Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 52: Mu Yu Xiaoxiao Chengdu in August (Part 2)

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"...From the opening of newsprint in the early years to when we entered Chengdu, especially last year, it attracted worldwide attention. After the establishment of the People’s Government, the newspaper industry in Chengdu can be regarded as prosperous. There are more than two hundred and fifty kinds of newspapers—plus the tabloids circulating in private.”

"This is the prosperity caused by the opening up last year, but by now, it has actually caused a lot of chaos. Some foreign scholars, with rich wealth, wrote articles, but the big newspapers can't publish them, so they just get a tabloid to publish them; some The newspaper came to us deliberately. Without investigation, the manuscript appeared to record the truth. In fact, it was purely fabricated to discredit us. We have banned several such newspapers, but there are still... "

"There are also people who don’t seem to work against people, but are purely fooling. For example, "Tiandubao", the name looks very formal, but many people privately say that he is a newspaper, legends, gossip, etc. Making up Hu Zou’s news, every newspaper issue looks like that, but you don’t know which one to believe in. The true and the false are mixed, and the true becomes the false..."

"So, these things need to be reorganized once, but the teacher must be famous, we must first have a more detailed set of regulations to regulate these things. It's not that you are not allowed to write strange and strange novels, but you must mark it clearly before you can not mislead others. Describing things and expressing opinions need to be clearly distinguished and not completely confused. The formulation of this set of laws and regulations is what we will discuss next. Try to sort out its first draft within half a month..."

The next morning was a meeting of the Propaganda Department. The meeting occupies a meeting room on the second floor of the newly renovated conference building. The meeting place has bright and clean windows. Through the glass window on one side, you can see the green and yellow canopy outside the window. On the leaves of trees, rainwater accumulates on the leaves and slowly drips from the tip of the leaves.

This was the most important meeting of the Propaganda Department in August. It was hosted by Yong Jinnian, and the teacher took notes on the side.

"...On this matter, I published an article last month, so I have collected a lot of opinions, and they have been archived one by one." Yong Jinnian said as he reached out and patted the archive booklet that was uniformly printed. And each of the participating members below has already placed these on their hands.

"...So next, let's work on the water mill. Every day, we work overtime for half a day to meet, discuss one by one, express our views, and discuss after the discussion. In this process, if you have any new ideas, you can always Speak up. In short, this is the basis for us to manage the newspaper for many years. Everyone pays attention to it and does our best."

"Okay, let's start discussing the most important one, the first..."

The drops of water spread down on the bright windows. Its route is winding and uncertain, and sometimes it meets other drops of water. It takes a few steps quickly, and sometimes stays somewhere on the glass, refusing to drip. In the conference room at this time, not many people had the intention to pay attention to this interesting scene.

The newly constructed conference building has five floors. At this moment, there are crowds in many conference rooms. Most of these meetings are boring and boring, but the participants still have to participate in them with the utmost energy and understand everything in between. They are weaving some key things that may affect the southwest and even the entire underworld.

If the disturbance of everything in this world is a storm, here is one of the core of the storm. And in many years, it will probably be the biggest one.

Autumn rain stopped briefly.

On the street not far from the outside, the carriage still drove through. They stopped by the platform. People filed down in the large carriages. The crowds going backwards, left and right were intertwined in the square outside, faintly It was an appointment, in the bushes after the rain stopped, there was a child's cry.

The first meeting lasted the entire morning. After lunch, the core people in the meeting, including Yong Jinnian and Li Shishi, conducted another round of closed-door summary to sort out the direction and framework of the discussion in the next half month.

After the meeting, Yong Jinnian and Shishi smiled and talked about Yong Jinrou's pregnancy.

"...Qu Qing came over a few days ago and sent the self-examination summary from Zhangcun. After the meeting, the chairman... Oh, I can’t wait to send Qu Qing back right away, just... tell him that many women are pregnant Later, I said that Xiaorou is not too young anymore. Pay attention to this and that. Qu Qing was originally a rough man, but was taken aback. She ran to the military medical hall to find a stable woman who could deliver babies and asked one by one. Once again, Po Wen is very carefree, saying that as long as she is in good health, what can be done, the women of the Chinese Army are not the daughters of the Chinese army who usually do not get out of the door...Qu Qing doesn't know who to trust, also I had to buy a bunch of supplements and go back. In fact, Xiaorou used to have poor health, but in the Hua Xia Army for so many years, she has already exercised. Now she is in class in Zhangcun, all the teachers are watching her, what big things can happen."

The teacher also laughed: "He is a man, what do women know about things, that's just worrying."

"The chairman is also concerned about people. It's a little too careful about this matter."

The teacher said: "Mrs. Jin'er never had a child."

"Yeah." Yong Jinnian nodded, "He is not necessarily a real hero. How pitiful is not a husband? This is right."

The two chatted a few more words at this time, left the conference building, and then walked in different directions separately. The teacher walked to the west along the road with few large trees planted on both sides, passed through a gate, and walked past a pond with a simple garden. It is a yard hidden in the woods, and there are people under the eaves. Passing by, in the courtyard room, there are different secretaries handing over with outsiders or organizing documents at desks. This is the core point in the center of the storm.

At this point in the afternoon, as long as there is no unexpected time, Ning Yi is usually not too busy. When the teacher walked over, he was sitting on a chair under the eaves, holding a cup of tea in a daze, and a simple map and pen and paper were placed on the tea table next to him.

"The meeting is over?" He didn't turn his head to look at her, but Ning Yi looked ahead and said with a smile.

"What are you thinking about again?" Shishi smiled and put the minutes of today's meeting on the table. Her words didn't have any extra profound meaning, because there were a lot of people coming and going in this office, and there was no room for personal things. The two occasionally met here, and it was limited to reporting work or chatting.

"I'm thinking about how to write an article, and crying out that Jardine who has been dealing with me in the newspaper recently... Oh, he has a lot of black material, but unfortunately I can't explode." Ning Yi tilted his head and revealed "I think With the smile of "troublemaker", the teacher is already familiar with this side of him in private.

"Don't mess around. We are in a meeting here. Beware that we have a clause to catch you who write anonymously."

"Don't bluff me. I talked to Master Yong, what is forbidden by the pseudonym." As the actual behind-the-scenes man, Ning Yi rolled his eyes, very sullenly, the teacher couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, the intermittent autumn rain had stopped for a long time. Looking out from the eaves where Ning Yi was sitting, not far from the forest shelter, the falling sunlight showed a golden rainbow over the pond. They sat and watched for a while, Ning Yi poured tea for her, and the teacher held the tea cup.

"Two days ago, Hou Yuanyong said that Big Brother Yu would come to me, and he did come yesterday." She said.

"What's the interesting thing?"

"Yan Daolun, there is a problem..."

The teacher sat sideways and spoke calmly about Yan Daolun and Yu Hezhong. Ning Yi raised his eyebrows as he listened: "It's actually not a big deal to hold Yan Daolun, but if you can hold it, Of course it's good."

"Liu Guangshi is at war. If we postpone the goods for so long, will there be any problems?"

Ning Yi turned to look at her: "What do you think?"

"The first thought is of course that you don't want Liu Guangshi to win easily. The longer they play, the more money we make."

Ning Yi smiled, and after a while, he shook his head: "If this is true, of course it would be a great thing, but Liu Guangshi has already transported a lot of military supplies. To be honest, let’s say If he didn't give him anything, he would be able to support him until next year. After all, he was wealthy and able to afford it. The preparations for the northern expedition to Bianliang were quite adequate, so the delay for a month or two is actually not a big problem. Liu Guangshi will not go crazy about this matter."

"...If it's not for this reason, it's another..."

The teacher whispered this sentence, she did not break the guess in her mind, because many additional things may be involved, including a lot of work that cannot be exposed by the intelligence department. Ning Yi could hear the cautiousness of her tone, but shook his head and smiled.

"It's not a big secret. The initial deductions made by the General Staff include this guess."

He held a teacup and looked at the pond in front of him, and said: "The so-called troubled times, the world collapses, heroes rise together, dragons and snakes rise to the ground. In the first period of time, snakes, insects, rats and ants will come to the stage to perform for a while. But some of them are really capable, some are in response to the situation, and some are pure luck, and they have gained fame when they rise up. This is the same as the chaos when the Central Plains fell."

"But then, snakes, insects, rats and ants will start biting in the guts. It is a mule or a horse, and they must be shown to see the truth. At this time, the rules and gameplay of the troubled world will really come out to dominate everything. In the barrel of a gun Only in order to come out of political power, whoever is a scumbag, who looks fat, but who is stubborn and stubborn, will be filtered out one after another. This filtering has now begun."

When he said this, he took a sip of his tea, and the teacher nodded. She remembered everything that Yu Hezhong said last night, shoving her back and forth and making money separately... In fact, she had already seen these things in her eyes.

"...Actually, yesterday, I told Brother Yu whether he should move his sister-in-law and children to Chengdu."

"Look, without intelligence support, you also feel that this is possible." Ning Yi smiled, "What about his answer?"

"He...reluctant to bear the two confidantes here, saying that more than a year is his fastest time..." The teacher looked at Ning Yi and said helplessly.

Ning Yi nodded: "If nothing major happens, life can still be passed, but once Liu Guangshi is out, he may not have such a moist life now."

"He has money, and he invested the money to build factories and workshops. In addition, he took over the relationship between Yan Daolun and others and sent people in from outside."

Ning Yi took a sip of tea: "This is pretty smart..."

"The partner with Li Rulai and them..."

"Cough cough cough..." Ning Yi put the teacup aside, coughed several times, pressed his forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or scold, and then said: "This...this is... forget it, you will persuade him later When you are in business, you do things with your conscience, and you can’t make enough money...maybe it won’t cause a big deal..."

"Yesterday he told me that if Liu Guangshi's things are done, Yan Daolun will give a gift of appreciation. He also said that he would help me invest in Li Rulai's business. I was thinking, is it possible to do a filing first? If something happens to Li Rulai, transfer him anyway. If you have the money, you should buy him a lesson."

Ning Yi thought for a while and shook his head.

"It's better not to. Once things get involved at your level, the truth is unclear. When you put yourself in and pull him out, the morality and justice are exhausted, but who will believe you? If this matter is changed, In order to protect you, he must be killed...Of course, I am not referring to this matter, this matter should be suppressed, but...why bother?"

The teacher nodded: "Then I will think of other ways."


The two sat quietly for a while, and the teacher said: "...Do you really think that Liu Guangshi will lose? In other words, it will be delayed for a month or two, just to rely on these two accounts? I thought Is it a bigger strategy..."

"The two accounts are also a lot. It is already a big strategy." Ning Yi smiled. "As for Liu Guangshi, there is certainly no conclusive evidence, but Zou Xu rebelled against the intelligence sent back from the front line. However, the discipline and requirements of the opponent's troops are still very strict. The two big landlords, Chen Shiquan and Yin Zong, were almost hollowed out by him, and they were betting on this. His troops have combat effectiveness, and Liu Guangshidu After Jiang, several small victories gradually turned into big victories. We feel that Zou Xu is holding back bad..."

"Private holidays and holidays, but Zou Xu, this person, has his ability in big strategy. From the first confrontation in the battle, he must be seeking a complete victory. Now we are too far away from Bianliang. It’s impossible to predict where he will put his winning hand, but if it is an unintentional speculation, 90% of the people in the staff who know him will buy him to win."

Ning Yi turned his head and said, "So now I don't know how he will win, but it is estimated that he will win."

"...Can't you intervene and let them fight for a while?"

"The distance is too far. We tried to help Liu Guangshi to make up some shortcomings at the beginning. But if you look at Yan Daolun and the others, it becomes clear... At the real strategic level, Liu Guangshi is a fat man. The big fat man, but he has flaws all over his body. We can't plug so many flaws. As long as Zou Xu hits one of the flaws, he may be killed. We have no ability to help him predict which flaw you have. Will be hit, so I have been emphasizing the acceleration of the early trading. You hurry up and ship the things and give the money. Now... two months will be two months. If he does not die by chance, the trade will be Keep doing it, anyway, this time it was their people."

Ning Yi paused: "So this is the pig teammate. The next group, not to mention the other incomprehensible little warlords, Wu Qimei, Tie Yan, and Liu Guangshi, once the real swords are shot, the first round will be out. The list is mostly them. I guess, if He Wen can stand still after the Jiangning martial arts competition, Wu Qimei and Tie Yan should get the sword."

When he said this, he tapped his finger on the small map on the tea table. The teacher looked down, and saw that there were a lot of symbols marked on the small map, probably representing a certain group of forces, all lined up around Jiangning, and Ning Yi did not even mark anything in the direction of Bianliang. There are many in Jiangning.

"So you were thinking about things here." She smiled, "Jiang Ning is so busy. It's still a martial arts conference. I heard that Fatty Lin also went. You actually want to join in the fun?"

Ning Yi sighed: "It's boring to think about it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"I haven't been back for many years, and I don't know what it has become."

"I have been slaughtered several times, I guess I can't see the original." Ning Yi looked at the map, "However, someone helped to see it... I guess, it's almost there..."

He said these words softly. In his mind, the teacher only thought he was talking about the work team sent to Jiangning in the rumors. At this time, he told Ning Yi about his memories of being there. Then the two stood under the eaves and chatted for a while.

This is a peaceful courtyard in the autumn afternoon. People nearby come and go, and the voices of their speeches are all flat, but the teacher knows what kind of messages will appear here. At this moment in August, the Seventh Army’s rectification from top to bottom is underway, the conspiracy against Liu Guangshi is underway, and the promotion of "good learning" by the Ministry of Education in and outside the city is underway. There are countless large and small departments. All jobs at the same level will extend here.

Including the Propaganda Department, major conferences related to the development of the newspaper industry in the next few years or even decades will not even be enough for a formal report because it has just begun.

The center of the eye of the storm is always calm and quiet. Sometimes they would talk about a little bit of the parents, when the sun fell, the fish in the small pond touched the water surface and spit out a bubble. And only in places truly far away from here, on the scale of tens of miles, hundreds of miles, or thousands of miles, will the hurricane's sweeping force erupt with truly huge destructive power. There, the roar of artillery, the redness of knives and guns, and the blood flowing into a red fertile field, people gathered momentum and began to hedge.

That is the scene that is already blooming north of the Yangtze River. Next, this huge storm will also come in a long absence...

——The ancient city of Jiangning.

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