Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 37: The happy gathering must be uncertain, looking back unexpectedly (part 1)

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After Zhongyuan, a rare leisurely afternoon, the autumn breeze blew from the courtyard and the leaves whispered.

Facing the courtyard, in the exercise room paved with wooden floors, Ning Yi wore a bun and was doing serious warm-up exercises with hands on hips.

The watermelon on the other side had just returned from outside, took a shower, tied her hair, wore a loose and comfortable light blue shirt and long skirt, and sat barefoot on a chair on one side of the room.

"I came here this time, I originally wanted to get Lao Ba to pass it... Earlier Tizi Sister and Du Boss said he was better... It's a pity that you sent him on the mission..."

She tucked her right leg on the chair and hugged her knees with her hands. While watching her majestic husband punching vigorously there, she spoke casually. Ning Yi ignored her rant.

"Drink! Ha! Drink! Drink!" Jumping agile pace, staggered out a few punches, a series of strange in the past, but now the watermelon, Hongti and other people have finished warming up. Grandmaster Ning Liheng stood still in the middle of the room: "You, get up."

"Huh?" Watermelon blinked and pointed her finger at herself. After a while, she got out of the seat and jumped forward two steps, her eyes narrowed into crescents: "Oh." She shook her hands and faced her. Ning Yi.

"I, and the tyrant Liu Xiagua, have a fair match." The martial arts master Ning Liheng raised his right hand and gestured to the watermelon.

"Uh..." Watermelon blinked, and then raised her hand, "...I, the tyrant Liu Watermelon, and the demon Ning Liheng, have a fair match."

She thought about it for a while, with both hands, she used a trick "White Crane Brighten its Wings".

Of course, masters seldom played the lame start with the white crane and bright wings, the great master Ning Liheng was insulted.

But he was expressionless and very mature.

"Qian Laoba was sent to Jiangning by me."

"Oh." Watermelon reacted and nodded, "I asked him to bring..."

At the moment of speaking, Grand Master Ning Liheng suddenly rushed forward, and a sweeping leg kicked the watermelon standing on one leg. The watermelon's figure turned upside down and the skirt was flying in the air. Ning Yi rushed over from the front, trying to fly her out like a tiger.

The watermelon stepped back and grabbed the lap of Great Master Ning Liheng with both hands. Under the huge momentum, the two of them were pulling each other and rotating. The skirt of the watermelon almost spread out into a lot of lotus, whistling and turning three times. Ning Liheng rolled out gruntingly, and reached out to stand up with his hand on the ground after two feet of stretching, his head was a little dizzy, but he immediately adjusted his vision. Very mature.

"You should pick up the second sweeping leg, you shouldn't hit me."

She closed her fists and jumped.

"I'm afraid of hurting you." Grand Master Ning Liheng twisted his neck to both sides, "This is real."

"Oh." Watermelon nodded, "...So, it was Lao Ba who led the team to Jiangning, and Xiao Hei and Yu Wen went together... What are you going to do with He Wen?"

"I have no prejudice against him in the political arena. To be a friend or an enemy depends on the future development."

Great Grand Master Ning Liheng spoke and made an offensive move. After all, he came out of the Grand Master's pile. His posture showed no flaws all over his body, showing everyone's demeanor. Watermelon poses like a king with eight punches, just like the top seller.

"It's also time to check his attitude. To be honest, everyone in the army doesn't have a good impression of him, especially since this time when the hero meeting is launched, they all want to beat him."

"I think... the black tiger drew his heart!" The Grand Master was surprised and began to attack.

"Baby go up to the tree!" Watermelon opened his hands and jumped suddenly, scaring his opponent back.

"Is there such a trick?"

"I can't go up, so I just jumped." She explained.

"...It makes sense for you to say that." Ning Yi nodded, "I thought you would like He Wen better. After all, he is dividing the fields."

"I don't hate him conceptually, but I am also a woman. He can't take advantage of him."

"——Monkey steals peaches!"

"I do not have."

In the room, Grand Master Ning Liheng rushed forward, Grand Master Liu Watermelon caught it with a palm and counterattacked. The two fisted quickly and crackled together. This time it was no longer the black tiger digging his heart to the **** to climb the tree, but it was already a strict confrontation. If the general masters in the arena were present, they would be shocked, because the martial arts of the two masters were extremely high and strong, and they were evenly matched at a time, which was inextricably difficult to solve. It was a rare peak duel.

"He Wen is developing too fast. The meeting is held to stabilize his ruling power. A lot of things will happen in it..."

"If I have a chance, I would also like to visit Jiangning. After all, it is your hometown..."

"Never mind this time, one is not good, and you have to use the dog's brain... Hmph, you are good at it."

"Yuwen has brought a gun, I heard that Lao Lin will go...take over."

"You, you are out of breath... Not only Lao Lin, all forces will send people this time. The martial arts are just actors on stage, and the water is deep on the stage. According to the development process of the five members of the fair party, how stable is Wen? Can't help...watch the punch!"

"... avoided."

"If you can't keep it steady, the army will kill it directly in Jiangning... it's possible. The monkey steals the peach..."

"No stealing."

"Ssangyong goes to sea!"

"The monkey steals the peach!"

"Black Tiger digs his heart!"

"Murder of my husband-don't pull my skirt!"

"There is no such thing as murdering the husband, you have to admit defeat if you make a mistake..."


The two punched in the middle of the hall, and then the watermelon screamed, grabbed his skirt and started running. There was a "sizzle" in the room. After a while, Grand Master Ning Liheng was also Grand Master's. Liu Huagua forced into the corner and fell to the ground.

"You tear things around..." Watermelon hit him with his fist.


Grand Master Ning Liheng won the fair competition. He was so tired that he was panting, lying on the ground, watermelon lying on the floor, open his hands, and accepted the failed education.

"It will be Xiao Ji's birthday in two days." She sighed softly, "Where did you say he went now?"

"...According to that guy's personality that loves to join in the fun, maybe the old man will have to meet him in Jiangning."

"I should be called, what should I do if I meet Lao Lin..."

"Lao Ba has a bunch of people, they are all good players, and they won't lose if they meet."

"You also said that it may change the battlefield..."

"I mentioned it to Lao Ba, I saw the bastard, let him run or just catch him back..."

"I'm still worried..."

"If you care, you are chaotic... Even on the battlefield, that guy is not incapable of survivability. Don't forget that he killed too many real girls during the time with Zheng Sige. He is better than a rabbit, and he can run away when there is trouble. ..."

"A place like the battlefield... don't you worry?"

Ning Yi also turned over, and the two lay side by side, looking at the roof of the room, the sunlight came in from outside the door. After a while, he spoke.

"Boys always have to go out..." He thought for a while, "I blame you and Hongti for teaching him martial arts..."

"It's not because you told him all day that you are a master of martial arts, Zhou Tong worshipped you, and Lu Tuo was beaten to death by your palm..."

"That's all real things. I still blame you..."

The couple shirked their responsibilities, held each other up, after a while, waved and beat each other, Watermelon laughed, rolled over and climbed onto Ning Yi. Ning Yi frowned: "What are you doing..."


"...I won or you won." Ning Yi sighed, "You don't speak martial ethics."

"You won, I blame Sister Tizi and I..."

The autumn wind blew across the courtyard, the leaves rustled, and their subsequent voices turned into fine murmurs, melted in the warm autumn wind.


On the same autumn day, more than two thousand miles away from Chengdu, the teenager cared by the couple was traveling to Tongshan County on Jinghu Lake Road with a group of fellow travelers.

It has been more than two months since he came out of Chengdu, and he is still walking with him by several Confucian scholars headed by "Wonderful" Lu Wenke, "Respect God" Fan Heng, and "Cold Face" Chen Junsheng, and because of Lu Wenke's relationship Wang Jiang and Wang Xiu's father and daughter who have been walking with them.

It's not easy to travel in troubled times, and that's why it is extremely precious to be able to find a few reliable friends along the way. Lu Wenke and the others also cherish this kind of fate. So and so, everyone walked for two to three thousand miles, watching the scenery of various places along the way, and experiencing folk customs. After more than two months, they became more and more familiar with each other, almost Accumulate the feelings of a monk.

This is not the same as Ning Ji's illusion about the outside world when he set out, but even in such troubled times, it seems that there is always a relatively safe road to go forward. They had heard the news of the bandits along the way, and they had also seen relatively difficult subordinates, and even during their travels along the south bank of the Yangtze River, they had seen the sails of warships heading for the north of the Yangtze River from afar. There was a war-but the catastrophe did not appear in front of them, so that the dream of the Ning Ji Jianghu heroes was a little slack for a while.

Before arriving at Tongshan, the first pass was Jinghu Lake Road. The group traveled through the relatively prosperous Jiayu, Ezhou, and Chibi. This piece of land belongs to the Fourth World War. The Jurchens suffered military disasters when they came, and they were later taken into the bag by Liu Guangshi. After gathering the power of gentry from various places and receiving the "support" of the Chinese Army, the prosperity of the city has recovered. Now Jiangbei is already at war, but the atmosphere on the south bank of the Yangtze River is just a little bit solemn.

Scholars such as Lu Wenke have the desire to govern the world. Everywhere, in addition to visiting scenic spots, they will also personally visit the places where they have encountered war before, and look at the broken walls burned by the golden soldiers.

After crossing the North Jinghu Road and arriving in Tongshan County, this is the junction of North Jinghu Road and Jiangnanxi Road. The county seat of Tongshan County is not large. Due to military disasters, the city walls are still damaged at this time. However, there are places such as Jiugong Mountain outside the county seat. When the Jurchens swept in two years earlier, the local army did not resist much, and the people were mostly To escape from the mountains, apart from the county town being burned, there were not too many casualties, but Liu Guangshi was going to fight this year. Many strong men were arrested here, and the streets and alleys were quite miserable.

From Tongshan to the south, enter Jiangnanxi Road and travel three to four hundred miles to reach Lu Wenke's hometown Hongzhou. He talked about going back to Hongzhou all the way to make use of what he saw and learned in the southwest, but when he got here, he went home in no hurry. The group visited Jiugong Mountain for two days and saw the Jinbing arson site in Tongshan County. That afternoon, a hot pot was placed in the courtyard covered by the inn. The crowd arranged the venue, prepared the ingredients, chanted poems and made fus, and enjoyed themselves.

This inn is a newly built door, but it has also suffered disasters during military disasters. A big locust tree in the backyard was burned by fire, half withered and half glorious. In the golden autumn, the leaves on half of the big tree in the courtyard began to turn yellow. The magnificent scene was quite moral. Fan Heng shook his head and said that the tree was just like the current state of the Wu Dynasty, and he chanted two poems.

Lu Wenke and others are also talking about the current situation of the country, Chen Junsheng occasionally interjects, still the sharp style of the old language. Several people in the yard set up a shed to cover the fallen leaves. Wang Jiang bought a large amount of ingredients from outside and was preparing there with his daughter Wang Xiuniang.

Ning Ji sat among the scholars who talked about the world and listened to their nonsense, while looking at Wang Xiuniang who was cutting meat over there. In order to prepare this hot pot today, everyone paid a lot of money and bought two large pieces of meat. At this time, they were slicing into thin slices under Wang Xiuniang's knife. After Wang Xiuniang had cut in half, she smiled and greeted everyone, stretching her greasy fingers over Ningji's cheek.

"Little dragon, ah, Xiaolong, always looking at me, do you like my sister?"

Ning Ji didn't know her in general, and Lu Wenke on the side spoke up: "I think he likes the meat."

Everyone walked together for more than two months, and finally reached a consensus on the things that would rather avoid eating too much and being greedy. Seeing Lu Wenke talking, Wang Xiuniang smiled softly: "Then eat more later." I don't know if she is talking about Lu Wenke or Ningji.

Following this journey, Lu Wenke and Wang Xiuniang finally have some warm development. In fact, Lu Wenke is at the romantic age and has some family background in Hongzhou. Although Wang Xiuniang is young and fit, but she is not worthy of identity. Those who fell in love with him can be ruthless, but the two sides of the two-month walk, the nuances of love have naturally been established.

Although Lu Wenke could not marry her as his wife, it was okay to accept her as a concubine, and for women like Wang Xiuniang, as long as Lu Wenke was reliable, this could be considered a good home.

It was not late into the night, and everyone was playing around and eating some snacks. When talking about the local situation in Tongshan, the middle-aged Confucian Fan Heng who loves to talk about Ning Ji's knowledge most said: "I came back from outside yesterday, Xiaolong still remember the Li Jiawubao I saw on the road?"

"Yeah, remember." Ning Ji nodded.

"I asked people about it this morning. The largest local tycoon, and the most powerful master of the rivers and lakes, came out of that Lijia Wubao."

After traveling for more than two months, the secret of Ning Ji's gluttony has been revealed. As a young man, he was keen on martial arts and he did not deliberately hide it. Although Fan Heng and others are scholars, they regard Ning Ji as a nephew worthy of cultivation. Coupled with the background of the Jiangning Hero Conference for thousands of years, they have inquired about various local green forest anecdotes at every place.

At this time, he laughed with everyone: "It is said that the background of this local master is not easy to say. His father is a member of the Great Guangming Sect. Originally one of the protectors of the Great Guangming Sect, there was a nickname before. It's called'Monkey King', and the name is Li Ruoque. Don't listen to this funny name, but you have a great skill. I heard that there are big monkey punches and small monkey punches..."

"The white monkey crosses his arms." Ning Ji said.

"Yes, there is also the white ape thong arm fist." Fan Heng said, "This Li Ruoque has been famous for almost 20 years, but his family business was not big at that time. After all, before Jingping, the atmosphere of the world was more civil than military. The Li family back then He also had a big hatred with the heart demon in the southwest. Before the heart demon killed the king, Da Guangming taught many masters to enter Beijing.'Monkey King' Li Ruoque was one of the generals under Lin Zongwu. After being swept by the cavalry of the Huaxia Army, it seems that the monkey can't run a horse after all..."

Fan Heng was a scholar and didn't have much respect for the martial artist. At this time, he was silent and he smiled: "After Li Ruoque died, the one who inherited the family business was called Li Yanfeng. This person's ability is his father. After Li Ruoque died, he not only quickly became famous, but also expanded his family business several times, and then went south to the Jurchen soldiers. In these troubled times, the Green Forest people took advantage, and he quickly organized the local After the villagers entered the mountain and came out of the mountain, the largest household in the mountain, hehe, became the Li family."

"Li Yanfeng today is the celebrity in front of Liu Guangshi, General Liu. He built Wubao, organized the courage of the village, and walked the way...you can see it? It is the old Miao tyrant sword. I heard that this time to the north. During the war, he left the Li family’s soldiers and went to General Liu’s account to listen to the announcement. The Jiangning Heroes’ Conference was Li Yanfeng’s former deputy... Xiaolong, if you go to Jiangning, you might be able to see him."

He told what he had inquired about and talked freely. Chen Junsheng on the side thought for a while: "This time, I heard that the leader of Lin will also go to Jiangning, and there will be something in between."

Lu Wenke nodded and said: "In the past ten years or so, it is said that the Great Bright Church leader has been organizing anti-golden resistance in the north. The educational affairs in the south are indeed a little messy. The forces have to join another group of people. It seems that this Jiangning conference is indeed a battle between dragons and tigers."

"The chaos is not a good thing. Xiaolong shouldn't join in the fun at this age." Someone worried about Ning Ji.

Fan Heng nodded.

Lu Wenke said: "Why don't you take a look first? When I arrive in Hongzhou some time later, I will ask the elders in my family to do more inquiries and ask about the tricks in this Jiangning conference. If it is really dangerous, Xiaolong might as well stay in Hongzhou first. Some time. You have to visit your hometown, don’t worry about it at this time."

Ning Ji didn't intend to explain to him, but stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek: "Let's talk about it."

Chen Junsheng smiled over there and rushed to Lu Wenke: "You should say, fat is enough."

"Enough management, then enough management must be done."

The crowd laughed, and they would rather laugh. UU reading www.uukahnshu.com, he likes this kind of atmosphere, but naturally everyone in front of him doesn't know that the matter of going to Jiangning is not something that can shake him.

Amidst the laughter, the setting sun sprinkled the golden afterglow on the backyard of the inn. There were trees swaying and the leaves floating down above the yard. When Wang Xiuniang came to put the food, everyone made fun of Ningji again. It was a scene of harmony. .

The next day was July 19 of the year, and it was also a day for everyone to take a rest. Several scholars got up a little later. In the morning, Wang Jiang and Wang Xiu's mother and daughter took advantage of some time and went to the streets in the county town. Doing an art, earning some entanglement-the relationship between Wang Xiuniang and Lu Wenke is uncertain, they have always been so self-reliant, and Lu Wenke does not stop it.

Everyone in the inn was discussing whether or not to go out in the afternoon. According to the owner of the inn, the Wubao side of Li Jiawu was not closed, and had a martial spirit. Nowadays, although many people have been dispatched to cross the river to fight, there are still people practicing martial arts in the fort. Sometimes people from the rivers and lakes or passers-by will be allowed to visit or even learn from them. It is always okay to have a look.

When it was noon, when it was about to eat, the street outside seemed quiet. Suddenly, someone rushed into the inn with blood all over, shouting: "Help!"

A group of people were sitting in the hall of the inn playing cards. When they saw such a scene, they would rather fly by, hold him in one hand, and quickly identify the injury. And Wang Jiang was still running in the direction of several scholars: "Help! Help...Help Xiu Niang..."

While they were talking, a few people with the appearance of government officials also rushed into the inn, and one shouted: "The gangster committed a crime, run away, take him!"

Someone has waved the chain and pointed at Lu Wenke and others who are standing up in the lobby: "No one is allowed to move! Whoever moves will be guilty of the gangster!"

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