Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Literati has no heart

Che Bibi and Ma Xiaoxiao.

Before and after, a team of six carts and dozens of horses came and crossed the road on the side of Tongshan County. Half of the team were knights, and there were also walking guards. Although they seemed to be in the dust, each of them carried swords and soldiers, and they were hidden in front and back. This is the momentum of the world's dart team or even the family.

Yan Yunzhi lifted the curtain from the carriage at the front of the team, glanced over the low and dilapidated city wall of Tongshan County, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "The rivers and lakes say that the Li family in Tongshan County is like a tiger lying in the river, with a portrait of a hero. Can't you see this wall...Is there any mystery in it?"

The seventeen-year-old girl this year has a face with melon seeds, her eyebrows are like pale moons, and her voice is clear. Although she may not be too old, her tone of voice has already been tempered and calm. Looking inward from the opened curtain, she can see her decent light ink dress, and there are two daggers in her reach, which is the temperament of a sassy Jianghu woman.

"So we won't enter Tongshan."

The answer was a middle-aged man in a blue shirt with a tall horse next to the car. This person seems to be about forty years old, tall and tall, with one hand holding a horse rein, and the other holding a book. He doesn't look at the way. He just flips through the text of the book. He looks like a big family. The scholar who served as an aide in China, only when he was traveling in Malaysia, he occasionally saw the words "Kunlun Sword Shadow" on the cover of the book in his hand, only to realize that it was a martial arts popular in the market today.

"It is said that the Li family is like a tiger lying in a river. The first is that Li Yanfeng is a person who is good at timing and has a strong method. The original Li family is nothing but a martial artist, but only through this big change, he So he cleaned up all the big and small families near Tongshan, and took advantage of the situation. We said that today is already in chaos, he is naturally an out-and-out hero."

The middle-aged man in the blue shirt turned the book while talking.

"But the other meaning of this is somewhat narrow. Yunzhi, everyone knows what Li's family studies are, and everyone in the world knows that he is a tiger lying in a river. Guess what Li Yanfeng would think when he heard it. "

Yan Yunzhi blinked and realized: "The big monkey fist, the white monkey arms..."

"That's the truth." The middle-aged man in the blue shirt smiled, "When the Jurchen came, it was difficult for everyone to resist. The Li family insisted on resisting the gold and did not want to surrender, but in the final analysis, it was just pulling everyone around to hide. Enter the mountain, and then clean up the surrounding clans one by one. If you really want to say that the Jurchen person was killed, Li Yanfeng had never killed him, the tiger lying in the river... At first there were people who satirized him as the king without the tiger in the mountain. Don't say anything about tigers in front of the Li family."

"It seems that the Li family likes to be a monkey." Yan Yunzhi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then he restrained it.

"Although others are ironic, the Li family's learning should not be underestimated." The middle-aged man in the blue shirt on horseback turned a page of the book, "The white ape has longer arms than a force, and it's enough to know it and know it. However, the big and small monkeys are well-known in the world, and they are quite complementary to the Tan Gongjian handed down in your family. We are here this time to discuss the business of borrowing, and the other is because you want to broaden your knowledge. Therefore, when you meet later, you must put away one of the frivolous. It should be noted that many times in the rivers and lakes, kindness is a word, and Qiu is also a word."

The girl in the carriage nodded: "The second uncle taught that Yunzhi saved it."

"Yeah." The middle-aged Lanshan also nodded, then glanced at the city wall next to him, and said: "As for this city wall... Li Jiazhang has passed through the mountains for more than a year, and he has to recruit for Liu Guangshi. I have to search out all kinds of good things and transport them to the southwest. How much can I leave behind? The leftovers will naturally be transported back to my own home and built a big house. As for the city wall of Tongshan, the front is burned by fire. It’s normal to have no money for repairs so far, not surprisingly."

At this point, the road in front of them was winding, gradually separating from Tongshan County and turning west. This is the time of mid-to-late July. The jagged woods on the roadside are gradually stained with yellow leaves, and the villages and farmlands are also depressed. Occasionally, I meet rags passers-by and see these lavish carriages and horses. Most of them hide on the roadside.

This way, it was a small market at the foot of the mountain. Soon after passing through the market, the road up the mountain was widened, and the flags and red silks could be seen dancing in the distance. From afar, a team of people greeted us here.

The people who came here were naturally the Li family. The two sides met on the road, cut each other and got together. Yan Yunzhi tied the saber around his waist and got off the carriage. Under the leadership of the middle-aged man in blue shirt, he wanted to meet with everyone in the Li family and pay a salute.

Before they came this time, they knew that Li Yanfeng had led the team to Jiangning, and two other generals who depended heavily on the Li family led people to the battlefield in Jiangbei. However, he has been operating in Tongshan for a long time, and he has made a name in the arena. Over the years, there are also many green forest masters who have taken refuge in the Li family. Among the teams who came to meet this time, except for the Li family who is now in Tongshan and is the same generation as Li Ruoque. The veteran Li Ruoyao was accompanied by several gangsters who had great artistic career. People such as "Miao Dao" Shi Shuifang, "Great Compassionate Hand" Cixin monk, "Lightning Whip" Wu Cheng and others, either lived in the Li family as a guest or as a steward, and they all welcomed them together this time.

"The second master of the Yan family and the female heroine of Yunshui came from afar, Li Jiapeng was brilliant and greeted with a loss. Forgive me, forgive me."

The Li family came out to greet the elderly Li Ruoyao. He was originally the brother of the "Monkey King" Li Ruoque. He was quite old and had a high status. After these words, the middle-aged blue shirt hurried forward: " Don’t dare, don’t dare, Li Sanye is the hero of the world and has high morals. When the Yan family passed through Tongshan this time, they were going to go up the mountain to meet the Sanye. How dare you let Sanye come to meet him? I wait for sins and sins..."

The two sides exchanged greetings, exchanges and exchanges, and the ethics of the rules are strong-in fact, if we go back more than ten years ago, we would not be so particular about meeting between the green forests, but these years, all kinds of green forests have become popular. It becomes natural. After a while, the guests and hosts who had seen the etiquette had a great time and went up the mountain hand in hand.

Yan Yunzhi already had some understanding of the Li family's situation before coming over. In the process of going up the mountain hand in hand, the second uncle Yan Tiehe, nicknamed "Wind Chasing Sword", introduced in the conversation, which also gave her more understanding.

For example, Shi Shuifang, nicknamed "Miao Dao", is proficient in Miaojiang's round swordsmanship, and his sword skills are fierce and strange.

The "Great Compassionate Hand" Monk Cixin was a murderous man who was once famous in the Jiangnan area. He used his hand to get a lot of effort. It is said that he killed people with the palm of his hand. According to Yan Tiehe's flattering words: "This is the skill of the inner palm of the'strike the cow from the mountain' to reach the realm."

As for the "Lightning Whip" Wu Cheng, what he did was not the kung fu on the whip, but extremely fast leg skills. It is said that when he practiced, five or six people would throw wooden stakes at him from different directions, and he had one leg. With a kick, five or six stakes can even be kicked off one by one without dripping water. This shows that his leg work is not only fast, but also extremely destructive, terrifying and terrifying.

Yan Yunzhi remembered it in his heart and nodded.

On the way forward, although everyone also complimented her, the nickname "Yunshui Sword", the Cloud Water Swordswoman, but more often, they did not stop their gazes and topics on her.

Over the past two years or so, Jurchen has been rampant, and the world has become chaotic. Now the Wu Dynasty is falling apart and it is an era of heroes. The Yan family was also one of the green forests that participated in the fight against gold in the past. The family-renowned Tan Gong swordsmanship was good at hiding and assassinating. When the Jurchens came, Yan Yunzhi's father Yan Taiwei reportedly even assassinated two Jurchens, and he was known as the Green Forest. As for Yan Yunzhi, it was because he had killed two Jurchen soldiers at a young age and won the reputation of "Yunshui Sword". Of course, no one at the scene would question whether such rumors were true.

There are two main reasons why the Li family received the Yan family and his party so grandly. One of them is that there is a member of the Yan clan named Yan Daolun who listens to Liu Guangshi’s account, and is said to have a high status among the staff. Another point is that Yan Taiwei once had a relationship with a Shi Baofeng's green forest tycoon has old days, and the two parties once promised to have a marriage. This time, Yan Tiehe took Yan Yunzhi all the way east to go to Jiangning to finalize the marriage.

And Shi Baofeng is now one of the leaders of the fair party with great momentum and sweeping Jiangnan. Together with He Wen, Gao Chang, Xu Zhaonan, Zhou Shang and others, they are called the Five Tigers of the Fair Party.

Once this period of marriage is concluded, the Yan family's status will surely rise, becoming a big figure who can directly connect to the highest authority of the Fair Party. Although the current situation in the world and the future of the Fair Party are still unclear, some people may not dare to associate with the Fair Party easily, but on the other hand, naturally no one dares to insult such forces.

Everyone occasionally mentioned a few words about marriage. Yan Yunzhi was actually somewhat unhappy, but she had been accustomed to the expressionless and solemn look in the past two years, and surrounded by seniors, she just moved forward and didn't talk much.

After a while, everyone arrived at the Lijia Wubao, which occupies a lot of land. The square and roads in front of Wubao have been cleaned up, but many dealers watched the excitement around and gave pointers. Colored silk fluttered on the flagpoles around, quite extravagantly eager to behave. Yan Yunzhi's gaze scanned the surrounding people. The clothes of the villagers here are much cleaner than those seen along the way, and they seem to be able to see it accidentally. Some smiles show that the Li family manages this place and takes care of the lives of the surrounding villagers. This is quite similar to the Yan family’s style. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com thinks Li Yanfeng is also a good family owner.

The Yan family practiced Tan Gongjian and was proficient in the art of assassins. Therefore, they had their own methods of observing the environment and seeing the micro-knowledge. Yan Yunzhi became more sensitive and mature about these things after the war and life and death. At this moment, her gaze swept across, and when she approached the door, her eyebrows were slightly raised. It was among the crowd of onlookers, and a look suddenly made her stay for a moment.

It was at the back of the crowd, and it seemed to be a good-looking young man, with his neck stretched and his feet padded, and he was looking over here curiously.

He frowned, and when he went to look again, the gaze was gone.

Why did you notice...

It should be, not malicious...


Her footsteps paused for a while, and then, her uncle waved to her, let her follow in, and later watch the Li family welcome the monkey boxing martial arts.

The bottom of her cheek was slightly hot, and she twisted her eyebrows, her eyes were a bit fierce and walked into the lavish Li's door...


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