Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 62: Autumn wind kills the full moon, the world and the world (part 1)

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The same Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the west of Jiangning city, a hall called "New Tiger Palace" is brightly lit.

Jiangning was originally the place where King Kang Zhouyong lived for most of his life. Since he became emperor, although he suffered a great catastrophe of searching the mountains and seas in the early stage, he was frightened into the sea and eventually died at sea. But in the middle of the Jianshuo dynasty in 1989, Jiangnan absorbed the population of the Central Plains, but said It was prosperous and developed. At that time, many people boasted this situation as the “image of Zhongxing” of Emperor Jianshuo's “ruling by doing nothing”. Therefore, there were several palaces and gardens built in the enclosure of Jiangning as his hometown.

This "New Tiger Palace" is one of them. It was originally called "Chang Yu Yuan". After the Fair Party entered Jiangning, it changed hands twice. After it fell into the hands of Xu Zhaonan, it changed its name. A stronghold of the "Lunking" forces.

At this moment, the main hall of the palace is magnificent and brilliant, and there is a gathering of heroes. . .

The figure sitting at the top of the hall was huge and shaped like an ancient Buddha. It was Lin Zongwu, "the world's number one martial artist" and "the leader of the Great Guangming Sect" who had arrived in Jiangning a few days ago.

And sitting on the left side under Lin Zongwu is a big blue shirt man. This man has a vast sky, looks like a phoenix, and has a solemn expression. He has an aura of no anger and prestige. As one of the five kings of the fair party, Xu Zhaonan is the most famous "runner king" in the whole Jiangnan. .

Before the uprising, Xu Zhaonan was a rudder master of the Great Illumination Sect. He used the foundation of the Great Illumination Sect to rise up and called out. At this moment, there are more than a million followers under the "Roller King". , Even the elite soldiers and horses, there are hundreds of thousands, structurally speaking, his power has steadily suppressed the loosely structured Great Guangming Church. However, unlike the "Xuan Nv" who was ruthless and cunning and deceived the ancestors in the Jin area, it can be seen from this arrangement that this high-powered "Roller King" is facing the past. The old leader of the People's Republic of China still maintains absolute respect.

Corresponding to Xu Zhaonan on the left, the one on the right is still the "crazy tiger" Wang Nantuo, who is the deputy head of the Great Guangming Sect and the younger brother of Lin Zongwu.

Wang Nantuo became famous when he was young. After Fang La's failure in the uprising, he returned with Lin Zongwu and Sikongnan. He could still fight against Chen Fan, who was one of the strongest young generations at the time. In the inexplicable battle that Zhou participated in, he injured his arm. Coupled with getting older, his actual skill is not as good as before.

However, when people are in the arena, many times it is not kung fu that determines everything. After Lin Zongwu was frustrated with world affairs, Wang Nantuo tried his best to support the affairs of the Great Guangming Sect in the world. Although he did not have the ability to forge ahead, he finally waited for Xu Zhaonan to succeed in Jiangnan. His transition in the middle has won the respect of many people including Xu Zhaonan. And where Lin Zongwu arrived right now, no one dared to lightly insult this twilight tiger even with his past friendship.

Wang Nantuo goes down further, "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang, "Wu Ba" Gao Huiyun, Monkey King" Li Yanfeng, "Wu Luo Zhan" Tang Qinghua, "Tuohe Sanren" Xu Longbiao... …And so on, many famous masters in the green forest, members of the Great Guangming Church, and members of the "Roller King" of the Fair Party lined up in the hall.

These people are either highly respected and well-known masters in the arena, or they have already had an amazing art industry at a young age, some of them have an amazing power, and some have proven their skills in battle. , In the past, they were rebellious and difficult to subdue. Only a few of them had received instructions from the old leader Lin Zongwu in the past.

But this is the fourth day Lin Zongwu came to Jiangning. In the previous three days, he commented on the art industry of the people in this place one by one, and compared it a little bit, but it was just such a show that the terrifying skill under that huge figure has steadily shocked everyone. Even among these people, the runner-up General Gao Huiyun, who is known to be proficient in all kinds of weapons and more dedicated to military affairs, has truly understood what is meant by "the enemy within a few minutes".

On this basis, coupled with the fact that everyone talked about the great Guangming Sect’s efforts to fight against gold in Shanxi over the past few years, and the tragic success of countless churches under the leadership of the leader, even the most unruly people, at this time I have already acknowledged the legend of the life history of this holy leader, and paid my knees and respect to him.

In fact, the fairness party now has a vast territory. The runner Wang Xu Zhaonan was originally working near Taihu Lake. After hearing the news of Lin Zongwu's arrival, he hurried back to Jiangning all the way to Jiangning, and only entered the city this afternoon.

When I saw Lin Zongwu, this power leader who is now counted in the whole world verbally neglected, and even knelt down to apologize immediately. His respectful respect made Lin Zongwu very like it. After a pleasant conversation between the two sides, Xu Zhaonan immediately called all the important members of the Zhuan King force in Jiangning. After this Mid-Autumn Festival meeting, Lin was basically established. Zongwu's honor and status as the "king of runners" is close to that of the "superior emperor".

After a grand meeting, it began to be serious, and then gradually became harmonious. When the meeting was over, Lin Zongwu and Xu Zhaonan took them to the back side hall. The two set up a tea table in the side hall courtyard and talked for a long time in private.

After Xu Zhaonan left, Wang Nantuo walked into the side hall. There are tables, chairs and tea when Lin Zongwu and Xu Zhaonan were sitting and talking in the courtyard here, but there is an upward platform on the side, and the palace wall facing the platform has collapsed, so walk up here. , Through the broken wall, it has become a small terrace overlooking half of Jiangning. He saw the huge brother standing there with his hands on his back, groaning in front of the bright moon and the lights spreading across the city.


Wang Nantuo said, standing next to Lin Zongwu, looking at the ignition light in the city with him. He knew that Lin Zongwu and Xu Zhaonan should have made the first confession, but as to how things were going and what Lin Zongwu had planned, he did not ask much at this time.

"Junior Brother." After a while, Lin Zongwu said, "...Do you remember Fang La?"

"...Naturally I remember it." Wang Nantuo nodded.

Lin Zongwu stood there, looking ahead, after another moment of silence, he said, "...Thirty years ago, he was extraordinary in martial arts and unified the sacred religion. Since then, heroes have gathered in all directions and crushed the world. Among those people at that time, no Mention that amazing and brilliant tyrant Liu Dabiao, remove Fang Baihua, not to mention Shi Bao, Li Tianrun, but the two brothers Fang La and Fang Qifo will be invincible in the world. I have said that there must be. One day, it will take its place."

Lin Zongwu's words were calm but also slow, and talked about these things to the last person in the world.

"You said, if you put it right today, you and my brother, how will you win or lose against brother Shangla?"

Wang Nantuo thought for a while: "Senior brother, the martial arts has been so diligent these years, and it is immeasurable. Whether Fang La or Fang Qifo come back, he will inevitably be defeated by his brother. But if you and my brother are against the two of them, I am afraid he will Winning and losing...it’s my junior brother, I’m dragging my feet."

Lin Zongwu turned his head to look at Wang Nantuo with messy hair like a lion, but shook his head with a smile: "Old man, Fang La and Fang Qi Buddha died in their prime years, none of them lived to our age. In this way, you and I won."

Wang Nantuo frowned: "Brother... but that Xu Zhaonan..."

"It has nothing to do with Xu Zhaonan. I think of Zhou Dong."

In front of the small terrace was the broken palace wall. At the gap of the palace wall, a bright moon fell from the vast sky. In front of the gap, the huge monk carried his hands and looked up at the bright moon in the sky. He was talking about Fang La before, but he didn't know why it was Zhou Dong that he was thinking of now. There was a slight depression in his tone.

Watching this scene, Wang Nantuo unconsciously felt a complicated feeling in his heart. What suddenly appeared in his heart was a verse that has been popular in the arena over the years, but it is called:

A glass of wine in the spring breeze of peaches and plums, ten years of rain in the rivers and lakes.

The lights were scattered for more than ten years, and what their brothers faced was the collapse of the city in front of them. Speaking of lofty status, in fact, who knows the regrets in their hearts.


"Xu Zhaonan is a good seedling, I also know, Junior Brother, your intention to call me south this time."

The two looked at the scenery in front of him for a while, Lin Zongwu turned and walked away with his hands on his back, and only opened his mouth while slowly pacing. Wang Nantuo frowned: "Brother..."

Lin Zongwu raised a hand and interrupted him.

"In the past few days when I came to Jiangning, Xu Zhaonan’s two sons were the first to entertain me and wait. It’s easy for me to take their lives. Xiao Xu’s arrangement is very sincere. Today, when he entered the city, he bowed down regardless of his identity. For me, the etiquette has also been exhausted. In addition, he invited me to sit on his site today, and he took the risk. As a junior, if we can do this, we old people should also be informed."

"Brother, this is what he should do."

"The things in the world depend on who has power, and whatever is destined to be he should do. But you are right, Junior Brother, if you want the mantle of my Great Guangming Sect, these things are what he should do. ."


Lin Zongwu paced down, and Wang Nantuo followed behind. At this time, he understood what the other party meant and wanted to refute, but after a word reached his throat, he choked there after all. In fact, although he didn't think too much about looking for his seniors this time, it was hard to say whether he had these thoughts deep in his heart, but at this time he realized that he just felt uncomfortable.

Lin Zongwu sat down at the tea table, pointed his finger at the opposite seat, and Wang Nantuo came over: "Brother, I actually...not..."

"I know. You and my brother, why say so much. Actually, most of this matter is my own thought."

He shook his fingers and asked Wang Nantuo to sit on the opposite side. Then he cleaned the teapot, tea cup, and the charcoal fire. Wang Nantuo also extended his hand to help, but he was clumsy and far less calm than the Tathagata brother on the opposite side.

"...In the 14th year of Jinghan, I heard that the court had dealt with the right minister and banned the Secret Investigation Department. I led the team to the north and stopped Qin Siyuan at Zhuxian Town. He and his old wife committed suicide by taking poison and facing me. This person who can take his life at any time dismisses it."

"Like Qin Laogu, such scholars are arrogant and ignorant."

"He was talking about Zhou Tong." Lin Zongwu sighed slightly, "Zhou Tong's martial arts, since he was in the Yuquan Gym, has been known as the best in the world. In those years, many heroes from the green forest came to kick the gym, Zhou Dong one by one. Reception, and indeed hit the world's invincible. You and I know that Zhou Dong's life, longing for the army as a general, leading the team to kill the enemy. But in the end, he just led a group of people from the rivers and lakes to assassinate Nianhan in Xinzhou City. ..."

"He died because of this, and Qin Siyuan, who had always looked down upon Jianghu people in the past, only admired him because of this. The old man... used these words to arouse me, although the intention was only to hurt others, the people in it showed that they were consistent The idea is clear." Lin Zongwu smiled, "I am sitting in that seat tonight and looking at these people underneath... Junior brother, we are thinking of Cheng Fangla in this life, but it will be the end, maybe I can only be a Zhou Dong. A martial artist can splash up to ten steps..."

"It's only these years that I can see clearly." Wang Nantuo said, "Practicing martial arts, and employing people and imperial undertakings are two completely different things after all."

"Yes." Lin Zongwu fiddled with the teapot on the stove, "I have been thinking about these things after the failure of Jindi's resistance to gold. This time I went south, Junior Brother, you told me about Xu Zhaonan, and I had something in my heart. The heroes of the rivers and lakes are old, you and I will have a day to go away after all. The Da Guangming Teaching has been in my hands for so many years, except for the anti-money contribution, there is not much accomplishment... Of course, the specific plan depends on it. Xu Zhaonan's performance in this Jiangning conference, if he can carry it, it will be given to him, that's fine."

Wang Nantuo looked at the flame in the furnace: "...Senior brother has ever considered peace?"

"Haha...hahahaha." Speaking of peace, Lin Zongwu laughed, the laughter gradually became louder, "Junior Brother thought, I originally planned to pass on the Great Light Teaching to him?"

"...After all, he is the closed disciple of Senior Brother."

"Ping An has his own way. He has to think about it by himself and find it. My expectation for him is far more than what Da Guangming teaches to hold the incomplete thing. If he is interested in the future, he can take it away for fun, if he is not interested. In front of his eyes, he should be free, he should do things that our generation can't do, or come and go..." Lin Zongwu said this, his words were passionate, and at this moment, he paused slightly. After a pause, I picked up the tea cup to pour tea for the other party, and then pour it for myself, "...or peace and joy, and live this life."

After the words were over, both of them were silent for a moment. Then Wang Nantuo picked up the tea cup, Lin Zongwu also picked it up, and took a sip after toasting.

After a while, Wang Nantuo said: "Xu Zhaonan and brother, have you met with each other?"

Lin Zongwu nodded: "What Xiao Xu said...very interesting."

"Is there anything I can know?"

"You and my brother, there is nothing to hide, but all the key points in the middle, I am also thinking about it." Lin Zongwu smiled, "In the past few days, when I entered the city, the most talked about by others is nothing more than the gathering of justice from all sides. Or which one wants to take the lead to merge Zhou Shang and Shi Baofeng. Of course, there is a big situation, but in general, it is still fair for the party to sort out differences, clean up some scum, and then merge into one. An opportunity for oneness."

"I think so too." Wang Nantuo nodded, and then smiled, "Although the hatred of the Jackdaw and others with Zhou Shang is difficult to understand, but the overall situation is ahead, these messy hatreds are still to be found after all. A way to let it go."

"However, Xiao Xu talked to me about a possibility. Although it may not happen, it is... quite sensational."

"..." Wang Nantuo frowned and looked here.

"Xiao Xu said...this time it is also possible that it will be fair to Wang Hewen's family and the four. When that happens, it will really become a...fire merger."

Wang Nantuo thought for a while, and he couldn't believe it: "The four of them... have discussed what to clean up? Who really wants to be in position?"


Lin Zongwu shook his head.

"It's the Hewen family. They have to clean up the four of them, do not negotiate, leave no room, and start a full-scale war."

"How is it possible." Wang Nantuo lowered his voice, "How can he be crazy? Although he is the King of Fairness today, the party's integrity is on his side, but now it is better than others, whether it is here. , It's the Yama King Zhou Shang, and he has already surpassed him. He has shortcomings in one beating two, and one beating four. That is not looking for death!"

"I think so too." Lin Zongwu was holding the teacup, his eyes were introverted, and doubts rolled in his eyes. "This time I come down, it is indeed a good use for a man. With my name, I might be able to pull up more. Many congregations, with my martial arts, can conquer several other arenas in Jiangning City. He borrowed the sword to kill people, but there are also upright borrowing methods and ghost borrowing methods when borrowing the sword..."

"If he is upright and tells me what he wants, after I think about it, I nodded, and that thing is naturally his. But if he has a ghost in his heart, he has greater ambitions but hides it, and is unwilling to say clearly. , Then this trip to Jiangning... won't be that simple."

Lin Zongwu's words are calm and low-pitched. He has been in the world's malice for decades, and even though he has not done anything on the top political scenes, he can't be blinded by anyone at will. Jiang Ning's meeting has just begun, and all parties are wooing outside help. There are many variables in private, but even so, there are always some developments, which seems absurd at this time. And Xu Zhaonan's ridiculous speculation, although there are some foreshadowing and statements, but what is more contained in it, can not help but make people think deeply.

Wang Nantuo thought about this too, he was silent for a moment, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes:

"I will inquire about it in private. If you prove Xiao Xu's remarks, it's just to trick you and me into attacking He Wen and let him go higher. Brother, I will personally clean up the door."

"It's still early. Let's see, when it's really time to make a move, you don't need Junior Brother to come."

Lin Zongwu smiled slightly: "What's more, it's not a bad thing to have ambitions. We originally came for his ambitions. As long as this Jiangning meeting goes well, the Great Guangming Sect will be his thing. "

At this moment, the moonlight quietly illuminates the earth. In the city, the light of torches and the light of oil lamps extend little by little. The figures gather in the dim light or in the darkness, following their own desires, staying Under the traces of each, some are like a dance of demons, and some are intriguing and intriguing...There are too many desires and too many puzzles here.

In the moonlight of New Tiger Palace, Lin Zongwu and Wang Nantuo stood up from the tea table and smiled slightly.

"In short, what we should do next, we still have to do. Tomorrow morning, you and I will call Chen Juefang, so we will set foot in the five-party arena of Zhou Shang first. I can stand others, so many fists."

"Senior brother's shot, their fight is about to collapse."

"Haha, but, what happened to Chen Juefang's injury today? He did an extraordinary job, but when I saw it today, it seemed that there were stab wounds all over his body..."

The voices of the two slowly blended into the silver brilliance of this bright moon. At this moment, among the noisy Jiangning City, among the five kings of the Fair Party, Xu Zhaonan was actually the only one who entered the city early because of Lin Zongwu.

The arrival of "The King of Wheels" stirred up the dark tide in private, and some of the "King of Wheels"'s subordinates became more publicized when they learned of this incident. On the side of the undead guard, in order to catch a man and a woman who made trouble last night, and to force the Zhou Shang to hand over the rebellious Miao Zheng, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang took some people after the night banquet in New Tiger Palace. After scanning several places of Zhou Shang, You Hongzhuo walked in the shadow of the city, helplessly but funny and spied on what happened...

The moonlight traverses the sky, out of the range of Jiangning City, but the lights on the earth are becoming scarcer. At this moment, on the north bank of the Yangtze River, a few miles away from Jiangning City, there is a ship with dimly lit two floors. The boat is floating on the water. From this position, you can vaguely see the glimmer of lights gathering in the distance from the south of the Yangtze River.

"The King of Justice" He Wen sat in the cabin and read a book. At this time, someone had already told him that Xu Zhaonan had entered Jiangning. In the middle of the night, a small boat approached and the guards on the ship walked in and lowered to him. Tell the news that someone has come on board.

For a moment, a figure came in from the outside, covered in a black cloak, and handed a long knife to the guard at the door. After entering, facing He Wen who stood up and bowed his hands, it was also a salute.

"The fair king is polite."

"Baye Qian, don't come here unharmed."

Put down the cap of the cloak, and what appeared here was the "feather sword" Qian Luoning from the tyrant sword. In fact, the two had visited during the three counties of Hedeng, and it seemed natural to meet at this time.

“It’s not easy to come from the southwest for thousands of miles. It’s not easy to rush day and night, but fortunately, I finally arrived.” Qian Luoning looked at the river and the night outside the building, and smiled slightly, “The King of Justice is very interested. Are you looking at the moon and thinking about people, or are you looking at Jiang Ning and planning big things?"

"It's true that the moon is full on Mid-Autumn Festival. It is true to see things and think about people." He Wen was dressed in a long gown and smiled calmly. , I have all died. I am alone now, seeing the moon today, it is inevitable to see the moon hurt."

He Wen was a well-known Confucian scholar back then. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, he has a handsome appearance and a scholarly character. He used to be in Jishan, instructing the country and inspiring the writings, and he has suffered a lot from the Chinese army. Young people edified by new ideas have had many debates and have often convinced each other in these debates.

Qian Luoning is the youngest of the Eight Swordsmen, even younger than Ning Yi, Watermelon and others. He is talented and smart, needless to say that he has a talent for swordsmanship, and his acceptance of reading matters and new thinking is much deeper than some of his elder brothers, so he was the one who started the debate with He Wen.

When the two sides met back then, each holding a position would inevitably not give way to each other. Therefore, Qian Luoning satirized whether he was planning a major event when they met. This was not only a move of closeness, but also a little relaxed and casual. However, before his eyes, the chivalrous spirit on He Wen seems to have been completely restrained. At this moment, his body is more revealing the thinness of the scholar and the thoroughness after reading all the world, smiling, calm and frank words Qian Luoning was slightly startled by the thought of his relatives.

He looked at He Wen, and He Wen spread his hands and motioned to him to sit down. Qian Luoning hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "You are... why bother..."

"What does Brother Qian mean?"

Qian Luoning didn't speak. He sat down on a chair beside him, watching He Wen also sit down and pour tea for him, his eyes swept over the moonlight and Jiang Ning outside the window, and said: "How did this happen?"

"What does Brother Qian mean?" He Wen still said this.

"Your fair party." Qian Luoning said, "and this Jiangning."

He Wen finished pouring the tea and put the teapot aside. He was silent for a moment before raising his head.

"Mr. Ning... Is there anything to say?"

"He praised you."

Qian Luoning looked at him.

"Do you believe it?"

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