Zhui Xu

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I was mentally prepared to witness the darkness of the world. Who knows that when I first came to Dai Mengwei’s treatment, the first thing I encountered was that the legal system was clear here, and the illegal traffickers were severely punished. Although it may be an example, such a case Rather than getting caught off guard.

The five-member group of rotten Confucianists received by the county magistrate was very excited about this.

After they left the Southwest, their emotions have always been complicated. On the one hand, they were obsessed with the development of the Southwest. On the other hand, they were entangled in the apostasy of the Chinese Army. They were unable to integrate themselves as scholars, especially after walking through Bazhong, they saw the order and ability of both sides. It’s hard to tell nonsense with your eyes open.

Who knows, when you enter Dai Mengwei, you can see something different.

Although the materials seem to be scarce, the people under the rule are governed by the rules and regulations, and the upper and lower levels are in order. Even if the panic of southwestern expansion is not comparable for a time, it must be considered that Dai Mengwei has only taken over for a year, and the people under the rule are originally It is the fact of the mob.

Southwest is an unproven "new law" that worked for a while, but on Dai Mengwei's side, it can be regarded as an "old law" with a long history. This "ancient law" is not outdated, but it is an ideal state that Confucianism has thought about for thousands of years. Monarchs, monarchs, ministers, fathers, sons and sons, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are in their respective places. As long as everyone follows the predetermined rules to live, the farmers are at home. For farming, craftsmen build the necessary equipment, merchants carry out proper circulation of goods, and scholars manage everything, naturally there will be no major bumps.

If it is used in practice, the scholars manage the national strategy in general. The virtuous and virtuous people in various localities and middle-level officials cooperate with each other to educate the people, while the people at the bottom are contented with their duties and obey the arrangements above. So even if you encounter a little bump, as long as the people are united, it will naturally pass.

Of course, the principle of the ancient law is like this. When it is really used, it is inevitable that various deviations will occur. For example, in the Wu Dynasty for more than two hundred years, commerce was so developed that lower-level people became more greedy and selfish. This trend changed the governance of middle- and lower-level officials, so that when foreign insults came, the whole country could not unite, and finally due to the development of commerce , And finally gave birth to a monster like the mind demon who only values ​​profit, recognizes documents, and does not speak morality.

However, Dai Mengwei is undoubtedly a person who uses ancient ideas to the extreme. In one year, the people under his staff were arranged in an orderly manner, which can be called the ultimate in ruling a big country. What's more, his family members are all courteous corporals.

Although Na Dai Zhen is the honorable person of a county, he heard that there were innocent scholars among the arrested, so he personally welcomed several people to the back hall, explained the case, and communicated with several people one by one. knowledge. Any nephew in Dai Mengwei's family has such virtues. Regarding the evaluation that had been spread to the southwest and called Dai Mengwei the sage of today, several people finally understood more of the reasons and felt more empathetic.


After experiencing all these things and a little understanding of Dai Mengwei's greatness, the road has to go on.

At this time the leader of the caravan was beheaded, and the rest of the members were basically arrested in prison. The five-member group of rotten Confucianists asked about it and learned that although Dai Mengwei had many regulations on civilians, he couldn’t help traveling, but the rules on the roads were stricter. As long as you report in advance and travel without leaving the road, there will be no too much. Many questions. At this time, everyone knew Dai Zhen, the county magistrate, and had a piece of paper from him, and he didn't have much money to go to Ankang.

It’s just that Dai Zhen also reminded everyone of one thing: Now both Dai and Liu are concentrating their forces, preparing to cross the river north to recover Bianliang. At this time, everyone goes to Ankang to take a ship, and those merchant ships moving east may be deployed by their forces. Impact, the ferry tickets are tight, so after going to Ankang, you may have to make preparations to stay for a few days.

Several Confucian scholars came here, adhering to the idea of ​​reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles. At this time, they heard that there was a big army to allocate this kind of excitement, and now they no longer wait for the caravans on the way, and gather a few accompanying people. The book boy, the servant, and the lovely Ningji had some discussions, and set out now to go north.

The father and daughter Wang Xiu, who usually loves to approach Lu Wenke and Ning Ji, also follow. The father and daughter have been doing art for several years and have rich experience in going out. This time, they are attracted by Lu Wenke’s knowledge and family background. The youthful Wang Xiuniang wanted to settle down, and from time to time she displayed her youthful aura through playing with Ningji. For more than a month, Lu Wenke and the other party have also had some feelings of eyebrows, but he traveled to the southwest, and his knowledge has greatly improved. It is the time to go back to his hometown to show his ambitions. If he is eyebrows with the brothel girl, he doesn’t want to be easy. Tied up with an ignorant woman who is a performer. This relationship is going to be tangled for a while after all.

As for Ning Ji, I was a little tired of the **** quintet who started to tout Dai Mengwei, but when he was only fifteen years old, he didn't plan to be alone or out of touch. I had to endure the flirtation of a few foolish twitterings with the silly Sichun woman, while turning his attention to the hero meeting that might take place in Jiangning.

On the way to Ankang along the rugged road, I saw many villages that were strictly controlled, and the people in the villages with blank eyes...The checkpoints on the road and the soldiers also saw it along the way. Few, just after checking the customs clearance documents with the county magistrate Dai Zhen's seal, they did not conduct too many cross-examinations on this team.

The sun was shining on this day, and the team was crossing the mountains, and several scholars were still discussing what they had learned on Dai Mengwei's land. They have used Dai Mengwei’s “features” to overwhelm the demons who came from the southwest. At this time, they can be more “objective” when it comes to the situation in the world. Some people discuss that the “fair party” may take the lead. Some people say that Wu Qimei It's not useless, some people mentioned the perk of Xinjun Southeast.

Fan Heng, who is the oldest and who admires Dai Mengwei the most, would sigh from time to time: "If it were in the Jinghan period, people like Grandpa Dai could come out to do things, and then the Wu Dynasty would be so wonderful that it would not have such disasters as it is today. what a pity……"

"There is a lot to do," Lu Wenke said: "Nowadays, Gong Dai has a small territory, and it is much better to govern the world than it was in the Wu Dynasty. Gong Dai does have something to do, but he will change places in the future. ."

Fan Heng shook his head: "That's not the case. Back then, the Wu dynasty was bloated, and the seven tigers were entrenched in the dynasty. It is also because of this that, like Gong Dai, a noble and talented person, he was blocked underneath, and he did not make any achievements. In the Yangwu dynasty, if it were not for Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Qin Siyuan and other gangs of treacherous people who had been fighting for years, how could they have come to such a disintegrated and disintegrated situation today...cough cough cough cough..."

People used to talk about things and talk about things, and from time to time there will be situations where they can't help themselves when talking about someone or something, and yell at them. But when Fan Heng talked about the past, his mood was obviously not high, but gradually low, his eyes were red and even tearful, and he muttered to himself that Lu Wenke saw something wrong, and quickly called others to take a rest on the side of the road.

At this time, everyone was only one day away from Ankang. When the sun fell, they sat under the trees in the wild, and from a distance they could see the mature rice fields in the crevices. Fan Heng is in his forties, with some gray hair on his temples, but he is usually the Confucian student with the heaviest makeup and form. He likes to tell Ningji about the etiquette of worshipping God and the rules of gentlemen. He has never been in front of everyone before. Lost, I don't know why at this time, sitting under the tree by the roadside and muttering for a while, holding his head and crying.

The cry of the middle-aged man was sometimes low and sometimes sharp, and even had a runny nose, which was extremely unsound.

Lu Wenke and others stepped forward to comfort, and heard Fan Heng say something like: "Dead, all dead..." and sometimes cry: "My poor girl..." After he cried for a while, he spoke clearly. He heard him whispered: "...When I came down from the Central Plains in Jingping, all the children in my family died on the road... My child is only a little younger than Xiaolong... ..."

His vent was sudden, and everyone was silent. Ning Ji who was watching the scenery from the side thought about it: "Then he should be about the same size as Lu Wenke now." The rest of the people couldn't make a sound. The old scholar choked himself on the mountain road. Reverberate.

In fact, in the past few years, which family has not experienced some tragic events, a group of scholars have been impassioned when talking about world affairs. All kinds of tragedies are nothing more than pressing in the bottom of their hearts. Fan Heng said that he suddenly collapsed, and everyone was unavoidable. There are relatives.

On Ningji's side, how many people he grew up in the Huaxia Army, who can survive in the Huaxia Army, have never collapsed? Some people’s wives and daughters were raped, and some were slaughtered, starved to death, or even more miserable. Speaking of children in the family, it is possible that some of them were eaten during the famine... These misery comes from it He has seen many cries since childhood.

It's just that he has never seen the Wu Dynasty in the prosperous and prosperous period from beginning to end, the visitors from all directions in Bianliang, and the old dreams of Qinhuai River. He didn't have much feeling when talking about these things. I don’t feel the need to give the elderly too much sympathy. If something like this happened in the Hua Xia Army, who was in a bad mood, his companions would take turns in the ring and beat him with a bruised nose and swollen head, and he would be able to endure it for a while when the injury healed.

There was a round of venting of this sentiment at the end of the Southwest War, but more will have to wait until the Northland is flat in the future to calm down. But according to what my father said, after experiencing some things, I am afraid that I cannot be calm for a lifetime, and the persuasion of others does not have much meaning.

The middle-aged scholar collapsed for a while, and finally recovered his calm, and then continued on the road. The road is close to Ankang, and mature rice fields with golden ears have begun to increase. Some areas are being harvested. The villagers are watching the scene of rice harvesting by the army. Because of Fan Heng’s previous emotional outbursts, everyone’s mood was a little low at this time, and there was not much conversation. It’s just that when I saw this in the evening, Chen Junsheng, who had always talked less but was more able to hit the nail on the head, said: "You said, these rice are cut. Is it for the army or the villagers?"

His words made everyone silent for a while. Chen Junsheng said: "After the Golden Dog went, both banks of the Hanjiang River were thrown to Gong Dai. There are many mountains and little farmland here, so it is not suitable to live for a long time. Gongbian and Liu Gong hurriedly want to fight back to Bianliang, that is, to get rid of this place through the fertile fields of the Central Plains... It is just that the three armies have not moved the food and grass first. This autumn and winter, many people here may starve to death..."

Everyone lowered their heads to consider for a while, and someone said: "Dai Gong also has no way..."

Lu Wenke said: "Perhaps Mr. Dai... is also caressed. He will always leave some rations for the local people..."

Fan Heng, who has always spoken for Dai Mengwei, probably because of the emotional outburst in the day, this time he did not answer.


Everyone rested at the roadside station for one night, and entered the ancient city of Ankang by the Hanshui River at noon the next day.

This city experienced a military disaster when the Jurchen West Route Army came, and half of the city was burned. However, with the departure of the Jurchens, a large number of people were placed here after Dai Mengwei came to power. The gathering of people made this side again. With a feeling of being thriving, everyone can vaguely see the traces of the army stationed when they enter the city, and the atmosphere of pre-war silence has infected here.

As the scenes seen along the way show: the army's actions are waiting for the rice harvesting in the rear.

There are some things that do not need to be questioned too much. In order to support this northward battle, the Dai Mengwei forces, who are already lacking in food, must requisition a large number of rice planted by the people. The only question is how much he can leave for the people who stayed there. Up. Of course, such data is difficult to figure out without investigation, and even if they go to the southwest and have some courageous Confucian scholars, under this background, they dare not rush to investigate such things-they don't want to die.

Entering the city from the south gate of the city, under the guidance of the small officials at the city gate, heading to the north of the city, the whole Ankang City is half-new and half-old. There are stilt houses where a large number of people gather, and there are also streets that have been well-built after the government. But no matter where it is, there is a smell of fish, and many streets are filled with fishy sewage. This may be the follow-up influence of Dai Mengwei's encouragement to fish for a living.

Although the shadow of war is pervasive, commercial affairs in Ankang City are not prohibited, and there are always ships of this kind on the Han River moving eastward along the water—many of these ships are merchant ships departing from Hanzhong. Due to the previous agreement between the Huaxia Army and Dai Mengwei and Liu Guangshi, business routes from the Huaxia Army were not allowed to be blocked. In order to ensure the implementation of this matter, the Huaxia Army even sent a team of representatives of the Huaxia Army to station along the road. Therefore, on the one hand, Dai Mengwei and Liu Guangshi were preparing to fight, and on the other hand, merchant ships sent from Hanzhong to other places and from other places to Hanzhong were still rampant on the Han River every day, and even Dai Mengwei did not dare to block it. Both parties are doing their own actions like "business as usual".

Of course, Dai Mengwei's atmosphere is sober and no one knows when he will go crazy. Therefore, some merchant ships that might have docked in Ankang have cancelled their plans to dock at this time, and the number of merchant ships and passenger ships going east has been greatly reduced. As the county magistrate Daizhen said, people need to queue for a few days in Ankang to set off by boat. At the moment, everyone stayed in an inn named Tongwenxuan in the northeast of the city.

The noisy in this inn is mostly stranded travelers from north to south. There are also many scholars who come to learn more about their future. The talents stayed for the next night. In the noisy exchanges between the people in the lobby of the inn, they found a lot of interest. thing.

It is said that although Dai and Liu's soldiers and horses have not completely crossed the river, the "battle" on the Yangtze River has already begun. The lobbyists sent by Dai and Liu have gone to Nanyang and other places to lobby, persuading Zou Xu and the members of the Yin Zong alliance who occupied Luoyang, Bianliang and other places to surrender here. Even many scholars and scribes who felt they had the original relationship in China and who claimed to be familiar with the way of vertical and horizontal, this time went to Dai and Liu to come up with courageous plans and plans to help them recover Bianliang. This Many of the scholars who gathered in the city this time demanded fame.

The world is chaotic, and the most important thing among the population is of course all kinds of ideas for fame. On the side of scribes, scholars, aristocratic families, and squires, Dai Mengwei and Liu Guangshi have already raised a flag, and at the same time, a flag that was suddenly raised in the eyes of the world’s Cao Mang is naturally the hero meeting to be held in Jiangning. .

This time, the Fair Party has learned the ways of the Huaxia Army, drawing the gourd in the same way to gather justice in Jiangning, and it is also very expensive to the outside world. It has posted hero posts to the world's leading heroes, and invited many long-famous monsters. Out of the mountain. In the discussion of everyone, it is said that even Lin Zongwu, the number one in the world, may appear in Jiangning this time, sitting in the conference and trying out the heroes of the world.

As night fell, the inn named Tongwenxuan was old and old, and the candlelight was shaking in the lobby of the inn. No one of the literati and business travelers gathered here had let go of such an opportunity for exchanges, and uttered their own insights loudly. In this chaotic scene, Ning Ji finally found what he was interested in. He walked into the discussion circle of others, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Uncle, will Lin Zongwu really go to Jiangning? He really Is he great? Have you seen him?"

The scholar uncle who slobbered at the table saw him with a handsome face and a smile on his face. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was also slapped on the table: "After all, I’m a warrior. I’ve only seen him once from a distance. Hearing what others said...I have a friend, nicknamed Heshuo Tiandao, who had a history with him. It is said that Lin Zongwu, who wears the forest with a hundred legs, has the most skill on his legs..."

Unexpectedly, I could hear such Southwest jokes after leaving the Huaxia Army so far, Ning Ji's face suddenly became flat...

"But, anyway, this time Jiang Ning, I heard that the number one in the world, it is possible that he will probably be there..."

"But Lin Zongwu is a big fat man..."

"Hey, Lin Zongwu wears Lin Bei's nickname, how could he be a fat man! You young, you still have too little knowledge!"

"Yes, that's right, there is only the wrong name, how can there be a wrong name..."

A group of scholars talked about all kinds of knowledge that came from the southwest, and they despised Long Aotian. Long Aotian sighed. At the beginning of this trip, he was even more confused.

And on the second night after arriving here, he saw an assassination...

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