Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Heroes of the World Jiangning (5)

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Under the bright moonlight of August 14th, the arrest that took place outside the small courtyard in Jiangning City had just begun, and it was chaotic.

The black-clothed man who was rounded up by the crowd opened and closed with the Peacock Ming King Sword. He chopped off an undead guard to the ground and rushed to break through the encirclement. The undead guard in charge of the roundup chased after him, and the yard over there was also Someone has been killed with a gun, obviously it is Miao Zheng, the owner of this courtyard.

The figure rushing from a distance swept across the courtyard wall, and then rushed across the waterway, before rushing towards the shadow who was trying to break through. His body is so high that he hurriedly arrived this time, cooperating with the undead guard's round up, and wanted to capture the enemy with one blow, but the black shadow received a warning in advance, a sword in his hand whistling, and the king's killer move. Unfolding, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent is running wildly, he slashes over with the strongest Zhanwu.

On the waterway, You Hongzhuo leaped off the roof and slammed the fishing net beside Kuang Wenbai to the ground with a bang. Naolu and Kuang Wenbo were originally paying attention to the opposite side. At this time, a body of more than 100 kilograms suddenly fell on the back. With the huge momentum, the entire door was hit directly on the blue stone by the waterway, like a watermelon burst open. , The scene is terrible.

This sudden change happened to his side, but Kuang Wenbo was also an old man. With a single whip in his hand, he slammed it down in front of him. The figure rolled on the spot and rolled over to follow his legs. Kuang Wenbai was shocked again, and quickly backed away. The figure rushed up. The next moment, Kuang Wenbai felt a muffled sound in his head, his mouth There was a sweet smell in the nose, and the whole person flew out backwards and fell into a pile of mud tiles behind.

Here, he was smashed to the ground. You Hongzhuo rolled in front of Kuang Wenbo, and he got up with a punch. It was also a conditioned reflex that he had already practiced. The rabbit went up and down during the whole process, and it took no time to breathe.

At the time when the seven people in Jindi joined forces, Kuang Wenbai’s martial arts is of course better than that of You Hongzhuo, but after these few years, his movements are already too naive in You Hongzhuo’s eyes. Subconsciously punching in the face does not want to use a knife. Up him. Unexpectedly, when the punch passed, the opponent fell straight back into the pile of mud, making You Hongzhuo who was about to fight again slightly stunned, then suddenly turned around and picked up the fishing net with various barbs on the ground. With a squeeze of his hands, he whizzed and danced in the rush.

"Tweet, twee, twee, twee..."

There is no hesitation about what happened right now. Here, You Hongzhuo brandished a big net and ran along the waterway, blowing the green forest signal that had been used in Jindi for a period of time. The bamboo and wooden poles were also running fast, and the lightly powerful figure that had rushed over was chasing behind, and the chopped bamboo pole interfered for a moment.

The figure of King Kongque Mingjian suddenly accelerated toward this side, and flew toward You Hongzhuo across the waterway.

She has no more choices at this time. The big net held by You Hongzhuo is a weapon against the masters of the green forest. The top is covered with barbs. Once anyone is caught in the net, the barb will get into the flesh, even if it loses the ability to resist. . If You Hongzhuo is the enemy, her swoop is equivalent to throwing herself into the net.

You Hongzhuo waved the fishing net and sprinkled it along the waterway. He was trained in this craft in the Chinese Army. The big net was cast out. The lower edge of the net was just higher than the leaping figure, to the people chasing across the waterway. , But under the hood like a barrier.

When it was said that it was too late, the captain of the undead guard who was chasing behind picked up a bamboo pole and threw it along the fishing net. The bamboo pole intercepted the fishing net and fell into the water. The leaping figure released the long knife in his hand, and the hand holding the knife grabbed the bluestone river bank on the side of the waterway. You Hongzhuo rushed over and grabbed her. The enemy of Jue had also leaped over, and the long knife in his hand was cut down by the two.

You Hongzhuo took the woman's hand and rolled forward, slashing with the long knife in her hand. The woman's combat awareness was also very outstanding. When he was pulled ashore, the remaining long sword in his hand was slashing to protect the body. And the enemy that leaped over with a single knife cut out, and only made a very fine "ding" sound. This is a sign of his superb physical ability and the use of an assassination knife, and this knife has not competed for all, you Hong Zhuo sees His left hand whistled and swung down, and a whip shadow slashed across the night sky in an instant, slashing downward.

Both You Hongzhuo and the woman who made the Peacock Ming King's sword dodged subconsciously, and the long whip passed by their sides, falling on the ground, splashing debris and flying.

He cursed in his heart. The person in front of him was holding a knife in his right hand and a long whip in his left hand. Based on the other party's light work and whip techniques, it would be quite unwise to trade and then pull a long distance and try to escape. Out.

On the narrow bank of the river, I saw the man wielding his long whip like a giant python, smashing the courtyard wall of the road, and the tiles on the wall. The knife in his hand was also with the slashed You Hongzhuo and the sword. The woman changed a few tricks. On the other side of the waterway, members of the undead guard shouted and approached both ends.

The long whip is good at long distances. Once you get away from the opponent, it is equivalent to attacking the enemy with your own weakness, and according to the opponent's light work, you want to stretch the distance and run away directly. The two sides fought against each other a few times, and You Hongzhuo couldn't help each other, and the other side also couldn't help Yu Hongzhuo and the woman who made the King of Peacock Sword, but the members of the "Undead Guards" had all rushed in, and this person had a chance to win and smiled.

"Haha, junior martial arts are good, this ‘Jackdaw’ Chen Juefang, you are--!"

The lime powder burst into the sky.

You Hongzhuo pushed the woman to the back, and the swordsman slashed forward, taking advantage of this moment to directly kill the opponent.

The gray mist leaped on the edge of the river, and Chen Juefang waved the knife in his hand with the whip and shadow. The whole body was wrapped in a cloak and almost whirled into a madness. It is not known how many steps to step back before exiting the lime powder. . I saw that he was half white at this time, his cloak and clothes were torn apart, and he didn't know how many cuts he had.

Seeing that the fierce figure in the lime powder could not kill him once, he whizzed his knife and retreated, and then fled to the side lane with the previous woman.

"Jackdaw" Chen Juefang stood there, trembling all over, he felt that he had a chance to win the last moment, but he almost lost his life in the next moment. At this time, he even scored several times on his body, so naturally he could not chase him. After a while, the subordinates of the "undead guards" had already rushed over, and his hand was shaken.

"Send a signal, call someone. Even if the whole Jiangning city is lifted, I will get them out next—"

He roared like thunder, and then it took a lot of vegetable oil to wash the lime off his body.


The rocket signal flew into the sky, dotted the night of Jiangning City.

You Hongzhuo and the woman holding a long sword ran across several dark alleys, stopping for a while under a bridge hole.

"Liang Siyi." You Hongzhuo pointed at the other person, then clicked on himself, "You Hongzhuo, we met in Zhaode."

The other party looked at him, after hearing his name, looked at him again, nodded, and turned to look outside the bridge hole: "I've heard your name."

"Why are you here?"

"How did you come?"

"Have a meeting of heroes and join in the fun."

"Yeah." The woman nodded, but looked outside the bridge hole, unwilling to answer his question. At this moment, she didn't know what she thought of, and she whispered, "Suffered." Then she rushed out.

You Hongzhuo squeezed her hand: "It's too late for you to go out."

The woman made a profit and glanced at him: "What do you know!"

"The one called Miao Zheng, right?"


The woman's eyes sank, then turned to look at the night sky that was beginning to become lively.

"If he can't protect himself, it's useless for you to go."

"Maybe there is a way." It seemed that he was persuaded by You Hongzhuo's words. The other party only sat down in the bridge hole at this time. She put the long sword aside and stretched her legs. With a glimmer of light, You Hongzhuo only slightly saw her clearly. Her face, her appearance is quite heroic, and the most recognizable thing should be a scar on the left eyebrow. The scar cut off the eyebrows, adding a bit of vigor and a bit of murderous aura to her face. She looked at You Hongzhuo, and said: "I heard of you a few years ago. You are the number one person who works by the female photo."

You Hongzhuo naturally couldn't praise herself, and the woman said again, "I can't tell you the purpose of my coming."

With a candid gaze, You Hongzhuo nodded: "I know, it's nothing more than that. Here is a hero meeting. General Wang is an old man from the Yongle dynasty. Da Guangming, Manichaeism, Maitreya, and Yongle dynasties are all one thing. The one called Miao Zheng..."

When he said this, he closed his mouth as soon as he clicked, and the woman named Liang Siyi shook her head noncommitantly. Although there was heroism in her eyebrows, her hostility had faded. You Hongzhuo said, "Is there a place to go?"

Liang Siyi said: "Yes."

"I will stay at the Chengnan Dongsheng Inn in the last few days. I don't know when I will leave. If necessary, I will leave a message to a man named Chen San over there and help me as much as I can."

"Okay." Liang Siyi sat there, as if he would have to rest for a while, waved his hand outwards, and You Hongzhuo put away the long knife and walked outwards. He took a few steps and heard Liang Siyi say from behind: " Thank you." When You Hongzhuo turned around, he saw that the woman's figure had whizzed out of the bridge hole and ran in the opposite direction from him. He probably still couldn't believe him, because he was afraid of what he meant to follow behind.

You Hongzhuo smiled. Seeing that the city's signals were sent out continuously, a large number of "undead guards" were mobilized, and the "runner king" forces beat gongs and drums on the streets under the jurisdiction of the "Roller King" forces. He changed his clothes and sneaked towards the most lively place. , But to observe how the fourth brother Kuang Wenbo was doing. It was reasonable to say that his punch was only stunned, and he was still far from death. However, the situation was urgent at the time and it was too late to confirm carefully. At this time, he was a little worried.

If that punch goes down and the opponent knocks a brick on the back of his head, he will die, and he will get revenge. I really don't know what to do.

In this way, he observed in the midst of the night, that night he didn't see Kuang Wenbo again. He just heard that Miao Zheng who had been with Liang Siyi saw the incident revealed, so he turned his head and rushed into the "Yan Luo King" Zhou Shang territory with his family. There was a confrontation and arguing on both sides that night, and almost fought.

Since there was no real fight in the early hours of the morning, You Hongzhuo went back to sleep with no excuse.


Jiangning City spent most of the night in the hustle and bustle, and then sank into the warmest silence when it was close to dawn.

When the first strand of white fish belly appeared on the horizon, the young Long Aotian and the bald-headed monk had already got up on the hillside more than twenty miles west of the city. The bald-headed young monk punched by the stream and did a round of morning exercises.

His boxing skills are brilliant. At this age, the emphasis is on cultivating vigor, maintaining flexibility, and moderate stretching, similar to his own back then. Obviously there are methods specially taught by a master master, and of course there are also some very domineering methods. , Long Aotian felt that the other party's master was not righteous enough.

His current role as a doctor is relatively low-key. Facing this knowledgeable little bald head, the exercise method he used in front of scholars such as Lu Wenke was not suitable, so he simply practiced a set of peerless martial arts learned from his father. "Radio gymnastics" made the little monk a little dumbfounded.

"Brother Long, aren't you playing Wu Qin Xi?"

"Can't understand?"


"Long brother, of course, is a masterful martial arts, you can't understand it... Look, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a jumping exercise, it... it makes people very sensitive..."

Haha, haha...

Long Aotian jumped earnestly in front of the little monk. The little monk opened his mouth and looked at him. Finally, he raised his hands and slapped his hands somewhat in admiration and complicated.

Breakfast is meat buns bought at the previous market. He divided several young monks, walked a distance, and divided several more. After the buns were eaten, the two sides parted ways at the fork in the road nearby.

Although they fell in love at first sight, they all have their own things to do. The little monk needs to go to the temple outside the city to see if he can place an order or stutter. Ning Ji decides to enter Jiangning City earlier and take a good tour of his "hometown". Of course, these can be regarded as "excuses". The main reason is that they don't know each other's roots. Eating a meal on the road is considered fate, but you don't have to follow the same path.

Of course, if you meet in Jiangning City in the future, you can still play together happily.


When parting, Ningji touched the little bald head and said: "What problems will you encounter in the rivers and lakes in the future, remember to report me Long Aotian's name, I promise you will not be beaten to death."

"Okay, hahaha." The little monk laughed. He is pure in nature and excellent in character, but he is not ignorant of world affairs. At this time, he put his hands together and said, "Amitabha."

The two of them walked on different paths, and walked forward for a while, then both turned their heads and waved at each other. Only then strode forward.

Here we said goodbye to the little monk, instead of walking briskly, heading in the direction of Chaoyang all the way, and then started running. It was only half an hour like this, after crossing the winding road, the outline of the ancient city appeared in the field of vision.

With the scent of osmanthus and the smell of dew, the refreshing morning breeze is blowing across the wilderness...

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