Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Autumn leaves (part 2)

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Yu Shuinan and Wei Su, who returned from the north, are people who know righteousness.

Among them, Yu Shuinan was originally a man of Ren Xia who liked to kill in the Heshuo area, and Wei Su was a martial artist in the court during the Jinghan period, and he was called the shuangquan. The two grew up in the prosperity of the Wu Dynasty. Later, when Jurchen went south, the fate of countless people was caught in the chaos. The two went to the clouds, and then they were taken to work under Chen Wenjun. Naturally, they had a thrilling encounter.

In the eyes of the Jurchens in the north, Chen Wenjun may be just a vassal of Gu Shen Wanyan Xiyin, but for the Han people trapped here, the name "Mrs. Han" has its own special and profound meaning. Some people privately regard her as a shameless woman who turned her back on the enemy, while others regard her as the only hope in hell.

For more than ten years, the Jurchens had taken millions of Han slaves from the south, and in the middle of the cloud, Chen Wenjun secretly sent thousands of Hans back to the south. Thousands of Han people were bought by her and moved into farms and offered shelter. Although these behaviors look more like some small pastimes under the wings of the gods of the Jurchen, Chen Wenjun also chooses to act under the principle of not causing others to be overly alert, but in the lower classes of society, the energy of this poor force is still not tolerated. Underestimate.

Of course, under the circumstance of attention from all parties, the "Mrs. Han" group focused more on redeeming, rescuing, and transporting Han slaves, and the ability to act in intelligence, or launching the destruction and assassination of Jurchen high-level officials. The ability to wait for things is relatively insufficient.

Especially after Wu Qiuhe's rescue of Shi Jin was exposed, Xi Yin carried out a seemingly quiet, but drastic clean-up of Chen Wenjun's forces. Many backbone Han people with radical characters died in this clean-up. Since then, Chen Wenjun can only focus on simpler actions to save people. This can be regarded as a kind of tacit understanding between her and Xi Yin, Xi Yin and the high-level Jurchen.

Until Tang Minjie's sudden action.

After Chen Wenjun reacted from the initial pain, he quickly arranged an escape plan for some important people around him: it is no longer possible for her to continue sheltering the thousands of Han slaves in the farm, but a small number of skilled and insightful people are in her hands. The Han Chinese who have done things for help can only be dismissed once as much as possible.

These people were divided into different teams and chose different paths to leave. Some of them would return to the Central Plains, some would go to the Wu Dynasty, and some would be arranged to go to the southwest. In the process of making these arrangements, Chen Wenjun even reminded them several times that leaving this time may be very difficult.

"This time is different from before. After leaving the cloud, you may be intercepted." Chen Wenjun told them like this, "...the people will be of the Gushen faction. Then...just act accordingly and make a way out." ."

Yu Shuinan and Wei Su participated in this demobilization. They are both quite trustworthy executors of Chen Wenjun, and they know more inside information than others. So after releasing Tang Minjie, Chen Wenjun told them to hide in secret and escorted Tang Minjie back to the southwest in private.

When Tang Minjie was released, this hasty demobilization had been going on for several days. After learning the clues of the incident, Gushenfu really sent a guard to chase down the Han slaves who were arranged by Chen Wenjun to go south. It is likely that this has already happened. Fight several times. Some people escaped, some died.

In order to prevent the trouble from causing further troubles in the East House, Wanyan Xiyin did not launch a large-scale search from the bright side. But at the last moment of losing power, this big man who had allowed Mrs. Han to act for countless times in the past intercepted and killed the Han elites sent away by his wife for the first time.

This may be the strangest couple in the Northland or even the whole world. On the one hand, they fell in love with each other, and on the other hand, they finally set out their wagons and horses at the last moment of losing power, and each started a round of equality for their own nation. The fight. Mixed with this fight is the sinking of the behemoth Gushenfu and even the entire Jurchen Xifu.

In the chaotic situation in the Northland, escorting Tang Minjie to the south was the safest and most tormenting road in the entire situation. This was the last gift Madam Han gave them, but in the process of going south, the two of them tried to kill Tang Minjie more than once, and they simply lost their minds. Among them, Wei Su, who has a relatively strong personality, even tried to put it into practice, but was stopped by Yu Shuinan's timely discovery.

"The people of the black flag must give Madam Chen an explanation--"

"Ms. Chen kept him alive!" Wei Su said.

"Even so, they have to give an explanation!"

In this way, Tang Minjie took Luo Ye's younger sister all the way south, while Yu and Wei followed in private, secretly shielding her from danger several times. After arriving in Jindi, he only showed up in a bandit attack. After arriving in Hanzhong, he was interrogated again, and then divided into two batches to enter Chengdu, where he was interrogated again. The Hua Xia Army treated the two with courtesy, but temporarily put them under house arrest.

On the 13th of July, they met the famous Mr. Ning.

This is a legend among the Han people, even in the North, people often talk about him. "Mrs. Han" would talk about him occasionally. It is said that in Gushenfu, Wanyan Xiyin would also talk to his wife about this king-slayer from time to time, especially after the Jurchen defeat, he would often look at the man in the palace. The calligraphy written by Vice Ning Yi, lamented that he had never met with him in the southwest. The calligraphy was written by the Jurchen people before the first time they attacked Xiaocanghe together.

——"The dignified people are here, who is dead!"

In the Central Plains, Jiangnan and other places, people in the Wu Dynasty may speak of Mr. Ning, not ashamed of his act of killing the king, but in the North, there are not many Han people after suffering so much. Speaking of this name, I don't want to be reverent. Yu Shuinan and Wei Su did the same in the past. If Mrs. Han hadn't been betrayed this time, their mood when they saw Mr. Ning would have been very different.

Mr. Ning, who is about 40 years old, has a calm appearance, gentle and vigorous conversation. Because of their origins, his attitude was extremely kind, and the three of them sat in a small courtyard by the Maha Pond to entertain VIPs. Ning Yi asked about the situation in Northland, and Yu Shuinan and Wei Su explained one by one, and then repeated the things about Chen Wenjun and Wanyan Xiyin.

"Mr. Ning, I respect you, so if there is any offense next, please forgive me." After talking like this for a while, it was finally Wei Su who couldn't help but stood up and spoke.

Ning Yi nodded: "Please speak."

"Ms. Chen has been in the North for more than ten years and has been saving people. For the Han people all over the world, she has great kindness and great virtue. Apart from saving people accidents, we all know that she has been to Wu Chao and Wu Chao many times at critical times. I have passed important information to the Huaxia Army, and countless people have been favored by her. But this time...she was betrayed by your people. The truth in the world shouldn't be like this..."

Wei Su looked at Ning Yi, and Ning Yi also looked at him calmly. After such a moment, Wei Su stretched out his hand to the no one to the side: "Then Tang Minjie, he has to confess...you Huaxia Army, you have to confess... …Mr. Ning, if this is not the case, the world will not be convinced!"

The sun fell on the lake and the breeze blew across the tree tops. The courtyard was quiet in the autumn afternoon. Yu Shuinan sat in a precarious position, Ning Yi looked towards nothingness, and frowned for a long time in silence.

Perhaps because this silence lasted too long, Yu Shuinan said: "Mr. Ning, I know Tang Minjie is your disciple, but..."

"We will do something to deal with." Ning Yi spoke slowly, "But as far as I know, Madam Chen's idea is to keep him alive..."

Yu Shuinan and Wei Su looked at him.

"On the other hand, Tang Minjie doesn't want to live anymore. You must know about this." Ning Yi looked at them. "The two are distinguished guests sent by Mrs. Chen. This request is indeed... as it should be. So I For the time being, I will tell the two of this possibility. First of all, we may not be able to kill him, and secondly, we may not be able to torture him for this matter. Then I was thinking that maybe it is difficult for me to make a process that satisfies the two of them. Come, the two of you don't know any specific thoughts on this matter."

Yu and Wei originally thought that Ning Yi wanted to cheat, but his words were so slow that he was really thinking about and discussing things, and couldn't help but froze slightly. They were full of anger along the way, but they were really entangled about how to deal with Tang Minjie specifically, and looked at each other at this time. Wei Su said: "We...want to make him...regret..." He huffed his words, and after speaking, he became emotionally more complicated and hesitant.

Ning Yi nodded.

"We will do something to deal with." He repeated this sentence, "Some can be said, some can not be said, please forgive me about this. But for Tang Minjie himself, will his conscience be the greatest to him? What about the torture... This is not to evade responsibility, but I have been thinking about it for the past two days. Some of the harshest punishments may not be given by us. Maybe Madam Chen let him live and let him come back. It's the greatest torture to him... Will it be possible?"

His words were slow and earnest: "Of course, if you two have any specific ideas, you can talk to people on our side at any time. Tang Minjie's own position will be exhausted, but considering Mrs. Chen's entrustment, the specific arrangements for the future , We will make it after careful consideration, and we should tell both of you at that time."

In Ning Yi's current identity, his words have been extremely detailed, and Yu Shuinan and Wei Su nodded each. After a while, Yu Shuinan said, "Mr. Ning, I don't know when we...when can we go out for a walk."

"It's all right today." Ning Yi said.

The three of them chatted for a while, and when Ning Yi left, their emotions were not high. They hoped that the Hua Xia Army would give "confession" on the way, although it was a general emotion, but they also knew in their hearts that for a person who wished to commit suicide, any punishment was powerless. Ning Yi just broke this point. In order not to conflict, the words even meant to be resolved. But such a solution, of course, will not make people happy.

That afternoon, a young man named Hou Yuanyong who claimed to be "the most joke-telling in the Chinese Army" came over and accompanied the two to start a tour in and out of the city. The young man nicknamed "The Great Sage" has a soft smile and a soft smile. First, he accompanied the two to visit various memorial sites about the previous Southwest campaign, and described the battle and the outline of the Chinese army in detail. Tian Ze accompanied the two to see various achievements on the study of geophysics, and popularized them with various enlightenment concepts.

By the 15th of July, I had a general understanding of various concepts such as newsprint and factories. I went to watch two more scenes. After nightfall, I followed Hou Yuanyong and even went to a literary meeting to find relationships. Fang Daru and important figures discussed various trendy ideas about the "Bianliang War", "Fair Party", "Internal Issues of the Huaxia Army" and so on in a restaurant. When it came to the issue of "infighting", Yu Shuinan and Wei Su showed disgust.

"...The disaster of the subjugation of the Wu dynasty originated from the Wentian Wuxi, the Jurchen who was finally defeated by the Huaxia Army, why did they make such a scene!"

Wei Su lowered his voice to speak, Hou Yuanyong also looked serious, and nodded again and again: "Yes, that's right, I don't like this kind of literary society, most of them are not ours."

"Then just catch them and drive them out. They just said that the Huaxia Army is bad."

"Yes, that's right, I think I should catch it too..."

During the two or three-day trip, Yu Shuinan and Wei Su were actually carefully observing the situation of the Hua Xia Army—they came to the southwest under Chen Wenjun’s entrustment, and they actually already had a very heavy greeting card. In the future, as long as they want to Staying in the Hua Xia Army will definitely give them a good starting point. In fact, this is not what Chen Wenjun left them in the end. However, after careful observation and shock, there are many things that conflict with their three views, which makes them unable to understand, especially the many beautiful and glamorous things in Chengdu, which can make them feel more painful. The hardship of going to the north is the wrong place of the Wu Dynasty.

In this way, after a short stay at the literary meeting, they expressed their dissatisfaction to Hou Yuanyong, and then left at the literary meeting where there were "Liu Guangshi spokesperson" Yu Hezhong and Vice Minister Li Shishi of the Propaganda Department of the China Army. Up.

In the middle of the night, Hou Yuanyong led people into the small courtyard where they lived temporarily and separated the two.

In Bianliang City more than ten years ago, teachers and teachers were often key figures or organizers of various cultural associations.

Nowadays she rarely shows her face.

In the recent period, as Liu Guangshi, Dai Mengwei, and Zou Xu have already started the first round of conflicts north of the Yangtze River, Yu Hezhong in Chengdu has risen to a new level of prominence. Obviously, the alliance between Liu Guangshi and Dai Mengwei had a huge advantage in the ensuing conflict, and once he captured Bianliang and returned to the old capital, his reputation in the world would reach a peak. Even if Liu didn’t like Liu in Chengdu. The scholars and Confucian scholars of Guangshi are all willing to make friends with him at this time, to inquire about some plans and arrangements of Liu Guangshi in the future.

Yu Hezhong enjoyed this feeling extremely-in the past in Bianliang City, he used the name of Master Li to occasionally participate in some top literary conferences, and now...

To this day, he is still rubbing the reputation of Master Li, but at least, when he participates in the literary meeting, he does not need to be accompanied, and he will not be left out in the cold.

After staying in Chengdu for a year, surrounded by various auras, he also understood the gap between him and Li Shishi now. The complexity of reality made him put away the delusions of the past-and other realities made up for his Regrettably, relying on the prominent status brought about by the trade between Liu Guangshi and the Huaxia Army, he now has no shortage of women. After letting go of the delusion, he and his teachers maintained the friendship with friends who had met once a month.

He already knew in his heart: this friendship brought him everything.

July 15 is the Mid-Yuan Festival. Chengdu is very lively both inside and outside. His carriage and the coach’s coach met on the road. As it was temporarily okay, the teacher also went to the literary meeting to sit for a while, and a kid from the Chinese Army Seeing Master, ran over to say hello and then brought two friends over.

Yu Hezhong was a little concerned about this, and wanted to take a moment to chat with these three people. Who knows that the three of them left after sitting in the corner, not long after that, the teacher also left.


The carriage crossed the city and went to the vicinity of Maha Pool. After entering the familiar courtyard, the teacher saw Ning Yi sitting in a chair and frowned.

She knew that Ning Yi was thinking about things, so she didn't say anything, and gently sat down on the bench under the side eaves. After sitting for a while, she was about to leave.

"Tell you a story." Ning Yi looked ahead and slowly spoke.

"Yeah." The teacher answered, and then walked over, poured a glass of water for him, and sat down aside.

"It's about the Mrs. Han in the north."

They were sitting in the yard. Ning Yi started talking about things many years ago, about Qin Siyuan, about Chen Wenjun, about Lu Yannian, Lu Mingfang, and about Tang Minjie, and about this time the two houses of Jurchen and West. Conflict-This is the most lively topic in Chengdu recently.

Having said all this, it took a lot of time. After listening quietly, the teacher took a big sip from the teacup and held the teacup in his hand.

"I just came over from the literary meeting on Sifang Street." She whispered.

"Huh?" Ning Yi turned his head, "What will happen to Wen?"

"I just found out how superficial what they said."

"Heh." Ning Yi smiled.

The teacher said: "These must be kept secret, right?"

"Ms. Han's matter, sooner or later, there must be a statement. Even if it is not good for publicity for the time being, you must leave a record about her."

The teacher nodded and was silent for a moment.

"For that Mrs. Han...that Tang Minjie...is there really no way to explain more?"

"There will be some things to do." Ning Yi said, "it needs to be kept secret for the time being."

When he said this, he meant "you better not know", and the teacher said: "Yes."

The two of them sat for a while and said some more private words. Not long after that, someone came in to announce the news that a person called earlier had arrived here. The teacher got up and left. When he walked out of the gate, he saw Hou Yuanyong coming from a distance. He was probably also here to see Ning Yi. The two greeted with a smile.

At this time, Ning Yi was receiving an intelligence officer named Xu Xiaolin in the study room inside. Soon after, he met Hou Yuanyong again and heard him report his preliminary views on Yu and Wei.

When the night got deeper, Hou Yuanyong took someone to the yard on the other side and separated Yu and Wei. A clerk prepared notes. This was the attitude of another trial.

Wei Su came up against the crime: "You **** don't believe me! What are you doing again—"

Hou Yuanyong came in from the outside, sat down, smiled and pressed his hands: "Mr. Wei stay calm, listen to my explanation."

"If you don't believe me, what else can I explain."

"We decided to send people to go north to rescue Madam Chen."

Wei Su was stunned.

Hou Yuanyong said: "If we want to do this well, we must first prepare the information from the north. If possible, we need to have a guide."

"Let me go, then." Wei Su roared.

"Mr. Ning said that you have done so many things for the Han people in the North. Mrs. Chen sent you back to the south. With her painstaking efforts, this is also the reward you deserve. The things going north are very complicated. First of all, Mrs. Chen did not Those who are willing to leave, out of moral considerations, we are going to save her. Maybe after Wanyan Xiyin’s death, she will change her mind, but this is an adventure after all. You are qualified to live in a better place. Give the two the right to choose."

"I choose the past."

Hou Yuanyong drew a few pieces of paper: "At the same time, please understand that both of you must understand that before doing this, we must make sure that the two are not the dark sons sent by Wanyan Xiyin."

"You..." Wei Su started to curse, but the next moment he realized something, his entire face flushed.

"Through observations over the past two days, we preliminarily believe that the two's views on the Wu Dynasty and the Huaxia Army did not have very complicated purposes. But at the same time, we still have to ask some questions about what you know about the north face For detailed information and all kinds of news that are beneficial to this operation, please be sure to know everything you can say and you can say everything... I am offended today, bear with me."

Wei Su sat down.

After a while, Hou Yuanyong went to another room and repeated this statement to Yu Shuinan. Yu Shuinan thought for a moment and nodded.

"It makes sense, you can ask."


It was already late when Ning Yi arrived.

The Midyear Festival is very lively outside. Tang Minjie sat in the yard, sketching the outside scene in his mind. When Ning Yi came in, he got up and saluted, and Ning Yi asked him to sit down. The master and apprentice sat in the courtyard and heard the sound of firecrackers outside.

"Want to go out and have a look?" Ning Yi said.

"If I can, I want to see what Chengdu is like..."

"If there is a chance, I have already dealt with you."


"There is a farm near Liangshan..."

"...Why...there is no trial..."

With a bang, Ning Yi slapped his palm on the small table in the courtyard.

"Judge your mother how to judge! Have you done a little more about how you betrayed Chen Wenjun!?"

"If the Huaxia Army does not judge me, how can the law be clear..."

"Chen Wenjun keeps you alive! The person you betrayed keeps you alive—"

"The Huaxia Army should shoot me, so Xi Yin...the Jurchen has no words..."

"There was no comment on Jurchen! The incident never happened! What can be said about the enemy's dirty water! I can print ten or eight versions of the story about how Aguda **** with pigs at any time. It's all over the world. Your brain is broken? What Xiyin said..."

Tang Minjie's small eyes stared in the dimly lit courtyard, and he shook his head subconsciously.

"There is a farm on the edge of Liangshan. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has been doing the selection and cultivation of improved varieties. Do you know about the selection and cultivation of improved varieties? It is related to the issue of eating. You should know more about the specific principles. There is no experiment on new fertilizers. You use **** compost, isn’t your ability to act very strong? Chen Wenjun said that he wants you to live and do something useful to the Han people. If you poke out this kind of basket, you must also deal with you... So remove everything from your military rank , Roll me into the mountain and pick up big dung. Look at your body, there is beautiful scenery over there, it’s a vacation..."

Tang Minjie's lips trembled: "I...I don't have to... holiday..."

Ning Yi grabbed the water glass next to him and splashed hot water on Tang Minjie's face with the lid, and was extremely angry: "Shanmingshuixiu is an adjective! Vacation is an adjective! Vacation is an adjective!"

He waved the teacup, grabbed the edge of the table with his other hand, and lifted the table into the yard.

Tang Minjie didn't speak any more, Ning Yi was angry for a while, and sat there looking at him: "Go pick the dung first, I will talk about what I will do in the future, but there is another thing before this..."

He paused: "Xu Xiaolin will come to you later. He has been to the cloud to contact you before. Then he will take a team of people to the cloud to clean up the mess you left behind, and at the same time do a good job of rescuing Chen Wenjun. Prepare, you have finished handing over everything that can be handed over to him in these two days. This is a risk that you don’t need to take, but if you stabbed this basket, we have to make moral corrections... Give me a little bit of heart... …"

Tang Minjie looked at the opposite person who was rarely angry, and at this time there was a tired teacher again. He was quiet for a long time. At the end, he shook his head hard and said hoarsely:

"I... can't live..."

"...But Chen Wenjun wants you to live."

Ning Yi said.

"You just figure it out."

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