Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 64: The First Story of the City (Part 1)

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The moon gradually moved from the east horizon to the west, sinking toward the dark horizon at the end of the field of vision.

As the night progressed, bits and pieces of mist gathered in the city on the river bank.

The night is foggy and cold, and there is always a small fire under the bridge hole by the waterway to disperse the moisture slightly. Before going to bed every day, Xue Jin had to limping around with his sick leg to pick up wood and firewood. There are not many trees in Jiangning City. Now the three religions gather, and the internal and external trade and logistics are chaotic. This matter has become. It's getting harder and harder.

After sleeping, I was always worried that the flame would gradually die out, so I added firewood once. After all, I was too tired. I fell into a dreamland in a daze. In my dream, I saw many family members who were still alive, his wife, concubines, and the children at home. It was not long before she was redeemed from the brothel...

He saw them in his dream. They gathered at the table and in the house, preparing to eat, the children swayed on a bamboo horse. . . He smiled and wanted to talk to them, but faintly felt something was wrong, he was always worried about something.

Looking back, the black crowd came up, the stone hit his head, buzzing, the woman and the child were knocked over in a pool of blood, they were alive and killed... He was lying in the corner Inside, and then knelt on the ground, kowtow, shouting: "I have beaten the demon on the head, I have beaten the demon..." The curious people kept him.

After that...

...He woke up from the chill. The sky was gray and gray, and the morning mist lingered on the waterway not far away.

Xue Jin was stunned for a while, he was reminiscing about their faces and the faces of their children in his dream. In the past few days, every time such a memory is like a pain like plucking his heart out of the body, every time he clutches his head and wants to cry, but he is worried about lying on the side. Yueniang, he just showed a weeping look, and held his head without letting it make a sound.

Those memories are actually getting more and more blurred. More often, he can only feel the pain surging in his mind. It seems that the pain has gradually become a concrete image, replacing everyone in his mind... …

Wiping off the wetness in the corner of his eye, he turned around and began to carefully add wood to the embers of the fire. Yueniang lay on the side, sleeping groggyly.

On the day when the crowd under the banner of "Yam Luo King" rushed to the stage, Yue Niang was dragged into a nearby alley because she was young and beautiful, but because of this, she was lucky enough to be left with her life after being abused. Xue When Jin found her...These things, this kind of life, no one could tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Her spirit had been abnormal and her body was extremely weak. Every time Xue Jin looked at her, he felt torment in his heart.

But every time he had to look at her carefully, he saw her chest rise and fall slightly, her lips opened, and a faint breath was exhaled-these marks must be very careful to see clearly, but they can tell him that she is still alive of.

Every day he lives, he has to suffer for a day, but except for living like this, he doesn't know what to do. He knew that Yueniang suffered more than him, but if she went, there would really be nothing in this world for him.

He was on fire and confirmed the fact that Yueniang was still alive with the light of his eyes, so today, there is still not much change... He remembered last night, last night was August 15th, there was a firework, so this morning, Maybe he can beg for slightly better food-he is not sure about this, but in the past, when the world was still peaceful, beggars seemed to be like this...

After putting a few firewood into the fire, Xue Jin's gaze crossed Yueniang's body. He was startled to see that there seemed to be something in Yueniang's body.

He crawled over there slowly, and finally found out that it was some medicine wrapped in paper. There were ten packets of these medicines. The number of times per day was written on the top. This was used to drink Yueniang to regulate the body. of.

Last night, it seemed that someone came under this bridge hole, saw the situation of Yueniang, and then left these things.

Xue Jin got up from the ground, limped and turned bewildered for a moment under the bridge hole, then walked out from inside, his body trembling, looking in different directions, but there was a fog on either side. He yelled "Ah, ah" in a low voice, trying to speak, but his beaten head prevented him from successfully organizing appropriate speech. For a while, he circulated blankly around the bridge hole in the mist for a long time. For a long time, nothing could be said...


In the early morning, Ning Ji had already asked the way.

Starting from the old house of the Su family, he trot towards the Qinhuai River.

This is what my father did that year. If you repeat this several times, you may be able to find the place where Grandpa Qin set up the chess stand, and the riverside building where Aunt Zhu and Aunt Jin lived.

At his age, although he was curious about his parents' life back then, in fact, he also had a limit. But now I arrived in Jiangning, after all, there is not much specific purpose. Right now it is nothing more than doing such a thing, connecting everything together by the way. In this process, perhaps it is natural to find the next goal.

The milky morning mist is like a mountain, like a barrier, swimming leisurely in the breeze in this city. Without the embarrassing vision, Jiang Ning in the mist seemed to have briefly returned to the past.

It was too early, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. When running to the bank of the Qinhuai River, I saw the mist flowing on the calm water. When running forward, the eaves and outlines of the houses gradually "driving" from the mist. "Coming out, like a big boat floating on the water.

This peaceful scene is only short-lived. After running for a while, you can feel the violation in the city: without the sound of chickens and dogs, such living creatures in the city have disappeared. Both sides of the road were originally planted in Most of the trees along the river were cut down, and some left only stumps that were too difficult to dig. Many tents were erected on the side of the road. Sometimes the coughing in the fog could be heard, and some people were raised by the tent in the early morning. He broke the fire and resisted the heavy humidity.

He ran along the dilapidated road by the river for a while, and almost stepped into the muddy puddle, but he heard strange music in his ears.

Moving forward for a while, weird people and flags in the fog came out from the front. Some were blowing trumpets and some were playing flutes. Many people in the team were dressed strangely, like gods in the sky or in the earth. Yin Chai-This is a group of pilgrims under the banner of the "Roller King". Their parade has already begun early in the morning. After Lin Echan arrived in Jiangning, these believers became more and more numerous. Rather than knowing that they were arrogant and arrogant at the moment, they were fighting for territory with the other four.

He ran to the side and stood, weighing the quality of these people. Everyone in the team buzzed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh When passing by, staring at him. Ning Ji curled his lips. Don't care about fools.

This team is probably in the size of more than a hundred people. It should collect believers along the way, and would rather watch them pass by, and then walk for a while, a vague voice came from the fog.


"There is a pit here..."




"Don't step on me..."

"Your mother..."

After a chaotic sound, it gradually returned to the sound of trumpet and flute music.

Ning Ji laughed out a pig cry.

Going forward again, I have no idea where there may be a chess stand or a small building. Maybe my father runs to the other side every morning, but of course it is not a big problem. He ran for a while, and gradually saw an abandoned house burned by the river-this is probably an area where the military disaster after the city was broken is relatively serious. On the road in front of the river, there are several people Burning the fire, someone stabbed it with a long stick by the river, catching something.

Seeing Ning Ji running slowly, someone got up and stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Wh... from the mountain..."

This person has a tooth decay, and stretched the word "N" very long, very charming. Ning Ji knew that the other party told him about the notch of the rivers and lakes. The notch on the right track was usually a poem. The person in front of him seemed to see his kind face and asked casually.

"Don't let me pass here?" Ning Ji looked forward. The road by the river was desolate. There were a few tents pitched over there. He didn't want to go there anyway.

Someone came and stopped him from behind.

"This little brother, he is well dressed, the son of which family can't find Bei."

"This is also called good dress?"

Ning Ji stared at him and pulled at the patched clothes on his body.

"I think your shoes are pretty good..." The man in front of me smiled, "Mostly you kid..."

With a loud bang, the body of the person blocking the road flew backwards like a cannonball. His body rolled on the road, and then crashed into the burning bonfire. In the fog, the sky was full of sticks. There was a violent splash, and the flames flew bang.

At this moment, Ning Ji almost fully kicked him in the stomach.

On the road ahead, one of the "Seven Kills" under "King Yama", the banner of "Abi Yuan Tu" was flying slightly.

Ning Ji's eyes were indifferent, his feet fell on the ground, his head tilted.

The man who stopped him in the back was startled slightly, and then drew his knife abruptly, "Wow--" a sound resounded through the morning mist.

He took a step forward. Here, he would rather take a step back. He turned around and grabbed the knife in his hand. The back of the cast-iron knife had been slammed on the man's forehead. The man staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. , The rest of the people had already charged over, and the person who charged in the front also turned into a ground gourd with a bang, dispelling the nearby fog.

By the side of the river, the fog became frantic. Some people were beaten into the ruins of the fire site nearby, some rushed into the Qinhuai River, there was a flutter in the water mist, some smashed into the tent, screams and screams sounded nearby, and a figure crawled back on the ground.

"Who are you... There is a kind of leaving a name! There is a kind of leaving a name... I am under the ‘Yama King’ sect, and I can’t spare you! I will kill you and your whole family if I search all over the world—"

Ning Ji walked forward with a knife, and saw a woman and a child in rags crawling out of the tent in front. The woman also had a knife in her hand, as if she wanted to fend off a powerful enemy with everyone. Ning Ji looked at all this with cold eyes, but stopped.

His gaze swept around, watching someone crawling out of the ruins, someone still rolling and wailing on the ground, he walked to the side, picked up a burning stick from the ground, and walked to the "Abi Yuan Tu" Under the flagpole, the flagpole was knocked down with a stab, and then the wooden stick was stretched out to start a fire.

The people around were wailing again when they saw this scene. They really want to get the flag that can be played upright in Jiangning City, but it's actually not easy, but they didn't expect that the site hadn't grown, and they would encounter the evil demon in front of them.

"Go back and tell your father, from now on, let me see you evildoers again, I see one! I will kill one!"

"If you don't change your name or sit down, you will be called-Long! Proud! God!"

The flame burned the flag, and then it burned.


Ning Ji had already turned around and ran away when more "Yama King" people rushed over.

The momentum of "Long Aotian" in his mouth is not strong enough. The most important thing is that you shouldn't say at the beginning, "You shouldn't change your name or your surname". After saying this, he suddenly felt a little guilty, so he turned his head and reflected. After several times, I can't say this sentence seriously in the future, just report it to Long Aotian.

But in any case, his handsome name is finally going to come out in the arena!

This is the first day that Long Aotian, his "wulin lord", is rampant in the arena!

Yes, he has already figured out his nickname, and he is called "Wulin League Master". If others have opinions, he will say that his sect is called "Wulin League". As the boss of the Wulin League, it is not very reasonable to be called the Wulin League Master thing. At that time, no one can refute this, and it is very interesting to think about it.

Of course, the main reason for the previous violent shots was naturally not to be famous, but last night, after seeing Xue Jin and the woman next to him, some of the hostility accumulated after seeing him needed to come out.

Before coming to Jiangning, he first thought about getting rid of the big silly He Wen. Of course, whether this ideal of life belonged to a stage can be killed, and he did not force it. And on this road, he also **** with the "Baofeng" **** baby, and thought about killing the "Monkey King" Li Jianfeng, who is inextricably related to the Great Guangming Sect, but at this moment, It was the group of people under the command of Zhou Shang, the "king of Yama," that particularly aroused his anger.

If there is a chance, no one will be innocent if you kill Zhou Shang, or kill a few of his so-called "seven kills".

And beyond this, it belongs to the category of Long Aotian's fame.

He thought about the little monk he met outside the city.

After a while, the little monk heard the name Long Aotian, the "Leader of Martial Arts" in the city. He would be particularly shocked because he didn't know that he had martial arts at all. Hehehehe, see you again someday. Let him kowtow to call himself elder brother...

After a while, when his father heard of Long Aotian's name in the southwest, he would be able to know what kind of feat he had made when he came out to run the rivers and lakes. Of course, he may also hear the name "Monkey King" and ask someone to catch him back, but accidentally catch him wrong...


Sticking in his waist, Ning Ji laughed silently for a while on the road in the morning mist. He didn't know how many people were asleep on the roadside not far from the fog, so he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

The ravages of the big demon are about to begin, the rivers and lakes, from then on, things have happened... (Long Aotian notes in his heart)


The morning light dissipated the dense fog, and the wind pushed the waves away, making the city brighter. At the west gate of the city, the little monk with a rice bowl rushed into the city at the earliest time and stood at the door of a breakfast shop to begin alms.

In fact, there are still some silver talons in his pocket, which were left by the master when he was separated from him. There are not many silver talons. The little monk saves them very stingly, and only spends them when he is really hungry. Come on a little bit. The fat master doesn't really care what method he uses to obtain money. He can kill, rob, or beg, or even beg, but the important thing is that these things must be solved by him.

At this moment, he really missed the little brother Long that he saw the day before yesterday. If someone could ask him to eat roast duck, that would be great...

In addition, I don't know how Master is in the city right now.

However, after a while, when he reached half a bowl of gruel in front of a good stage of a "runner king", he also heard a message about Master...


South of the city, Dongsheng Inn.

"Look for Chen San."

The figure of a woman disguised as a man walked into the inn and told the little second in the shop to come out.

After a while, You Hongzhuo came down from the upper floor and saw Liang Siyi in the hall below.

Liang Siyi saw him, turned and left, UU reading www.uukanshu. com You Hongzhuo followed all the way behind. After turning a few streets in this way, in a house, he saw An Xifu, the deputy whom Wang Juyun relied heavily on.

"General An..."

"Guardian, I’ve been looking up for a long time." The two clung to each other, An Xifu smiled, "Si Yi said that she saw you in the city, and for some reason, she couldn’t tell you too much information, but I have had contacts with Shi Daxia. Shi Daxia had Speaking of you, although you have not joined the army, you are a trustworthy person."

You Hongzhuo nodded. When he was in Jindi, the Eight-armed Dragon King had a kindness to him, and he said many things, so there is no need to be hypocritical.

"At the Jiangning meeting, I heard that the situation was complicated. I thought that Jin was far away from here, so I wouldn't send people over, so I wanted to come over and inquire about it. I went back to talk with Lou Xiang and Shi Daxia, but I didn't expect it. , General Ann actually came in person. Could it be that our Jindi and the fair party can have such a big involvement?"

Although You Hongzhuo walked the rivers and lakes, he had a quick mind and saw many things. This fair party conference is very important to say, but according to their past behavior patterns, this place is closed and chaotic. The parties bordering it have sent people for important reasons. Only the Jin area Over there, far away from here, even if you get on the line, I am afraid that there is no strong relationship that can happen, so he really didn't expect that this time, it would be an important person like An Xifu.

An Xifu smiled: "The female prime minister has got in touch with Zou Xu and is now in the arms business. If Zou Xu can win the battle between Bianliang and Liang, we may not have a business route between Jindi and Jiangnan. "

"Oh." You Hongzhuo nodded when thinking of the situation in the Central Plains.

The two parties then sat down and talked about the complicated situation in Jiangning City.

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