Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 28: Argument (Part 1)



Just after noon, the bright sunshine in June fell on the tree-lined road by the Maha Pond, and the sultry air rang the cicadas in late summer. Lin Qiu crossed the road with only a few pedestrians and walked in the direction of Fengyintang.

This day is June 12 of the second year of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, an ordinary day in busy work. Lin Qiu is thirty-one years old and is one of the young officers with brilliant resumes in the Chinese Army.

He joined the Chinese Army during the Xiaocanghe period, experienced the training of the first batch of young officers, experienced battlefield fights, and because he was good at handling detailed affairs, he joined the Secretariat, the General Staff, and the Ministry of Intelligence, Ministry of Commerce... In short, after the age of twenty-five, due to his active and open mind, he basically worked in the core departments directly controlled by Ning Yi and was one of Ning Yi's most useful assistants for a period of time.

Although most of the early-stage talents of the army are interspersed and mixed and used wherever they are needed, they have been exposed to everything. This resume is still quite outstanding among people of the same age. In the latter part of the Southwest War, Ning Yi negotiated with Zong Han and Gao Qingyi on the front line of Shiling, with Lin Qiu who conveyed his will, that is, Lin Qiu, who had an active thinking and outstanding resilience.

After the Huaxia Army defeated Jurchen, he opened the door to auction-style sales of technology and broadened business routes. Among them, he was responsible for the most important negotiations. After the completion of this matter, Chengdu entered a stage of great development. He entered the Chengdu Bureau of Commerce at this time as a deputy bureau and was responsible for the detailed affairs of Chengdu's industrial and commercial development. At this time, the Chinese military area was only in the southwest, and the core of the southwest was Chengdu, so in practice, he was often directly responsible to Ning Yi.

After the establishment of the China People's Government, Ning Yi has two offices in Chengdu. One is the chairman's office near the China People's Government in the north of the city, which is mainly used to facilitate meetings, convene personnel, and handle large-scale government affairs; and the other The place is the Fengyintang next to the Maha Pond.

Now that the work assignment of the people's government is on the right track, Ning Yi does not need to be here all the time. He spends half of the year in Chengdu. If there is no major deviation in the schedule, he usually goes to the government office in the morning and returns to Fengyintang in the afternoon. Some things that don't require too much manpower are usually called here to deal with them.

There are usually heads of other departments near Fengyintang, but they are basically not too noisy. Entering the hall gate, the spacious roof separated the heat, and he drove through the corridor with ease to the side hall waiting for an interview. There was no one else in the hall. The secretary outside told him that there were two people in front of him, but one of them had already come out and went to the toilet.

The rooms in the side hall are spacious, but there are no luxurious furnishings. Through the open windows, the scenery of flowers and trees outside is refreshing in the sun. Lin Qiu poured himself a cup of cold boil, sat in a chair and began to read the newspaper, but there was no fourth person waiting to be interviewed, which showed that there were not many things in the afternoon.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridors outside. It should be the first friend who went to the toilet. He looked up, and the figure who had walked to the door glanced over here, and then came in, all acquaintances.

The smiling Hou Yuanyong rubbed his hands and walked in to say hello: "Brother Lin, hehehehe..." He didn't know why, he couldn't help but smile.

"Yuan Yong. Sit down."

Hou Yuanyong was a few years younger than him, but his family was also an old man in the Chinese Army, and he was even a family member of the oldest group of soldiers. He worked in the intelligence department most of the time as an adult. Unlike his colleagues who work in the intelligence department, he has a more out-of-the-box personality and occasionally tells jokes that are not tuned. However, he has never had a bad history and is considered the most trusted in the Chinese army. The core backbone.

"Hey, Brother Lin." Hou Yuanyong sat down on the chair beside Lin Qiu, "Do you know what the most popular gossip is recently?"

Lin Qiu gave him a smile and said, "I don't want to know."

"That's it." Hou Yuanyong smiled, "You said, who is the most powerful person in our Huaxia Army? The one that scares the Jurchen people the most..."

"It should be me, right?" Chatting with this kind of guy from the intelligence department who couldn't talk about it, just couldn't follow his rhythm, so Lin Qiu thought for a while and replied solemnly.

Hou Yuanyong ignored his rhythm: "It's Sister Juaner."


"The Jurchen people are most afraid of sister Juaner."


"Hey hey, there is such a thing..." Hou Yuanyong smiled and leaned over. "The year before last, the Southwest War was in full swing. Ning Ji helped in the wounded general camp. Later, the general camp was raided by a group of fools who wanted to take Ning away. Ji. This matter was reported back. Sister Juan'er became angry. She told Peng Yueyun that this would not work. If they did something to the children, then I would also kill Zonghan’s child, Xiao Peng, you give me a reward, I I want Zonghan's two sons to die..."

Hou Yuanyong's words resounded in the quiet hall: "The reward was sent out, and what happened? Everyone knows...Zong Han lost the battle and was not dead. Neither of his two sons escaped, hehehehe...you Say, isn’t Sister Juaner the best..."

Lin Qiu thought for a while: "You boring..."

"The chairman made a joke himself, hehehehe... left." Hou Yuanyong patted his arm, then got up and left. Lin Qiu shook his head a little amused. In theory, it is not a good thing to talk about the gossip between the leader and the people around him, but in the past few years, the core members of the Huaxia Army have been friends who have been hungry and charged together. Taboo these things, and Hou Yuanyong is also unaware of it. Judging from his attitude in discussing this matter, it is estimated that it is already a popular joke on Zhang Cun.

Since there was a lot of time to meet, and even met in the cafeteria from time to time, Hou Yuanyong did not say anything like "see you" or "eat".

Soon after Hou Yuanyong left, the second person to be interviewed also came out, but it was Peng Yueyun that Hou Yuanyong mentioned earlier. Peng Yueyun was the seed left after the collapse of the Western Army. He was young, loyal, and reliable. After the establishment of the People’s Government, he also entered the intelligence department. However, compared to Hou Yuanyong’s responsibility for intelligence gathering, summarization, analysis, and sorting, Peng Yueyun was directly involved in spying. The command and arrangement of the system, if Hou Yuanyong is involved in rear work, Peng Yueyun is involved in the front line of espionage and counter-intelligence. The two sides have not seen it for a while.

The two sides greeted with a smile and exchanged greetings. Compared with Hou Yuanyong's escape, Peng Yueyun was more stable, and the two sides did not talk too much. Considering that Hou Yuanyong is in charge of intelligence, Peng Yueyun is in charge of espionage and counter-intelligence, plus what he is currently doing, Lin Qiu has some guesses about what to talk about this time.

After a while, he met Ning Yi in the room by the lake in Litou, and began to report on the work to be done by the Bureau of Commerce in the recent period. In addition to the development around Chengdu, there are also questions about Dai Mengwei and some merchants buying long-term contract workers from other places.

"...At present, many of these factories are privately giving and accepting outsiders, signing long-term contracts of 20 or 30 years, but the wages are extremely low... These people may become a great hidden danger in the future. On the other hand, People like Dai Mengwei, Liu Guangshi, and Wu Qimei are likely to plant a large number of spies among these workers, and they will do things in the future... We have noticed that some people in the current newspapers say that the Huaxia Army always respects the contract, depending on when we are. Breach of contract..."

"...For these situations, we think we need to make preparations in advance...Of course, we also have concerns. For example, if this unreasonable long-term contract is cut across the board, people outside may be less active in sending people over. After all, there is still a Dai Mengwei who is blocking the road on the road out of Sichuan. Although he promised not to block the business road, he may try his best to prevent population migration...Then what we are currently considering is to make a series of preparations and raise the bottom line. Mention, for example, for these workers who have signed a long-term contract, we can ask those factories to have some safeguards for them, not to be exploited too much, and when the pavement is enough, we will squeeze the living space of these black-hearted businessmen step by step, anyway. For one or two years, no matter whether it is playing out or whatever, we shouldn't care about Dai Mengwei's trouble..."

Regarding the black business, the long-term contract, and even the spies among the workers, the Huaxia Army has long been aware that although Lin Qiu is assigned to manage the business, the overall picture will not weaken. Of course, while protecting the interests of these workers at this stage, it is in conflict with the policy of absorbing a large amount of external manpower. He also considered for a long time before he came up with some early-stage restraints and laid the groundwork first.

These ideas were previously submitted to Ning Yi, and I saw Hou Yuanyong and Peng Yueyun again today. He estimated that he would also talk about this aspect.

Sure enough, Ning Yi took out this copy of the black business in a few pieces of copywriting, pressed it on the table and listened to him, and considered it for a long time. After Lin Qiu finished speaking, he put his palm on the manuscript, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth: "What I want to talk to you today, that is, this aspect of things. You are the big head here... go for a walk. Right."

"Yes." Lin Qiu stood up, but he was slightly puzzled. Following Ning Yi for so long, I have experienced countless major events, and even now, Chengdu is doing countless major events both inside and outside of Chengdu. Even if the problem of black business involves Dai Mengwei or even the contract issue, there are theoretically various solutions to it. Method, according to Ning Yi's past style of doing things, a few words can make a decision. But looking at his look right now, it contains a deeper level of prudence and vigilance.

When he walked out of the room, Lin Qiu followed Ning Yi towards the lake. The sun shone the trees on the road and called out. This is an ordinary day, but even after a long time, Lin Qiu can remember every scene that happened on this day.

"There is one thing I have considered for a long time, and I still want to do it. Only a few people will participate. The words I said to you today will not leave any records in the future, and will leave no trace in history. You may even Leave a name. You and I will know what I’m doing, but if someone asks, I won’t admit it."

Ning Yi paused, Lin Qiu frowned slightly, then nodded and answered quietly, "Okay."

"For these illegal business matters, you do not want to contain them, you must promote them."


"For these businessmen who are in collusion with the outside world, I want you to grasp a yardstick, not hit them for the time being, admit the validity of his contract, and let them make money. But at the same time, you can't let them overflow. Disaster, bad money drives out good money, and we must deter them... In other words, I want to form a black-and-white isolation among these manufacturers. Those who obey the law can make money. Those who have problems make them a little more crazy. , Let them squeeze the lives of their workers more... Do you have any ideas about this?"

Lin Qiu lowered his head and thought for a moment: "It seems that it can only... collude between officials and businessmen?"

"You can charge a little money." Ning Yi nodded, "There are two points you need to consider. First, don't disturb the legitimate businessmen's way of life. You should still encourage normal business behaviors; second, you should not allow Those merchants who take advantage are too pragmatic, and they have to carry out a few normal clean-ups to scare them. For two years, up to three years, I want you to drive them crazy, and most importantly, let them reach their opponents by exploiting their workers. pole."

"...Dimengwei and the others will take the opportunity to make trouble..."

"We will also arrange people to go in, help them make trouble in the early stage, and control the trouble in the later stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ning Yi said, "You have been with me for so many years, and you can understand a lot about my thoughts. We are now in the early stage of inauguration. As long as the battle is always victorious, the internal strength will be very strong. This is the reason why I can let those people outside chat and abuse me. For these new-born capitals, they are profit-seeking, but they will have scruples against us. They want to let them naturally develop to the point where they are frantic for their own interests, and the workers and people under them will not have a living. It may be at least ten or eight years of development, or even worse. A few more conscientious Master Qingtian, those workers who have signed a 30-year long-term contract, may be able to live their lives..."

"I don't want to wait that long, two years, at most three years. I hope to arouse grievances among these workers. Of course, Dai Mengwei and his people will help us do things and incite these workers. But in the later stage of the matter, our people, To find a way out for them, I hope it will be a demonstration, not a large-scale riot. When they do something like this, they will find that their resistance is effective, and we will correct the past. Reasonable...I will spend three years in their minds on the "civil rights" among the four people."

The sun fell, the lake was sparkling, the breeze came slowly, and there were calls of Zhizhi around. No one knew that such a conversation had happened.

"Some people will die. In the future record, the people's active awakening and resistance will bring everything. This will be an indisputable conclusion. You will not be credited, and even if you make mistakes, I may Can't keep you. You can think about whether or not to take this mission."

Lin Qiu considered it for a while, and after considering the way he did it, there was of course no suspense in his answer.

After Lin Qiu left, the teacher came.

Taking a break in the afternoon, they did some shameful things, and then Ning Yi told her a summary of a story called "White Haired Girl"...

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