Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Autumn leaves (middle)

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"A total of four people came back from the north."

The houses in the courtyard on the side of the street were lit up with a little light into the street. From a distance, you could hear the sound of children running and crowing and barking. Ning Yi and his group were walking on the road on the edge of Zhang Village, Peng Yue In parallel with Ning Yi, Yun whispered about Tang Minjie.

"...In addition to Tang Minjie, there is another woman, the younger sister of a regimental commander named Luo Ye in the army. She has been tortured a lot and her brain is not normal. After arriving in Hanzhong, she stayed there temporarily. Two Han people with good martial arts, one named Yu Shuinan and the other named Wei Su, in the north are the green forest knights who follow the Han lady."

"...After the four people were found in Hanzhong, they conducted the first round of inquiries. Tang Minjie... confessed to what he had done. In the cloud, it was he who violated discipline and ordered Mrs. Han to stir things up. The two residences are opposed. And that Mrs. Han rescued him and handed Luo Ye's sister to him so that he had to come back, and then secretly sent Yu Shuinan and Wei Su to **** them south..."

"Because of the complexity of this matter, Hanzhong separated the four people and sent two to **** Tang Minjie back to Chengdu. Yu Shuinan and Wei Su were escorted by another team. The difference between before and after arriving in Chengdu was less than half a day. I will proceed. After the preliminary interrogation, I rushed to bring the records...The dispute between the Jurchen and the West, now the Chengdu newspapers have been raged, but no one knows the inside story. Yu Shuinan and Wei Su have temporarily protected Sexual house arrest."

Ning Yi and Peng Yueyun walked in front, Hongti and Lin Jingmei chatted behind. When Peng Yueyun finished talking about Tang Minjie, Ning Yi glanced at him: "The preliminary interrogation...what did you know about the interrogation?"

"Tang..." Peng Yueyun hesitated for a while, and then said, "... Senior, he... confessed to all crimes, and did not conflict much with what Yu Shuinan and Wei Su said. In fact, according to Yu and Wei Thinking, they wanted to kill the senior, and the senior himself..."

Peng Yueyun was silent for a moment: "He looks...as if he doesn't want to live anymore."

The words were spoken lightly, but in the end, there was a slight grief in it. The man's heart is like iron to death, and most of the Chinese army are tough guys who regard death as home. Peng Yueyun has also been used to it early, but only in Tang Minjie-he has experienced unspeakable torture on the one hand and survived. On the one hand, because of what I did, my death was born. This kind of unsolvable contradiction is moving even in understatement.

Ning Yi also walked forward silently, his eyes falling into the darkness in the distance of the village.

"Yu Shuinan and Wei Su said that they brought the words of that lady down, but in fact they didn't bring any tokens to prove it."

"Yes." Peng Yueyun nodded, "When he left, the lady just asked them to bring that sentence. Tang Minjie's talents are good for the world. Please let him live. Yu and Wei once told The lady asked about the token and asked if she wanted to bring a letter to us. The lady said no, she said... it doesn’t matter if you don’t bring it, it doesn’t matter if you die without a proof... These statements are all recorded... …"

In the darkness, Ning Yi slowed down and took a deep breath in the darkness. Either he or Peng Yueyun, of course, can understand Chen Wenjun's intention of not keeping a token. The Huaxia Army used this method to provoke the struggle between the East and the West, and it is beneficial to fight the overall situation of Jin, but as long as the story of the matter is revealed, it will inevitably fall into accusations for Tang Minjie's overly brutal means.

The merits and demerits of later generations are still in the second place. Now the Kingdom of Jin is not destroyed. Talking about this in private may have a war of words about the Chinese Army's sacrifice of allies. And Chen Wenjun did not leave any tokens because of this, the Hua Xia Army's denial or transfer would be more reasonable and confident. This choice is extremely rational for Anti-Jin, but it is extraordinarily ruthless for himself.

"...I'm sorry." Ning Yi said, his voice slightly hoarse, "When Qin was in jail more than ten years ago, when he handed over the affairs of the Secret Investigator, he told me about what he left behind at the top of Jin Guo This dark child... said she is very pitiful, but not necessarily controllable. She is the daughter of an old friend of Qin Lao. She happened to be there, and she should have been rescued..."

"The old man said, if possible, I hope to give her a good ending in the future. A **** good ending... Now that she is so great, these things Tang Minjie does are nothing. What are we--"

His last words were angry and heavy. When Hong Ti and Lin Jingmei walking behind heard them, they couldn't help looking up.

After calming down, the group of people continued to walk forward. After a while, leaving the river bank, there were a lot of people on the road. Most of them were people who had returned from the wedding banquet. When they saw Ning Yi and Hong Ti, they came over to say hello.

Regarding Tang Minjie's matter, that's all that can be discussed with Peng Yueyun. That night Ning Yi, Su Tan'er and others chatted with Lin Jingmei about emotional matters. When Peng Yueyun was called in the next morning, they said to him: "You and Jingmei’s affairs, find time Come to propose a marriage."

He sighed again: "This is my first time marrying a daughter...it's enough."

In retrospect, his heart was actually very cold. Many years ago, as the old Qin went to Beijing, and then recruited in the name of the Secret Investigation Department, a large number of green forest masters were actually cannon fodder in his eyes. At that time, the recruits included decent figures such as Qin Donghan and "Five Phoenix Sword" Lin Nian, as well as evil sect masters like Chen Tuozi. It didn't matter to him, using power to control people and profit to drive people, that's it. .

Unexpectedly, so many people have slowly fallen on the road along the way, and these people have gradually become more important in his heart. When the Jurchen went south for the first time, Lin Nian fought on the battlefield until the lamp was gone. Ning Yi took the yellow-haired girl as a righteous daughter. In a blink of an eye, the little girl was twenty-four or five years old. Fortunately, she did not. I stupidly continued to like Na He Wen, and was able to be with Peng Yueyun right now. After being a hero of the Western Army, this kid can now be regarded as the sole clerk, and he is finally worthy of what Lin Nian had entrusted.

"I will personally ask about Tang Minjie when I go back to Chengdu." Ning Yi said, "You are allowed to take a two-day vacation here, and you will discuss with Jingmei and your Aunt Su and others about the next thing and Jingmei's work in the future. You can also transfer to Chengdu."

"Chairman, Tang Minjie..."

"I know he saved your life. Don't worry about him."



The three boys in the family are not in Zhangcun now-Ning Xi went to Chengdu with the first day of the junior high school, and Ning Ji ran away from home. After the old San Ninghe was sent to the countryside to endure hardships, there were only a few lovely ones left in the home here. Daughter.

In the morning, I said goodbye to the daughters who were going to school. When I finished meeting with some people including Peng Yueyun and Lin Jingmei and explained the things here, it was close to noon. Ning Yi got on the carriage to Chengdu and waved goodbye to Tan'er, Xiaochan, Hongti and others. The carriage was loaded with some winter clothes to bring to Ning Xi and the first year of junior high school, as well as the roast chicken that Ning Xi likes to eat, which symbolizes maternal love.

Dealing with government affairs in the car, perfected the arrangement for the meeting the next day. Eat the roast chicken. In his spare time dealing with affairs, he considered the handling of Tang Minjie again, and did not make a decision.

As Peng Yueyun said, Ning Yi's side actually has troubles every day. Tang Minjie's problem can only be regarded as one of the trifles.

It was almost late at night after arriving in Chengdu, and I explained to the Secretariat for a meeting the next day. In the morning of the second day, the Secretariat first reported on the new situation in the last few days, followed by several meetings. Some were about the dead in the mine, about the research of new crops on the farm, and some about the new situation after the conflict between the East and the West. Responding to the situation-this meeting has been held several times. The most important thing is related to the layout of Jindi, Liangshan and other places. Because the place is too far away, it feels like a paper to talk about the situation, but considering the situation in Bianliang There is about to be a change. If we can open more channels and strengthen material support to Liangshan's troops, we can still increase our initiative in the future.

"At this stage, the only springboard for material assistance to Liangshan is in Jindi. However, according to recent information, the female prime minister in Jindi chose to bet on Zou Xu in the next Central Plains war. Sooner or later, we have to face a problem, that is, this elder is willing to give some food to keep our team in Liangshan alive, but she may not want to see Liangshan's team grow..."

"Can you talk about it over He Wen?"

"According to He Wen's approach, even if they are willing to join hands with us to help, it will be difficult to resume mass production in the next year... They are now pointing to swallow Lin'an."

"The little emperor has a sea boat on the other side, and there are some belongings related to the check-ups. If he wants to, it seems that he can supplement some food and weapons."

"Even if the little emperor is willing to give it, there is nothing on Liangshan's side, how to deal?"

"Use our credit to borrow a little on credit?"

"Don't forget that Wang Shanyue belongs to the little emperor. Even if the little emperor can save a bit of family assets, he must first support Wang Shanyue... But although the possibility is unlikely, we should give Liu Chengzong and Zhu the power of negotiation in this area. The Biao Department, let them be more active in contacting the small southeast court. We all agree that they and the small emperor on credit. In this way, it will be convenient for them to conduct relatively reciprocal negotiations with Shanxi."

"But according to Jindi Louxiang's personality, will this move irritate her? Make her find an excuse not to help Liangshan?"

"The female prime minister is very good at calculating, but she can do things that pretend to be sloppy. Fortunately, she and Zou Xu are dealt with first, and we can condemn her first. If she is going to be mad in the future, we can also find it hard. Give reasons. After all, the technology transfer with Jindi is still going on, she will not do too much..."

Everyone tweeted about it, and afterwards, some people also asked whether or not to talk to Zou Xuxu for the time being. Of course, this proposal was only stated as an objective view and was rejected after a little discussion.

At the end of the meeting, the condemnation of Lou Shuwan was at least temporarily finalized. In addition to the public criticism, Ning Yi had to write a letter privately to scold her, and inform Zhan Wu and Xue Guangcheng to be angry. Can you temporarily extract a little from the materials Lou Shuwan sold to Zou Xu and send it to Liangshan?

In fact, the distance between the two sides is too far after all. According to speculation, if the balance between the Jurchen and the East has been broken, according to the characters of Liu Chengzong, Zhu Biao, Wang Shanyue and others, the team there might already be preparing to send troops to do something. And after the condemnation here is sent, it is possible that all battles are over. Southwestern can only try to give some help there, and believe that the front-line staff will have flexible operations.

The letter condemning Lou Shuwan was not easy to write. The letter also mentioned some character analysis about Zou Xu, lest she would be deceived by Zou Xu in the next transaction. In this way, it was almost evening after the letter was written, and Ning Yi finally got some free time to get on the carriage and prepare to see Tang Minjie. During this period, I couldn’t help but think of Zou Xu, Tang Minjie, Qu Zhengyan, Lin Qiu, Xu Shaoyuan. , Peng Yueyun, these young people brought out by himself.

During the few years of the Huaxia Army in Xiaocanghe, Ning Yi brought out a lot of talents. In fact, the most important thing was the experience of the cruel war in those three years. Many originally talented young people died, and many of them Ning Yi returned. Remember, I can even remember how they suddenly disappeared in wars.

The most powerful thing that can stay today is of course Qu Zhengyan, but Ning Yi thinks that Qu Zhengyan's talent in the art of war cannot be taught. That purely wild talent was inspired by the war. Besides Qu Zhengyan, among the students who survived at the time, Ning Yi was once the most optimistic about Zou Xu.

In the political arena—especially as a leader—Ning Yi knows that this kind of disciple’s emotions is not a good thing, but after all, he brought them out hand in hand, understood them more deeply, and used them relatively handily, so he knew It's hard for him to treat this matter differently.

Among those students, Tang Minjie was not in the ranks that Ning Yi particularly liked. The little fat man thought too much for a while, but many of his thoughts were gloomy and useless. In fact, gloomy thoughts were not problematic in themselves, but if they were useless, at least for Ning Yi at the time, they were not. Will put too much thought on him.

But in the later cruel stage of the war, Tang Minjie survived and had two very beautiful high-risk actions under extreme circumstances-his risk was different from Qu Zhengyan, who walked a tightrope in extreme environments In fact, he has been correctly calculated subconsciously, and Tang Minjie is more like a pure adventure. Of course, he can come up with ideas and take risks under extreme circumstances, which in itself can be regarded as transcendence. The ability of ordinary people-many people lose their minds under extreme circumstances, or shrink and are unwilling to make choices, that is the real waste.

Afterwards, the Huaxia Army was transferred from Xiaocanghe. The team that Tang Minjie served as the staff encountered several difficulties. He led the team behind, and the strongman broke his wrist and finally made a way out. This is his credit. Perhaps it was because of too many extreme situations, and then in Liangshan that his methods were fierce and nearly cruel, which became a very troublesome problem for Ning Yi.

He had to be sent to the Northland to cooperate with Lu Mingfang in charge of the implementation of the operation.

In fact, in retrospect, if it were not because his ability to act at that time was already very powerful, he had almost copied many of his behavioral characteristics of the year, and he would be too extreme in his methods, I am afraid he would not be in his eyes. It looks so prominent.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the gray-tiled courtyard on the east side of the city pool—this was the courtyard where Chen Shanjun, Li Ximing and others were temporarily seen—Ning Yi got off the carriage. It was almost evening, and the sun fell inside the high wall. In the courtyard, there are vines climbing on the walls and moss growing in the corners.

Tang Minjie is reading a book.

——The room where he lives has an open window, and the setting sun is shining slantingly through the window, so he can be seen reading at the desk. Hearing someone's footsteps, he raised his head and then stood up.

Ning Yi walked through the courtyard and walked into the room. Tang Minjie put his legs together and raised his hands in salute—he is no longer the little fat man, he has scars on his face, and the twisted gaps can be seen from the corners of his lips with tight lips. There were solemn and sad ups and downs in his slightly squinted eyes. There were twisted and turned flesh on his saluting fingers. Even though his thin body tried to stand upright, he did not look like a soldier, but there seemed to be something more than a soldier. Something more persistent.

Ning Yi also saluted him. He looked at him seriously, and after a long time, he put his hand down.

"I've been thinking all the way. What is the difference between you and Dai Mengwei when you do this kind of thing."

"...There is no difference, disciple..." Tang Minjie just blinked his eyes, and then replied in a calm voice, "What I did is an unforgivable crime, Tang Minjie... confessed his guilt and broke the law. In addition, being able to come back here for trial, I feel...very good, I feel happy." With tears in his eyes, he smiled and said, "I'm done."

"..." Ning Yi was silent for a moment, and finally took a deep breath, "...then sit down."

Tang Minjie sat down, and the setting sun fell on his face through the open window.

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