Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Argument (Part 2)

The wind blew over the leaves, and the faint wind chimes rang lightly. The afternoon sun faded from the strong heat and fell under the eaves through the gaps in the trees.

The windows were open, letting the sun fall in, and you could see the furnishings in the house, the beds, square tables, wardrobes, chairs... Ning Yi wrung out the towels beside the wooden frame with the basin near the window and wiped off the sweat on his body.

"...Say there is a girl, her name is Xier, of course she has black hair..."

With his upper body naked, Ning Yi stood there telling the people in the room his story ideas. There were scars of this kind on the body exposed to the sun, but he did not show signs of aging after long-term exercise. He is less than forty years old and his sturdy body is full of explosive power. Many people outside think that he is a martial arts master like Zhou Dong and Lin Zongwu, and because of his long-term high position, he also has a body far beyond ordinary people. His calm temperament is enough to bring a huge sense of oppression to his enemies on any occasion.

Except in front of my family members, occasionally some inadequacy will be shown... and nearly a year after the relationship broke through, the teacher has also begun to accept some strange inadequacy. For example, at this moment, he is telling a story called "The White Haired Girl", and there are obviously some unfocused thoughts in the middle.

"Can you see her?" the teacher asked.

Ning Yi was stunned: "...Huh? What?"

"You just emphasized that her name is Xi'er, I sound like there is such a person..."

"...No one, this is the summary of the story."

"In other words, it can be called anything..."

"Uh..." Ning Yi, who was still in a mighty figure, stood there with his hands on his hips, and raised his head for a moment. "...Yes, just call it anything, but for example, it's Xi'er. Don't you Make trouble."

"You tell me the story, of course I have to listen carefully..." The woman wearing a bellyband sat up from the bed, hugged her legs, and mumbled softly, with a smile in her eyes.

"Xi'er and her father depended on each other for their lives. After the Jurchens left, they lived on Dai Mengwei’s site. But Dai Mengwei didn’t have enough food, and they were about to starve to death. The local village chief, Xiangxian, and old man were still paying There is an army, colluding to do business together, and thinking of a way out for these people is to sell our Huaxia Army to work..."

He said, twisting the towel to the bed and handing it to the teacher.

"...Here, I think, I can think of a way to show the evil of Dai Mengwei's group of people. They induced others to sign a 30-year long contract and give a little money. As for the father and daughter of Xi'er, they were originally caught There was no other way. I just wanted to sell one person at the beginning. Of course, it was a dad who volunteered, but the selling money itself was not much, and the dad was not so valuable when he was old, Xi'er was pretty...no, no She is beautiful, because she is physically strong and looks like a cow, and can work better than ordinary men, so the local wise men and the like forced their father and daughter to sell themselves..."

Ning Yi frowned when he said this, walked to the side to pour water, and the teacher thought for a while.

"This is a bit wrong." She said, "Dai Mengwei has many people who were driven in from other places. Even if they were local, the initial belongings were basically destroyed. It is okay for father and daughter to depend on each other. Once they leave, There shouldn’t be so many thoughts that the homeland is hard to leave. Since the father can sell himself and don’t have much money, most of it is to follow him if he leaves a daughter... If you want to show the badness of those villagers, you have to think of something else. ..."

"...I also think something is wrong." Ning Yi scratched his head, and then waved his hand. "However, that's what it means anyway, because Dai Mengwei and his men are very bad, and Xi'er and his daughter were forced to sell to our southwest. By the way. Southwestern... Those businessmen who opened the factory are also very bad. They signed a 30-year contract and did not pay for them to work day and night. They also used various methods to restrain them, such as deduction of wages. Not much, they will be deducted if you make a little mistake..."

"It's not just that." The teacher got off the bed in silk trousers, and Ning Yi looked at her, and casually said, "This factory owner also raises the hero slaves. It's the kind of thugs who are the villains in all the stories. Kind of, they usually don’t allow these self-selling workers to go out and walk around. They are afraid that they will run away. Some of them will be dragged back to beat them. They will hang in the yard and whip them. In private, they must have killed people..."

"In addition, there must be dogs. Since you have horrified slaves, you must also raise evil dogs. Whoever dares to escape will not only be chased by people, but dogs will also bite people to death. In order to reflect the evil of these people, dogs eat Better than others, for example, Xi'er father and daughter usually drink porridge, dogs eat meat buns..."

After listening to these narrations, the teacher walked to the shelf and twisted the towel, and smiled softly: "We have such a factory in the southwest, isn't it to blame you? Are you talking about Dai Mengwei's damage? Say our Huaxia Army is bad?"

"Anyway, it's roughly what it means, understand it." Ning Yi's hand rolled in the air, "Said Dai's bad things are not the point, and the Huaxia Army's bad things are not the point. Anyway, Xi'er and his father had a miserable life. I was sold out, working hard without money, and under various oppressions. I did it for less than a year. Xi'er's father died. They paid a small salary. It was the New Year. The girls on the street were all dressed up. She was very beautiful. Her father secretly went out and bought her a red head rope or something, which he gave her as a New Year's gift. When he came back, he was spotted by a slave and a bad dog. He was beaten to death and died before the Chinese New Year Pass... "

Speaking of this, the mood in the room was a little low, but since there was no implementation basis for support, the teacher just listened quietly.

"Xie'er, he was stripped again after his father's death, working day and night, tired, sad, and after a year, his hair was all white, so he was called a white-haired girl. Then they finally couldn't stand it anymore and the factory broke out. In order to resist, they... rushed out of the factory, grabbed the boss, broke up the slaves, killed all the dogs, took to the streets and told the people in the world that this was wrong, and our Huaxia Army banned the factory...Anyway, I I even thought about the theme song. The north wind blows, the snowflakes flutter, the snowflakes flutter, and the year is here... Huhuhuhu..."

In the second half of the story, the plot clearly entered the stage of nonsense. Ning Yi spoke very fast, sang a few songs as usual, and finally couldn't help it, sitting on the chair facing the door, covering his mouth and laughing. The teacher came over and smiled, but his face clearly had a pensive expression.

"Why do you write this story?" Many times Ning Yi expresses that things are different from ordinary people and has a weird sense of humor, but in general he will not be aimless. The teacher considered the things in the story, "Recently, I I heard people talk about Dai Mengwei’s affairs. They can’t feed many people, and they secretly sell people here. On our side, there are indeed some people who secretly take advantage. For example, General Li Rulai...Of course, I shouldn’t say it. This one……"

"Li Rulai has nothing to say." Ning Yi sat there, smiling calmly, and replied, "After the end of the war last year, as a surrender general, he always wanted to bring the Wu Dynasty set to this side. In private, I hope to get a good position as a leader. After I don’t have much hope, I will say that the Huaxia Army should pay attention to money and buy bones. I reminded him to put down the previous set, learn to follow orders, and wait for arrangements. Don't seek personal gain... He thought I was determined and no longer gave him military power. When Chengdu started to attract foreign investment, he simply started to make money."

"I've heard that this is, outside...Yu Hezhong came over and told me about General Li, saying that he was learning from the ancient generals and defiled himself..."

"Old Yu still doesn't grow much." Ning Yi sighed, "The ancient generals were self-defeating because they were the masters of their merits, so they followed up and showed that I only need money. What Li Rulai can do, I will return all the soldiers and horses to him. It only takes one charge to defeat him by setting up the battle. At first, his bad habits have not been changed, and he was in private. Later, he realized that the situation on the Huaxia Army was different. He chose to retreat, and wanted to show me that he didn’t want military power, as long as he had money. Alright. He thinks this is a reciprocal exchange of credit..."

When he said this, he shook his head, but stopped talking about Li Rulai, and the teacher stopped asking, walking to him and gently rubbing his head. The wind blows outside, the sun is swaying in the evening, and the rustling of wind chimes and leaves rang for a moment.

"Are you... worried about our factories becoming like that... or are some factories already like that?"

The teacher deliberated and asked.

Ning Yi closed his eyes: "Not yet, but within two to three years, I should be able to."

"Will it get so bad? No way?"

"If it is allowed to develop on its own, it may take 20 to 30 years, or even contain it well. Within 30 to 50 years, the scale of this phenomenon will not be too large. We have just developed these large-scale technology accumulations. It's not enough..." Ning Yi said softly, feeling the pressure of the teacher's fingertips, "However, I will arrange for it to appear soon..."

The teacher frowned, chewing silently the meaning of these words.

Ning Yi whispered, "In two to three years, some factories around Chengdu will experience such a phenomenon. Workers will be oppressed and some people will die. There will be grievances in these people's hearts... But in general Said that they have only experienced life and death in the past two years, have experienced famine, changed their lives, and can come to the southwest to eat a full meal. Now they are very satisfied. The accumulation of their grievances in two or three years is not enough. At that time, you must be prepared to have some stories like "The White Haired Girl" in which the attacks on Dai Mengwei and the attacks on Southwest can be carried over. The important thing is to make it clear that this kind of thirty years It’s wrong to treat people as horses as horses. The people under the Huaxia Army have some basic powers that need to be rooted in the highest law. Then, with this consensus, we can modify some unreasonable absolutes. contract……"

"...At that time, we will let some people take to the streets. Even if the grievances are not enough, those workers can respond after inciting them. We have established this way of communication from top to bottom to let the people understand their opinions. , We can hear it, we will pay attention to it, and we will revise it. This kind of communication begins, and we can slowly adjust it later..."

The teacher thought for a while: "If people really taste the sweetness in this matter, I am afraid that some bad things will happen, for example, there will always be people with unclear brains..."

"When the rioters are killed, the leader should pay attention to it. If there is nothing to mess around, it will be boring." Ning Yi replied calmly, "In general, the symbolic meaning of this event is still greater than the actual meaning. But this symbolic meaning is always Yes, compared to what we have seen now, the symbolism of having a great elder Qingtian preside over justice for them, and that they have resisted and then reaped rewards, will be more beneficial to them. It may be recorded in the future. In history books."

The teacher gently pressed his head and was silent for a moment: "I have an idea..."


"If... If, as Lihengli said, we have already seen this possibility, and we can take some measures, 20 to 30 years, 30 to 50 years, or even hundreds of years to keep you from worrying about things. Why must this matter be brought forward? In two or three years, if people are forced to riot and make people lose their hair, some people will die, and even if they are dead, the symbolic meaning of this event It is also greater than the actual meaning. They can succeed on the streets because of you. In the future, if another person is replaced, they will not succeed if they go on the streets. Then they will still bleed...

"Success in going to the streets does not lie in expressing that going to the streets is really useful, but in telling them that there is a way here and they have the right to fight for themselves." Ning Yi closed his eyes and said, "It is the same principle before, the essence of society. It is the weak and the strong. In every past dynasty, the so-called social reform was that one interest group defeated another interest group. Perhaps some people in the new interest group were more conscientious, but as long as a group was formed, they would always ask for benefits. These interests are not divided among the people... but in essence, since the new group can defeat the old, it means that the new interest group is stronger, and they will inevitably share more interests, so the upper level must There are more and more people, fewer and fewer people, two or three hundred years, no dynasty can survive..."

"The significance of democracy is that people who know how to distinguish can know who is good for them, and they will transfer their strength to support those good people. When ordinary people are included in the interest group, when the interest is distributed, People who are responsible for themselves will not leave all the people aside. People who can take the initiative to join interest groups to claim their own benefits... To put it bluntly, it is the weak and the strong. But in this way, the two- to three-hundred-year cycle of chaos may be affected. break in."

"The early stage of democracy has no actual effect." Ning Yi opened his eyes and sighed. "Even if everyone is literate, there are not many people who can be trained to be responsible for themselves. Most people Simple thinking, easy to be deceived, incomplete world view, and without their own rational logic, letting them participate in decision-making will cause disaster..."

"But in any case, the development of this matter has its inevitable process. When everyone does not even have the idea of ​​rights in their minds, let them know through one thing, which is progress; when their group is silent and dare not speak , Let them express, it is progress; when they start expressing, or even start expressing indiscriminately, tell them to express rationally, that is progress... Only when these advances accumulate to a certain extent, the efficiency of democracy is generally greater than when a small number of elites , The cycle of chaos can truly be broken."

"They don’t know that it’s useful to go to the streets at this time, so give them a symbolic thing. One day in the future, when I’m gone, they will find it useless to go to the streets. At least I understand. There is a way..."

He whispered babblingly. Only when she was in front of her family, did she whisper and whisper like this. These whispers were irritable and even a little violent, but it was also in the last year that Ning Yi showed such things in front of her, so she too Just try to relax for him.

At this time, he smiled: "In fact, we have been saying recently that if the study of things continues to develop, when we unify the world, we should really enable all the children of the world to read books. Li Heng, the people who are sensible and sensible. , Should appear very soon, when the time comes, it will really be the prosperous age of Datong that Shengren Kong said... Actually you should be happier."

"I'm not unhappy..." Ning Yi laughed, "...By the way, say something interesting. I remembered something recently."


"When I was very young, I played at a kid's house one day..."

"When was Jiang Ning? Who? Do I know?"

"Don't interrupt." Ning Yi smiled, "I played at someone's house until noon that day. I was so happy that I didn't go home. The kid's parents invited me to lunch... After I went back in the afternoon, I was beaten by my father. pause."


"My father told me that I shouldn't stay in other people's homes until noon. Why? Because people's homes are also not rich, maybe they don't have the ability to keep you for food. If you don't leave then, it's a very uneducated behavior... "

He paused when he said that, and the teacher thought about it: "In some rural areas, it is true, but Jiangning's side...well, your family was really not very rich at the time..."

"Listen to me. I know from this matter that not to trouble others is a kind of education, and education is the right thing. Of course, the family situation got better later, and slowly I never heard of this kind of rule again. ......Well, you should treat me as if I came into contact with rich people."

Ning Yi smiled and waved.

"People will sum up some right and wrong things in their lives. What is the essence? In fact, it is to ensure that their lives are not disturbed. When there are not many things, the material is not rich, and the knowledge of things is not developed. Mistakes are actually very important. If you make a mistake or neglect, you may not be able to eat. At this time, you will need the help of knowledge and the guidance of the wise, because some of the experience they summarized is very useful for us. Big."

"...When the study of geology begins to develop, everyone can study and eat and use more things, what will happen? At the beginning, everyone will respect this knowledge, but when the surrounding knowledge becomes more and more, When they reach a level, everyone’s first-round survival needs are met, and the authority of knowledge will gradually decline. Right and wrong for them will not be so strictly reflected in their lives. For example, if you don’t Go out to cultivate the land, steal a little laziness today, and be able to live..."

"How come!" Shishi stared.

"Yes, if the fertilizers we studied become more powerful, one person can grow the land enough for ten people to eat, and other people can lie down or do other things, and even if they don’t work hard, they Can also survive...Of course, the main thing here is the attitude towards knowledge. When they meet the first level of need, they will gradually transform from the pursuit of correctness to the pursuit of identification."

"..." The teacher looked at him.

"You used to ask a certain teacher, a certain university, how to be a talented person is right, he told you a truth, if you act according to the truth, your life will be better, and you will feel that you are a right person. People agree with you. But when life is not so embarrassing, you will find that you don’t need to be so profound, and you don’t need to set so many rules for yourself. Find a group of people who are as shallow as you and praise each other. , The sense of identity is the same. On the other hand, even though you have not lived according to any moral standards, you still have something to eat and live well... This is the pursuit of identity."


"The next step will be more interesting, because people will go from pursuing identity to creating identity. Your idea is a little weird. You find a few of the same kind and report to the group to keep warm, but you know that people outside will use all kinds of weird Looking at you, slowly you will start to become dissatisfied and you want to go further. At this time, you will tell others that we are a culture, we are a bit weird, but ours is a slanted culture, For example, you like to scold people, scold others and the whole family, and always greet others, "How are your ancestors?" You tell others, I am called "Zu'an culture", and you can despise others even if they don't understand you. Next, if you hide at home and eat shit, you can call yourself a "golden culture"..."

"You, you just..." The teacher slapped Ning Yi on the shoulder, "Don't talk nonsense about this, how could this be..."

"Hahahaha." Ning Yi laughed, "just speculate... Actually, our development may not necessarily rise in a straight line, and it can even be said that it will definitely not rise in a straight line. The spiral rise may be more real. We exercise our skills, To make ourselves better is generally to meet our own needs. If the material is met, then we will start to relax in the spiritual aspect. We don’t need to be moral gentlemen, we can say “Zuan culture” Come, in general it must be because our survivability has increased..."

"But excessive optimism will definitely bring up some problems. When the living space expands, everyone will inevitably encounter inertia, and then wake up for a period of time after suffering a big loss... After ten or eight times of experience accumulation, perhaps Slowly step up to the next level. So you said that Datong’s prosperity will come soon, no, everyone can read, it’s just a beginning..."

"It would be wrong to ask you to be more optimistic, okay." The teacher hugged him from the back.

"I am indeed a little evasive and optimistic... By the way, have you visited Dean Lin?" He said of Lin Jingwei, the Dean of the Gewu Academy who was injured last month.

"I heard about his injury and met his family, but I haven't had time to go to Leshan recently. How is he?"

"My life is saved, but my burns are serious. It's hard to say whether I can return to my post in the future..." Ning Yi paused, "I held several meetings in Leshan, repeated analysis and demonstration, and their research work... At this stage, I’m so excited about what I’m studying...Many indicators are unnecessarily advancing. After defeating the West Route Army, they are too optimistic and want to eat two meals in one bite..."

"Although there is a problem... but it is inevitable, it is human nature. You also have a meeting, haven't you also expected it before... As you said, although optimism can cause trouble, in general, It should be regarded as a spiral rise, other aspects must be a lot better." The teacher explained.

"I said so, but I am too optimistic, there is no stone to cross the river by touching..."

He murmured, sighed, and smiled helplessly. In the past many years, he created this army by simulating the situation in adversity, constantly squeezing people's potential, and constantly tempering people's spirit and discipline in adversity. Who knows that the problem will be solved so soon. After coming down and walking in good times, he was a little uncomfortable.

The teacher couldn't hear his sentence clearly and whispered: "...Huh?"

"Nothing." Ning Yi smiled, patted the master's hand, and stood up.

"Ready to eat...Oh, yes, I have some information here. You can take a look at it at night. Old Dai is very interesting. While he let his subordinates traffic in human beings and evenly distribute the profits, he let people keep them. Caravans with no background who can get on the line cheat into his territory, then arrest these people, kill them, confiscate their things, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fame and fortune. They are going to fight recently. , A bit unscrupulous..."

It was late in the evening, and the golden sunlight was shining in the yard by the lake. Ning Yi smiled and found out an item, put it on the table, and walked out with her.

"... Outsiders can’t see clearly, and there is some ambiguity about Old Dai’s knowledge. We have collected some evidence, but we don’t consider releasing it for the time being. You can find someone to write some stories based on this in a year or two. It is published together with the report, plus the "White Haired Girl" which mainly accuses the black businessmen... Forget it, you can call it whatever you like. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. Anyway, these types of dramas, three years After reaching the peak and the black business matter is resolved, I will punish Dai Mengwei's heart."

The sun is falling, people's words are ringing, wind chimes are shaking, and countless people are living in and out of Chengdu, and countless things are happening. The images of black, white, and gray are intertwined, making it difficult to see. The war is set at the beginning, and many people have a new life. Even those who have signed a harsh contract, after arriving in Chengdu, eating warm soup and rice, they will be moved to tears; the ups and downs of the Hua Xia army are full of optimism and radical emotions at this moment, and they will also be affected by it. Suffered unspeakably. On this day, Ning Yi thought for a long time and took the initiative to make a deviant layout. Some people will die because of this, and some people will be born because of this. No one can accurately know the shape of the future.

One of the countless things that happen every day in the Huaxia Army. It was also on this day that Ning Yi had dinner with her teacher and received news from the North Land...

The soldier named Tang Minjie-who is also a sinner-is coming back.

At the same moment, Ning Ji was heading to Ankang, a big city under the rule of Dai Mengwei, with full of doubts. He was going to take a boat from there, all the way to Jiangning, to participate in the current seemingly incomprehensible hero meeting.

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