Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 34: Autumn Leaves (Part 1)

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The night after arriving in Zizhou, I dreamed of my sister who had died.

That was more than ten years ago.

The Jurchen went south for the second time, causing countless people to die. The Tang family is a small landlord near the Daming Mansion. The family was originally well-off. When Jurchen went south for the first time, because Zhuji cooperated with Xiangfu's measures to clear the country and evacuated in time, he did not suffer any serious casualties, but this time , But no good luck for the first time.

His parents soon died in the rebellion, and all the belongings they had with them were looted. A large number of people were driven south by the military disaster. Tang Minjie, who had read some books at the time and was also active in thinking, took his sister Tang Baoer all the way to Xiaocanghe in the northwest.

Right and wrong in the human world are actually difficult to define when faced with many complex situations. Even after many years, it was difficult for Tang Minjie, who had more mature thinking, to discuss whether his thoughts were clear at the time and whether he could survive by choosing another path. But in short, people make decisions and face consequences.

It took a total of more than a thousand miles from the Daming Mansion to Xiaocanghe. The brothers and sisters who had never experienced complicated things encountered many things: military disasters, mountain bandits, refugees, beggars...they had a lot of money. It’s almost gone. I’ve been beaten, I’ve witnessed the plague, I almost died on the road, but I’ve also benefited from the goodwill of others, and I finally encountered hunger...

My sister was starved to death. Before I die, I want to eat meat pie...

In countless hours since then, he will always remember that journey. At that time he also left a knife. Although the military disaster spread and starved everywhere, he could have killed people. However, when he was seventeen years old, he didn't have the guts. He could have cut off his own flesh, for example, cut the flesh on his butt, he had considered this several times, but in the end he still had no courage...

My sister was starved to death on the road. He encountered several other refugees and walked to Xiaocanghe together. Because he had read books, he was arranged to do some paperwork, and then he also listened to some courses, and finally understood a truth:

Be brave when things come.

If I was able to do it in the first place, whether it was for others or myself... My sister might not have to die...

Waking up from his sleep, it was vaguely early in the morning, Lu Mingfang spoke to him:

"What else can I entrust to me? For example, the sister in the waiting room, should I go back and visit for you?"

"You are not suitable. I'm afraid she will be a widow if she runs with her head all day long."

"Is there a sister?"

At that time, Lu Mingfang's eyes lit up, looking stupid with interest.

In the end, I came back...


With the sound of the bell in the early morning, the sky on the east revealed the morning glow. The **** team went to the south road of Zizhou city, joined a convoy returning to Chengdu, and took a free ride.

The motorcade belonging to China First Military Industry followed the spacious avenue where people came and drove through the wilderness after the autumn harvest, through the lush forest of Longquan Mountains, large white clouds in the sky moved with the wind, sitting on the cart The prisoners in 1989 occasionally heard people talk about all kinds of things: the restructuring of Zhuji, the war in the Central Plains, the trade with Liu Guangshi, the hateful He Wen, the workers in Chengdu... Many concepts made him feel unfamiliar.

The most familiar thing in his memory was the ice and snow in the north. Even in a world without ice and snow, that piece of heaven and earth seemed cold and severe.

But the road in front of him was wide. Many years ago, when he left the Liangshan area, crossed Chengdu, and went north through Jianmenguan, this place did not belong to the Chinese Army, and there was no such spacious road.

On the eighth day of July in the second year of the Chinese Yuan calendar, Tang Minjie returned to Chengdu from the north, and it was his past junior brother Peng Yueyun who came out to greet him.

Then, there was an interrogation.


The light of Xingyue gently enveloped this place.

In the auditorium at the northern end of the village, a wedding banquet is going on. One side of the couple is Du Pengpeng, the fourth son of Du Sha, and the other is Su Xiaoxian, Su Wending's daughter. Both of these two are considered big households in Zhangcun, so although they follow the standards of frugality, the banquet scene is still very lively. Su Taner brought people over to help Zhang Luo, and Ning Yi also showed up briefly.

Lin Jingmei tied her hair into a long ponytail, and took a few sisters busy cooking in the kitchen.

From the beginning of the rebellion of the Chinese army, the shortage of materials has lasted for more than ten years. Now, although the high-speed development of Chengdu has already been luxurious, Zhangcun has been under the control of Ning Yi. Still maintain a relatively simple customs. Although the wedding banquet was lively, it did not invite any prominent cooks from other places, nor did it overly extravagant dishes. Since growing up by Ning Yi's side for more than ten years, Lin Jingmei, who was adopted by Ning Yi as her righteous daughter, is very skilled in cooking. This time the little girl in the sister group married, she volunteered to take care of the production of two dishes.

The kitchen was smoky and exhausted, but there were unhelpful flies next to it.

"Hey, hey, in this way, you will be left, Meizi, and you will be left..."

Today is not the first person to talk about this topic. Lin Jingmei swung the spoon in her hand into a big knife, arousing wind.

"Go away, go away, help serve food..."

One fly was driven away, and the other flies gathered around.

"Yes, you should think about something too, Meizi..."

"Okay, okay, say something useful."

"My cousin came back yesterday, go see you..."

In the big kitchen, several male cooks shouted while cooking while Lin Jingmei had people coming over from time to time to help her talk about blind dates and marriages. On the one hand, this is because she is Ning Yi's righteous daughter, on the other hand, it is also because of her outstanding appearance and temperament.

The Hua Xia Army flies tightly in the early years. Some outstanding young people have delayed marriage for a few years. It was only after the end of the Southwest War that large-scale blind dates and marriages began to appear, but now it is coming to an end. .

Lin Jingmei laughed and cried and blocked the lineup one by one. Of course, there were more people coming, and occasionally someone would bring up more complicated topics.

"Hey, Meizi, you don't want to get married, don't you still worry about the surname, that person is not a thing..."

Mentioning this matter, the male cooks nearby all joined in: "Nonsense, how could Meizi be so visionless..."

"I tell you, Meizi, no one can marry that dog thing!"

"Yes, I knew I should have killed him back then!"

"Cook croton for him."

"Sooner or later there will be retribution."

This is one of the most discussed things in Zhangcun—or within the Chinese Army forces. Regarding the relationship between the Hua Xia Army and the fair party, the past definition has been rather ambiguous. The Hua Xia Army’s attitude is actually open-minded: We have defeated the Jurchens here, and if you have a reputation for this, you will lose your reputation.

But the news of the Jiangning Heroes Conference came, and the China Army’s World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament chose a similar time point, and the popularity of this side was immediately overwhelming. Especially for these people at the core of Zhangcun, they know what He Wen’s thing was about at the beginning, and they also know how generously they dealt with it later. You just run back and use Mr. Ning’s theory to make trouble. Thank you, now I'm still tearing down the stage with the benefit of it. It's really a shame to be killed several times.

The crowd scolded for a while, and a few male chefs then turned the topic away, guessing whether we had taken any countermeasures against this hero meeting, such as sending a team out to disturb the other party's affairs. Some people think there is After all, it’s too far, and there’s no need to go there now. I’m back to using He Wen’s head as a toilet. I will use it again when you use it up. I will lend it to everyone when I use it up. The voice is noisy and full of enthusiasm.

Lin Jingmei was also full of excitement. After a while, after she finished the two meals she was responsible for, she went out to eat noodles, and there were still endless people who came to talk about marriage. She has dealt with these things gently or directly. When everyone was clamoring to go to the bridal chamber, she took a moment to go out from the side of the auditorium, walked along the street, and then went to hang out by the river near Zhang Village.

The night in the early autumn was misty, and the lively auditorium in the distance was like an island floating in the night, and the surrounding courtyards spread out. The river was gurgling under the stars. She took a deep breath of the air by the river, and she couldn't help but think of He Wen in her mind.

For her now, thinking of He Wen is more than just about the original feelings. After adulthood, she participated in the rear work of the Huaxia Army. She had come into contact with a lot of paperwork and the espionage system. Compared with these things that are related to the rise and fall of the entire world, they are related to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives. In fact, personal emotions are insignificant.

Just like those acquaintances in the kitchen, if he just yelled a few words according to his heart, of course he would be killed. However, if you consider it at the real political level, various solutions will emerge. Some topics derived from this are the reasons why she is troubled today.

With a bang, someone threw a stone into the river, awakening the woman who was thinking and walking in front of the river.

There are many secret guards patrolling around Zhangcun, and there will not be too many public security problems. Lin Jingmei turned her head in surprise, only to see a man in a military uniform appeared behind the stars under the stars. After doing the prank, she showed a familiar smiling face.

"Peng... Xiaopeng, you are back..."

"Send an emergency paperwork, I ran back for a while, but unfortunately it was a little late and didn't make it to the banquet..."

"Have you eaten yet? There must be food in the kitchen."

"I have eaten on the road, I secretly came out to find you."

It was Peng Yueyun who appeared at this time. The two talked and walked side by side on the embankment by the river.

"When I went there, the banquet hadn't finished yet. Sister Jia arranged a seat for me. I saw if you were not there, so I inquired a little bit. One or two of them would introduce someone to you for a blind date, I guess you ran away."

Lin Jingmei smiled: "Anyway, it's all those words. There is no malice, and I am used to it. I just cook in the kitchen and want to come out and walk after I'm full."

Peng Yueyun took her hand, and the two of them swayed their arms and walked forward slowly.

"Sister Xiaomei, marry me, let's get married." Peng Yueyun said.

The two were familiar with each other in the past. Lin Jingmei and Peng Yueyun were six months old. They confirmed their relationship in the first half of this year, showed their hearts to each other, and held hands for the first time. It was just that Peng Yueyun went to work in Chengdu, while Lin Jingmei stayed in Zhangcun. She did not meet many times, and the marriage was not fully finalized.

Of course, as far as the relationship between men and women is concerned, after holding hands, getting married is usually a matter of certainty. Peng Yueyun also seemed natural when he said it at this time.

Lin Jingmei smiled naturally at the corner of her mouth, but then she lowered her head without knowing what she thought of, "Xiao Peng, of course I am willing, but... now there are other things..."

Her hand loosened slightly.

Peng Yueyun tightened his palm: "It's about He Wen."

The woman with the ponytail turned to look at him, wondering where to start.

Peng Yueyun smiled, then his gaze calmed down, and he walked forward while speaking in a low voice: "He Wen wants to host the hero meeting in Jiangning. Borrowing our reputation is one aspect, but on a larger level, a force To organize such large-scale activities is to purge its internal forces and concentrate its power. The competition is second, and the most important thing is that He Wen also knows that the fair party has expanded too fast, and the initial structure is not so easy to use. ."

"Jiangnan drove the refugees into soldiers, killed landlords and tyrants. Now the scale is tens of millions, and the military strength is in the millions. But in the middle, He Wen, Gao Chang, Xu Zhaonan, Shi Baofeng, Zhou and Shang became forces. He is about to become a five-way prince. He Wen wanted to imitate our contest last year, put his reputation in the outside world, put his seats in a good position, and strengthen his ruling power in the fair party. The political meaning here is that Very thick."

"So, Xiao Peng..." Lin Jingmei frowned at him.

Peng Yueyun squeezed her hand: "I know that some people under the staff are discussing. From this point of view, we can also send someone to plug in, and if we need to send people, let the people familiar with He Wen The past is of course the most ideal way. Sister Mei, on your side...I know I must have heard this."

"Xiao Peng, between me and He Wen... there was nothing wrong back then. I was a little naive back then, He Wen didn't like me personally... But if my dad needs me to go on a mission and negotiate in the past, I think I should go Because I do understand some of his past..."

"But if you pass this time, what should He Wen say that he suddenly fell in love with you? Even if he threatened you with his relationship with the Huaxia Army, what would you do?"

"...I will take care of this matter."

She was silent for a long time before she uttered these words. She did not swear overly firm swearing, nor did she rashly speak with emotions. She just looked at Peng Yueyun with serious and complicated emotions in the depths of her eyes. Peng Yueyun was able to perceive the meaning of that gaze, it was the gaze of a soldier who had seen it many times over the years.

He slowly laughed: "In Chengdu, someone mentioned your name to the teacher."


"I was scolded by the teacher, saying that he had learned conspiracy and tricks and had no conscience."


"And as far as I know, the team to Jiangning has probably already been dispatched, and sister Mei is still waiting for someone to deploy foolishly."

"Ah..." Lin Jingmei was slightly surprised, then took out her hand and punched him in the chest, "You said it earlier."

Peng Yueyun held her hand: "I like the appearance of Sister Xiaomei."

Lin Jingmei kicked him, but Peng Yueyun didn't let go of her, and hopped forward on the river bank.

"So Sister Xiaomei, you can marry me."

"...Otherwise, who else can you marry."

"I will find a good opportunity to propose to the teacher."

"Dad is very upset recently, don't bother him."

"Teacher is annoying every day, what's wrong?"

"Ning He scolded the aunt who came to work at home. Dad felt that he had contracted a bad habit, so he put on airs and punished Ning He to kneel in the yard for a day, and then he was sent to Xiatou to suffer."

Lin Jingmei talked about this in a low voice--the Ning family has always had accidents recently. First, Ning Ji was framed and then ran away from home. Then Ning He, who had always been obedient, put on airs with the aunt who worked at home. Things didn't seem to be big, but Ning Yi had a rare temper and sent Ning He out directly. It was said to be a very difficult family, but no one knew or asked exactly where it was.

Ning He was the son of Hongti. The female grandmaster who is said to be able to defeat Lin Zongwu, the highest martial artist, even shed tears over this matter.

Regarding the family affairs of the Ning family, Peng Yueyun just nodded and did not comment, but said: "You still think that the teacher will let you join the mission, and you will have a relationship in the past. In fact, the teacher is very soft-hearted in such things. "

"It's not a marriage. I just think it might make me... well, forget it, don't say it."

Lin Jingmei said, kicking Peng Yueyun again.

The two were playing so hard, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com turned from the embankment to a nearby road before turning to someone’s backyard. Lin Jingmei wanted to take her hand out, but Peng Yueyun held onto it. Lin Jingmei smiled and said, "What if someone sees you? you……"

Peng Yueyun smiled and was about to speak, and then he was seen.

On the other side of the road, Ning Yi and Hong Ti seemed to be walking, coming all the way to this side. Then slightly squinted, looking at the two people holding hands here, Lin Jingmei struggled a bit, but didn't free herself, and then struggling again, then she broke away.


"Huh?" Peng Yueyun opened his hand and blinked.

"Grab Peng Yueyun...get me!"

Ning Yi's face was gloomy, and soldiers ran from the side in the darkness towards Peng Yueyun. Hong Ti pulled Lan Ningyi's sleeve on the side, but murderous in the night.

"Ah...no, no, no..." Peng Yueyun was a little flustered, and Lin Jingmei opened her mouth: "Dad, no, no...no..." She hesitated for a while, and then grabbed Peng Yue. Yun's hand dragged him behind him, and the two of them's arms were tangled together: "No, we are..."

In the light shining from the courtyard, the murderous intent in Ning Yi's eyes gradually faded. At some point, it turned into a smile, and his shoulders trembled: "Huhuhuhu...hahahaha..." He looked at Lin Jingmei's face. And the hands they held together, "This is really the one thing that makes me most happy recently."

"Peng Yueyun." He said afterwards, "You come over here!"

Peng Yueyun also looked at the hands she was shaking with Lin Jingmei. After reacting, he giggled and walked forward. He knew that there were many things to explain to Ning Yi, not just about himself and Lin Jingmei.

And about Tang Minjie.

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