Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 51: Mu Yu Xiaoxiao Chengdu in August (middle)

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"In the July flood fight, your newsprint was overwhelmingly saying good things about the military. As soon as August arrives, your rectification this time is really powerful..."

The rain stopped shortly after nightfall, and the cool wind brought a humid breath from the courtyard. Yu Hezhong sat down in the study and talked about it with a touch of alcohol. This is probably also a topic when attending social gatherings at night. . The teacher rolled up his sleeves and poured him a cup of tea. He smiled and said, "How do you say it?"

"...The shopkeeper on your side came to me yesterday." Yu Hezhong held up his teacup, "It has something to do with this."

After the Huaxia Army reorganized the government, Zhuji was split up. Many of the big shopkeepers entered the Ministry of Commerce as high-level officials, and their titles were changed. However, in Chengdu’s non-Huaxia Army circles, many people in Someone who has had friendships in the past will still refer to certain officials as the treasurer.

The teacher looked at him with a smile. Yu Hezhong paused and said, "Because of this matter, the batch of goods being delivered to General Liu, and even the next batch, may be affected. It is said that the overall delay will be one or two months. As you know, General Liu has already started fighting. If this matter is postponed, it will be a little troublesome."

"This rectification has affected the entire Seventh Army. From top to bottom, including Luqiao Mountain, which has just ascended, have now returned for review. Brother Yu, every rectification of the Huaxia Army is the most serious thing. It will be vague," said the teacher, "however, how could it hurt your side?"

"...This time your Seventh Army of the Rectification Movement is not investigating what you need to eat and get a card on the road to foreign merchants. The people on the road are taken away, and the transaction that was originally to be done will of course be delayed."

"But the transaction with General Liu is the bulk of the Huaxia Army's foreign transactions. Those who committed the crime were taken down. The Ministry of Commerce and the Seventh Army should have allocated personnel to take over, and it will not affect the entire process. The previous meeting was held. , I seem to have heard of it."

"..." Yu Hezhong was silent for a moment, "It is not only the Seventh Army..."


The teacher frowned and the room became quiet. Yu Hezhong took a sip of tea and put down the cup.

"Hi." He stretched out his hand and patted his thigh, and smiled bitterly, "Don't you know what happened to General Liu? How long is the distance from the southwest to Ezhou, and then from Ezhou to the southwest. You Huaxia Army rectifies every year. , There are people in the Seventh Army who eat and take cards and ask for them, General Liu..."

His hand stroked in the air: "The batch of items to be delivered this time has already left Jiange, and is about to arrive in Hanzhong. This time, the people on your side have gone down a few times. …Bad bitch, take the risk and engage in the fire dragon to burn the warehouse. Fortunately, your side is guarded and pressed down. But the other side said that the goods are no longer correct. You have to check it out, so you stopped halfway. Midway..."

The teacher thought for a while: "I haven't heard of this."

"After all, you are in the Propaganda Department, this kind of thing is not specifically inquired, nor can it be passed on to you."

"Where is the difficulty?" The teacher looked at him gently, "How much do you account for?"

"I don't take it, Master, you know me, my ambitions are not big, and my wrists are not clever in these matters. I will be dead sooner or later in such things as sneaking in military resources. I know the importance. But... General Liu arranged for me to contact you here. If the whole thing went wrong, of course I am also responsible."


"The trade route is close to two thousand miles. The various people who dealt with it in the middle eat and take cards and charge them as shoddy. In fact, General Liu himself knows about these things. In the past few transactions, probably 20% of the goods were changed. Inferior products, and the two in the middle are good ones. In fact, most of them were sold to Dai Mengwei at a high price nearby. In fact, it was Yan Daolun and the group of people who ate this oily water. I was in the front, but most of the things did not know. In fact, I really don’t know how they did it, but they sometimes give me a hard cost. Teacher, this... I don’t want to even want it."

His face was sincere, and his teacher smiled: "I know, anyway, you lose with Liu Guangshi's money, I don't care."

"The ore, iron, gold and silver sent over here in the southwest, but no one dared to move, knowing that you have a clear look. But now that the matter has been revealed, when it comes to the surface, there is no way for you to make mistakes. The remaining 90% will be sent over...In fact, if General Liu was there, he would definitely take the 90% first before saying..."

"I don't think the Ministry of Commerce for this. They do business and can't think of people too well. In case this 90% is sent to you casually, General Liu will receive the goods first, and then go back and say that the Huaxia Army is short. Two, it’s difficult to wrangling here. Moreover, the entire Huaxia Army is not afraid of wrangling, and the few people in charge may inevitably have to take the lead. This is also their difficulty."

"I understand, I understand." Yu Hezhong nodded, "So now, the goods are going to be delayed for a month or two. General Liu is fighting ahead. He will probably get angry when he knows. The problem here is that we have to give him an explanation. Today I met with Yan Daolun and the others. Their idea was to hand over a few scapegoats to General Liu. It was these people who secretly exchanged goods, and even destroyed one of them after the incident, which caused the Huaxia Army's delivery to be delayed... Actually I was a little guilty about whether or not to endorse them on this matter, so I ran over and asked the teacher to advise me."

"If you don't endorse, you have to be responsible." The teacher said.

"Yes." Yu Hezhong nodded, and then said again, "However, I don't think General Liu will throw too much responsibility on me. After all...I just..." He waved his hand as if to say. I was just a pretense to be topped out, because I was in the position because of the relationship, but I finally couldn't say it.

The teacher looked at him for a while, and sighed: "The big men don't think about things like that."

"I know too, so..." He was slightly embarrassed.

The teacher laughed: "Let's talk about it, you all came up with a bad idea, anyway, it's pitting Liu Guangshi, what can I be embarrassed about?"

Yu Hezhong also laughed helplessly: "General Liu was clear about the affairs in the officialdom and in the army, and threw out a few scapegoats, and asked General Liu to copy their homes. It is okay to say, but Yan Daolun said that it is inevitable. General Liu still has grievances in his heart. So... they know that I can contact you privately, so they want you to help and move another line privately. Of course, it won’t make it too difficult for you to do, but will investigate the whole thing in the Huaxia Army. At the time, just a little bit of the names of those people, if they can have the signature of the Huaxia Army, General Liu will definitely believe it."

After he said this, he looked at the teacher sincerely, and the teacher looked at him for a long time, and then whispered: "Where is the list? Let me see which hapless guys are."

Yu Hezhong breathed a sigh of relief and took out a small piece of rice paper from his sleeve. The teacher took it and looked at it with a smile, before putting it into his shirt pocket.

She sat there, was silent for a moment, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea before she laughed: "Big Brother Yu, in fact, Yu Gong, of course I will preach this. You see, it is Yu Gong, I will preach. Because After all, it was General Liu who suffered in this incident, and not our Huaxia Army. Of course, I don’t say what the result will be, but if it’s just a small endorsement, especially to help Yan Daolun and the others, I think the upper hand will help. Of course, specific. The reply will be given to you in two days."

"Of course." Yu Hezhong said with a smile, "No matter what, I will come here once, and after talking about this, I can actually explain it to Yan Daolun and the others."

The teacher nodded and smiled: "But what about Yu Si..."

Hearing what she said, Yu Hezhong lowered his head, reached out his hand to pick up the tea cup on one side, and raised it as if to block him: "Yu Si, I know, I know, alas, teacher..."

Master's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth smiled like crescents: "Yu Si, Brother Yu, I actually want to say, sister-in-law and nephew, should you take them to Chengdu? You have been apart for more than a year. What's this not worthy of?"

When the teacher talked about personal matters, he originally wanted to persuade him, but when he saw that he didn't want to listen, he changed the subject. When Yu Hezhong heard this, he was taken aback for a while, and then he sighed in embarrassment: "Your sister-in-law and others, in fact, you also know that they didn't have much knowledge before, and they have stayed at home all these years. Sewing and embroidering. In Chengdu, there are too many occasions I have to participate in now, and if they really come over, I am afraid...it is inevitable...uncomfortable..."

"Big Brother Yu is reluctant to bear those two confidantes, right?" The teacher looked at him, although there was reproach in the words, but the tone was still gentle, and would not be aggressive to force people to do something.

"..." Yu Hezhong was silent for a moment, then picked up the teacup in his hand, "Hi. Actually... Teacher... Actually, you also know that when I was young, I was a little bit ambitious. But... let's not talk about the current situation, in short, I failed to achieve great things. After the fall of the Central Plains, I spent half my life, and then I went to Chengdu, and met you again... Master, I am not afraid of you laughing. In the past year, Perhaps it was the happiest year of my life..."

He paused: "Why don't I know what Yushi you are talking about. You Huaxia Army, as long as there is a problem, you will rectify it everywhere. It doesn't seem to be close to humanity, but people in the world can do things. On General Liu’s side, if everyone is good, they will fish out. If there is a problem, it will be perfunctory. I also know that this will not work, but... I’m not prepared for it..."

The teacher looked at him: "People are not ready. They are actually forced out."

"I understand." Yu Hezhong nodded, "But... Master, I am happy for more than a year... I do feel... Sigh, girl, don't force me... And now I, At least it can help you... don't force me..."

"Okay." The teacher nodded, reached out and took the tea cup from his hand, and poured the hot tea, "Liheng is right. If it can be done, who doesn't want to be a salted fish for a lifetime."

"Salted fish?"

"Sprinkle it with salt and marinate it hard, and hang it under the eaves, whether it is wind or rain, just hang it blankly. I don’t care about anything, so happy. I was in Bianliang back then, thinking about myself After getting married, you should also live as a salted fish."

Yu Hezhong couldn't help but laugh after she made a joke, and the atmosphere between the two became harmonious and harmonious. After such a moment, Yu Hezhong thought about it.

"There is one thing. Although I know the situation on your side, I think I will tell you in private."


"Whether you can do this thing or not, according to the rules, Yan Daolun will give you a large sum of money to thank you. I know you will definitely not ask for it, but you will definitely give it, so I am caught in the middle. You first Don’t talk...We’ll treat you as if you don’t know about it right now. Maybe I can collect the money for you and do some small business for you. Anyway, you don’t think so, but maybe... someday if you want to spend it Sell...I may not give it to you, because it is not yours, but if I have money, I may be able to lend you to help..."

He looked at Shishi earnestly, and Shishi also looked at him cautiously for a while.

"What's a small business? Brother Yu, which part of your business have you been working on recently?"

"It's all legitimate business, and your Huaxia Army approved it." Yu Hezhong said, "Of course, I didn't end up by myself. I also teamed up with a few reliable people here. There were even Li Rulai and Li generals among them. , The main thing is to build a factory outside the city. I know that your Hua Xia Army here also especially hope that others will come to build a factory. Everyone makes a fortune together, and it becomes more and more prosperous. That’s why I left this one. In addition, after all, I have The relationship between Yan Daolun and the others, and the people on General Liu's line, gave me some face, well, people from outside are brought in, and these relationships are just useful. Don’t worry, they are all signed with big contracts. I know it won't cause trouble. Actually, everyone knows that the group of people who invested money in the first place has now all made a profit..."

He lowered his voice, talked about this way of making money with confidence. Compared with the need to pay for ordnance transactions, the establishment of factories here in Chengdu is something that the Huaxia Army promotes vigorously, so there is nothing to worry about.

Hearing the words "Li Rulai", the teacher couldn't help closing her eyes, her lips curled into an arc, and her entire face looked charming and complicated. Yu Hezhong hesitated slightly after talking about it. The teacher opened his eyes, pursed his lips, and then nodded: "Okay, vote. Put all my money in, and I'll follow up and report it. It's okay. "

Yu Hezhong looked at him, and then nodded heavily: "That's right, this is also helping the Huaxia Army. It will be fine if you want to donate in the future."

"Well, yes, make money." The teacher nodded, stretched out his palm and pushed aside, "Yeah!" This is what Ning Yi taught her. If the opponent is present, he will also stretch out his palm to hit For a moment, Yu Hezhong did not understand this number of ways, and in the past year, he has actually become more and more evasive about being too close to the teacher, so he shrinks back without knowing it: "What? ."

"You are a soil bun." The teacher gave him a glance.

"I am old after all, and I am not very familiar with the trendy people in your city."



This is a common way of speaking among young people in Chengdu recently. After saying this, both of them laughed.

After chatting for a while, Yu Hezhong got up and left. The teacher sent him to the gate of the courtyard, promising to give him a message as soon as possible, and Yu Hezhong left with satisfaction. UU reading www.uukanshu.com turned around, and the teacher sighed with a complicated and heavy sigh, and then asked the serviceman to go out: "Go and call Hou Yuanyong."

The order soldier left here and rode past an office of the Intelligence Department. After a while, Hou Yuanyong came on horseback. He went into the study room in the courtyard to meet with Shishi, Shishihui will give him the list left by Hezhong: "As you reminded two days ago, Yu Hezhong came to me today, there is action over there. "She will convey the plans and intentions of Hezhong, Yan Daolun and others.

Although the main work has now been transferred to the propaganda department, due to the existence of Yu Hezhong, a special intermediary, Shishi has always been in contact with the intelligence department on Liu Guangshi’s line. After all, as long as there is something there, Yu Hezhong Of course, his first reaction is to go to the teacher's side for a round of private communication.

"It's better for Yan Daolun and the others to come out in person on this matter." The teacher said, "Grab their handle, Liu Guangshi's staff here will basically be clear to us."

Hou Yuanyong nodded: "Next, let us communicate with... that is on the side of the big brother. We will make things difficult for him, and then let him make an appointment with Yan Daolun, and let Yan Daolun come over and make the transaction in person."

The teacher nodded: "Yeah."

After the two finished the handover, they didn't talk about more things. After Hou Yuanyong left, the teacher sat in the study room and thought for a while. In fact, there were some questions and threads about the whole thing. For example, why did she have to postpone the delivery time for a month or two? She could vaguely perceive some of the clues. , But it is not convenient to verify with Hou Yuanyong.

I can only chat with Ning Yi privately when I go to see Ning Yi tomorrow.

The night outside the courtyard was clear, and the next day, it began to rain again...

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