Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 63: The autumn wind kills the full moon, the world and the world (part 2)

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"Mr. Ning, is there anything to say?"

"He praised you... do you believe it?"

As the Yangtze River passes eastward, the water outside the building reflects the moonlight, and you can see the lights of Jiangning on the ground in the distance. It’s mid-autumn mid-autumn night. Not many people know that, as the principal of the fair party, the behemoth that has already swept the south of the Yangtze River, the core figure who is now watching by the whole world, will set a boat on this dark river at this moment. Not many people know that there will be such a meeting on the surface of this moonlight river.

Compared to the meaning of this meeting, the facilities in the room on the ship's floor were surprisingly simple, and the way of meeting the two parties was also extremely casual.

"...Don't sell it off."

He Wen reached out and pushed the teacup to Qian Luoning's side. Qian Luoning smiled at him and picked up the tea cup indifferently. . .

"He really praised you. He said you are at least a progressive sport."

"I know the meaning of progress. At least it means the same as what he said in the past, at least patriotic, right?"

Qian Luoning smiled slightly and admitted, he took a sip of tea.

"No kidding." Qian Luoning said, "In the years since you left, many things have happened in the southwest. You should have heard of the old bull's head. When this matter started, Chen Shanjun wanted to bring my boss into the company. It’s impossible for my boss to go, so let me go."

He Wendao: "The lady with the sword is an admirable person."

"I expected that there would fail early in the morning." Qian Luoning said, "But in the two years of Lao Niutou, although watching it fail, it at least makes people feel impassioned... These two years have dealt with the fair party in Southwest China. There is concern, but this time I came to Jiangning, I couldn't see anything."

"At least it's a progressive sport." He Wen laughed.

Qian Luoning looked at him: "In the past, when he was in the Southwest, Mr. Ning led everyone to do deductions. He deduced the way of social innovation hundreds of times in hobby classes. Have you not seen those things? Or have you seen them? After that, have you forgotten?"

His eyes were calm, but his tone was rather stern: "Everyone is equal, equals the fields, and fights the local tyrants. What's so great? What's so great! Since the slave society began to rebel two thousand years ago, all he shouted was that everyone is equal, and Chen Sheng is far away. Wu Guang said, "The kings and kings will have a kind of peace," Huang Chao shouted, "The sky is equal to the balance", and the nearby Anglican said, "The law is equal and there is no superiority." This is still a vigorous rebellion. Ten times and eight times, there must be equality and separation of fields. How many steps and hurdles are there between shouting out this sentence and doing it? These things are in the southwest. At least some inferences have been made, Mr. Ning. He... let you see it. But what is this..."

He stretched out his hand to Jiang Ning: "Indeed, with a chaos and unbridled killing spree, you at least told the original bitterness what is called'equality'. This is where Mr. Ning's ridicule is at least improved, but what's the point? Spend two years on a carnival, smash everything, and then return to the place, the only lesson learned is that there is no such thing again, and then the inequality will continue to be unequal...just for others. , The uprising people have no choice, neither do you, King of Justice?"

Qian Luoning's words are serious, but they are actually the same posture in the debate. After the words fell, He Wen turned his teacup quietly in the cabin, and looked around Qian Luoning and the river outside the window. After a long time, he nodded.

He solemnly said: "At Jishan back then, I had a sense of confrontation with Mr. Ning's things. I thought the deductions on paper were nothing but imagination. I never looked at it carefully when I had the opportunity. Although I left an impression, I felt that after all The deduction belongs to the deduction, and the fact belongs to the facts. The Fair Party has had many problems in the past two years. Brother Qian is right. Although Jiangning is not the whole picture of the Fair Party, Ye Luo knows Qiu and I accept these criticisms from Brother Qian. , You’re right, that’s the truth."

Qian Luoning's words slowed down: "I was wrong and it doesn't help. As for what you said is not the whole picture, what is the whole picture of the fair party, I am waiting for you to tell me."

"Mr. Ning really only said that?"

"He had some discussions about the fair party, but he didn't want me to bring it to you. You rejected his kindness back then, and... the chaos and the end. There are many people who came this time wanting to fight. your."

"There has never been a mess between me and Jingmei. Don't talk nonsense. He is innocent." He Wen smiled, "Jingmei, how is she? I originally thought she would come. "

"It has nothing to do with you... Huaxia Army does not do such things that make people feel emotional. If she comes, she will talk to you or talk about things? How does she do it?"

There was a slight silence in the cabin, and then He Wen nodded: "...It's my little human heart...This is also where I can't compare to the Hua Xia Army. I never thought that Mr. Ning would be concerned about this."

He poured himself a cup of tea, raised his hands in a gesture of apology to Qian Luoning, and then drank it in one gulp.

"You have stayed in the Southwest, you don't have to hide some things from you."

Seeing him like this, Qian Luoning's expression has eased: "The Huaxia Army has deduced the situation in the world over the years. There are two general directions. One is that the Huaxia Army has won, and the other is... whichever of you has won. Based on these two Possibly, we did a lot of things. Chen Shanjun wanted to rebel. Mr. Ning backed up the consequences and let him go. After the Chengdu Conference last year, various ideas and technologies were opened up to the Jin region, to the southeast court, to Liu Guangshi, Even the guys who flowed out to Dai Mengwei and Lin'an halfway through, were not stingy."

"Here is the consideration: If the Huaxia Army wins, we will take over the achievements you have accumulated. If the Huaxia Army really loses, then these achievements have also been distributed to the entire world. There are related issues about the development of materials, information dissemination, and public development. Everyone has already seen the various benefits of enlightenment."

"Mr. Ning has always had this kind of courage." He Wendao.

"When you use this method to sweep the entire world and destroy the entire world, after you die, we pick it up, at least there is no need to say again why everyone is equal. This is the progress Mr. Ning said. But this kind of progress is nothing but pitiful and pathetic.

Qian Luoning paused: "Dogs will bite people if they are forced to live, and farmers who plant the land will kill people if they can't survive, but this is just the initial instinct, it can't make things happen. What can happen is in line with the principles of heaven and earth. Rules are calm observation, abandoning selfish reason and objective improvement of rules...When Mr. Ning was in Xiaocanghe and Southwest, he often said a word called'revolution', remember?"

"Heaven and earth revolutionized and came into being in four times. Tangwu revolution follows the sky but the people." He Wen nodded and shook his head slightly. "The Book of Changes has a load, reforming the destiny and changing dynasties. It is a revolution, but Ning Mr.'s usage is actually bigger. It seems that... he is going to call a more radical change of the times, and call it a revolution. It's just a change of dynasty, not to be counted. I have to understand it myself."

Qian Luoning also nodded.

"...I was in Lao Niutou two years ago. I actually saw some things there a little bit deeper. When I came this time, I talked about these things with Mr. Ning. He talked about the ancient rebellion. There are some powerful people, and then to the old bull head, and then to the fair party on your side...Those who have no momentum in the rebellion also say that they must resist oppression and want everyone to be equal. These words are indeed true, but they are not organized. There are no rules, and the speech stays verbally. After the beating, smashing and looting, it quickly disappears."

"...Mr. Ning said that it is an individual who can be fanatical, an individual can beat, smash and rob, and an individual can call everyone equal, but this kind of fanaticism is useless. But there is a little bit of momentum, and there are always some in the middle. People truly embrace lofty ideals. They set the rules, reasoned and organized, and then use these to confront people's inertia and fanaticism. These people can create some momentum."

"...In Lao Niutou, Chen Shanjun gathered a group of people. They have very lofty ideals and learned about the organization of the Huaxia Army, but what they want is the purest equality... They really want to implement means of production. In the whole process, the less noble people around were actually dragging them down in all aspects, and even accelerating their corruption. In the end, they failed. These people were unable to successfully complete a revolution. , Open a new round that has never been seen before."

"...For your side, Mr. Ning hasn't made a very specific judgment, but he said two sentences, probably for you."

When he said this, he paused slightly, and He Wen sat up in distress and heard Qian Luoning say:

"The first sentence is: All fanatical and radical movements, if there is no strong core to suppress them at any time, then in the end will only be the most extreme people gain the upper hand, these people will expel the opposition, and then expel the neutrals, and then further Drive out the less radical factions, and finally burn everyone in the extreme carnival. As long as the extreme factions have the upper hand, there is no room for others to survive. After I come, it will be on your side of the "Yama King" Zhou Shang Having seen this, are they about to become the most powerful group now?"

He Wen smiled: "There are indeed a lot of people, but recently the Great Guangming Sect has become more vigorous."

"Fatty Lin...I have to kill him sooner or later..." Qian Luoning murmured.

He Wendao: "What's the second sentence?"

"The second sentence is..."

Qian Luoning looked at him.

"All so-called revolutions that do not center on human self-renewal will ultimately end in farce."


Qian Luoning's words were paused, and He Wen, who had a smile on his face, had his eyes serious. He looked at the river by the window, with complicated thoughts surging in his eyes.

After a long time, he stood up, walked to the window, and took a long breath.

"... Brother Qian, do you know... after the Jurchens went, how miserable these people in Jiangnan were?"

"Born in troubled times, the whole world, who is not miserable?"

He Wen stretched out his hand and slapped the window lattice, saying: "After the little emperor in the southeast took the throne, he dragged the Jurchens around Jiangnan from Jiangning. The Jurchens burned, killed, and robbed them all the way. When these things were over, tens of millions of people in Jiangnan had no one. Everyone is hungry at home. When people start to be hungry, they must compete with others for food. Fairness is the best slogan for competing with others, because fairness is the best slogan for competing with others. In fact, it doesn't make much sense. The biggest advantage we took at the beginning was actually the name of your black flag."

He looked back at Qian Luoning.

"In fact, I don't know that for such a big power, the most important thing is the rules." His eyes were cold and stern. "Even though I didn't know when I was in Jiangnan, I have heard it countless times when I came back from the southwest. , So from the very beginning, I have set rules for the people below. As long as those who violate the rules, I will kill a lot! But brother Qian, how old do you think Jiangnan is? How many people have no food? And my men can. How many people were there at that time?"

"...Following the flag of China, the entire Jiangnan will soon be members of the fair party, but I have only one site, and all other places are all people who took advantage of the situation to kill a wealthy family. Enough for dozens or hundreds of homeless people to eat, how can you say that they can bear not killing? I made some rules, first of course the "Equity", and then collected it while gathering justice Some people, but at this time, the momentum of the others has already risen."

"...In less than half a year, most of Jiangnan has already been on fire. Brother Qian, do you know how fast this is? Even if the other companies completely submit to me, I can't manage them well, so I can only do it here. Under the banner of falsehood and conspiracy. Because at this time, I feel that at least I am still the boss, I will have the opportunity to slowly reform them. I set up some law enforcement teams, patrolled around, checked their problems, and then negotiated and put pressure on them. Of course it’s useless at that time. When everyone finally connects together, things are a little better. But in more places, they have already formed their own game method. Because the spread of this stall is really too fast. Two In the next year, we are about to level the south of the Yangtze River and hit Xuzhou."

The night wind blew from the surface of the river, and he paused a little while looking at Jiang Ning over there. Qian Luoning also came to the side: "King of Fairness, you are telling me that you messed up things, how many difficulties do you have?"

He Wen shook his head: "I did a few things wrong."

He said: "First of all, from the very beginning, I shouldn't publish the "Equity Code" and shouldn't tell them that it is our party brothers who are doing my way. I should be like Mr. Ning and set up rules and raise the threshold. Throw out the bad things. At that time, the whole Jiangnan was short of food. If I did this then, the people who ate with me would willingly abide by those rules, as you said, reform themselves, and then fight against others-this This is what I regret most."

The wind whimpered, and He Wen paused slightly: "Even if I did this, in the first year, when all parties gathered for justice, I could have made the rules stricter and made some wantonly evil in the name of the fair party. People who are out of this category are excluded. But to be honest, I was taken away by the development speed of the Fair Party."

He took a deep breath: "Brother Qian, I don't know from birth like Mr. Ning. He can nest in the ravines in the southwest and organize cadre training courses year after year. There is endless rectification, even if his men are already strong and strong. I have to wait for others to beat him before he finally breaks out of Liangshan. The fairness party blooms all over the place in one year. Everyone calls me the fairness king. I am a little ecstatic. Even if they have some problems, it is because I don’t have a chance to correct them more, so why can’t I give a little forgiveness first? This is my second big mistake."

"...When the big guys are connected together, I will be the true king of justice. When I send law enforcement teams to various places to enforce the law, Brother Qian, they will actually sell my face. Everyone who makes mistakes will be strict at the beginning. At least it is to show me the process-never reply. And in this process, today's fair party-now the five major lines-is actually dozens of small factions integrated, one day I will Suddenly I discovered that they had already affected my people in turn..."

He Wen's voice was cold, and when he said it, it was like a dark premonition climbing up the back of a person.

"...What you saw in Jiangning City today is not all of the Fairness Party. Now the Five Branches of the Fairness Party have their own sites. In the area I originally occupied, I actually saved some things, but no one can take care of themselves... …Since the first half of this year, there has been more and more indulging in Yile here. Some people will talk about the other factions. Regarding my measures in the process of equalizing the land, I have begun to violate the shame and the shame. Some have high authority. At the beginning, *girl, transferred a lot of fertile fields to her, and sent herself the best houses and the best things. I checked some of them, but..."

"But your law enforcement team has also begun to corrupt, right?" Qian Luoning took this sentence.

"..." He Wen was slightly silent, "Someone said in the past why Mr. Ning wanted to kill the emperor, why didn't he lie to him first, and slowly accumulate his strength, and even thought that Mr. Ning's ability and deeds would one day be able to dominate. It’s not impossible. When he kills the emperor to rebel again, he may not go as hard as today, but... How many can cleanse themselves? Those corrupt bureaucrats of the Wu Dynasty are all your brothers. Since they are your brothers, you will inevitably have to eat and drink with them..."

"... Both of what Mr. Ning said are very right... As long as you are not paying attention to one, things will go to extremes. Brother Qian, do you know? In the beginning, they followed me. Slowly supplement the rules in the fairness code. They didn’t think that equality was justified, and they all followed my statement. But after doing things for a year or two, why people should be equal and why the world should be fair. It has been enriched. The most popular among them is that the rich must be guilty and must be killed. Everything in this world must be fair and equal. There must be the same amount of rice, and the fields must be distributed normally. It is best that the wife gives them equality. Wait for one, because the world is fair and everyone is equal, which is the highest truth in the world." He stretched out his hand and pointed upwards.

"...When everyone talks about it, many people don't like Zhou Shang, but when they kill the wealthy, the big guys are still thinking about it. Bring people to the stage, half-talking, and smashing them to death. This wealthy family’s home was copied and set on fire, so we went to investigate, and the other party said that the people on the roadside were filled with indignation, and did this family have money? There was no money before the fire. Then everyone took the money and hid it at home. I look forward to the day when the fairness party is over, and I will become rich again..."

He Wen sneered: "Today's Zhou Shang, you are right. His people are getting more and more, and they think about where they can go to fight a battle and slaughter a city. This thing will continue to develop. , I guess he won’t need me, he will soon enter Lin’an. And in this process, some of them can’t wait, they began to filter the relatively wealthy people on the site, and felt that the previous investigation was too lax and required Check again... swallow each other."

Qian Luoning smiled and said, "...It's not a bad thing."

Hewen paused: "...So, in the first half of this year, I missed the third opportunity... I should have done something when I realized this."

"what about now?"

"Now... the rest of the factions are getting more and more difficult to deal with. The people under Zhou Shang and Xu Zhaonan have surpassed me. The soldiers led by Gao Chang have begun to adapt to large-scale battlefield operations. Fang, it’s enough to challenge me in business. UU read www.uukanshu.com and on my side... The fairness party began to be a little dissatisfied with my rules. I modeled on Mr. Ning and gave some classes and tried rectification, but I always feel that there is more than enough energy but not enough energy, and the effect is not great..."

"So you opened the Jiangning Conference..." Qian Luoning looked at him, saying every word, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Feng shook the boat slightly, He Wen stood in front of the window, watching the faint night of Jiangning in the distance. It took a long time before he shook his head and spoke slowly.

"...I... haven't figured it out yet."


"...Or I will kill you now."

"Baye Qian is so watery? Can you escape?"

"That's it. I slaughtered you like this with one hand first, then snatched the ship over, threatened the boatman or bought him, drove directly along the Yangtze River back to Chengdu, and returned to Chengdu with Chairman Ning, saying that the matter here has been resolved, and I am ungrateful. The **** is dead and I feel relieved. How about this plan..."

"It's hard not to feel reasonable..."

"The King of Justice is better than you... Besides, if you demolish the old houses of Mr. Ning and Su's family, Mr. Ning will be angry."

"...Old Qian, let me scare you. I did it on purpose."



"Forget it...you are not saved..."

"Ha, ha."

"It's dead... You call it the king of death..."

The bright moon is clear and the sky winds across the night sky, blowing the clouds, rolling mountains and seas.

On the waves of the Yangtze River, two figures stood between the gloomy windows of the building, looking at the river bank in the distance, occasionally sighing and shaking their heads occasionally, as if they were performing a harmonious but interesting drama.

August 15 is about to pass.

In the distance of their vision, all the chaos that will happen in the whole Jiangnan this time is just about to begin...

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