Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 61: Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Round Again

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This day is the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15.

The moonlight hung in the night sky like a silver plate. The chaotic street market was surrounded by a ruin-like deep house compound. Tattered beggars sang the Mid-Autumn Festival words of that year. The hoarse voice made the surroundings seem to be out of thin air. The feeling is coming. The people around laughing or making noise couldn't help but quiet down.

The old man named Zuo Xiuquan heard the words, tapped his finger on the tabletop, but he also sighed silently. This poem came from the Mid-Autumn Festival nearly twenty years ago, when the Wu Dynasty was prosperous and prosperous, and the southern part of the Central Plains was singing and dancing.

Twenty years later, when we talk about the sentence "Man has sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy, sunny and round lack. This matter is hard to come by... I hope that people will live forever, and we will be together for thousands of miles." After all the world, this world made an annotation for the words.

He entered Jiangning City with Yin Ping, Yue Yun and others yesterday. Today, he felt that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. After dealing with several major events, he visited the hometown of the heart demon with everyone. In the meantime, Yin Ping and Yue Yun's sister and brother were rescued by Ning Yi. Over the years, they have heard from their father many deeds of this Southwestern demon who is also righteous and evil. It's natural that it's hard to get excited about the tattered and stinking ruins.

At this time, the beggar's words were questioned by many people, but Zuo Jia, starting from Zuo Duanyou, had a deep understanding of Ning Yi's many deeds. Ning Yi had been beaten in the head in the past, and there was a rumor of amnesia. Although Qin Siyuan, Kang Xian and others didn't believe it, the clues of the information were left behind.

At this time, hearing the beggar's words, Zuo Xiuquan felt that everything was true. He went to the southwest twice, and when he saw Ning Yi, he felt the other party's aura of the world, but he didn't think much about it in the past. When he was young, he also had the experience of being jealous and being involved in the literary world.

The moonlight in the sky was as bright as a silver plate, and it was as close as it was hanging upstairs at the other end of the street. After the roadside beggar finished singing his poems, he babbled some stories about the "heart demon". Zuo Xiuquan took a handful of copper coins and stuffed it into the opponent's hand. After sitting back slowly, he chatted with Yin Ping and Yue Yun.

He waved his hand and called the stall owner over.

"Is this person really the young boss of Dachuan cloth in the past?"

"...Why did he become like this?"

Zuo Xiuquan asked several questions one after another. The stall owner who set up the stall was a bit hesitant, but as the old man took out the money again, the stall owner also explained the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

That was a few months ago.

The fair party entered Jiangning, of course, there were some looting in the early stage, but for the rich households in Jiangning city, it was not blindly looting and killing.

According to King Justice’s rules, people in this world are equal. It is extremely unfair for some wealthy households to accumulate a large number of acres and properties, but not all of these people are heinous bad guys. Therefore, the justice party always Occupying a land, first screening and "criminal investigation", for those who have many evil deeds, naturally they will kill the ransack. For a small number of people who are not so bad, and even give doctors and administer medicines on weekdays, who have a certain reputation and good deeds, they preach the idea of ​​a fair party to these people and ask them to give up a lot of wealth.

Such "persuasion" is of course also a kind of intimidation on a practical level. In the face of the mighty fairness movement, those who are still dying will of course choose to destroy their wealth and protect their safety (in fact, these methods of He Wen also guarantee In order to divide the enemy before some major wars, some wealthy households negotiated the conditions from the very beginning, using their wealth or even joining the fair party as a bargaining chip, choosing anyway, rather than stubbornly resisting in despair).

The Xue family did not have any major evils in Jiangning, except that when the dude did hit the back of a man named Ning Yi in the back of the head, but in general, this family can be regarded as a good family in Jiangning. Therefore, the condition of the first round of "criminal investigation" was to take away all their property, and the Xue family had already accepted it.

Of course, there are certain procedures for the delivery of property. During this period, the first to be dealt with is the heinous and wealthy. The Xue family needs to check all the property within this period of time. When the Fair Party can free up, take the initiative to These properties were handed over to confiscated, and then they became model figures who changed their minds and joined the Fair Party.

However, the first round of killing is not over yet, and the people of Zhou Shang, the "Yam King", have entered the city.

In the city, they gave a second round of convictions on the wealthy who had not been killed in the first round.

Four and a half months ago, dozens of members of the Xue family were driven out and detained on the square in the city, saying that someone had reported their crimes. Therefore, they must be questioned a second time. People confront each other to prove their innocence-this is a fixed procedure for "Yam King" Zhou Shang to do things. After all, he is also a member of the fair party and will not "wilfully kill people."

One of the witnesses who proved that the Xue family did evil came out. It was a middle-aged woman dragging a child. She told everyone that she had worked as a maid at the Xue family more than ten years ago and was subsequently tainted by the old man J of the Xue family. After returning home to give birth to this child, she was driven away from Jiangning by the evil slaves of the Xue family. There were even scars on her forehead from the beating.

The woman spoke with tears, and the words came from the bottom of her heart. The old man of the Xue family wanted to speak out several times, but everyone under Zhou Shang told him that she must not interrupt the other person and wait until she finishes before she can defend herself.

The Xue family waited to defend themselves. But as the woman finished speaking, she broke down crying on the stage. When Mrs. Xue stood up, one by one stones had been thrown up from the stage, and the stones smashed the people to their heads. With empathy, all the same enemies were filled with indignation and righteous indignation. They rushed to the stage and killed them in a frantic meal. More people followed Zhou Shang’s team into the Xue family and carried out a new round of raids and looting. Before the arrival of the "king of justice" who was waiting to receive the belongings of the Xue family, he wiped everything out.

"That's what the subordinates of the'Yama King' did, and they tried to interrogate people every time. After the trial, there were few alive."

Under the moonlight, the vendor who had collected the money whispered these things. The banner that hung on his booth belonged to the king of runners. Recently, as the leader of the Great Guangming enters the city, the momentum has become more and more powerful. When it comes to Zhou Shang's methods, he is somewhat disdainful.

"Is that always the case?" Zuo Xiuquan asked.

"Then naturally can't use the same method every time." The stall owner shook his head, "There are many tricks, but the result is the same. In the past two years, all the rich people who fell into the hands of King Yama have almost died. Now, as long as you go up, the people in the audience will care about what crime you committed, throw stones and kill them, and grab things. Even if the King of Justice comes in person, they can find someone. But ah, anyway, there is money. People don’t have a good thing, and I think they deserve to suffer."

"Brother is setting up a stall here, don't want to be rich?"

"I want to be a rich man. It's not ignorant of my conscience. You see, I'm busy every day, isn't it?" The stall owner waved his hand and stuffed the money he got into his arms, "Old man, you don't have to run on words. I, the Yama kings are not rules, and the big guys don’t like it when they look at them, but you can’t stand others too much. You think that half of the people who throw stones at people on the square are Zhou Shang people. No, whoever wants to get rich doesn't do it like this... But, these words can be said here, you have to be careful when you go to other places in the future, don't really offend those people."

The stall owner said so, and pointed to the banner of "Roller King" beside him, and he kindly gave advice.

At this time, in the underground, the beggar was holding the food donated by the crowd with trembling arms, and slowly poured it into a small cloth bag that he carried with him, not knowing who he was going to take back to eat. His time as a beggar is not long. The past few decades have been full of good clothes and food. At this time, listening to the stall owner talking about his experience, tears fell mixed with the ashes on his face... …

Zuo Xiuquan sighed, and when the stall owner left, he tapped his fingers on the tabletop, pondering for a moment.

"Fairness Wang Hewen, wherever you say it, they are all amazing characters, but why is this Jiangning city actually like this...Why on earth?"

On the side of the table, Ning Ji heard the old man's whisper, his eyes swept over, and he looked at the crowd again. One of the figures that seemed to be a woman disguised as a man also glanced at him, and he took away his attention calmly.

He knows that most of this group of people have some origins, and it is estimated that they are like Yan Yunzhi's group of people, where they are from a big family. At this moment, he does not intend to form a bridge with these people. It is the problem of the elderly, which makes him feel the same. One move.

He is certainly not a person who is good at thinking and summarizing, but when he was still in the Southwest, the various people around him were exposed to the richest information in the world, and they also had some insights about the situation in the world. Regarding the "Fair Party", in any type of analysis, no one takes him lightly. Even most people, including his father, regard him as the highest threat and most likely to develop The enemy of a situation.

However, relying on these things in front of you can really open up a situation?

He was slightly confused...


Of course, it is not his hobby to ask the bottom of these serious questions. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival of August 15th. He came to Jiangning. What he wanted to participate in was the chaos and bustle. What he wanted to pursue was nothing more than the traces of his parents living here.

At this time, the moon gradually moved up, and fireworks flew into the sky in the dim distance of the city, and the Mid-Autumn Festival had already been celebrated somewhere. Not far away, the beggar was begging on the ground for a while, without much gain, but slowly got up. He was already limp. He passed through the crowd and limped slowly towards the market. . UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ning Ji also paid the bill and followed behind.

The figure of the beggar was lonely, crossing the street, through the dark and dark alleys with dirty water, and then along the stinky water canal. He was inconvenient under his feet, and it was difficult to walk. He even fell on the ground. He struggled to get up and continued walking. Finally, he reached under a small bridge hole at the turn of the canal. The smell of this bridge hole is not good, but at least it can keep out the wind. rain.

Ning Ji saw him walking into the bridge hole, and then woke up a person inside in a low voice.

He swayed out of the figure with his arms, and the figure's steps seemed to be extremely weak. The two figures were mixed together, and they seemed to be squeezed together. The two slowly climbed onto the edge of the channel and sat down. Leaning against each other where it is both the side of the canal and the road.

"Yue, Yueniang, I...I brought food, food... food..."

The beggar tore open the small cloth bag on his body, which was filled with the bowl of food he had previously been donated to.

His intermittent speech may be due to being hit to the head, and the figure next to him does not know what kind of damage he has suffered. From the rear, Ning Ji can only see that the arm of one of her hands is twisted. As for the others, It's hard to tell. She leaned on the beggar, but shook slightly.

"Yue, Yueniang, today...today is... Mid-Autumn Festival, I..."

"I just saw that... there... there are fireworks..."

"It's...over there..."

"You eat... eat something... they should, should..."

"They should..."

"Will put it again..."

Two figures nestled in the night breeze above the canal, and the silhouette in the darkness was as weak as it was going to disperse with the wind.

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