Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 53: Fair party

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The morning mist floated on the river.

Thirty miles east of Zhenjiang, on the misty river beach, orange flames occasionally swayed. As it approached dawn, there was movement on the water gradually. Boats stopped on the rudimentary wharf on the river beach, followed by the sound of water, people, and carriages. Carriage-carriage carts ashore along the waterside plank road that has been in disrepair on the shore.

About forty, the middle-aged man with only half of his left arm looked in the woods beside him for a while, and then he brought three confidantes with torches towards this side.

There were about a dozen horse-drawn carriages going ashore, and there were more than a hundred people accompanying them. They got off the boat, **** the horse-drawn carriages and carried goods, moving quickly and in an orderly manner. These people have already paid attention to the movement of the forest, and when they are in the middle of the hand, they will come over with their entourage.

The leader here is an older middle-aged Confucian student. The two sides approached each other from the dark sky. When they could see clearly, the middle-aged Confucian student smiled and raised his fist, and the middle-aged man on the opposite side severed his hand. It was not easy to salute, and he knocked his right fist on his chest: "Mr. Zuo, don't come here without problems."

The person here is Zuo Xiuquan, the world-renowned left patriarch. He clasped his fist at this moment and said: "Mr. Duan has worked hard. This time I will trouble you to take a risk. I really feel sorry."

"How can a family say two things. Mr. Zuo can't treat me as an outsider?" The Shounian frowned.

"Yes, too." Zuo Xiuquan nodded with a smile, "Look who else is here."

After he finished saying this, the accompanying figure from behind slowly stepped forward a few steps and said: "Uncle Duan, do you remember me?"

This figure is wearing green clothes that are easy to use, but it is a woman's voice. Nian Nian squinted his eyes, blinked, and finally recognized the woman in front of him, and tremblingly said, "Yes, it's a girl...a girl? It's Ms. Yinping, why are you here?"

"I have been separated from Uncle Duan for a long time, and I'm worried, and this is here."

The woman has a long body, and her speech is gentle and natural, but in the light of the fire, her eyebrows are bright, and she has an imposing heroism. It was Yue Fei's 19-year-old adopted daughter, Yue Yinping. She walked to the middle-aged man with the broken arm, held the opponent's hand, and looked at the other's broken arm, with a slightly sad expression in her eyes. The middle-aged man with severed arm shook his head.

"You, you are the body of a daughter, how can you..."

"Uncle Duan, don't look down on me. Back then I went to battle and killed the enemy. I have never fallen behind."

"Yes, yes." Hearing her talk about killing the enemy, the middle-aged man who broke his hand had tears in his eyes, "Unfortunately...it was me who left..."

"Uncle Duan fought to the end, worthy of anyone. It's a good thing to survive. My father was very happy when he heard about it... By the way, Uncle Duan, look, who else is here?"

As soon as she said this, the other party looked towards the pier again, only to see the figures of people over there, unable to distinguish the specific appearance for a while, he was excited, and said: "They are all... Brother?"

Yue Yinping nodded. At this time, the wheel of a horse-drawn carriage not far away was stuck in the sand by the river beach and could not move. A figure was seen holding the cowl and wheel on the side, and he whispered: "One, two, three... Get up—" The carriage carrying the goods was almost lifted from the sand by his alone.

The middle-aged man with a broken arm heard the sound, and stretched his fingers: "This is, this is..."

The figure "haha" smiled and ran over: "Uncle Duan, do you remember me?"

The man who ran over was burly, but looked rather young. The middle-aged man with the broken arm said: "Major General, you, you...This is a dangerous place, how can you come together?"

"Mr. Zuo is here, Uncle Duan is here, how can my Yue family stay out of the matter."

The "major general" in the opponent's mouth was naturally Yue Yun, the son of Yue Fei. He reached closer and reached out and hugged the opponent. For that severed hand, there was no sentimentality on that side of my sister.

Aside, Yue Yinping said: "This Jiangning meeting is unusual. It may also bring many variables to the future situation in the world. Our brothers and sisters followed Mr. Zuo to learn more. It is Uncle Duan, who is involved this time. I'm afraid I can't stay any longer after it's over. I'll go back to Fuzhou with us."

After she finished speaking, the middle-aged figure with a broken arm on the other side was silent for a moment. Then, two steps back solemnly, amidst the swaying flames, the arm suddenly came up and paid a solemn military salute.

There was a sound on the river beach where the night breeze was light.

"Bei Wei Jun! Duan Siheng! Return to the team..."

With mountains on his back and Xu Guo in his body, this body becomes a ghost.

It's for, take it back!


The convoy of carriages left the river bank and headed west along the road in the early hours of the morning.

Duan Siheng, a middle-aged man who was originally a member of the Beiwei Army, now has a broken arm sitting in the front carriage, guiding the way for everyone, and pointing to the surrounding situation.

At this time, the sky was uncertain, and there were still large swaths of fog around the road, but with Duan Siheng's guidance, everyone recalled many things in the past.

"There was a village over there..."

"Is Quanfeng Collection still..."

"Go to the northwest a little bit longer, we'll be there, we can finish Yan Xiyin!"

"We've walked this way... it was the defeat..."

Standing on the car, Yue Yun talked about these things.

Zhenjiang was originally the core of the Jiangnan line of defense. The Beiwei Army trained here. Jun Wu was on the hilltop by the river and killed his brother-in-law with tears. When the Jurchen came, that man is now The emperor, the man who was still the prince at the time, ran around, screamed, and fought in and out of the city. When he was shot by the Jurchens, many local people rushed to the battlefield and fought with the Jurchens. Fight.

As for Yue Yun and the others, they had directly tore apart the Jurchen's center line in that battle, beheading the Jurchen general Alubao, and then once stabbed the soldiers to the front of Wanyan Xiyin. At that time, the Quartet was defeated, and it was hard to turn the tide, but Yue Fei still hoped that desperate blow, but in the end, he could not kill Wanyan Xiyin, nor could it delay the subsequent collapse of Lin'an.

Duan Siheng participated in that battle, and so did Yue Yinping and Yue Yun. At this time, recalling the **** battle of that battle, he still couldn't help but sing generously and passionately.

Later, Jun Wu succeeded to the throne in Jiangning, and soon after giving up Jiangning, fighting all the way and fleeing, and once returned to Zhenjiang. The Jurchens drove millions of soldiers in Jiangnan to hunt all the way, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, including the Beiwei Army, fled and fled. They returned to the film battlefield. Duan Siheng was chopped off during that escape and fell behind after being unconscious. . When he woke up, he managed to survive, but because of the long journey, it was difficult to follow him to Fuzhou.

Based on his experience as an officer in the Beiwei Army, he gathered some of the nearby refugees to protect themselves. Later, he joined the Fair Party and got a little head in it. After the fairness party gained momentum, the Fuzhou court sent Cheng Zhouhai and others to contact him over and over again. Although the fairness party led by He Wen no longer recognized the emperor Zhou Junwu, the small court always treated each other with courtesy. Even some food and materials were sent here as a remedy. Therefore, when the forces of the two sides are not connected, the fairness party's senior officials and Fuzhou are not completely torn.

After several such exchanges, Duan Siheng also reconnected with Fuzhou, and became one of the internal correspondents that Fuzhou can use here.

"...I am now under Gao Chang Gao Tian, ​​one of the five kings of the Fair Party..."

The morning breeze moved the morning fog. After recalling the past few battles with Yue Yun and others, Duan Siheng wiped away his tears, cleared up his mood, and talked to Zuo Xiuquan and Yue Yinping about the current state of the fair party.

"The current situation of the Fairness Party is often known to outsiders. There are five great kings. They used to be called the'Five Tigers'. The biggest is of course the'fairness king', Mr. He Wenhe. This place in the south of the Yangtze River is headed by him in name. It is said that he came from the southwest and talked with that Mr. Ning back then, regardless of whether he was in the same position, he was indeed a remarkable person. In the past, it was said that he took the mantle of the Southwest Black Flag. But now it doesn’t look like..."

"He is the boss and there is nothing to fight for, but under Mr. He, the situation is actually very messy, not what I said, it is a mess." Duan Siheng said, "The Gao Tianwang I and I are relatively simple. If you want to Speaking of character, he likes to fight, and the soldiers under him are the least among the five, but the military discipline is strict and somewhat similar to our back Wei army. I voted for him back then, for this reason. With these elite soldiers, he can fight, Therefore, no one dares to provoke him casually. Outsiders call him Gao Tianwang, referring to Chi Guotian among the four heavenly kings. On the surface, he has no contradiction with Mr. He, and he listens to the command of Mr. He the most. Of course, we don’t see the specifics. clear……"

"The King of Justice and the King of Gao go down. Chu Zhaonan is known as the King of Wheels, but this is not the meaning of the four heavenly kings. This is one of the ten temples of Yama. This person came out with the foundation of Maitreya and Da Guangming. Yes, most of the followers who followed him were religious people in the south of the Yangtze River. Back then, Da Guangming taught that there should be thirty-three hardships in the world. After the Jurchens were killed, the believers in Jiangnan had nothing to do with them. On the battlefield, there are people who can eat talisman, and some who are invulnerable to swords and guns. They are indeed not afraid of death. Just because the world is suffering, they can enter the vacuum hometown to enjoy the blessings when they die. In the previous few fights against Linan soldiers, some people drag their bowels on the battlefield. He ran, scared people and wept. There are many people under him, and many people really believe that he is the reincarnation of the reincarnation king."

"Chu Zhaonan is Shi Baofeng. This person is very mixed. The three teachers and the nine are all involved. It is said that he does not put on airs. Outsiders call him the king of equality. But his greatest ability is not only to make money, but also to make money. The Fair Party is now doing it. At this level, of course, at the beginning, it was robbed everywhere. Ordnance and the like were also grabbed and used. But after Shi Baofeng got up, he organized a lot of people so that the Fair Party could repair and rebuild ordnance..."

"Today, the Fair Party has built millions of troops, and over 70% of the ordnance in the middle is under his control. He can do artillery, gunpowder, and all kinds of materials. He can do most of the trade and transshipment channels. Controlled in it. He and Mr. He used to have a good relationship, but now they have such a large piece of power, conflicts will occur from time to time, and people on both sides fight fiercely underneath. Especially he is called the'king of equality' From now on, you guys, listen to, "Equality King" and "Equality King", don't they sound like fighting..."

"As for the fifth place today, Zhou Shang and foreigners call him King Yama, because this man is cruel and murderous is the most vicious. All the landlords and squires who fall into his hands, none of them can do well. The people gathered by his men are also the most venomous group of people... Mr. He set the rules back then, and the fairness party made statistics on the local gentry and wealthy every time the party conquered a place, and the evildoers would kill without pardon. Those who are benevolent can use the Internet as appropriate and cannot kill them all. However, in Zhou Shang, these people died cleanly every time, and some were even buried alive, skinned, and tortured to death. It is said that this is the relationship between the two sides. Also very nervous..."

At this time, the morning breeze was blowing, and the horizon behind it was already white. Duan Siheng probably introduced these details of the fair party. Yue Yinping thought for a while: "These people have their own characteristics."

Duan Siheng smiled bitterly in front of him: "If you think that the fair party is like five people in this trivial way, then you are wrong."

"These five people are just like the five leaders of the Fair Party." He paused, and said, "At the beginning, Jiangnan was defeated and the Jurchens were raging. Your Majesty... took people to Fuzhou again. Mr. He was fair. In the name of the incident, there were certainly some people around, but all over the south of the Yangtze River, soon afterwards, there were forces that took the banner of fairness and grabbed food from the rich. Later, these forces connected one by one and said that they were following. In the name of fairness, they all say who they are with. In fact, the person above may not know that there are a bunch of little brothers like this..."

"At that time, there were fair parties almost everywhere in Jiangnan, but the place was too large to gather them all. Mr. He issued the "Equity Code" and laid down many rules, saying to outsiders that everyone who believed in my rules was a fair party. People, so everyone does things according to these rules, but it is their own decision to take refuge in whoever they are. Some people worship a big brother of the fair party at will, and there is a big brother above the big brother. If you go up a few rounds, you may hang In the name of Mr. He or Chu Zhaonan or whoever..."

"In the past year or so, the five great kings such as Mr. He are the most famous and occupy a large area. They have incorporated and trained many troops on the right track. But if you go to Jiangning, you will know it, from top to bottom. Each faction is striving for territory and gains. In the middle, Mr. He has the'seven sages', Gao Tianwang has the'four towns', and Chu Zhao's south has the'eight sages' and Shi Bao. Feng's subordinates are the'three talents', and Zhou and Shang have the'seven kills'. Everyone still fights for turf. Sometimes the streets are smashed with swords and guns. That makes it, the floor is full of blood, and the corpses can't be collected... "

The Fuzhou imperial court’s external eyeliner arrangements and information transmission were not as systematic as the southwestern system. At this time, Si Heng talked about fairness within the party. Yue Yinping, Yue Yun and others were all stunned. UU read www.uukanshu.com. Even the well-trained Zuo Xiuquan frowned at this time, struggling to understand everything in his mouth.

"In addition, don't you think that the Fair Party is the five great kings. In fact, apart from the members of the army who have officially joined these subordinates, those heroes who are named or not named actually want to make a difference. In addition to the five most famous names, in the past six months, there are other factions such as'Langjiang, Big Dragon Head, Jisheng King', and they say that they are members of the Fair Party and they also follow the "Equity Code". , I want to play some power..."

"After all, the four heavenly kings are not full, and there are only two Yamas in the Ten Temples. Maybe it is more cruel. In the future, when the heavenly soldiers rank in seats, they will be able to have their own names. Alas, Zhenjiang is now the territory of the high heavenly kings, you If we can't see so many things, let's make a detour, and when we get to Jiangning, you will understand..."

The morning light confided, the clouds flew away, and Duan Siheng drove the carriage, while telling everyone about these weird things, while leading the team to the west in the direction of Jiangning. On the way, I met a team of guards who were wearing blue scarves and set up a card to check. Duan Siheng made a cut with the opponent, then slapped the opponent on the head and ordered the opponent to get out. While still gesticulating muscles, he walked away dingyly.

"We are now one of the "Four Towns" under Gao Tianwang, and the second general under "Zhenhai" Lin Hongjin. My name is...Uh, Severe Dragon..."

Duan Siheng was a little embarrassed, Yue Yun sneered, and Yue Yinping asked, "Why is the second general?"

"Under the general, there is the second general. This is to help everyone know which number you rank in..."

As Duan Siheng said, his voice became smaller and smaller, which was very embarrassing. The surrounding members of the Beiwei Army laughed.

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