Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1~6? Homecoming (Part 2)

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The pedestrians who were dragging the road on the street asked several times before finally confirming that the house in front of him was indeed the old house of the Su family.

The Su family left this old house more than ten years ago. After they left, the murder of the king shook the world, and "heart demon" Ning Yi became the most taboo name in the world. Before Jingping’s shame came, of course, there was a round of liquidation of various things related to the Ning family and the Su family, but it did not last long.

After the disgrace of Jingping, the king of Kang Zhouyong came to power and changed Yuan Jianshuo. In Jiangning, the so-called Longxing land, the old house of the Su family was always sealed. During this period, the military disaster of the Jurchens burned to Jiangning twice, but even if the city was broken, the old house was still quiet and undisturbed. There was even a rumor that Wanyan Xiyin or a Jurchen general Rumors of visiting this old house specially in the city.

Throughout the Jianshuo period, although the "heart demon" Ning Yi has always been the imperial confidant and the head of the anti-thief, he still vaguely maintains a positive recognition of his slaying of kings and fighting against gold. Knowing-"Although he is bad, but he does have strength" such discourses, at least in the eyes of Prince Junwu, who was on the line of defense between Zhenjiangning and the Yangtze River, were not very rebellious words, even in the Princess Palace, which was mainly in charge of public opinion at that time. For this kind of thing, it has not been too harsh.

Of course the house was destroyed after the fair party entered the city. In the beginning, it was a large-scale looting and burning. The rich mansions and storehouses in the city were the hardest hit areas. This place has been covered in dust for a long time, and there is not much property left except for some wooden buildings and old furniture. The house didn't suffer too much damage in the first round, and one of the forces with the banner of Gao Tianwang also occupied this side as a stronghold. But slowly, some people began to say that this was the residence of the demon Ning Yi in the past.

Several scattered forces cast their gazes here.

A group of lunatics under Zhou Shang’s hands first danced the banner, tried to rush into the house and set it on fire, trying to burn the symbol of the "heart demon" Ning Yi. After being beaten out by Gao Tianwang's people with a strong reputation, Shi Baofeng People from, Xu Zhaonan and even people under the banner of "King of Justice" He Wen also came. For a while, several negotiations broke out here, and then there was a fight again.

There have been a few **** killings. When people take a closer look at it calmly, they find that although the forces participating in these rushes are holding the flags of all parties, in fact they are not the main force of the factions of all parties. Most of them are similar to inexplicable flagging. Little gang. And even the largest five forces of the Fair Party, even the lunatic Zhou Shang, did not have any general who clearly stated that they would occupy this place.

It may be difficult to say whether there is a trader of the five forces behind it, but on the bright side, it seems that no big person has clearly stated his opinion of the "heart demon" Ning Yi-neither protecting nor hostile-this is also considered to be The Fair Party's long-standing ambiguous attitude toward the Southwestern forces has continued.

Perceiving the existence of this attitude, the other small forces on the other side became active and regarded this house as a touch of gold.

In the first more than a month, Jiang Ronglong tried to occupy this side from time to time, hoping to leave a deep impression in the eyes of the top five parties of the fairness party. For example, the "big dragon head", which has recently gained fame, once sent a group of people to occupy this side for three days, saying that it was going to open its doors here, and then even though it was beaten out, it also took a few days. reputation.

After that, all parties fought again, until the trouble got bigger and bigger, and almost a thousand people came together. The "King of Justice" was furious, and the "Dragon Sage" from the "Seven Sages" under his command blocked the entire area and arrested most of the flames regardless of the flag, and then executed public executions in the nearby square. One person hit twenty army sticks. It is said that dozens of sticks were interrupted to suppress this large-scale conflagration trend here.

After that, the scale of fighting in the Su family’s old house was much smaller, and most of them were confrontations of dozens of people. Small groups under the banner of Zhou Shang came to open the casino, and people under the banner of Shi Baofeng came to operate the casino. On the black market, some raptors across the river will come here to occupy the next yard. They have been entrenched here for ten and a half days. Someone demolished the brick wall and sold it. After a while, it was discovered that the wall tiles of the Su family were not anti-counterfeit. It was also impossible to falsify, either it was a complete fraud, or the seller was brought over to select on the spot, and it was regarded as a variety of businesses.

"Little empress, you can't go in there, it's a mess."

When asked by the fair-looking grandmother of the fair-minded party on the street, the other party kindly persuaded him.

"I want to see the old house of the Southwest Demon King. Grandma."

"The old house of the demon? Everyone said it was an old house. Which one is it, I can't find it..."

The old woman said so.

But of course you still have to go in.

It was late in the evening. Ning Ji spent fifteen cents at one of the entrances of the mansion to buy a broken flag that was said to be passable inside with a man from the rivers and lakes. The flag belonged to the "Wu Lun Wang" subordinate. Shengjun” is a small faction under the Wushengjun called “Evil”, which claims to be very powerful.

"With this flag, the main road inside can be walked, but some yards cannot be entered without a doorway. Seeing you look good, I urge you to come out before dark. You can pick a brick you like and take it with you. . When I really encountered something, I shouted..."

Ning Ji nodded calmly, took the flag and inserted it behind his back, and walked towards the road inside. This old Su family house had no side of the door, but the walls were demolished, revealing the courtyard and passages inside.

The old house of the Su family has been built and expanded for nearly a hundred years. There are more than 40 courtyards in front and back. It is said that it is not a palace, but it is not a small one. The passages between the courtyards are covered with old and thick blue bricks, which seem to have a trace of solidity from the past, but there is a smell of **** and a little rancidity in the air. The walls next to them are mostly half-length, and some have a big hole in the top , The people in the courtyard leaned against the hole and looked at him with a ferocious look.

Ning Ji didn't mind this. He looked into the yard, and the surrounding yards were occupied by people. The trees in the yard were chopped down, probably chopped into firewood and burned. The houses with traces of the past collapsed. Many, some opened the door, and the inside was dark, showing a sense of coldness. Some people from the rivers and lakes were used to firing in the yard, and there was chaos everywhere. By the side of the blue brick passage, people dumped the dirt in the toilet into a small narrow ditch, and the stench could not go away.

There are also other pedestrians on this road. Some people are pointing at him, and some may be like him. They came to "visit" the former residence of the heart demon. They were guarded by some rivers and lakes. They saw the chaos inside. Can't help shaking his head. At a fork in the blue wall, some people said that the house next to him was the former residence of the heart demon, and he could only get in with twenty wen of money.

Ning Ji also gave the money.

There were many people living in the courtyard inside. Some people set up sheds for washing and cooking. The main house on both sides was relatively well-preserved. It was two rows of houses at a right angle of 90 degrees. Someone pointed out which one was Ning Yi’s house back then. , Ning Ji just glanced silently. Someone also came and asked: "Where did the little empress come from?" Ning Ji did not answer him.

In this big house, fish and dragons are now mixed. With the acquiescence of the five parties, there is no law enforcement in it. Anything can happen. Ning Ji knew what they meant when they asked about him, and he also knew what the pointing people in the lanes outside were making, but he didn't mind these. He returned to his hometown, choosing to be courteous and then pawn.

If this gift is not respected by others, he will no longer give face to anyone in his old house, and he will no longer have any scruples.

Perhaps because his silence was too high and unpredictable, the people in the yard didn't do anything to him. After a while, someone was attracted by the gimmick of the "Former Residence of the Heart Demon" and Ning Ji turned around and left.

The daylight gradually tilted.

Only a few leaves and old branches stretched from the courtyard wall to the top of the passage, casting dim shadows. Rather than walking and watching along the passage of this mansion. In my mother’s memory, the beautiful gardens in the Su family’s old house were long gone. Some rockery was toppled down, leaving stone ruins. This dim extension of the house seemed to be available to all kinds of people, some with swords. The knight passed him. Someone was sneaking up in the corner to talk business with people. On the other side of the wall, there seemed to be weird movements coming out...

There are three courtyards in it, and they all say that they are the places where the inner demon lived before. Ning Ji looked at them one by one, but couldn't tell whether these words were true. In the small courtyard where the parents once lived, there were two small buildings facing each other in the past, and then one of the small buildings burned down, and they all lived in another two-story small building.

Of course he could no longer find the traces of those two small buildings, let alone see the ground left by one of them after being burned down.

These memories of his mother are actually stories from before he was born.

Since then, Chunyu Qiushuang has not known how many times it has fallen on this house, and how many times the heavy snow in winter has covered the ground. By this time, the past is submerged in the ruins and it is difficult to distinguish clearly.

There are also slight traces left.

Ning Ji saw a nick on the old brick wall of a courtyard that seemed to be used to measure his height. The nicks only reached his shoulders. I don’t know which house and which child’s parents left here. .

On an old table with only three legs, some people have left weird graffiti. There are quite a few words around it. There is a line that reads "Xiao Qi is a dumb melon." Someone engraved the words "Good Teacher". In the graffiti there are suns, small flowers, weird-looking boats and crows.

The sun went down. The light converged in the courtyard. Some yards lit up bonfires, and people like this and that kind gathered in their houses in the dark. They would rather sit on a courtyard wall, and occasionally hear a man from the opposite house yelling: "Jin'e, bring me wine. ......" This dead house seems to have some breath of life.

He has turned around two times in this large house, and most of the sadness he generates comes from his mother. What I think in my heart is, if one day my mother comes back, those things from the past are no longer found, how sad she should be...

After such a round, he went out from a fork on the other side of the house and took the road outside. At this time, the big round moonlight was hanging in the sky, as if overlooking the world more intimately than before. Ning Ji still has a flag behind him, slowly crossing the pedestrian road, perhaps because of the "God of Wealth" rumors, there are some stalls in the nearby streets, lanterns are set up on the stalls, torches are lit, and they are waiting for customers.

Ning Ji walked for a while, but one of the chaotic sounds ahead caught his attention.

"I... I hit the demon Ning Yi on the head... I hit the demon Ning Yi on the head..."

Among the swaying torches, it was a ragged beggar who was kneeling on the side of the road. He was babbling and telling stories like this to the roadsiders. A group of people seemed to be very interested in what he said. The old man squatted down in front of him.

"You said... you hit the demon on the head back then?"

"My lord...give me something to eat...give me something to eat..." The beggar stretched out his hand forward.

The old man took out a few pennies from his arms and gave him one penny first: "Say, you said it well, I'll give it to you."

"I, I have hit the demon Ning Yi on the head, hey, I... My name is Xue Jin, Jiang Ning... No one knows, no one knows... My Xue family's'Dachuan cloth line', then... …Is on the same level as the Su family...Dabuxing..."

The beggar was wearing a rag hat on his head, and he seemed to have suffered some injuries, and he spoke intermittently. But Ning Ji had heard of Xue Jin's name. He did it at a stall beside him. The group of people headed by the old man also found a place to sit down and even ordered a snack to listen to the beggar. The stall owner who sells snacks said hehe: "This madman often comes and says that he has beaten that demon on the head. I think it is true that he was beaten on the head. Don't be fooled by him."

The old man just smiled: "It's a lively picture."

"Back then... I... hit the demon Ning Yi on the head... Why did you hit him... Back then, the girl from the Su family... Su Tan'er, she was beautiful and capable. In the future...I want to inherit the Su family business, I...hehe, I just want to marry her, who knows... Then it was the bookworm who became a parent..."

"That demon... Demon Ning Yi back then was a nerd... because he was beaten by me, he opened his mouth... I remember... that year, they got married, the lady of the Su family, hehe, but Escaped from marriage..."

The beggar talked about the things in the past, talked about how beautiful and tasteful Su Tan'er was, talked about how dumb and stupid Ning Yi was, and added the identities and names of their friends from time to time. When they were young, How did he know, how to deal with...Even if he fought Ning Yi, Su Tan'er and him did not really have an affair, and then talked about the drunken gold fan of the year, how he was the young master of Dachuan cloth How to live, what kind of good things to eat...

The people around listened to it, and some laughed at him as having lost his mind. If Ning Yi was really a fool, how could he have made it to this day.

Someone ridiculed: "Ning Yi has to thank you for becoming smart..."

Someone also said: "This person was indeed lavish back then, but the world has changed! Now is the time for a fair party!"

These words did not interrupt the beggar’s recollection of that year. He talked about the details of beating the demons that night, what kind of bricks he took, how to get behind him, how to smash a brick, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, how stupid the other person is... The old man at the stall also asked the stall owner to give him a bowl of food. The beggar carried the food, said nonsense in a daze, put it down, picked it up, and put it down...

"Inner Demon..." He said, "Said that Inner Demon was called the number one talented man in Jiangning... The first word he made was... or I asked it... That year, the moon... ...Look, it's also such a big moon, so round, I remember...it was Pu...The Six Boat Lianfang of Puyang's family, Puyang Yi...Where did Puyang Yi go...It's his boat, Ning Yi... ...Ning Yi didn't come, so I asked his little maid..."

"I asked her... why didn't Ning Yi come? Did he... faceless... I asked that Su Tan'er... You don't know, Su Tan'er is so beautiful, but she wants to inherit the Su family Yes, that's why the nerd became a superfluous... I asked him, you chose such a nerd, he is so powerful, he can definitely write good poems, why didn't he come, and said he was sick and deceived. That's right... Then the little maid took out the words written by her uncle..."

"I still remember that word... it was written about the moon, and that word was..."

The beggar knelt before the bowl of food, staring at the moon in a daze. After a while, the hoarse voice slowly sang the word out. Maybe it was something that was often sung in the Jiangning brothel back then. He was impressed. At this time, in his hoarse voice, the melody of the words remained intact.

"When will the bright moon..." he slowly sang.

"... Ask Qingtian about the wine."

"...I don't know what year is the heavenly palace..."

"I want to go home by the wind."

"Fear of Qiong Lou Yuyu..."

"It's so cold in the heights, dance to figure out the shadow..."

"It's like...in the world..."

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