Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 38: The happy gathering must be uncertain, looking back unexpectedly (middle)

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Amidst the sudden hustle and bustle, there were a total of four yamen who rushed into the inn, some holding water and fire sticks, some holding knives, and some dragging iron chains. Seeing Lu Wenke and others get up, they have already pointed their fingers at the crowd and left loudly. Coming over, he was quite angry.

"No one is allowed to move! Whoever moves will be guilty of the gangster!"

"I'm Lu Wenke from the Lu family of Hongzhou, what crime did he commit?" Although the yaman's words were harsh, Lu Wenke and others greeted him here. Fan Heng, Chen Junsheng, and others also signed up. As a group of scholars, they are not afraid of these bureaucrats in principle. If it is a normal situation, everyone has to give them a bit of face.

"He's a felon! You get out of—"

During the moment when the two sides contacted, the headed servant pushed Lu Wenke away, and a servant behind shouted: "You want to be arrested too!?"

Fan Heng slapped his palm on the table: "Is there any King Fa?"

Chen Junsheng said: "You have to give a reason."

In a noisy, blood-covered Wang Jiang fell to the ground, Ning Ji quickly checked his injuries. Wang Jiang is an artist in the Green Forest. He has practiced rough hard qigong for decades. He doesn't have much fighting skills, but his ability to resist fighting is far better than ordinary people. It is also for this reason that he has been beaten up and down in dozens or hundreds of places. Although most of them are simple skin injuries, the injuries on the head and the internal muscles and bones are likely to cause major trouble. It's hard to check it all at once.

So many injuries will not appear in fights.

After a little inspection, Ningji had quickly made a judgment. Although Wang Jiang said that he was a green forest man who was running the rivers and lakes, he was not good at martial arts and had little courage. When these government officers arrested him, he would not run away. The current situation is obviously after being arrested after a long period of beatings. Only then rose up to resist and ran to the inn to move the soldiers.

Although he fell to the ground, Wang Jiang at this moment was still obsessed with his daughter. He reached out and grabbed Lu Wenke's trouser legs nearby: "Lu Gongzi, save, save Xiuniang... Xiuniang was...by them..."

He said something like this, and the yaman who came over there also approached him and kicked Wang Jiang in the head fiercely. At this moment, it seemed chaotic everywhere. Ning Ji smoothly pushed a bench next to him. He only heard a bang. The bench made of logs was kicked into the air. The yaman screamed and jumped with his calf. More than that, he yelled hysterically: "Fuck me—"

The lobby of the inn was either a table or a bench. The yaman kicked the stool abruptly, and no one else could see what happened. Several scholars were yelling, "If you have something to say well--" The yelling behind has rushed over, and someone opened the table: "You have to shelter the murderer!" Fan Heng and others said: "This person is walking with me, and he is definitely not a murderer. , We don't run."

Wang Jiang vomited blood foam in his mouth and cried out, "Xiu Niang was arrested by them... Lu Gongzi, to save her, you can't be by them, by them... ah----" He said, howling.

Ning Ji stood up from him, walked to the square table where he played cards in the chaos, took a bowl, poured out hot water, melted a pill, and prepared to give Wang Jiang an emergency treatment first. He was young and had a kind face. The arrest, the scholar, and even Wang Jiang didn't care about him at this time.

At this time, Lu Wenke was already questioning several arresters: "You also arrested his daughter? What crime did she commit?"

The Ya Ya hurried over to kick Wang Jiang. It was to interrupt him. At this time, he had already told about the arrest of Wang Xiuniang, and immediately said: "These father and daughter and the people who spied on the military plane outside the city the day before are very Like, there is a war ahead, do you dare to shield him? Or are you all accomplices?"

"They caught Xiuniang with their heads, they caught Xiuniang with their heads... It's in the yard to the north, you go quickly--"

Wang Jiang shouted on the ground. When he said this, everyone probably knew what happened. Someone looked at Lu Wenke. Lu Wenke's face blushed, green, and white, and he quickly cursed: "You dare to spit people with blood!"

Ning Ji took the pills and quickly returned to Wang Jiang: "Uncle Wang, drink these first." At this time, Wang Jiang only missed his daughter, struggling to grab Ning Ji's clothes: "Save Xiu Niang..." but refused Take medicine. Ning Ji frowned and said, "Okay, save Sister Xiu, you drink it and we will save it together."

His eyes were completely gloomy at this time, and of course there was a slight entanglement in his heart: whether to kill someone, or to take a moment. Although Wang Jiang can hang his life for the time being, Sister Xiu Niang may be the place that really matters. Maybe something bad has already happened. Do you want to fight the risk of exposure and take this time? In addition, is it possible for people like the Rotten Confucian group to settle things...

Hearing a rather quiet voice, Wang Jiang began to drink the medicine with trembling lips. A few arrests quickly scolded the scholars and made a strong posture, but because the matter has been exposed, after all, they did not start, because no matter what, Wang Jiang and these scholars still have to go to the Yamen after all. Yes, in such a chaotic scene, several people didn't even know that they had been above the death line several times.

"Where did you take his daughter?" Lu Wenke roared with red eyes, "Is it in the Yamen? Do you still have humanity like this!"

"Anyway, I'm going to the Yamen, let's go now!"

Wang Jiang on the ground shook his head: "Not in Yamen, not in Yamen, in the north..."

"This is a private court!"

Amid the voices of the people, Ning Ji watched Wang Jiang finish drinking the medicine before making a decision. At this time, there was another noise outside the door, and someone was shouting: "Madam, here!" Then a mighty motorcade came over, more than a dozen young men rushed in from the door, and there was also a woman, gloomy. With a grimace, he quickly entered the door of the inn.

Seeing such a battle, several yamen shrank for a while. The woman who was guarded by the young man wore a white dress. At first glance, she looked okay, but she was a little fatter. She walked in with her skirt, glanced around, and looked at the servant who had given orders: "Little Lu, let me ask you, where is Xu Dong and others?"

The servant named Xiao Lu frowned: "Xu Catu, he is now...Of course he is a servant at the Yamen, but I..."

Before he finished speaking, the woman in white grabbed a teacup on the table next to him and smashed it. The cup did not hit, but she was shocked: "Not at the Yamen! Not at the Yamen! Don't give it to the surnamed Lu I'm sloppy! Don't let me hate you! I heard that you caught a woman, where did you go!?"

This woman has a loud voice, and the yaman named Lu is still hesitating. Fan Heng has already jumped up here: "We know! We know!" He pointed to Wang Jiang, "It was his daughter who was caught, this... This lady, he knows the place!"

These gang servants are naturally bad guys. They thought it would be difficult to fight for a while. Who knew that there was another group of good guys who opposed the ya servants and obviously had a huge influence. Wang Jiang, as if he had seen hope, struggling to get up from the ground with his desk. , Also said: "I know...it is a yard in the north and north, I...I, I, can lead the way."

The woman in white glanced at Wang Jiang and waved her hand fiercely: "Go to someone to help him and let him show the way!"

Wang Jiang staggered out, preferring to hold him on one side, and said: "Take a stretcher! Remove a door!" But for a while, no one paid attention to him, and even Wang Jiang, who was anxious, did not Stop.

The group of people then came out of the inn mightily, and walked along the road in the county seat. Wang Jiang's footsteps staggered, and his body was full of blood. He was used to seeing this on the battlefield. It didn't matter, but he was worried that the previous medicine would overdraw the vitality of the middle-aged busker.

After a while, everyone arrived at a small courtyard north of the county seat. This seemed to be the place where Wang Jiang escaped. There was even a government officer at the door letting out the wind. Seeing this group of men and horses coming, they opened the door and ran into the yard. The white-clothed woman said: "Walk me around and fight when you see people! Let Xu Dong get out of me! Do it!"

Her orders were scattered and disorderly, but the men around her had already acted. Someone broke the door suddenly, someone guarded the woman to enter the yard first, and some people blocked people in the direction of the back door. The four bureaucrats here were quite embarrassed, shouting from the rear: "Madam can't..." followed in.

When Ning Ji embraced Wang Jiang into the yard, someone had already started smashing the house and beating people. A loud voice came from the side room in the yard: "Who dares!"

The woman in white shouted: "I dare! Xu Dong, do you dare to play with women behind my back!"

"What playing with women, which eye did you see!"

Coming out of the side room was a burly and fierce man. He walked out from there, scanned the surroundings, and shouted, "Stop it all!" But no one stopped, the white-clothed woman rushed up and slapped him. On the head: "Xu Dong, you **** it!"

"Did you say it!" Xu Dong's voice was majestic and majestic, and the woman slapped his hat crooked.

"That's a criminal!" Xu Dong roared. The woman slapped again.

"No one is allowed to mess around, I said!"

The women jumped up and slapped again.

"She seduce me!"

Then the women slapped again. Xu Dong slapped and slapped, but he didn't resist, he just roared, and the surrounding area was already smashed. Wang Jiang was struggling to move forward. Several scholars also watched this absurd scene. They wanted to move forward but were stopped. Ning Ji had released Wang Jiang and moved forward. A young man stretched out his hand to stop him. He was short, and in a blink of an eye he had walked to the inner courtyard and ran towards the room behind Xu Dong.

Xu Dong was still yelling. While beating, the woman verbally abused and accused in an unintelligible dialect while beating. Then she pulled Xu Dong’s ear and walked into the room, possibly saying something about "Hu Meizi". Then Xu Dong still repeated: "She seduce me!"

The woman dragged Xu's head into the room. At this time, Ning Ji had already followed. The woman seemed to want to beat "Hu Meizi", but when she saw the scene in the room, she frowned and stopped. Ning Ji passed by the two of them. At this time, the room was full of blood and stench. Wang Xiuniang was curled up in the corner of the room, not only blood, but also traces of feces.

Ning Ji squatted down and saw that her clothes were damaged to only half of her clothes. The corners of her eyes, mouth, and cheeks were all beaten and swollen. There were traces of feces on her face. He turned his head and glanced at the couple who were fighting. The hostility was almost overwhelming. Wang Xiuniang seemed to feel the movement. She woke up, opened her eyes, and identified the person in front of her.

"Sister Xiu Niang." Ning Ji held her hand.

"Lu... Xiaolong." Wang Xiuniang said weakly, and then smiled, "It's okay... Sister, Sister is very witty, no... not by him... succeeded..."

"How..." Ning Ji frowned, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Don't touch my hand...stink..." The woman took out her hand as best as she could, wiped the smelly thing on her body, and smiled weakly.

Ning Ji was silent for a moment with difficulty, then gritted his teeth and laughed: "It's fine... Big Brother Lu...worry about you, I will show you to him."

He picked up Wang Xiuniang from the ground and walked toward the door. At this time, he didn't see the couple who were fighting in his eyes at all. He had already made plans in his heart. Whoever started to stop at this time would just take his thoughts on the spot. Walked over like that.

The couple was also stunned, Xu Dong yelled: "She is going to commit a crime! I am interrogating her!"

The woman jumped up and hit him on the head: "Try her! Try her!"

"I won't tell you, you shrew!"

The woman kicked him on the ass, then hit him on the head: "The shrew—"

"You are a shrew!" Xu Dong shouted again when the two walked out of the room, "Don't smash it!"

Here Ning Ji carried Wang Xiuniang out, and when he arrived beside Wang Jiang, Wang Jiang knelt beside his daughter and cried. Fan Heng and others were filled with indignation: "Unreasonable! Unreasonable! There is no King Law in Tongshan County!"

"These things, you have to give an explanation!"

Then Xu Dong was still shouting: "Whoever has trouble with Xu Dong today, I remember you!" Then he saw Wang Jiang and others here, he stretched out his finger, pointed at everyone, and walked over here: "So it's you Ah!" His hair was messed up at this time, and the women continued to beat him from behind, pulling his ears again. He had a hideous face, staring at Wang Jiang, and then at Lu Wenke, Fan Heng and others.

"I remember you!"

The woman slapped him on the back of the head, and he said word by word, and then separated two fingers, pointed at his eyes, and pointed to this side, his eyes were red, and his mouth was full of saliva.

"I! Remember! Keep it! You! People! Now!"

"Is there a King Fa here? I must go to the county office to sue you!" Fan Heng roared.

The woman cried and yelled, and then grabbed her husband Xu Dong’s ears and shouted: "Kick these people out of me—" This was directed towards Wang Jiang, Fan Heng, Ning Ji, etc. People shouted.

The group of young men she had brought was separated, and they began to persuade and push everyone to leave. The woman in the yard continued to beat her husband. They thought that these outsiders were walking too slowly, and they yelled hysterically while holding her husband’s ears. : "Fuck off! Fuck off! Let these things roll out—"

There are finally more young people coming here. For a moment, the edge of a scalpel slipped out of Ning Ji's sleeve, but after looking at Fan Heng, Lu Wenke and the others, he finally put the knife away and followed everyone out of the yard.


Everyone didn't eat lunch, and returned to the inn. Ning Ji gave Wang Jiang and his daughter a wound dressing, while Fan Heng and others went to the Yamen to inquire about the situation, prepare to file a complaint, and seek justice.

After the bandage was completed, Wang Jiang, who was in complicated injuries and did not know if something major would happen, passed out. Wang Xiuniang suffered all kinds of skin injuries, and her body was fine, but she was sluggish and said she wanted to rest in the room and did not want to see people.

She is at the age of youthfulness, and there has been emotional involvement with Lu Wenke in the past two months. The female is a person who pleases herself, and her usual dress looks even more beautiful. Who knows that this time when he went out to perform, he was caught up by the catcher. Supposing that the performers had nothing to do with them, they caught and wanted to use them. In an emergency, Wang Xiuniang wiped her excrement on her body, even though she was irritated by the anger. Xu catches his head so hard, but keeps his chastity. But what Lu Wenke will think after this incident is hard to say.

Ning Ji couldn't think of these things for the time being. He thought Wang Xiuniang was very brave, but it was Lu Wenke who was a little uncertain after returning. But this is not the immediate issue.

Soon after the father and daughter were bandaged, Fan Heng and Chen Junsheng came back from the outside. Everyone was sitting in the room exchanging information, their eyes and words seemed complicated.

"... Xu Dong said it was the chief arrest of the local yamen, but it is not a big man. There are still many people who can cure him. But the problem is that his wife Li Xiaoqing, this woman is Li Ruoque's daughter and Li Yanfeng's sister When I married Xu Dong back then, the Li family was still not a big family, but now...especially after the Jinbing military misfortune, the Li family is here, that is to say, the emperor of the earth..."

"...We made some money, and all we were willing to talk about were telling us that this lawsuit could not be fought. What happened to Xu Dong and Li Xiaoqing, it was all their family affairs, but if we had to sue Xu Dong for this...Yamen I’m afraid I won’t be able to get in. Some people even say that it’s hard to go."

"...Then why don't you tell me?"

"... Then go and sue."

At this point, everyone's words are all embarrassed. After such a discussion, someone said, "Look at what Brother Lu means?"

Lu Wenke clenched fists with both hands and his eyes were red: "What can I mean by that."

When everyone saw his situation, it was difficult to say more.

In the middle of the afternoon, the autumn wind blew in the courtyard, and the sky began to turn overcast. After that, the owner of the inn came to send a message, saying that a big man has come, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wants to meet them.

Everyone went to the lobby of the inn, and there was a middle-aged man in a long gown, who appeared to be a scholar, with a bit of quagmire on his body and a gap in his face. He shared his name with everyone: "I am the steward of the Li family, my surname is Wu, and I am Kou Tian Wu."

"Ms. Wu is here to solve today's affairs?" Fan Heng said.

"That's right." Manager Wu nodded, and then stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down. He sat down first at the table, and the people beside him poured a cup of tea.

"All of you are scholars." Guan Shi Wu said self-consciously, "Good scholars, I heard that scholars are sensible and can do things. Today, the arrest of my lady and Mr. Xu could have been resolved, but I heard that some of them spoke rudely."

"...The words are not bad?" Fan Heng, Chen Junsheng and others frowned, Lu Wenke's eyes flushed again. Ning Ji sat and watched.

"What happened today is the family affair of the Li family. As for the father and daughter, they are suspected of collaborating with the enemy. Someone accused them... Of course, this matter can pass, but if you yell over there today, you won’t Too particular...I heard that you ran to the yamen to send money again, saying that the lawsuit will be brought to the end, or if you don't want to be forgiving, this matter has passed to my lady's ears..."

"My lady has just encountered such a bad thing. I am upset. You are also making trouble here. She is a scholar and doesn't know how to do things." He paused and took a sip of tea: "So my lady said, these people, just Don't stay in Tongshan, lest you do anything...so you, go now, before dark, you have to go."

"Oh." Reaching out into his arms, took out a few silver coins and placed them on the table, then Guan Shi sighed: "You said, this is what it is..."

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