Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 59: Homecoming (Part 1)

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Jiangning City is like the corpse of a huge beast.

Most of the section of the city wall to the west of the city was collapsed and no one repaired it. The golden autumn is here, and weeds are blooming with small flowers, some white and some yellow.

Ning Ji stood near the gate of the city and watched it for a long time. It is rare for a young man of fifteen to feel sentimental, but after watching for a long time, he only felt that the whole city was a little abandoning treatment in terms of city defense.

The crowds near the city gate were hustling and trampled the entire road into ragged mud. Although there were soldiers maintaining order, from time to time, they would cause verbal abuse and noise due to blockages and queue jumps. This group of people entering the city stretched along the road beside the city wall. Looking from a distance, the gray and black people looked like a colony of ants scattered on the corpses of wild beasts.

He remembered what his brother told him in Chengdu last year that he was learning with his father, a road in the city, how many people can only pass at the same time, if the pedestrians on the road keep the maximum speed, when the road is not enough, How to expand and how to divert, rather than listen to boring, saying: "Fix one more, one more is not enough."

The elder brother just shook his head and looked at him like a silly kid, carrying his hands on his back as if he knew everything: "Oh, city planning and governance are a big problem."

I look down on who, my sister-in-law never knows... he thought.


"Oh, the planning and governance of the city is a big problem."

Ning Ji sighed among the crowd and walked forward slowly.

He used to be the most impatient child in the past and hated the slow queue. But at this moment, Xiao Ningji didn't feel too impatient. He followed the team slowly forward, watching the wind blowing in the field from far away, blowing the thatch in the field and the willow trees by the small river, watching the tattered tall gate of Jiangning City, dark. There are traces of wars on the bricks...

When I was at home, it was my mother who talked about Jiangning City in detail.

The father is a person who does great things. He is often away from home. When they were young, there were rumors that their father had passed away. Although they returned home later, the relationship with each child was mostly fragmentary, or It's about talking about some interesting rumors, or taking them secretly to eat something delicious. It is easy to remember, but there are not many such days.

The aunt supports many industries at home and often has to take care of and patrol. When she is at home, she cares most about all the children's homework. Ning Ji is a scumbag, and she often sees his aunt smiling and asking him: "Xiao Ji, how's your recent homework?" Ning Ji has a guilty conscience.

The aunt never beat him, but she would pull him to say a lot of words, and sometimes press her forehead while speaking. Ning Ji knew that this was caused by the aunt's overwork. For a while, the aunt tried to start a small stove for him, and accompanied him to do homework for a few days. The aunt's studies were not good. Except for mathematics, the two of them couldn't discuss the other courses, so she had to ask Aunt Yunzhu.

Of course, after arriving, the aunt should finally give up the idea of ​​having to improve her grades. Ningji was relieved, only occasionally asked by the aunt about her schoolwork, and when she said briefly, Ningji knew that she really felt sorry for herself. of.

Aunt Hong's martial arts is the strongest, but her personality is excellent. She was born in Lu Liang, and despite all the killings, her swordsmanship has become more peaceful over the years. Very rarely, she would accompany the children to play in the mud, and she would often feed the chickens in the house. Two years ago, Ning Ji felt that Aunt Hong's swordsmanship became more and more mediocre, but after experiencing the battlefield, he suddenly discovered the terrifying peace.

Due to work, Aunt Hong doesn't spend much time with everyone. Sometimes she will look at the situation around her from high places at home, and she will often visit the surroundings to check out the sentry. Ning Ji knew that in the most difficult time of the Chinese Army, people often tried to arrest or assassinate his father's family. It was Aunt Hong who always guarded this home with a high degree of vigilance.

She often watched her group of children play from a distance, and as long as she is there, others definitely don't need to worry too much about safety. Ning Ji only came to understand after experiencing the battlefield, how reliable Aunt Hong, who often looked at everyone not far away but couldn't come to play with them, was so reliable.

Aunt Gua’s martial arts are very different from Aunt Hong, and she rarely goes home. However, due to her lively personality, she is often the king of children at home. After all, “Liu Dabiao, a tyrant in the family”, is not a vain name. She occasionally took a group of children to challenge her father’s authority. In this regard, Aunt Jin’er is similar. The only difference is that Aunt Gua provokes her father and often quarrels with her father. The specific victory or defeat of the father must be with her. The appointment was settled "in private", saying it was to take care of her face. When Aunt Jin'er did this kind of thing, she was often teased by her father.

Mother is the housekeeper in the family.

She doesn't care about too many things outside, more just looks after the lives of everyone at home. The meals that a group of children need to prepare when they go to school, the clothes that the whole family wears every day, the bedding when changing seasons, the food for every meal... As long as it is family affairs, most of them are handled by the mother.

When a group of children were young, or were at home during some holidays, they would often get together with their mothers. In the spring, the mother took them to smash the Youth League under the eaves, and in the summer they were tired from playing in the yard, drinking sour plum water under the eaves... These times, the mother would tell them about the years of the whole family in Jiangning.

The white-walled and blue-tiled yard, the small flower garden that was once carefully taken care of in the yard, the antique two-story building, the wind chimes and lanterns hanging on the small building, the evening after the shower, the sky is as blue as the sky, and each lantern is It lights up in the yard...There are also festivals and fairs. The cruise ships on the Qinhuai River are like weaving, the parade is dancing dragons and lighting fireworks... At that time, the mother, according to her father, was still holding two The stupid but cute little maid in Baotou...

Of course, the mother claims to be not stupid. She and Aunt Juan and Aunt Xing grew up with the aunt. They are of the same age and love sisters. At that time, many people in the Su family were unsuccessful, including uncle Wen Fang and Uncle Wen Ding, who are now very, very powerful. At that time, they were just young people who ate and drink at home. The aunt was interested in doing business since she was a child, so the old grandpa at the time took her in and out of the shop often, and later let her take part of the family business.

At that time, the auntie and mother had been in contact with these things when they were only thirteen or fourteen. One year, when they were about fifteen years old, a few trucks of goods could not return in the heavy rain outside the city. A few of their masters and servants came out in the rain, urging a group of people on the road, and a large truck slid on the side of the road. On the slope, the people who escorted the car were tired, staying on the side of the road passively and mocking the ignorance of several young girls. The aunt brought her mother and Aunt Juan to push the cart in the mud under the heavy rain, and arranged Aunt Xing aside. Farmers bought hot tea and food. A group of workers who escorted the car finally couldn't stand it anymore, and helped a few girls to lift the car up in the heavy rain... Since then, the aunt has officially started to take charge of the shop. Now think about it, the aunt named Su Tan'er and the mother named Chan'er are also at their age today.

The mother would also talk about the situation of her father after he arrived at Su's house. As the little spy of the aunt, she followed her father on shopping and walked around in Jiangning City. At that time, my father was beaten to the head and couldn’t remember what happened before, but his personality became very good. Sometimes I asked this question and sometimes I would deliberately bully her, but it was not annoying. Sometimes, even if it was very The learned grandfather, he can also talk to each other, joking, and not letting go.

Then my father wrote that powerful poem, which shocked everyone, and gradually became the number one talented man in Jiangning, incredibly powerful...

The vague memories in Ning Ji's mind started from Xiaocanghe, and then went to Liangshan, Zhangcun and Chengdu. He has never been to Jiang Ning in the future, but Jiang Ning in his mother's memory is so lifelike that he can think of it without much effort.

When he left the southwest, he just wanted to join in the fun and went all the way to Jiangning, but only then did he realize that his mother might have been thinking about Jiangning.

Her mother followed her father through the ravages of the Jurchens, followed her father through wars and wandering lives. She had seen **** soldiers and civilians fallen in a pool of blood. For everyone in the southwest, those There are undoubted reasons for the **** struggle. They are all struggles that must be carried out. Father led everyone to fight against the aggression, and the anger that burst out was as magnificent as a melt. But at the same time, the mother who arranges the lives of the people in her family every day, of course, misses the days in Jiangning in the past. In her heart, perhaps she has always missed her peaceful father at that time, and missed her and auntie rushing here. The way it looked when the truck was pushed in the mud on the side of the road. In that kind of rain, there was also the youth and warmth of a mother.

Ning Ji has never experienced such a day, and occasionally sees the concept of youth or peace in books, and always feels a little hypocritical and remote. But at this moment, when he came to Jiang Ningcheng's feet and recalled these vivid memories in his head, he could somewhat understand.

Want to return to Jiangning, more, actually comes from the mother's will.

He looked up at the broken city.

My mother is still in the southwest, and I don’t know when my father takes her back here again...

After waiting in line for a long time, he entered through the west gate of Jiangning City. After entering, there was a messy bazaar near the gate. It was originally a small square, but now it was filled with all kinds of wooden sheds and tents, with strange eyes. The fair party seems to be waiting here to sell things, but no one speaks clearly, and the banner of Shitbaby hangs in the middle of the square, proving that this is his site.

The small square goes by. It is a dilapidated but relatively lively street after a military disaster. Some shops are repaired. In Chengdu, it can only be regarded as a slum to be repaired. All the colors are mainly dirty gray and black. Dirty water was flowing, and most of the trees in front of the shop withered, and some only had yellow leaves on the half. The leaves fell on the ground, stained with dirty water, and turned into black immediately. People walked around the street.

Ning Ji inquired about the direction of Qinhuai River and walked over there.

When in Liangshan, apart from her mother who would often talk about Jiangning’s situation, Aunt Zhu also occasionally talked about things here. She redeemed herself from the seller’s shop and lived in a small building by the Qinhuai River. Her father had Sometimes she would run by over there—it was a weird thing at the time—she couldn’t even kill chickens. After spending all the money, she set up a small stall under the encouragement of her father, and his father drew pictures on the cart. , And the painting is very good.

Aunt Zhu had a bit of disagreement with the aunt at the time, but after passing by the Xiaocang River, the two sides stood by each other. These disagreements have been resolved. Sometimes they would say bad things about their father together, saying that he was eating the bowl and looking at the pot. But many times it is said that if you do not marry your father, your life may not be good, and it may be worse. Ningji didn't understand well, so he didn't participate in this kind of discussion.

Speaking of Jiangning, Aunt Zhu said the most about Grandpa Qin who was sitting at the chess stand by the Qinhuai River. It was a very, very powerful and very special thing that his father and Grandpa Qin could make friends. The old man is indeed a very powerful person. I don't know why, so he became friends with his father, who was just a superfluous body at the time. According to Aunt Zhu, this may be the wisdom of knowing the hero.

Of course, if the father joins the topic, he sometimes mentions another old man in Jiangning City who has become a parent. The grandfather Kangxian of Chengguo Princess Mansion played chess a bit shamelessly, and his mouth was rather unforgiving, but he was an admirable good person. When the Jurchen came, Grandpa Kangxian was martyred in the city and died.

The Qinhuai River, Aunt Zhu's small building, Su's old house, the place where Grandpa Qin set up a stall, and the home of Grandpa Kang, Princess Chengguo's mansion, are the coordinates in Jiangning City that Ning Ji estimated in his heart.

He first walked along the Qinhuai River, which was clearly coordinated, and walked all the way through the lively streets and relatively remote paths. Inside the city is tattered, black houses, gray walls, and roadside silt stinks. In addition to the various flags of the Fair Party, the brighter colors in the city are only autumn leaves, and there are no beautiful lanterns and lanterns. Exquisite streets are embellished.

When he came to the Qinhuai River, he saw crooked houses in some places, black wreckage burned to shelves, and small sheds on the roadside. Refugees from various quarters occupied a section of the river. It emits a little smell, and weird duckweed floats.

For a while, it seemed that I couldn't find the small building and the place suitable for the chess stand mentioned by Aunt Zhu.

He put on a kind posture, and then probed at the food stall on the side of the road. This time, he asked easily about the original residence of the demon Ning Yi and the old house of the Jiangning Su clan.

"...I'm going to play in the old house of the inner demon, tell you the young queen, it's not peaceful over there, there are two or three great kings fighting over there."

"Why?" Ning Ji stared and asked innocently.

"Oh, this is not very clear. Some people say that it is the land of Longxing. If you occupy it, you will have dragon spirit. Others say that it is good for doing business. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the place where God of Wealth lived. If you take a brick away and build a town house in the future, your business will continue to prosper; in addition, there seems to be someone who wants to burn the place to Liwei...Hey, who knows who has the final say..."

Ning Ji was speechless for a while, asked the place clearly, and went over there.

When I arrived at the Su’s house, it was two quarters of Shenshi in the afternoon. The time was approaching dusk but not yet, and the autumn sun was lazily glowing without power. The original Su family’s old house was quite a large house, and there was a side courtyard next to this courtyard. At the time when the number of people was at its highest, 300 people lived and consisted of dozens of courtyards. At this time, it was a patch of uneven levels. Most of the outer walls of the courtyard have collapsed. The outer courtyards inside are left with dilapidated houses. In some places, tents are erected like streets, and in some places, shops are opened based on the original houses. One of them is obviously A casino under the banner of Yama.

There is no door head, no plaque, and the gate frame of the original courtyard has been completely removed.

Ning Ji stood outside and looked in. Many of the courtyard walls inside also appeared jagged. Unlike the general post-war ruins, this large courtyard looked like it had been demolished with bare hands. Most of the thing was moved away. Compared with the other houses around the street, most of its whole thing was "eaten" by some strange monster, and only half of it remained on the ruins.

And the surrounding houses, even if they were burned by fire, the ruins seemed "complete"...

He remembered that in those difficult days, his mother was sitting in the courtyard and talking to a group of children about Jiangning.

Xiaochan's words were gentle, talking about everything he experienced during that period of ups and downs, talking about the warm hometown and destination, the little child was listening.

All that,

No longer exists.

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