Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 32: Shuhe (Part 1)

The sky is bright.

The dew wet the streets in the morning.

At the Tongwenxuan Inn in the northeast of Ankang, the scholars' reading aloud after morning wake up. A busker girl named Wang Xiuniang moved her body in the courtyard, waiting for Lu Wenke to appear, and greeted him. After finishing washing, Ning Ji bounced across the yard and trot outside the inn.

"Hey, Brother Long."

"Wang Xiuxiu."

Ning Ji waved his hand to say good morning, and his figure had passed through the porch under the courtyard to the front hall.

He ran out of the inn all the way, moving his head, neck and limbs, his body began to get warm in his long breath, and he ran to the west of the city along the streets in the morning.

Because of his current identity as a doctor, he is not suitable for exercising in front of others by punching and practicing knives. Fortunately, after experiencing battlefield experience, his advancement and perception in martial arts have far surpassed his peers, and he does not need to do much machinery. You can easily disassemble the complex routines and tricks. Keeping your body active and sharp every day is enough to maintain your own combat power. Therefore, running in the morning can be regarded as a more useful activity.

It is said that my father was in Jiangning and would run back and forth along the Qinhuai River every morning. That grandfather Qin's residence was also on the road where his father was running, and the two knew each other because of this. Later, he went to Beijing and did a big business. Later, when Grandpa Qin was killed, his father took the initiative to fight the Emperor of the Wu Dynasty.

Thinking about it this way, running is also a passionate thing.

Ning Ji's running seemed relaxed and casual, but the actual speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, I passed by the few vendors and pedestrians who did not come out early in the morning, passing through the doorways of shops where the fire was lit up everywhere, and through the morning market...Even if pedestrians gather and debris piles up in some places, No one or object collided with this seemingly casual teenager.

One night passed, and the smell of fish on the streets of Ankang in the early morning was much less, but when running to the west of the city, some streets could already see the gathering and yawning soldiers. The traces of last night’s chaos are here. Not yet completely dispersed.

There are also pedestrians on the street who occasionally gather to inquire about the progress of things last night, and some are naturally afraid of the army and hurried past with their heads down. But the army on the road did not have much intersection with the residents. While Ning Ji was running, I could occasionally see traces of the fight last night. According to observations last night, the bandits set fire to several buildings during the fight, and there were signs of gunpowder explosion. Observe from a distance, the ruins of the burning room. It still exists, but the situation of the gunpowder explosion is no longer clear.

In fact, last night, Ning Ji sneaked out of Tong Wenxuan to join in the fun. It's just that he was mainly tracking the group of assassins. The eastern and western cities were too far apart. When he sneaked over here in night clothes, the surviving assassins had already escaped the first round of rounds.

At that time, a group of arrogant people from the rivers and lakes set off the net and went looking for suspicious traces. This made Ningji finally failed to find any cheapness that slipped through the net. After observing the initial fighting place and determining the clumsiness and disorder of the assassins, he left on the principle of safety first.

The Chinese Army’s principle of espionage does not encourage assassinations—not completely absent, but the assassination of important targets must have a reliable plan, and try to dispatch personnel trained in special operations. Even if there are stunners in the arena who want to do such things in good faith, as long as there are members of the Huaxia Army, they will definitely be persuaded.

According to his father, unplanned blood is never better than planned brutality. For Ning Ji, who is in full bloom, although deep down most of her heart does not like such words, similar examples have been demonstrated countless times inside and outside the Huaxia Army.

So after daybreak, Ning Ji ran over again and openly eavesdropped on some information from people's conversations.

"...The bandits entered the city last night and assassinate..."

"...A group of bandits with no conscience and righteousness..."

"...In private colluding with the Southwest, selling people there, we were smashed by us, and in the end, we took the risk and went into the city to assassinate Grandpa Dai..."

There are depressed soldiers on the street, and there are also big tycoons who still seem to be arrogant. From time to time, they will speak out some information. Ning Ji mingled in the crowd and couldn't help but stare at a pair of innocent eyes when he heard the word Dai Gong.

"Dai..." He was curious, "Dai, Dai...Grandpa Dai...his old man...is actually in the city..."

Jianghu Dahao squinted his eyes. If someone asked about this, he would have to be vigilant, but if he looked at a cute-looking young man who looked respected Dai Gongman in his words, he just waved to remedy it.

"Ahem...Don't ask more about these things. The bandits are cruel, but most of them have been killed by me. The specific situation...should be announced. Don't worry, don't worry... Let it go... "

Ning Ji dispersed along the crowd and ran around slowly, observing for a while from the outside of his eyes, before leaving the street.

After the Southwest War ended, many forces outside were actually learning the Chinese Army’s military training methods, and they also paid attention to the effects of the concentrated use of the green forest heroes. But often one or two leaders lead a group of third-rate masters, trying to enforce discipline and build elite scout troops. Naturally, I would rather have heard about this kind of thing in the army. I looked around at random last night and knew that these people in the Green Forest were the "special forces" on Dai Mengwei's side.

Previously, this man was strong in stature and punched powerfully, but the bottom was unstable. When he was placed in the army, he would be a dead fish. It would not take three knives to kill him with a knife on the ground... He thought in his heart, after learning that Dai Mengwei was there. After Ankang City, suddenly a little bit ready to move.

After that, he ran slowly across a few streets and observed a few people. It was not that there were no masters who could not see through, which made his mood slightly calm.

In a place where a house was burnt down, the affected residents knelt on the street and cried hoarsely, accusing the gangsters of arson the night before.

When we ran to the largest market entrance in Ankang City, the sun had already come out, and Ning Ji saw the crowd gather, and then a vehicle was pushed over. The car was slain by the corpses of the bandits. Ning Ji watched in the crowd for a while, and a pickpocket wanted to steal something from him halfway through, but he took a moment and fell into the muddy water at Caishikou.

Running all the way back to Tong Wenxuan, the scholars and merchants who were eating breakfast had already filled the lobby. Lu Wenke and others had taken a seat for him. He ran over and started to grab steamed buns. Wang Xiuniang came over and sat next to him: "Doctor Xiaolong ran out every morning to exercise his body? Didn't you doctors have that kind of five-element boxing... Five-element play, don't you play in the yard?"

"It's Wu Qin Xi." Lu Wenke said with a smile next to him, "Has Xiaolong learned it?"

"Yeah." Ning Ji nodded, holding the bun in one hand, and doing some simple movements in the other, "There are cat fist, horse fist, panda fist, monkey fist and chicken fist..."

"Ah? Yes?" Lu Wenke was slightly confused and asked the people next to him. Fan Heng and others nodded at random and added: "Well, it's passed down from Hua Tuo."

The atmosphere on the table was pleasant and harmonious, and everyone else was talking about the riots that took place last night. Except for Wang Xiuniang, who was breaking his fingers to memorize the knowledge of the "Five Animal Boxing", everyone talked about politics happily.

This Tongwenxuan can be regarded as a high-end inn in the city. Most of the scholars and business travelers who live here are stranded scholars and business travelers. Most people do not leave on the same day, so breakfast exchanges and discussions have been spent for a long time. After a while, a scholar who had gone out in the morning returned with more detailed internal information.

The subject who participated in the assassination this time has already made it clear that the leader is the Jiangyang thieves who have done everything in the Hanshui area over the past few years, nicknamed Lao Ba, and the Green Forest people call him the "Eight Master". Before the Jurchen went south, he was a well-known "writer" in this green forest. As long as he gave money, this man would do anything to kill and set fire.

After the Jurchens left, the place under Daigong's administration was already struggling to survive. The old eight, who saw the money, united with the criminals in the southwest, secretly opened up routes to traffic in human beings for profit. And under the instruction of the "powerful people" in the southwest, he always wanted to kill Gong Dai and go to the southwest to receive a reward.

Last night, Mr. Dai entered the city in an emergency, and he did not bring many guards, so the old man got the chance to assassinate the city. Unexpectedly, this action was discovered by the righteous men under Dai Gong, and they bravely blocked them, and several men died in the fight. Seeing that the matter was revealed, the bachelor immediately left his companions and fled. On the way, he set fire to the city at will, and burned countless people. He was really frantic and inhuman.

After the failed assassination, the bandit leader Lao Ba, Jin Chenghu and others are still at large. A large number of official documents with pictures and graphics have been issued in the city, offering rewards for arresting the murderer...

There was a lot of discussion in the inn about this matter. Some people loudly condemned the brutality of the gangsters, some began to talk about the ecology of the green forest, some began to care about Dai Mengwei’s entry into the city, thinking about how to meet the previous side, to sell him what he had learned, and some people began to discuss the war ahead. If we can discuss a big-cut plan that is beneficial to the situation ahead, we can also be appreciated by Gong Dai...

At this time, Ding Songnan, who had negotiated a preliminary plan with Dai Mengwei, was still a capable bunt. He left the house of Dai Mengwei, walked with a few confidants, went to the north of the city to take a boat, and left Ankang vigorously.

On the way, he talked to a companion about the result of this conversation. In the middle of the conversation, he fell silent slightly, and then said: "Dai Mengwei...it is really not easy."

"how you said that?"

"...After going back, choose a group of people, I want you to take them, and prepare to go to Jiangning."

"... That hero meeting?" The companion was slightly puzzled, "Join the fairness of the party?"

"Dai Mengwei is right..." Ding Songnan said, "There will be some major events in the future that will appear in Jiangning..."

"Then we... don't have to support He Wen..."

The Han River was lingering, and the doubts of his companion sounded in the cabin, and then Ding Songnan explained to him the reason for this...


"...Next, some things that determine the future of this world will happen in Jiangning..."

In the early afternoon, Dai Meng walked forward slowly with a cane in Ankang's house. Next to him is Lu Zhongming, one of his most useful disciples in the past. This is a middle-aged scholar who is nearly forty years old. He was once in charge of the grain-raising affairs.

"...I like you, and take a trip to Jiangning. Wei He, Chen Bian, and Qiu Changying heroes are all under your control... I thought about it, and only you can hold it..." Dai Mengwei said.

"...Jiangning...Heroes Conference?" Lu Zhongming frowned for a while, "This matter was not caused by He Wen picking up people's teeth..."

He hesitated and puzzled, Dai Meng shook his head slightly.

"It took only a few days to hear this. It seems absurd at first glance, but if you think about it in depth, it's not difficult for you to think of..."

The news of the Jiangning Heroes Conference spread here recently, and some people were enthusiastic about it, and some people laughed privately. Because in the final analysis, last year the Southwest World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament was in front of the jade, and this year He Wen is obviously a little bit thinking about it.

Moreover, the so-called quack heroes, even though they are heroic among the storytellers, as long as they are high-ranking people who do things, it is already clear that the future of this world will not be determined by these people. The Southwest held the world’s No. 1 martial arts competition. It was based on the power of defeating the Jurchen West Route Army to recruit people and expand the army. Moreover, Ning Yi also deliberately carried out the establishment ceremony of the China People’s Government. But one of the incidental gimmicks. And He Wen also started one this year, just to get some people who chasing fame and fortune to join in the fun, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may be a bit popular and recruit a few rashers to join the group, but could it also take the opportunity to create a "fair people" "Regime" failed?

Lu Zhongming lowered his head and thought, Dai Meng's micro crutches walking in the front tapped the ground slowly and rhythmically.

"...Jurchen went south four times, Emperor Jianshuo fled to the sea, and the Wu dynasty fell apart. Today, it seems that the princes have risen together, and those with a little ability have all held up a flag, but in fact, it was just a sudden encounter. In the panic period after the great chaos, everyone could not understand the form of the world, and could not grasp their own position. Some raised the flag and hesitated, some were loyal on the surface, and continued to test in private. After all, the Wu Dynasty has been stable for two hundred years. Is it going to be in troubled times next, or after a few years inexplicably reunite, no one can guarantee the ticket."

Dai Meng smiled and said: "In this way, many people seem to be powerful, but in fact they are just short-lived counterfeit lords... The world is like a big wave scouring the sand. In the next year or two, these counterfeit goods and unstable standing will eventually be washed away. Going down. South of the Yellow River, I, Liu Gong, and Zou Xu can be considered a place for real gold scouring. The Fair Party, Wu Qimei, and even the small court of Fuzhou will have to decide a win or lose sooner or later. These things, at first glance I can see it clearly."

Lu Zhongming nodded.

"But have you ever thought that in this world in the future, a situation that may also arise will be... where the princes of all walks of life will discuss the black flag?"

Dai Meng paused: "Everyone in the world regards me, Liu Gong, and Zou Xu as one piece, and the Fair Party, Wu Qimei and others as another piece. Moreover, the development of the Fair Party seems to be chaotic. He has swept and expanded more than the black flag. Because it is radical, no one's face is sold. So when I heard that this hero meeting was so absurd, scholars of my generation just laughed it off, but in fact, even if it was such a ridiculous meeting, the Fair Party still opened its door..."

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