Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Vertical and horizontal

The moon has been round for some time, illuminating the ordinary night in mid-June. On the side of the sparsely lit Ankang city, Han water flows quietly, half of the rice in the fields on the shore has been harvested, and they are stationed in the army camp next to them. The fire and the shadows of people are small.

Even though the shadow of war is imminent, looking from a distance, this ordinary world and common people are just another ordinary day.

In the daytime, Ankang City, with noisy people, was quiet a lot during the half-curfew, but the heat in June has not cleared, and most of the city is still flooded with a more or less fishy smell.

At this time, the lights in an old house on the west side of the city were already lit, and the servant opened the window of the living room to let the wind flow slightly after nightfall. After a while, the old man entered the hall, met with the guests, and lighted a little incense.

"...The distinguished guest is visiting, and the servants don't know the importance and the courtesy..."

"...I have been in Ankang for more than ten days, deliberately hiding my identity, but I have nothing to do with others..."

"...The war in the northeast is coming soon, you and us are both enemies and not friends. The generals here are not afraid of being caught..."

"...The two armies do not slash the army in the fight. Dai Gong is the Confucian master, I think, most of them are rules..."

"...The general has some misunderstandings about Confucianism. Since Dong Zhongshu dismissed a hundred schools of thought, the so-called Confucianism has always been outer circles and inner squares, with Confucian skin and bones. There are ways for old things like me to be unreasonable. For example, even though the two armies did not kill the spies in the battle, they didn't say not to kill the spies..."

"...Dai Gong is frank and admirable..."

"...The general is in danger alone, and there must be major events. You and I are in the darkroom, and you can talk about things. You don't have to bend too much."

The shaking lights illuminate the scene in the room, and the voices of both sides of the conversation appear calm and calm. One of the older ones is Dai Mengwei, who is now known as the sage of today. On the other side, the middle-aged man who talks with him has a capable appearance and a bunt of a gangster, but he used to belong to the Huaxia Army and now follows Zou Xu's confidant general who led the army in Luoyang was named Ding Songnan. Theoretically speaking, the lobbying on the front line has already begun, and he should be sitting on the north front line, but unexpectedly he appeared in an "behind enemy" city like Ankang at this time.

An officer of the Chinese Army in the past. At this time, he was alone in danger. Facing Dai Mengwei, Ding Songnan’s face did not have too many waves. He held a teacup and said: "Ding is here in Ankang. Simple, on behalf of Zou Shuai, came to talk with Dai Gong to talk about cooperation. Or at least...to explore Dai Gong’s ideas."

This is straightforward, Dai Mengwei's eyes narrowed: "I heard...Zou Shuai went to Jindi, and went to discuss cooperation with the female prime minister?"

"Prepare with both hands. Mr. Ning used to tell us that if we seek peace through struggle, we will survive peacefully, and if we seek peace through compromise, we will die peacefully. Gong Dai and Gong Liu and others are eager to fight. We can’t do without countermeasures. I went to Jindi to buy weapons. Before I left, I was asked to come to Duke Dai’s side and said that you might be able to talk and form an alliance. I have been here for more than ten days, and Duke can clean up a bunch of mess to the point where it is today. Worthy of today's saints."

"The sage's saying is just nonsense." Dai Mengwei waved his hand, "It's just that since you can prepare with two hands, how can I know that you didn't prepare three hands and four hands. While making a deal with the Jindi, you came to see the old man. , And then send someone to see Liu Shuai and even others. Before the war, our side was half-hearted, and we had no choice but to defeat ourselves without fighting. It was also a good plan."

Regarding Dai Mengwei’s statement, Ding Songnan nodded and was silent for a moment: “Although Zou Shuai and I have betrayed the Huaxia Army, we always know what the person doing things is like from the past to today. The tail is nothing but a muddy mud, but Dai Gongxin has great ambitions. Especially for us, Dai Gong can make up for Zou Shuai's shortcomings. It is the so-called strong alliance and complementary advantages."

Dai Mengwei took a sip of tea: "Which piece?"

"The knowledge that Dai Gong holds allows our army to know why we are fighting."

"...Is this what Zou Xu thought?"

Ding Songnan nodded.

"The people of the world...or like Liu Gong and others, all staring at the one-third acre of land in front of them, at least looking up and looking at the three or five steps ahead. Liu Gong wanted to take Bianliang, so he said that he was in a mess, just because Whether he surrenders or submits in the future, ask for a way out. But Gong Dai is different. Since the beginning of the pole and waving the flag, Gong Dai knows who the future enemy is. This is the same to me and Yu Zou Shuai. Since the rebellion, I have been tossing and turning around and can't sleep day and night..."

"...Then why betrayed?"

"One is of course a momentary rush of brains, making mistakes; second... Mr. Ning’s standards and requirements are too strict. The discipline in the Huaxia Army is strict. Up and down, meetings and rectification will be held at every turn, in order to ask for one. Fan victory, all those who can’t keep up will be criticized or even excluded. In the past, this was the basis for the victory of the Huaxia Army, but when the mistake was made, I had no choice but to wait...Of course, the Huaxia Army. So, I can’t keep up, and I'm not the only one waiting..."

"... There is a saying in the Book of Great Dais in the Western Han Dynasty that there will be no fish when the water is clear, and there will be no disciples when people are observant. Sincerely do not deceive me.

"I am waiting to come out of the Huaxia Army and know what the real Huaxia Army is like. Duke Dai, now it seems that the world is in chaos. On the side of Liu Gong, he can even gather more than a dozen princes. In fact, he will be able to stabilize himself in the future. , But only a few parties. It seems that the fairness party swept Jiangnan and annexed the clown-like Tie Yan and Wu Qimei. There is no suspense. The future depends on how He Wen can fight with the small southeast court in Fuzhou; The other female prime ministers in Jin area are princes of one party. It's hard to say that she can't get out. Others want to get in. I'm afraid they don't have this ability. Moreover, from all parties in the world, Mr. Dening takes a different look, that is, such a self-improving woman..."

"I am constantly striving..." Dai Mengwei repeated.

"This is what Mr. Ning said to her in the southwest. Zou Shuai heard it personally." Ding Songnan said, "The relationship between Jin and Liangshan is special, but in any case, after the Yellow River, the place should be divided by them. To the south of the Yellow River, it was nothing more than the three parties of Gong Dai, Gong Liu and me who broke the head, and finally decided a winner..."

He paused: "Frankly speaking, in this three-way war, Gong Dai and Gong Liu seem to be powerful, but if we say that we have won, it may be our side. The reason for all this is because Liu Guangshi is a man. The soft general who can only fight with the wind, let him gather all the forces, but he can't fight a tough fight. Among the parties here, Mr. Dai may be sober, but what can you do? Just collected this season's If the rice is sent to the battlefield, the rear may be enough to make you feel bad. What's more, how many soldiers under Dai Gong's can fight? At the beginning, he returned to Jurchen, and some of the gangsters who were eliminated, the quality of Dai Gong must be clear."

Dai Meng smiled and said, "The battle on the battlefield is not about tongues. You have to fight a fight to know. Moreover, we can't fight a tough battle. You have rebelled against the Chinese Army. Could it be possible to fight?"

"The Huaxia Army can fight mainly because of military discipline. In this regard, Zou Shuai has never let go. However, these things are too much to say, and they will be trivial in the future." Ding Songnan waved his hand, "Dai Gong, these things, no matter what they say. How, how is the fight, one day in the future, the southwest army will come out from there sooner or later, and one day, today’s so-called princes from all sides, no one can stop it. How terrible is Mr. Ning? Zou Shuai knows best, but on that day, is Gong Dai wanting to stand with a junk like Liu Guangshi and fight against a strong enemy? Or... no matter how ideal it is, for example, you defeated me and Zou Shuai, and Let you drive away Liu Guangshi, eliminate all political enemies, and then... rely on these old soldiers under yours to fight against the Southwest?"

Ding Songnan tapped his finger on the coffee table next to him: "Dai Gong, with all due respect, you are good at governing people, but you may not know soldiers. Zou Shuai is a man who knows soldiers, but for various reasons, it is difficult to govern people with justice. Zou Shuai has a skill. If you want to choose someone to cooperate with in the area south of the Yellow River, for Zou Shuai, you are the most ideal person."

The living room was quiet for a while, only the sound of Dai Mengwei fiddled with the rim of the cup with the lid of the cup. After a while, the old man said: "After all, you still...can't use the way of the Huaxia Army..."

"In the Xiaocanghe period, Mr. Ning had set two major development directions, one is spirit, and the other is material." Ding Songnan said, "The so-called spiritual path is through reading, enlightenment, and enlightenment, so that all people can be produced. The so-called subjective initiative, in the army, has meetings and talks, remembers bitterness and sweetness, and tells about the superiority of China. I want everyone...everyone for me, for everyone, and become selfless..."

"As for the way of material, it is the so-called theory of material acquisition, research equipment and development of armaments... According to Mr. Ning, one of these two directions will be able to be invincible in the future. If the spiritual path can really be achieved, tens of thousands The Huaxia Army can kill all Jurchen people from the beginning with bare hands... But this path is too ideal, so the Huaxia Army has always been walking in two lines. Among the military, discipline is used to restrain the soldiers, and the material aspect is from Dijiang. Appears, Jurchen West Road is defeated, and you can see the effect..."

"Nowadays, the Huaxia Army is well known in the world, and the only flaw is that his requirements are too high, Mr. Ning's rules are too tough, but without long-term practice, no one knows whether it will pass in the future. I and Zou Shuai After rebelling against the Huaxia Army, the rules of ruling the army can still be used, but tell the soldiers underneath why they are fighting?" Ding Songnan looked at Dai Mengwei, "Dai Gong, and today, the only thing that can make up for this shortcoming is the southeast. The little imperial court, the second is Duke Dai, your sage today."

Dai Mengwei held the tea cup and shook it subconsciously: "The so-called fair party in the east has its own saying."

"The theory of the fair party actually came from Mr. Ning. When Zou Shuai was in the Southwest, he had many deductions with everyone. Mr. Ning once said that the purer the ideal, the more complex and strict the conditions for its realization. When I am convinced that the Fair Party will defeat itself in the future, it's just that the more things it does right before then, the longer the Fair Party can persist, and the momentum will grow stronger."

Dai Mengwei thought for a while: “In this way, the fairness of the party’s concept is too pure. Mr. Ning found it too difficult, so he didn’t implement it. The southwestern concept went down, so I used the material way as a supplement. My Confucian way, Obviously it is more waiting..."

"Princes, ministers, fathers and sons have their own order. Confucianism and Taoism are the avenues that have experienced thousands of years of trials. How can it be described as waiting. It's just that people in the world have different wisdom and poor aptitudes. At this moment, how can we enforce equality. Dai Gong, forgive me? I can say bluntly, besides Heiqi, the only person who has the deepest fear of Mr. Ning is your side, and besides Heiqi, only Zou Shuai who knows Heiqi the deepest. You would rather be with the Jurchen and be with the Southwest. Confrontation, and Zou Shuai understands the consequences of the future confrontation with the Southwest. Nowadays, only if you are in charge of politics and people's livelihood, and Zou Shuai is in charge of the army and things, and the two sides work together, can you do something in the future. Choose, Mr. Dai, neither do you."

"... In the final analysis, Zou Xu and you want to get rid of Yin Zong and others' interference."

"Yin Zong and others are short-sighted and innocent, they are just like Liu Guangshi and the like. Doesn't Dai Gong want to get rid of the constraints of Liu Guangshi's generation? Time is not waiting, you and me and others are thinking about Bianliang at the same time. It is developing every day over there. The plans of those of us fall in the eyes of Mr. Ning. I am afraid that they are nothing more than the trouble of the clown. But the joint work of Gong Dai and Zou Shuai may be able to give Mr. Ning. Surprised."

When the two were talking, there was a faint commotion in the distance of the courtyard. Dai Meng took a deep breath, stood up from his seat, and pondered for a moment: "I heard that General Ding was previously in the Huaxia Army and was not an official leader."

Ding Songnan also stood up: "I belong to the Political Department, mainly in charge of military discipline. In fact, as long as the military discipline arrives, it is not too difficult to lead the army."

"...In the Huaxia Army, how many talents can there be like General Ding?"

"...Everywhere." Ding Songnan replied.

Dai Mengwei walked to the window and nodded. After a long time, he said: "...this matter needs to be discussed in the long term."

The commotion in the distance became clearer, and someone shouted in the night. Ding Songnan stood in front of the window, frowning and feeling the movement: "This is..."

"There is a group of people from the rivers and lakes. In the past year, the group was going to kill the old man. The leader was a murderous man named Lao Ba. I heard that he went to the Hua Xia Army and persuaded Mr. Ning to kill me. Mr. Ning refused. He was face to face. He sipped Ning Yi and ran to act on his own."

Dai Meng lowered his head and shook the teacup: "It's really interesting to say that people from the rivers and lakes went to kill Ning Yi in batches, but he designed them to kill batch after batch. They came to kill me today, and it’s the same. Just a little design. They couldn’t wait to jump in, and even if Ning Yi and I disliked each other, even Ning Yi couldn’t look down on their actions... It can be seen that there are always some short-sighted people who want to do major things in the world. Whatever, they should be allowed to go away..."

He put down the teacup and looked at Ding Songnan.

"... Then... tell me about the plan."


Under the low starry night, a small commotion broke out in the streets west of Ankang City. A group of bandits fought and fled, and people were hacked to the ground from time to time.

There are not many troops in charge of interception, and the ones who really round up these bandits are those who have become famous in the troubled times. After receiving the courtesy of Dai Mengwei, the sage of today, most of them were grateful, bowed their heads and bowed to worship, and now they have abandoned their previous suspicions and formed the strongest guards around Dai Mengwei. At the beginning of the launch, it fell into the already set pocket.

As Dai Mengwei said, similar dramas happened many times in Bianliang's side more than ten years ago. But the same response is still sufficient to this day.

"Baby!" The rough shouts echoed in the street, "I respect you as a man! Take your own life, don't hurt the brothers next to you—"

The people who fled were driven into a nearby warehouse, and chasing soldiers came round. The speaker walked forward and waved his comrades to surround the gap.

At the entrance to the rear of the warehouse, a big man riding a war horse, holding a big knife, and a few fast-paced companions quickly surrounded him, he flew with the knife and fixed the direction of the back door of the warehouse, and a dark shadow had quietly climbed in. Attempt to fight. Behind him, someone suddenly shouted: "Who--"

The man on the horse looked back and saw that on the empty street behind, a figure in a cloak suddenly appeared and was walking towards them. Two companions walked towards the man, one with a gun and the other with a knife. In an instant, the cloak vibrated, and the violent light of the sword rose up. After hearing only a few clanging sounds, the two companions fell to the ground, being thrown behind by the figure.

The man with the knife rode his horse to rush, screaming—with a bang, he saw a crossbow bolt hit in his chest, his cloak flying, the figure approached in the blink of an eye, and the long knife in his hand split a **** shadow.

In the tinkling sound, a young swordsman named You Hongzhuo and several other round-ups were killed together, and warning fireworks flew into the sky. UU reading www. After a longer time on uukanshu.com, an explosion suddenly sounded on the street. After arriving at the site of the Chinese Army last year, after Zhangcun was fortunate to experience a period of real special forces training due to the appreciation of Lu Hongti, he has learned to use various weapons such as crossbows, explosives, and even lime powder to injure people.

He has been tossing around in Dai Mengwei’s territory for several months, clearing part of the insider investigation, and was planning to leave after sending it to the southwest as a return of last year’s training. At this time, he saw the assassination and round-up. , Jin Chenghu and other assassins rescued.

The battle that might have ended quickly, because his shots became longer, everyone rushed from left to right in the city, and the riots expanded in the night.

On the northeast side of the city, Ning Ji and a group of scholars climbed onto the roof, curiously watching the commotion in the night...

Dai Mengwei discussed important matters with Ding Songnan in the yard. He was a little unhappy with the spread of the riots, but compared to the core of their discussions, such things could only be regarded as small episodes. Soon after, he sent these masters to Jiangning to spread his reputation.

Big and small things are constantly going on, even in the history books many years later, no one will put these pieces together. The curves of various events pass by...

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