Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Heroes of the World Jiangning (1)

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The morning light revealed the eastern sky, pushing and unfolding toward the vast ground.

The milky white mist soaks the warm color of the sun, stretches and flows on the ground. To the west of the ancient city of Jiangning, the low mountains and rivers are looming in the light and fog. In the undulations of the hills, between the mountains and the mountains, they flow like tides in the slight morning breeze. Occasionally weak spots showed traces of villages, roads, fields and people below.

On the road between the hills and the fields, many pedestrians and business travelers have already set off on the road. This place is quite close to Jiangning. Many people in ragged clothes hang alone or drag their homes, bringing their belongings and baggage to the boundary where the "fair party" is located. There were also many knights with knives and fierce faces walking in the meantime. They were the main force in participating in this "Heroes Convention". Some people met from a distance, said hello loudly, and said their own name boldly. , The saliva flies, extremely prestigious.

There are also foreign caravans. In the clanging of chariots and horses, or fierce or vigilant guards guarding the goods along the official road, the leading dart car is hung with flags symbolizing the protection of the different forces of the fair party. The most common ones are the three talents of Heaven, Earth and Human of Baofeng or Mr. He's Fair King Banner. On some special roads, some specific flags are also hoisted.

The Fair Party has risen rapidly in Jiangnan, with complicated internal conditions and strong destructive power. But apart from the initial chaos, the trade exchanges between its internal and external worlds will never disappear. During this period, the most primitive accumulation of the Fair Party’s rise was the accumulation of killing and plundering many wealthy tycoons in the south of the Yangtze River. The grain, cloth, and weapons in the middle were naturally digested on the spot, but the many treasures and cultural relics obtained were naturally inherited. The merchants seeking wealth and wealth insurance try to receive the goods, and by the way, they also transfer external materials into the equity of the party.

The initial risks of this type of business are extremely high, but the benefits are also extremely high. When the forces of the fairness party are connected in the south of the Yangtze River, Yu Hewen’s tacit approval and even cooperation have also bred internally that can fight against it. "Equality King", "Baofeng" and other giants.

By the time the Fair Party occupied Jiangning and released the news of the "Hero Conference", most of the forces in the Fair Party had become controllable to a certain extent. In order to make this conference go smoothly, He Wen, Shi Baofeng and others have sent many forces to maintain order on the main roads entering and leaving the city.

As a result, the number of caravans and dart teams coming from outside trying to "seeking wealth and wealth" has also increased, hoping to enter the transfer station of Jiangning and conduct more "leakage" on the accumulation of the Fair Party in search of wealthy households in the past year or two. ". After all, ordinary fair party members only ask for food and clothing after killing the wealthy businessmen and gentry. It is still uncountable how many rare objects they scraped during this period of time.

Wearing patched clothes, carrying a small package away from home, with a cloth bag on his shoulders, and a small medicine box hanging on his side, he would rather walk down the road east to Jiangning in a dusty and dusty manner.

He looked curiously at the people walking forward, quietly pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation around him, and occasionally walked a few steps quickly, looking at the scene of the village not far away. Coming all the way from the southwest, thousands of miles away, the landscape changed several times during the period. To this Jiangning area, the ups and downs of the mountains became gentle, and the rivers were long and the morning mist was covered by trees like eyebrows. There are clusters of small villages near the water or in the mountains. When the sun gets warmer, the aroma will occasionally float on the side of the road. It is exactly: the west breeze in the desert, the osmanthus in the south of the Yangtze River.

When I left Tongshan County last month, I originally rode a horse.

For this horse, he fought four big fights in less than a month, and more than 30 people were beaten to death by him. It was refreshing when I turned my face and started, but I felt a little frustrated after the fight.

The reason for the fight is simple. He looks pure and innocent, and he is not too old. Riding a good horse on his own will inevitably make some of the hotels and inns on the way move their minds. Some people want to defile his horse and some people want to take his things. Some even summoned the officials to put him in jail. Ning Ji had been following Lu Wenke and others for the first two months. The group had never encountered such a situation before, but he did not expect that such things would become so frequent after placing an order.

Even these people on the way didn't even seem to be habitual criminals who opened black shops, that is to say, they couldn't help but be moved when they saw him as a bully. According to Ning Ji’s initial violent character, these people should be severely crippled one by one, and then use their whole life to experience what is called the chaotic world of the weak and the strong, but when they are really able to do it, considering the identities of these people, he He was slightly more merciful, and the only one who was directly disabled by him was the servant who wanted to catch him.

In the fourth fight, the horse was led by the horse to sell. The dealer who took the horse directly robbed the horse and was unwilling to pay. He would rather not start the fight. The other party had already said that he was making trouble and started beating, and then he started half a fight. The people on the set rushed out to get him. Ning Ji ran all the way, and returned to the horse dealer's house until midnight, grabbed all his money, let go of the horse in the stable, set fire to the house, and drove away. He didn't turn on all the houses on the half of the collection, and felt that his temper had been restrained. According to his father, his self-cultivation had become deeper. In my heart, I also faintly understand that these people may not live like this in the peaceful times, perhaps because they have become distorted in troubled times.

Because things were messy, he didn't leave the name of "Batterer Long Aotian" in these incidents. After these four fights, he also felt helpless. He had already dealt with the good horse. He also changed into patched clothes, dressed as a poor young man and went on the road, and stopped staying on the way. The inn, like this, has never been harassed like this again.

As for the option of joining a certain caravan or meeting a partner along the way, Ningji has deliberately skipped over.

In this way, in mid-August, he finally reached the outskirts of Jiangning City.

This day is actually August 14th, only one day before the Mid-Autumn Festival. Pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, and many people say they are going to Jiangning City for the festival. Ning Ji stopped and walked all the way, watching the nearby scenery and the excitement that he encountered midway, and sometimes took a trip to the surrounding villages.

More than ten years after the fall of the Central Plains, Jurchen searched the mountains and the sea twice, and there were massacres near Jiangning. Coupled with the engulfing of the Fair Party, wars have enveloped this side several times. Nowadays, most of the villages near Jiangning have suffered disasters, but at this time when the Fair Party ruled, there were people living in large and small villages. Some of them were fierce and evil, blocking outsiders from entering, and some were on the roadside. Different flags were hung in various villages, and several flags were hung in different places. According to the people around, these villages occasionally also Negotiations broke out or rushed.

Ning Ji likes these exciting gossips the most.

He walked all the way, eavesdropped all the way, and occasionally saw the kind-looking aunt on the side of the road selling things, and would also go over to buy some food with a smile, and ask about the surrounding situation by the way. He entered the realm actually controlled by the Fair Party yesterday afternoon. By this morning, he had already figured out many things.

Among these people in the Fair Party, the relatively open and kinder ones are the "King of Fairness" He Wen and those under the banner of "King of Equality". They also occupy more villages on the side of the road, and the more fierce and evil ones are Following the younger brother of the "Yam King" Zhou Shanghu, some of the villages they occupied, and even tragically dead bodies hung on flagpoles. It is said that it was after the killing of a wealthy man nearby. This Zhou Shang had two Some people say that his real name is actually Zhou Shang. Although Ning Ji is a scumbag, he still knows the difference between the two characters. I feel that Zhou Shang’s name is extremely domineering, and it really feels like a big villain. I was already wondering if I would come here this time to kill him easily and play Long Aotian's name.

"Gao Tianwang" doesn't occupy much space—of course there are—it is said that he holds half of the military power, which is very powerful in Ning Ji's opinion. As for the "runner king" Chu Zhaonan, he is the dog of the Great Guangming Church. The leader of the Great Guangming Church is said to have entered Jiangning in the past two days. The surrounding Great Guangming cultists are too excited. Some villages still When organizing people to go to Jiangning City, they said they were going to meet the leader. Occasionally they saw on the road, gongs, drums and firecrackers. Outsiders felt that they were lunatics and no one dared to stop them. So the power of the "runner king" is now It is also expanding.

Although both "fairness king" He Xiaojian and "equity king" **** babies are relatively open, the question of whether the villages on both sides are buying road money also has to be discussed and rushed.

"The King of Yama" Zhou Shang is said to be a neurotic, but near Jiangning City, He Xiaojian and the baby **** together pressed him, so these people are not daring to go crazy on the main road for the time being, but occasionally make small frictions and hit him. Very serious.

The soldiers under the "Gao Tianwang" do not seem to cause major incidents, but in fact, they often intervene in various forces, ask them for money, and join in the fight from time to time, but their position is not clear, and often everyone wants to fight. Pull your hands together. Today, this group of people stood with He Xiaojian. Tomorrow they were bought by the baby **** to fight Chu Zhaonan. Several times they fought against the lunatics from Zhou Shang, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The entire periphery of Jiangning City, the various forces are really messed up, and to be honest, Ningji really likes this feeling! Occasionally, I heard someone talk blushing and I wanted to jump up and cheer a few times.

Although he had fought with Jurchens head-on on the battlefield two years earlier, his favorite feeling was naturally to hide in a safe place and sit in the mountains and watch tigers fight after he got off the battlefield. Thinking about the current situation of Jiang Ning, he found a hidden height and hid him, watching hundreds of people hit the dog's brains on the street below, and that mood made him tremble with excitement.

Looking back on the situation in Chengdu last year, it was just one night, and there were not hundreds of people fighting together, and it was noisy, and then I was pushed down by my side. He stayed with Yao Shubin with big mouths for a long time, only to encounter three or two troublemakers, it was simply too boring!

-And here! Look here! Every now and then, there will be hundreds of people negotiating, and if they don't agree, they will start a fight! A group of bad guys were battered and he didn't seem to have any psychological burden! Heaven on earth!

Ning Ji clenched his fist and jumped with excitement on the side of the road where there was no one!

Dad didn't come.

Aunt Gua did not come.

Aunt Hong did not come.

Uncle Chen did not come.

Uncle Du did not come.

Brother did not come.

Yao Shubin's big mouth did not come.

Yuwen Feidu and Xiaoheige did not come.


In such a lively and interesting place, I came by myself. When I go back and talk about it, I am not envious of them! Of course, Aunt Hong won't be envious, she has returned to innocence, and she has no desires, but Dad, Auntie Gua and Big Brother will definitely be envious!

Ning Ji was happy to run on the road like a small wild dog, and when he saw people on the road, he calmed down, and then secretly leaned against the pedestrians on the road, eavesdropping on what they were saying.

At noon that day, Ning Ji took a short break in the lobby of a post on the roadside.

For the current world, most ordinary people don't actually have the habit of eating lunch, but going on a long journey is different from being at home. This inn is one of the biggest footholds for more than 20 miles. It provides tea and rice, white water, and well-roasted ducks that are fragrant from far and near. They are hung on the counter because of the word "Baofeng" hanging at the door. On the signboard, there are several murderous people sitting inside, so no one is making trouble here. Many businessmen and people in the green forest settle down here for a while.

Ning Ji bought half a duck for a big price, put it in a cloth bag, ordered a piece of dough, and sat on a stool in the corner of the hall while eating while listening to those green forest hawks bragging loudly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com These people are talking about the story that a force in Jiangning City called the "Great Dragon Head" will soon become famous. They would rather listen to it with gusto and wish they would raise their hands to participate in the discussion. During this kind of eavesdropping, the lobby was full of people. Some people came in to fight with him. A bearded man with a nine-ring knife sat on a bench with him. Ning Ji didn't mind.

"Where is the eldest brother from?" He thought this nine-ring knife was quite mighty, and there might be a story. It was almost flattering, but the other party glanced at him and ignored the young man who was eating very awkwardly and almost lying on the table.

Rather than being boring, he stopped paying attention to him.

The people over there who said the story of "The Great Dragon Head" spit wildly and quarreled with others. There was nothing good to hear. Ning Ji was about to eat the cakes and leave. At this moment, a figure outside the door attracted his attention.

It was a bald-headed monk who was younger than him. He was standing outside the post with a small rice bowl in his hand. He cowered and looked at the roast duck on the counter with some yearning.

A group of weirdly dressed people in the green forest are coming in from the outside, looking a lot like the "Yam King" Zhou Shang's brain-dead dress. The leader reached out and touched the shoulders of the little monk from behind, saying, " "Get out of the way." The little monk swallowed and gave way to the side.

The brain-dead Green Forest person did not touch his shoulder, but the little monk had already stepped aside, and they walked in violently. Except for Ningji, no one noticed the problem in the scene just now. Then, he saw the little monk walking towards the station, bowing together, and opening his mouth to alms to the small second in the station. Then he was violently driven out by the shopkeepers.

The breeze is gathering.

This was an unremarkable incident that happened outside Jiangning City at noon on August 14.

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