Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1~5? Mu Yu Xiaoxiao Chengdu August (Part 1)

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Chengdu in August.

The torrential rain season that brought severe floods to Dujiangyan has just passed, leaving a small tail. The annoying autumn rain cuts down the leaves, still invading the ancient city that has become the political and cultural center of the Chinese Army. In these days, the mud of the city seemed to have responded to the curse of the enemies from all over the world, and it was never done for a moment.

The leaves of the yellow trees were knocked down by the rain and fell into the annoying mud, waiting to put more pressure on the drainage facilities of this ancient city. On the road, many pedestrians walked cautiously or hurriedly between the streets and lanes, but the care is only short-lived. Sooner or later, the muddy water on the road will splash on the beautiful and brand-new trouser legs, so people are complaining and gritting their teeth. It doesn’t matter slowly.

There are still innocent children playing under the eaves on the side of the road, using soaked mud to build dams in front of the house to defend against the "flood" on the street, some playing with mud all over, The mother who was found spanked hysterically and dragged it back.

Large carts dragged by tall horses traverse the streets and alleys of the city, occasionally stopping at fixed platforms, and people dressed in new or outdated clothes get off their cars, avoiding mud, holding up umbrellas, and people coming and going. It is a sea of ​​umbrellas.

In such weather, the business of restaurants and tea shops, large and small, has actually improved a bit. People with various purposes met at the agreed place, entered the side room facing the street, sat at the tea table with the open window and watched the crowd running awkwardly in the rain below, first complaining about the weather as usual, then warming people Accompanied by his refreshment, he began to talk about the purpose of the meeting.

"You don't know, the road outside the city is much worse than here."

"The Huaxia Army made great efforts in civil engineering. The outside of the city was a full circle, and I didn't read it from the "Tiandu Daily". Chengdu, since ancient times, has been the center of Shu, and the tombs of the kings of Shu for many generations and those who know and don't know are here. Said it was digging the ground last year and it touched the tomb of the king..."

"Hua Xia Junyamen said that the development is too fast and the drainage facilities have not been fully completed. The main reason is that there are not enough drainage holes outside, so the city can not move. This year, a tax may be levied outside the city."

"Digging trenches for drainage is a big deal. We have a way, we can find a way to cover it..."

"July also talked about the integration of the military and civilians, but it was unexpected that August was another rectification..."

All kinds of messages are mixed in this busy city and become part of city life.

In the afternoon, the first and most prosperous new factory area was built outside the old city walls of Chengdu. Part of the roads were muddy due to the coming and going of carriages. Lin Jingmei was wearing a quilt and carrying a waterproof leather bag for work. She walked on the road with her middle-aged aunt as a partner.

She was deployed to Chengdu not long ago, and she was not very familiar with the surrounding situation, so she was arranged to partner with an old Chinese military cook who had already participated in the development of the factory area here. The female cook was named Shen Mingjuan. She was three-and-a-half and illiterate. Lin Jingmei didn’t know why she was transferred to work in the education department at first, but after a few days she also understood that this woman has a personality like a mother. The chicken can hold the child and protect the cub very well. Lin Jingmei came over to work with her partner, which can be regarded as a shortcoming in the other party's writing work.

They are now visiting the nearby factories one by one.

"We are from the Ministry of Education. The above should have already notified you about the'Shanxue' project that is about to start soon. This is the original text of the order. This is the information collected by the household registration department and linked to the foreign children on your side. The situation, now I have to compare and verify with you. At the beginning of September, all the children in this neighborhood will go to "Shanxue" to go to school. They can no longer run around. There is a fee charter..."

"You have to pay?"

"The basic expenses of the Huaxia Army have taken the lead. We are responsible for the daily meals. You bear part of it. In the future, you can also deduct it from the taxes to be paid. You should have said that when you met at the end of July... "

"You have so many meetings, sending documents every day, how can we see it. Look at our little workshop... I didn't say before that we would send the children to school, and what kind of school the girl would go to, she girl..."

"Girls must also go to school. However, as long as you let your children go to school, every time they take a break, we will allow children of the right age to work in your factory to make money and make money for the family. You see, you can apply for this. If you don’t apply, that means using child labor. After September, we will conduct an inventory check on this area, and the fine will be severe in the future..."

"You...their children do things with adults... they don't want to go to school. Since ancient times, studying has been a thing for rich people. How can you do this? How much money will it cost? These people are all suffering. People, come here to make money..."

Ten workshops enter eight, and they will encounter various prevarications and obstruction. This may be because the Ministry of Education has no deterrent effect, plus two women. Some people gag, and some try to say: "There were so many children who came in at the time, but when they came to Chengdu, they would have some...not so many..."

Shen Juan got up: "What did you say?"

Lin Jingmei's gaze also sank: "You mean, there is a kid here who died or ran away. Didn't you report?"

The work of checking the list was quite difficult, and occasionally encountered people with a worse attitude, and started to show off related to certain officials of the Chinese government, shouting for them to get out, and some factory security would be photographed by Shen Juan Falling to the ground, sometimes, Lin Jingmei enthusiastically began to ask who the "relationship" of the other party was, took out a small book and made a simple record, until the other party's face became unconfidently surprised.

This is destined to not be a simple task that can be completed.

Except for the one that she and Shen Juan are in charge of, there are still different people everywhere outside the city at this time, pushing the same thing.

"The weather in July and August is really annoying..."

Running in the mud until the evening, Lin Jingmei and Shen Juan returned to the address of the new "Shanxue" school in this area. Shen Juan made dinner to welcome the school members who came back one after another. Lin Jingmei used it under the eaves nearby. The rain in the sink washed the feet. The feet are about to soak.

Peng Yueyun came over twice for a meal, and he praised Shen Juan for the delicious food, and he praised Shen Juan for the delicious food. Shen Juan had to smile, patted his chest and promised to take care of Lin Jingmei here. And of course everyone knows that Lin Jingmei is now a well-known person, and it is precisely for this married husband and son who has been transferred to Chengdu from other places.

No one knows their relationship with Ning Yi for the time being.

After dinner, the two got on the carriage back to the inner city on the side of the road. There were often many people in the spacious carriages. Lin Jingmei and Peng Yueyun huddled in the corner and talked about work.

"If it's just education running here and no sticks are knocked down, these people will definitely be slick. The children who were transported into the southwest, even if they were scheduled child laborers, are now working with their parents in the workshop. Common. We said that we should regulate this phenomenon. In fact, in their view, we are going to grab what they already have. My father said that we will enroll our children in mid-September. I am afraid that the Ministry of Commerce and The public security side can only be guaranteed by a joint action. But recently, there has been a rectification movement from the top to the bottom. The implementation of'good learning' is not limited to Chengdu. Will such a large-scale matter be unable to mobilize manpower..."

A hundred-year plan, education first. The construction of the Huaxia Army's education system is something that has been done almost immediately after the killing of the king, but the scale of the Huaxia Army is different at each stage. A few years ago, I was trapped in a small place like Hedeng three counties, and the teacher strength I cultivated was close to enough. However, the subsequent jump out of the Chengdu Plain was another big expansion, and it continued to expand until it defeated the Jurchens and opened up to the world. once.

Although Ning Yi organized night schools and simplified teaching, even if those who could serve as teachers were upgraded exponentially, it would take time to suddenly adapt to such a large site. In the first half of this year, the number of teachers was already lacking. In the second half of this year, Ning Yi racked his brains to squeeze out some teachers to cover the elementary school on the heads of migrant children near Chengdu. In fact, everything is quite good. Hastily.

Such a "good learning" school is destined to be inadequate, and the inclusion of these boys and girls who are child laborers in the school itself will inevitably cause a wave of incomprehension and backlash, but Ning Yi decided to continue. Lin Jingmei's arrival here is also an important "observer" placed in this work.

She followed Ning Yi since she was a child. She was trained and brought up by the core and outstanding characters of the Hua Xia Army. She was originally responsible for a large number of core tasks related to secretaries. Her vision and thinking skills have long been cultivated. It's not just a few things in front of you.

"...Actually, what worries me the most in my heart is that this time things will make the situation worse outside... These refugees sent to the southwest have no homes. The reason why the nearby factories and workshops let them bring When the child comes over, what I think in my heart is to take advantage of the child’s child labor. This time we will standardize things. Of course, we must do it. After we are done, the outside business people will come over, I am afraid it will make more The wives are scattered, and some children who could have come in, maybe they won’t be allowed to enter... Will this be considered as if I didn’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me?"

Peng Yueyun smiled: "Sometimes, it is indeed like this."

He did not express his opinion on this matter, because similar thinking surging at the core of the Hua Xia Army every moment. Every action of the Hua Xia Army now affects the chain reaction of the entire world, and the reason why Lin Jingmei is sentimental at this moment is that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is only telling these sentimental thoughts in front of him, because of her different temperament. On the one hand, she also has the determination and tenacity that belong to her alone. The combination of rigidity and softness is the unique woman he likes.

"Liu Guangshi fought very hard with Zou Xu... Liu Guangshi has the upper hand temporarily..."

They talked about a lot of things in the carriage, and people came up in the carriage, and then they went down one after another. When they arrived at the Huaxia Army dormitory area at the terminal of the carriage, the night had fallen, and the night sky was as clear as water, and the two of them were talking side by side and walked inside. They are not married yet, so they each have their own rooms, but even if they live together occasionally, no one will say about them anymore. They will talk about a lot of things, and the rapid changes in Chengdu and the Huaxia Army have also given them many topics to talk about.

At the same time, on the other side of the city, Yu Hezhong, who has become one of the important figures in the southwest, visited the courtyard where Shishi Li lived. In the past year, they usually meet up as friends about twice a month. It is not common to visit at night, but at this time, when Yu Hezhong was passing by at night, it was natural to take a look.

Perhaps it was just after the social gathering, Yu Hezhong had a slight smell of alcohol. The teacher was not surprised, and asked people to take out refreshments and received him cordially.

"In the July flood fight, your newsprint was overwhelmingly saying good things about the military. As soon as August arrives, your rectification this time is really powerful..."

Facing the teacher, Yu Hezhong has long been used to being straightforward. He also knows that some of his thoughts can't hide from the other's eyes, so his words have always been straightforward. And these things are inextricably linked with him, a "rich idler"...

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