrupt scholars" who have been to the southwest, they have read a lot of newspapers. , Naturally has a certain understanding.

As for Ning Ji, who is in the core family circle of the Hua Xia Army, he certainly understands that He Wen and the Hua Xia Army may not be good friends in the future. There is currently no collusion between the two parties through any channels.

"The Huaxia Army held the world's No. 1 martial arts competition last year. After attracting people, they paraded and killed people. They held the people's government inaugural meeting and gathered people in the world." Chen Junsheng, with a calm face, was holding vegetables while talking.

"This time it seems that the Fairness Party wants to follow the same pattern, and then the popularity of the Huaxia Army has rushed up. Moreover, the Huaxia Army's contest is scheduled for August and September. Obviously this year, it will still be held. Deliberately set the time in September, and let all parties think that the two are one. This is to demolish the Chinese Army while borrowing the reputation of the Chinese Army. At that time, the people from the west will go to the southwest, and the heroes from the east will go. Jiang Ning, He Wen is so courageous, he is not afraid to really offend Mr. Ning in the southwest."

Fan Heng was eating, and he calmly pointed the country and said: "After all, the world is so big, and the hero is not only in the southwest. If today is stumbling, this man of the world is about to emerge in endlessly."

Lu Wenke said: "Speaking of which, the Long Family is going to Jiangning this time. By a coincidence, he can meet this event."

"Well, I'm going." Ning Ji replied angrily, then his face was full of discomfort, and he immersed himself in eating.

A Confucian scholar talked about the topic of "heroes under heaven", and then began to talk about other parties, such as the upcoming battle between Dai Mengwei, Liu Guangshi, and Zou Xu, such as the possible actions of the little emperor on the farthest southeast coast. There are some new things, and many of them are clichés.

Ning Ji listened quietly, that night, it was a little tossing and turning.

I have listened to so many jianghu stories in the Chinese Army for so many years, and watched too many bridges such as the Heroes' Conference. After leaving the Southwest, I originally had some expectations for these things. Who knows the sudden appearance of this news, but it contains such disgusting thoughts, He Wen that traitor, while learning from his father's side, is also deliberately taking down the platform and gaining popularity on the Huaxia Army side!

If the previous fair party was just his own reluctance in the situation, he didn't listen to the order from the southwest and didn't come here to make trouble, it can be regarded as you walking through your Yangguan Road and I crossing my single-plank bridge. But at this time, it was too disgusting to deliberately hold this hero meeting in September. He Wen had stayed in the southwest for so long, and he had been in love with sister Jingmei, and even let him go after that. This backhand stab was even worse than Zou Xu!

It's really angry!

And this so-called hero meeting is actually held in Jiangning! Obviously knowing that Jiang Ning is his father's hometown, is to imply that he is fair to the relationship between the party and the Hua Xia Army, so as to benefit more. shameful!

After I went to Jiangning, I didn't care about Jingmei's face at all, and killed him in one stroke!

He was thinking about He Wen this night, his face turned into a bun, and he didn't care so much about Dai Mengwei's selling a few people. He went to bed in the early hours of the morning, and not long after he slept, he heard movement outside the inn, and then went inside the inn again. When he got up, the sky was bright. He opened the window and saw that the army was enclosing the inn from all directions.

After running away from home for more than a month, the danger finally came. Although he didn't know what had happened, Ning Ji took up the baggage and rushed to the roof under the cover of the night, and then jumped into another nearby roof before the encirclement of the army was completed.

The army entered the inn, and then knocked on the door one after another and arrested people. In such a situation, there was no resistance at all. Rather than watching the fellow caravan members being taken out of the inn, one of them was Lu from the caravan. The leader, followed by Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and other "Fu Confucian Group", Wang Jiang, Wang Xiu mother and daughter, seemed to be arrested according to the head of the check-in list, it is really the group of businessmen who followed all the way. team.

Ning Ji looked confused on the roof of a nearby building. Why? Exposed yourself? But after they caught other people, they didn't seem to over-investigate the fact that one young person was missing. But why do you catch this caravan that you are in? The "Fu Confucian Group" were all arrested, and they did nothing bad...

After the sun rose that day, he stood in the morning light, puzzled.

The caravan members of the same group were arrested. The reason is unknown. Your own identity is important and you must be cautious. In theory, thinking of a way to pretend to go out of the city and leaving here is the safest response. But after thinking about it, Dai Mengwei’s atmosphere is serious. A fifteen-year-old young man walking on the road may be even more eye-catching, and I have to admit that after walking along this way, he is finally a bit of a fool for Lu Wenke and other fools in the rotten quintet. Feelings, thinking of the torture they will be subjected to after going to jail, it is a bit intolerable.

The defensive post in this mountain city doesn't seem to be very tight, think of a way to sneak into the prison to take a look? He has done a lot of training in spying and infiltration in the Chinese Army, and it would not be too difficult in theory to face these buns.

After thinking about this for a long time, after confirming that there was no special big search in the city, he bought a cloth bag of pancakes and steamed buns, and ate them while exploring the way near the city's yamen. At mid-afternoon that day, when he was sitting on the side of the road and eating buns carefree, a group of people suddenly walked out of the gate of the county government not far from the road.

These people are the ones who were arrested in the morning. Among them are Wang Jiang, Wang Xiuniang, the "Fu Confucian Group", and some other travelers who followed the caravan. At this time, it seemed that they were released by people in the Yamen. A young official shaking his head and shaking his head came out from behind. After speaking with them, he bid farewell to them. It seemed that the atmosphere was quite kind.

Ning Ji ran all the way and waited for a while at the corner of the street. When the group of people approached, he leaned in from the side. Fan Heng and others sighed to themselves: "The sky is really blue..."

"Dai Gong's learning origin..."

He ran a few steps: "What's wrong? Why are you caught? What happened?"

When Fan Heng and others saw him, they were surprised for a while: "Little Dragon! Are you okay!"

"Great, we thought something happened to you..."

Everyone whirled over. They were the entire caravan being arrested together. Seeing that Ning Ji was not there, they thought that something special had happened to his child. When he came out, he deliberately asked the county magistrate. Ning Ji explained to them that he was going out to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and then it was noisy. After he hid, he saw that everyone had been taken away. At this time, everyone was fine, and everyone was happy.

"...What the **** is going on, why are you arresting us?"

Ning Ji asked, Fan Heng and others looked at each other, then sighed and shook their heads: "Leader Lu and the rest of the caravan are going to be miserable this time."

Lu Wenke said: "Leader Lu Cai is obsessed, and secretly agreed to come here to buy and sell a large number of people, thinking that these things were all tacitly approved by Gong Dai, and he has a relationship, and it will happen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who knows … The county magistrate of Xiao Dai is a true blue sky. After the matter was found out, he took all the people. Leader Lu was betrayed and Zhan Jue was betrayed. All the others were punished."

"Ah? Really catch..." Ning Ji was a little surprised.

"Look at this battle, it is naturally true. Recently, Gong Dai has been cracking down on selling people's crimes. Chief Lu is strict on the crime, saying that he will be executed in public tomorrow. Let's stay here for a day and we will know. A... Well, only then did I understand that Dai Gong’s statement of selling people is really false and nonsense. Even if there are illegal traders who do this evil, it has nothing to do with Dai Gong."

"Oh, it's true that I am waiting to be arbitrary, and the casual words in my mouth have stained the name of the sage, so take a warning..."

Everyone stayed in the county seat for another night. The next day the weather was cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain. The crowd gathered at the Caishikou of the county seat and saw the young magistrate of Dai county yesterday escorting Chief Lu and others out. The leader knelt in front of the stone platform, and the county magistrate Nadai was loudly criticizing the evil of these people buying and selling people, and Gong Dai's determination and will to fight it.

The magistrate of Xiao Dai was named Dai Zhen, a nephew of Dai Mengwei's family. Fan Heng and others praised Dai Mengwei for his management and teaching.

Under the gloomy sky, in the crowd's onlookers, the executioner raised his sword and cut off the crying leader Lu with one knife. The rescued people were also onlookers. They had received the promise of "appropriate resettlement" from the county magistrate Dai. At this time, they knelt on the ground, shouted to the sky, and kept kowtow.

Ning Ji watched this scene, stretched out his fingers and scratched his head in confusion.

After leaving home for more than a month, he suddenly felt that he couldn't understand anything.

This Dai Mengwei... is it really a good person?

He is already mentally prepared for the murder, what should he do next? Isn't there no reason to go crazy?


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