Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 55: Heroes of the World Jiangning (2)

The sun gradually slanted westward, from the warm orange yellow to the lazy orange.

Near Jiang Zuo Ji, about thirty miles west of Jiangning, Ning Ji was watching a confrontation on the side of the road with interest.

This is a fork in the village not far from the main road. On each side of the threshing ground on the roadside, more than 30 people stood and greeted each other with foul language. About a dozen of these people headed by each side have actually seen blood, armed with knives and guns, and they are really lethal. The rest appear to be young people in nearby villages, carrying sticks, hoes, etc. Scream with a strong momentum.

Since it is not far from the main road, many pedestrians are attracted by the sights here and stop to watch. There were people standing on the side of the road, nearby ponds, and ridges. A big dart team stopped the car, and dozens of strong darts pointed at the place from a distance. Ning Ji stood on the fork in the ridge to watch the excitement, and occasionally yelled a few words with others: "Listen to my persuasion and fight."

I don't know why the two sides are fighting.

The two sides facing each other also hung flags. On one side was the “Baofeng” brand name plate, and on the other side was the Resentment Society of the Runner King’s Bazhi. The real time Baofeng’s head of the “Heaven, Earth and Human” three lines and Chu Zhaonan’s so-called “eight The eight-member generals who "hold" may not be able to recognize them, this is just a small friction at the bottom, but after the banner is hung, the whole confrontation is quite ritual and topical.

"Baofeng is very rich, but when it comes to fighting, it may not be as difficult as the life of the King of Wheels..."

People with knowledgeable green forests discussed on the ridge. Ning Ji listened with ears upright.

"It is extremely, it is extremely, these people of the Great Guangming Sect will die if they drink Fushui. Although Baofeng has a lot of money, it may not have the upper hand."

Ning Ji jumped up and put his hands around his mouth: "Don't fight! Let's fight!"

The fight was indeed reached on the threshing ground over there, and the two sides retreated a certain distance, each had a thug, and they had to put it right.

There was a thin, thin young man with an abnormal expression in the Lun Zhuan King’s "Resentment Club". This man was holding a machete, his eyes were fierce, and he took a bowl of talisman and drank it. Then he began to tremble in front of everyone, and then he danced. , Stomp please God. This person seemed to be the trump card of the village here. After the trembling began, everyone was excited. Someone recognized him and said in the crowd: "Nezha Third Prince! This is the upper body of Nezha Third Prince! There is suffering on the other side! "

"Nezha got a gun, right?" Ning Ji turned around.

The other party slapped it and slapped Ning Ji on the head: "What do you know as a child! The third prince is so fierce here, I don't know how many people have been killed on the battlefield!"

His slap is not lethal, and he would rather not hide, turning around and not paying attention to this stupid lack. As for the other party's saying that the "third prince" had killed people on the battlefield, he didn't doubt it. This person's demeanor seems to be a bit dehumanizing. It belongs to a class of things that have a nervous breakdown on the battlefield but survived. In the Hua Xia Army, such people will be found for psychological counseling, which will nip his problems in the bud. , But the person in front of him is clearly dangerous. In a small village, it is no wonder that these people use him as a thug.

In the process of "inviting the gods" here, the opposite of Baofeng was a well-proportioned boxer. He was half a head taller than the murderer on the side of the Resentment Society. He didn't look very burly in his clothes. The opponent of the sword, this person just wrapped a few layers of tarp around his hands as a glove. A group of people on the side of the road looked at him for his inexperienced manners and hissed, feeling that his aura had been "third prince". It was overwhelming.

The people on the Baofeng ship were also very nervous. Several people humbled and asked warmly in front of the fighters. Some seemed to come up with knives and guns, but the fighters did not make a choice. This shows that the people playing the Baofeng banner are not very familiar with him. In the eyes of the others, they have lost 80%.

Ning Ji is interesting.

This boxer’s steps and movements are extremely calm, and the method of wrapping the tarpaulin glove is extremely sophisticated. After making a fist, his fist is bigger than the average person, and the fist is flat, plus the outline of the upper arm shown when the wind blows his sleeves, all indicate this People are good players who have practiced boxing since childhood and have entered the classroom. Moreover, facing this kind of scene, breathing evenly, a slight urgency hidden in the natural expression, also revealed the fact that he did not rarely see blood.

The two groups of candidates talked about numbers and singled out in this large court, and obviously they also had the idea of ​​showing their strength to the outside world. The "third prince" shouted and jumped, and the fighters here also arched their hands to the surroundings, and they fought together conveniently and quickly.

The "third prince" who has seen blood on the battlefield is fierce and fierce. Fighting Bentu looks like a crazy monkey. The fighter on the opposite side first retreats and dodges, so the first round is the "third prince" swinging the knife. In the attack, he almost slashed at the opponent with more than ten knives. The boxer dodged around the field, showing urgency and embarrassment several times. During the whole process, he only returned three punches in a deterrent manner, but he did not actually hit the opponent. .

Seeing the "third prince" roaring and continuing to attack, Ningji who was watching here sighed slightly. This man is very mad, similar to the "Miaodao" Shishuifang in Tongshan County, but his own martial arts is not so amazing. This limits the upper limit of his performance, compared to ordinary people who did not fight on the battlefield. Humanly speaking, this kind of brutal madman's aura is extremely terrifying, but once he stabilizes his position...

On the threshing flat, the "third prince" cut out with a single knife, without stopping, and kicked the opponent's crotch abruptly. This should be a combo technique he expected. The upper body swing is not fierce. The feet below are unexpected. According to the previous fight, the opponent should dodge and avoid, but at this moment, I saw that the fighter took a step forward against the blade, his legs twisted and twisted, and the blade pierced his shoulders. The prince’s pace was crooked, the fierce yin leg he kicked out was clamped by the fist’s legs, and then a fierce fist hit his face.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah -"

The cry of "Third Prince" was grim and distorted. He swung the knife in his hand and staggered back. The boxer had been approaching continuously. The two sides took two moves, and another punch hit the side of the "Third Prince". , Then twisted the opponent's arm and cut backwards. The "third prince" was holding the knife in his hand, and the pace under him was fast, jumping like a lame monkey frantically. The boxer slammed his shoulder with one punch and two punches in his face.

"Third Prince" let go of the handle of the knife with his right hand, and his left hand was about to pick up the knife. He heard a click, and his right arm was broken by the opponent's fist. The boxer grabbed him and punched him one by one, and in a blink of an eye there was blood on the linoleum glove.

After fighting like this for a while, when the "third prince" was released, the opponent was already twisted in a pool of blood like a torn sack, his hand was broken, the condition on his feet was not good, and his face was covered with blood. , But the body was still twitching in a pool of blood, crookedly, it seemed that he wanted to stand up and continue to fight. Ning Ji estimated that he would not live long, but it might not be a relief.

"I am the'Iron Fist' Ni Po! A native of Jizhou." Under the setting sun, the boxer spread his arms and shouted at everyone, "In two days, I will represent the flag of the king of equality and participate in the five-party ring. When the time comes, please Everyone join in—"

When everyone on the roadside saw him so heroic and heroic, there was a burst of cheers and praise. After a while, Ning Ji heard someone discussing again behind him.

"Five-party ring, it's not easy to play, it's the platform set up by the Zhou Shang side of the'Yam Luo King', playing three games in a row, killing people..."

"Hey, the young man is arrogant, and he has some abilities to feel that he is invincible in the world. I think it was also deceived by people like Baofeng..."

"It is extremely, it is extremely. The people of Yama King really came out of the ghost gate, and they are different from those who worship the Bodhisattva on the side of King Zhuan."

"I'm still young..."

In the voice of this discussion, there was the silly person who hit him on the head, Ning Ji curled his lips, shook his head and walked towards the road. At the end of the day, he has also figured out the outline of many things in Jiangning this time, and he is satisfied, and he is more open-minded for being patted on the head as a child.

If you want to take a nickname, you should be Long Aotian with "profound self-cultivation", but unfortunately no one knows yet.

The sun is setting. Ning Ji walked through the road and the crowd and headed east.

Jiang Ning——

Similar to the situation in Chengdu last year, after the news of the Heroes' Meeting spread, there was a mixture of fish and dragons, and a large number of three religions gathered around the ancient city.

What's different from the situation at the time is that in the southwest last year, many veterans of the Chinese Army who survived the battle and killed with the Jurchens were all restrained by the army and never came out to show off. Therefore, even thousands of Green Foresters entered Chengdu. In the end, it was only an orderly sports meeting. This made Xiao Ningji, who was afraid of the world unrest, feel boring.

But in Jiangning at the moment, the fairness party’s posture is like raising a gu. A large number of subordinates who have experienced fighting are placed outside in batches. In the name of the five kings, they will continue to fight. Strongmen who lick blood from the field enter. After that, the periphery of Jiangning City was like a jungle, full of monsters with teeth and claws.

Of course, many people are embroidered pillows with big voices and vain feet, but there are indeed many survivors who have killed people, seen blood, and have been on the battlefield. Their method of fighting on the battlefield may not be as good as that. The system of the Hua Xia Army, but for everyone, the blood and fear felt, and the inhuman aura that was brewing along with it, was similar.

And the entire fairness party seems to have to catalyze this kind of Shura-like atmosphere again. Not only did they set up the big arena of the Heroes' Conference in Jiangning, but also the several forces within the fair party, they also set up various small arenas in private. Every day, every day, they will be put on the stage to fight. Who is in the arena? Demonstrating an astonishing art industry can not only take away the rich assets set up by the boss, but will also be wooed and bought by all parties, and in a blink of an eye will become a prominent figure in the fair party army.

For the many people from the rivers and lakes who have licked their blood, including many inside the Fair Party, this is a journey full of risks and temptations.

For example, in the city’s five-party ring set by the "Yama King" Zhou and Shang dynasties, anyone who can play three consecutive games in the ring will be able to take away the bounty of one hundred taels of silver in public, and will also receive favorable conditions from all parties. Solicit. At the moment when the Heroes’ Conference began, all parties in the city were recruiting troops. He Wen put up the "Three Rivers Challenge", Shi Baofeng had the “Tianbao Terrace”, Gao Chang had the “Million Soldiers and Horses Challenge”, and Chu Zhaonan had "Tongtian Ring", every day, every ring will decide several masters to make a name for themselves. After these people are drawn to each other, they will eventually enter the entire "Hero Conference" and win the final champion for a certain force.

In Ning Ji's eyes, such a savage, bloody, and chaotic situation is much more worth seeing than last year's Chengdu Conference, not to mention that the fairness of the party may be mixed up behind this competition. More complicated political battles-of course, he has no interest in politics, but he knows it will be more chaotic, so that's it.

In the course of such advancement, of course, occasionally a few truly dazzling figures will be found, such as the "Iron Fist" Ni Po just now, or this or that kind of weird person who is likely to bring amazing art and origins. They are a bit more interesting than the various swordsmen and murderers who have survived on the battlefield.

This is a hobby left in the army. Peeping...No, the surveillance in the army is the reason. People have not noticed you yet. You have discovered the secret of the other party. In the future, you will naturally have more chances to win. Ning Ji was short in stature, and when he was following Zheng Qiming, he was often arranged as a scout to check the enemy's whereabouts. Now he develops this habit of spying in secret. The reason is that it is for the country and the people. No one can say that this is a bad habit. .

Coupled with his family’s ancestry since he was a child, from the red mentioned watermelon to Chen Fan, to Du Sha, to the military camp, all the masters instilled various martial arts knowledge with him. The people who could glimpse from the road confirmed them one by one, and he saw it through, but he also found it a pleasure.

When the sunset turned orange-red, it was about twenty miles away from Jiangning. Ning Ji was not in a hurry to enter the city today. He looked for a tributary of the waterway that could be seen everywhere on the side of the road. He went retrograde for a while and saw that there were fish and frogs on the side of a stream below, so he went down to catch it.

At this time, the autumn sun has begun to deepen, and the weather is about to become cold. Some frogs have already turned into the mud and are preparing to hibernate, but when you are lucky, you can still find a few traces. Ning Ji churned through the mud with his bare feet, caught a few frogs, and touched a fish. He heard a sound from the other side of the corner of the stream. He searched all the way and turned all the way, only to see the stream upstream. There were also people who were catching the fish, because Ningji was slightly stunned, and the fish ran away.

It was the little monk who appeared in the shallow water over there at the entrance of the post station at noon today. He also caught two or three frogs and stuffed them in a cloth bag. It was probably the dinner he was preparing. . At this time, seeing Ning Ji, put his hands together and bowed, Ning Ji also put his hands together and said "Ami Tofu", and turned around to ignore him.

The martial arts foundation of this little bald head is quite good, and he should have a very strong inheritance. In a glimpse at noon, a few big guys reached out from behind to grab his shoulders, and he hid without looking back. This is actually nothing to a master, but the most important thing is that he would rather avoid it at that moment. He noticed his footwork cultivation base, that is to say, before that, the little bald head showed an ordinary person without martial arts. This kind of naturalness and convergence cannot be taught by ordinary ways.

Of course, on the other hand, even though he is drooling when watching roast duck, he does not mean to **** it by his own art industry. If he fails to alms, he is not annoyed by being bombarded by the shop second. In the troubled times, at the moment when the originally meek people have become ferocious, this kind of education may be said to be "very good".

Therefore, I would rather relax when I see him.

The two caught another frog and fish. The little monk caught only a small fish and put it in a cloth bag with his bare hands. Rather, he had a good harvest. Now he went up the nearby soil slope, ready to start a fire.

He put down the baggage and medicine box behind him, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com took out a small iron pot from the baggage, and prepared to set up the stove. At this time, most of the setting sun had submerged in the sky beyond the horizon, and the last rays of light shone through the forest. There were birds singing in the forest. He raised his head and saw the little monk standing in the water over there, holding his small cloth bag. Some look enviously.

Ning Ji also took a look at the little monk’s equipment—the other party’s belongings were much simpler. Except for a small package, shoes that had been taken off the soil slope, and a small rice bowl for alms, there was nothing else. , And it seems that there is no iron pot in the small package. It is far worse than carrying two baggage and a box.

He thought for a while, and beckoned over there: "Hey, little bald."

The little monk ran over holding the cloth bag.

"You don't even have a pot, do you want us to eat together?"

"...Okay, okay." The little monk blushed, and for a while, he seemed quite happy. Then he calmed down slightly and bowed his hands together: "Xiao, Xiao Na is polite."

"Go pick firewood." Ning Ji has many children since he has many friends, and he is not polite at this moment, waved his hand casually, and sent him to do something. The little monk nodded immediately: "Okay." As he was about to leave, he handed over the baggage: "I caught it. Give it to you."

Ning Ji took the burden, saw the other party rushing towards the nearby mountains and forests, and curled his mouth slightly.

"I'm not afraid that I will leave when I take my things, stupid..."

After a while, the sky went completely dark, and the two people surrounded an earthen stove under the big rock behind this hillside and started a fire. The little monk was happy, and would rather talk to him casually.

"Little bald head, why do you call yourself Xiao Na?"

"Master sometimes calls myself Lao Na. I said if I was called Xiao Na, Master said it didn't matter."

"Oh. Your master has something..."


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