Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Literati has no heart

"...The rivers and lakes have a long history. Speaking of my Li family's monkey boxing, it was first seen in the Wei and Jin dynasties. But if you want to gather the strengths of all the families and integrate them, the most important figure among them must belong to my Wu Dynasty. Yuan Dingtian, the founding general. Two hundred years ago, it was this Pingdong general who combined the method of battle formation to clarify the magic of monkey boxing, moving, flashing, and turning, and delineated the difference between big monkey boxing and small monkey boxing. Rigidity, rapid pace, advancing like crazy, retreating with murderous intent, in the middle, combined with the stick and rod technique, reflecting the iron tail steel whip of the Monkey King..."

In the autumn afternoon, the sun was warm. Under the eaves of the auditorium in front of the Lijiawupu campus, the old man Li Ruoyao talked about monkey boxing. He occasionally waved his arms and raised his wooden staff. Although his movements were not great, he was able to make him understandable. People see his faint power in boxing for many years, like a wind and thunder, and should not be underestimated. The surrounding Yan Tiehe, Yan Yunzhi and others were in awe, and their eyebrows became serious.

"Unexpectedly, it was Yuan Pingdong's mantle, disrespectful and disrespectful." Yan Tiehe gave his hand and praised.

"...As for the little monkey boxing." After receiving this admiration, the old man chuckled, "Little monkey boxing is agile and insidious. The key to kung fu is mainly in the foot plate and eyesight. The soles of the feet seem to run like wind, but in fact the center of gravity has taken root. , Teng Nao flashes, outsiders seem to be fancy, the test is the real kung fu. Think about it, you are all right to jump up and down on that steep mountain, you can't see anyone at your feet, the enemy did not fight, you hurt yourself first Now, isn’t that shameful. So, the more smart you see, the more stable your next game is actually, the more stable your next game, and your body shape makes you unable to capture it, then the next step is the effort... "

"...I said the little monkey boxing is insidious, that's not a bad thing. The little monkey boxing of our Li family is going to the point everywhere." The old man raised his fingers together, shot his hands like electricity, made a few virtual clicks in the air, pointing to the wind. Howl, "Eyes! Throat! Waist eyes! Fuck Yin! These kung fu are the essence of Little Monkey Boxing. It is important to know that General Pingdong was a person who came down on the battlefield. The battlefield was originally used to kill everything, so these Kung fu is the ultimate move of the battlefield against the enemy, and it is the method of the battlefield scouts against the singles. This is the origin of the little monkey boxing."

At this time, under the eaves above the school field, there were already top seats, and everyone was sitting while talking. When Yan Yunzhi saw the old man's few shots, he had already put away his indiscretion. At this time, seeing him wave a few times, he was secretly shocked. This is where the outsiders watch the excitement and the insiders watch the doorway.

The old man's wave is nothing more than a few waves from an elderly old man in the eyes of those who do not know how to martial arts. However, in the eyes of Yan Yunzhi, who has been practicing swordsmanship for many years, the old man’s fingers are like iron hooks. There was no sign when he shot his hand. The upper body was motionless, and the arms had been extended. If he stood in front of him, maybe the eyeballs had been caught by the opponent. I pulled it out at once.

"The learning of battle formation was originally the most fierce one in martial arts." Yan Tiehe echoed with a smile, "We have been circulating in martial arts for so many years, and many Kungfu training methods are upright, even though thousands of people practice it. But this is the reason why there are often only three or five players in the game. After all, people who practice martial arts are brave and fierce. If this type of game is passed on to people with unhealthy minds, there may be endless disasters. This is the past two hundred years. The principle of time. However, by this time, it is not so applicable."

Hearing this, the people around him also agreed. The "Miao Dao" Shi Shuifang said, "The world is in chaos, and the Jurchens are ferocious. Now it is not the time when every family is practicing martial arts behind closed doors, so the Li family opened their doors. Let the brave and young people around you who have the strength to come here to practice martial arts. The Li family opens the door to teach big and small monkey boxing, and does not hide selfishness. This is the place that the boss of the Li family admires Shi Shuifang the most!"

"Li Jia's high-righteousness is admirable and admirable."

"The Yan family did the same thing. Grandpa Taiwei assassinated the enemy chief and succeeded several times, which is really admirable."

The Wu Dynasty has been in chaos for more than ten years since Jingping. Martial arts practitioners migrated from north to south and passed on art. Large clans like the Yan family and the Li family followed the wind, and most of the slogans and things they did were similar. At this time, we admire and compliment each other, and both the host and the guest are happy.

And in the square below, what Yan Yunzhi could see were facilities for practicing monkey boxing, such as sheds with clay pots like gourd racks, wooden stakes for practicing Kung Fu, etc. Shows the characteristics of monkey boxing. At this time, several disciples who practiced the monkey boxing of the Li family had gathered to prepare for martial arts. After that, they exchanged for a while, and under the sign of Li Ruoyao, they showed the routine of the monkey boxing to everyone in the Yan family.

After the Jurchens occupied the Central Plains, people from various green forests were rushed to the south, which brought a wave of mutual exchange and integration. After forces like the Li family and the Yan family met, it was an extremely normal link to demonstrate and discuss each other. Those who are not familiar with each other may just demonstrate the practice routines. If the relationship is good, it is necessary to show a few "unique skills", and even pass on each other's skills to grow together. Right now, the demonstration of this routine is just a warm-up. Yan Yunzhi watched and listened to the anecdotes that Li Ruoyao and his second uncle were talking about.

"...After Yuan Pingdong sorted and passed down the monkey boxing, it took another hundred years before it reached the hands of Wang Hao, the wonder man of the rivers and lakes. The name of this predecessor may not be heard by many juniors, but it was famous back then. ..."

When Li Ruoyao has said this, he has read many scripts, and Yan Tiehe, who has heard extensively, said: "Could it be the great master who was once called one of the "Three Wonders of Jianghu"? I accidentally saw it in a record Through this statement."

Yan Yunzhi looked at this side, pricked his ears, and listened carefully. Li Ruoyao stroked his beard and smiled.

"Yes, the second master is really knowledgeable. What kind of character these three wonders are, you may know what the other two people are. In the green forest a hundred years ago, there was a great man with swordsmanship, and book The "Sword Scripture" has been passed down to later generations, with the surname Zuo, the name Chuanshu, the origin of this person's sword technique, the line that flows out today is in the southwest, in the Miaojiang area, and it is the tyrant knife that everyone knows, Liu Dabiao back then, It is said that he is the direct descendant of Zuo's sword scripture."

Yan Yunzhi stared, only to realize that the three wonders of the rivers and lakes were such a powerful person. Shi Shuifang, the "Miao Dao" on the side, snorted: "This is true. Although I have had a long time with Tyrant Dao, I admire Zuo's Dao very much."

Li Ruoyao smiled: "As for the other three strangers of the rivers and lakes, he is even more famous than Zuo Zhuanshu. This person's surname is Tan and his name is Zhengfang. No one in the world knows the line he has passed down today. I must have heard it a long time ago."

He smiled and looked at Yan Yunzhi. Yan Yunzhi also nodded and said solemnly: "'Iron Arm' Zhou Dong Zhou Daxia is his closed disciple."

"That's right." Li Ruoyao said, "In these three wonders of the world, Zuo Chuan Shu Chuan Dao, Tan Zhengfang is good at guns and sticks. As for Zhou Dong Zhou Daxia, he added a number of ways such as turning fists and poking feet. San Ye. On Wang Hao’s side, the combination of big and small monkey boxing and white ape cross-arms has truly made monkey boxing a generation of big boxing types. Wang Hao’s generation has 13 disciples in total, and he is the first generation of'Monkey King'. , As for Ruoque here, it is the third generation of the "Monkey King", and when it comes to Deyanfeng, it is the fourth generation... Actually, the name of this monkey king is contested in every generation, but no one in the world knew it. Qiu Tianhai, a generation of murderous people, has always coveted such titles..."

The performance below continued, Yan Yunzhi listened to Li Ruoyao talking, and at first felt a little bored with the part of him boasting about his family, but at this time, he became relish.

In fact, although there are already many martial arts, there are not many senior old people who know all kinds of anecdotes and can talk about them in the real green forest. In the past, under the leadership of her father, she visited the old man of Wuxue Liutong from Jiayu's side. The knowledgeable and graceful attitude of the other party once impressed her. For the funny boxing such as monkey boxing, she It is somewhat contemptuous, but I never thought that this old man whose reputation has always been concealed by his brother Li Ruoque also has such a style.

When I look at the performance below, I can see a lot of wonderful things.

After the demonstration of the monkey boxing routine, the Yan family also dispatched personnel to demonstrate the essence of their own Tan Gongjian. Then there was a contest between the monkey boxing disciples and the Yan family disciples. In fact, by this time, the two sides had already given each other quite a bit, and they had already exchanged real tricks in private.

The Yan family's journey to Jiangning and visiting Tongshan County originally had several meanings. The most important intention is to open up a road that runs through the east and west directions. After all, once the relationship between Yan Jia Yan Yunzhi and Shi Baofeng is established, the two parties can have close exchanges of interests. There is such a road, what will happen in the future It is possible to make a fortune, and the Li family can also make a profit as one of the key links.

Of course, it is impossible to finalize such a complicated intention, and it is likely to go to Jiangning to find Li Yanfeng to make his own decision.

Under this supreme intention, being able to interact with each other is naturally to build a good impression first, and as a martial arts family, exchange kung fu with each other. When the major issues of the channel cannot be negotiated, the Li family is obviously not stingy in the rest of the sections, such as exchanging a few tricks of monkey boxing. After all, even if the matter of buying a road is complicated, Yan Yunzhi is Shi Baofeng’s intended daughter-in-law. How can the Li family not give some face to other places?

The exchange point between the disciples on the school field ended. In fact, it was somewhat boring. At the end of the performance of martial arts, the monk Cixin stepped off the field and performed several stunts of internal palm power to everyone. He cracked the woods and rocks on the school field. It's terrible. Everyone was secretly shocked when they saw it. They felt that if the monk's palm power was printed on their body, how could they survive?

After Monk Cixin performed, Yan's family also sent a guest Qing to demonstrate the unique skill of mandarin ducks with linked legs. At this time everyone was in good spirits, and there was not enough anger. Wu Cheng, the manager of the Li family, "Lightning Whip", also went off the court with a smile. Points, after a while, ends with a tie.

Yan Yunzhi has always known about the martial arts of this guest here, and the current martial arts competition. Although both sides have kept their hands, it is enough to prove the other's leg skills. She feels itchy and eager to see it. After such a moment, the "Miao Dao" Shi Shuifang also smiled and stood up: "Several brothers have performed. It seems that it is Shi's turn to show his ugliness? I wonder if any brother is itchy and willing to come and Shimou has done it?"

Yan Yunzhi glanced at the second uncle's side, then pressed her lips, and stood up: "I have been looking up to the name of Miaodao for a long time. I don't know if Shi Daxia can condescend to show the little girl some tricks."

Everyone was a little surprised at what she said, Shi Shuifang frowned slightly, even more puzzled. At the moment, if it is a performance, it is enough, peers are discussing, Shi Shuifang is also a hero, you are a junior, or a female, what does this mean? If it's other occasions, maybe they will fight immediately.

After such a moment, Yan Tiehe smiled and stood up: "Don’t blame Shi Daxia, Yan Mou first apologize to you, my niece Yunzhi, everyone don’t look at her quietly and quietly. In fact, she is a martial artist since she was a child. Wu Chi, in the past, big guys mingle with each other, and she has always been unwilling to take her without her. It is also not good for Yan. On the way here, she told her about the magic of round swordsmanship, and she said that after going up the mountain, she must face Daxia Shi Chen Ken asks. Shi Daxia, look at this..."

When he said this, Yan Yunzhi also said: "Daxia Shi, Yunzhi is a junior, so I don't dare to discuss and discuss, I just hope Daxia Shi can give some tips."

For this reason, Shi Shuifang laughed, and everyone laughed, nodding their heads immediately. Wu Cheng smiled and said, "Daxia Shi, don't lose the fight."

The old man Li Ruoyao at the top also smiled and said, "If you hurt the Heroine Yunshui, none of us would agree to it."

Shi Shuifang smiled bitterly and frowned: "This is difficult."

After saying this, Yan Yunzhi twisted her body and walked down the steps. Her steps were light, brushing a few times, like a swallow, she went to the uneven and uneven monkey boxing stakes on the side of the school field, spreading her hands, and a short sword in her hand. Suddenly appeared, then disappeared behind him. In the afternoon sun, she stood steadily on the highest wooden stake, Feng Xu Yufeng, like a fairy Lingbo, looming awe-inspiring.

Everyone was stunned for it. Shi Shuifang shook his head, and said, "This is too difficult." He picked up the Miaodao on his side and walked towards the stake.

This is July 20th of this year, and the setting sun begins to fall on the horizon.

Yan Yunzhi and everyone walked out of Lijiawubao and watched the surrounding scenery on the nearby mountainside. The old man Li Ruoyao was pointing to the crowd where the golden soldiers came and where was the mountain where Li Yanfeng led the crowd to avoid. Yan Yunzhi's heart was chewing and replaying the battle just now.

Previously, on the wooden stakes in the Li family school, Yan Yunzhi and Shi Shuifang's test stayed on the eleventh move. There was not much suspense about the outcome of the victory, but everyone looked terrified.

The Yan family’s Tan Gong swordsmanship is good at assassination, with sharp swordsmanship and many dangerous places; and Shi Shuifang’s round swordsmanship is even more fierce and treacherous, with one knife and one knife scattered like a swarm of snakes, Yan Yunzhi can see, Every sword pointed at the vital point of human beings. As long as one bite by any of the snakes, it could be fatal. And Shi Shuifang was able to defeat her on the eleventh move, and even clicked to the end, which was enough to prove that his cultivation was far above himself.

On the other hand, after this round of discussions, the others said that they didn't have the slightest contempt for her "Swordswoman". Li Ruoyao, Wu Cheng, Monk Cixin and others nodded solemnly. It was not easy for Dao to practice swordsmanship to this level at the age of seventeen. I am afraid that she has no doubt about the claim that she once killed a Jurchen. On Yan Yunzhi's side, she knew that one day she would definitely surpass this "miaodao" Shishuifang in martial arts.

Everyone was on the mountainside, watching the sunset that ended, Yan Yunzhi thought about martial arts in her heart-besides martial arts, she actually didn't have much to think about. The next marriage is not something she can decide. She doesn't know how Shi Baofeng’s son is and what kind of person she is. Most of the future life is beyond her control, but only by hand. She was able to grasp this martial art clearly and practically.

A group of gangsters talked and laughed. She did not participate, and she knew in her heart that, in fact, this kind of quack life was very far away from her.

This is not her future.

But even after marrying someone and having children, she can still practice martial arts, and one day in the future, she will become very, very powerful. Perhaps, Shi Baofeng's son and his future husband are people who care about the world. In the future, he may also become a great hero and general like the tyrant Liu Watermelon, who will be invincible in the world.

This is outside of the Lijia Wubao, and there are also Li family dealers walking around far and near. She did not pay attention to these ordinary people, but was thinking about martial arts in her heart, paying attention to the martial arts around. Of heroes. It was also at this time, not far away, that there was a sudden movement.

"Hey, the manager surnamed Wu."

Someone yelled something like this.

The voice was immature, with the drake voice of a young man when he changed his voice, which was quite unpleasant because of his bad tone. The people watching the scenery here didn't react, and Yan Yunzhi didn't even realize who the "manager surnamed Wu" was for a while. But the man in the robe standing near Lijiazhuangzi had heard it, and he replied: "Who?"

It is "Lightning Whip" Wu Cheng.

How dare someone talk to him like this? Still a child? Yan Yunzhi was slightly confused, squinting his eyes and looking towards this side.

In the setting sun, the person walking towards this side was indeed a young man who seemed to be young. He just seemed to be sitting at the tea table beside the Zhuangwai Road drinking tea, and he was heading towards Wu Cheng over there. As he walked over, he said: "I'm here to seek revenge." The words had an "ah" sound, plain and innocent, and there was a sense that they didn't know how big things were at all, but as a quack, everyone was right. The word "vengeance" is extremely sensitive, and now he has turned his attention away.

In the silhouette of the setting sun, the walking teenager dragged a bench in his hands, walking very ordinary. No one knew what was going on. A disciple of the Li family from outside reached out and tried to stop the man: "What are you..." He pushed with his hand, but I don't know why, the young man's figure has walked straight over and dragged him up. When he got off the bench, he seemed to be about to beat the "Guan Shi Wu" in his mouth.

This is the fighting action of Poppy.

Wu Cheng was able to play the name "Lightning Whip" on the rivers and lakes, and he experienced more than one **** battle once or twice? A man was holding a bench to smash him. This was simply one of the most ridiculous enemies he encountered. He sneered and cursed something, then his right leg whizzed out and kicked diagonally upward.

The bench in the boy's hand will be kicked off, and even his whole person will be kicked to vomit blood and fly out-this is the thought of everyone who is watching the sunset. Afterwards, everyone heard a loud bang.

In the autumn sunshine that fell like orange and yellow ink, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com boy's bench waved and slammed it down. Wu Cheng opened his posture, kicked it, and flew into the sky. There were grass stems and dirt. Theory It was said that he would kick the stool, along with the boy who leaned forward because of swinging the stool, but I don't know why, the whole movement of the boy seemed to take a half breath. So he waved and dropped, Wu Cheng's right leg had already kicked in the empty space.

With a bang, there were stalks of grass and soil splashing all over the place, and then there was a scream of screams that seemed to pierce the heart and lungs of people, and the screams spread from low to high in a blink of an eye to the entire upper mountainside. Wu Cheng fell to the ground. He had just made the left leg on which he stood on the fulcrum. It has now become a rearward square shape that is absolutely impossible for a normal human to do. His entire knee and leg bones have been stiffened just now. It was completely broken.

"...... ah ah ah ah ah ah -" Everyone realized that it was his voice shouting.

The bench in the boy's hand did not break. After Wu Cheng flew out, he followed, and according to Wu Cheng it was a second blow, this time breaking his finger, and then a third time.

"I let you! Special! Kick the stool! You kick the stool..."

In the sunset, he took the bench and beat Wu Cheng frantically...


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