Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 65: The First Story of the City (Part 2)

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"The situation in the city of Jiangning, I only came here, and now I still can't see clearly. Next, I hope General An will tell you who we will help and whom we will fight..."

In the room, You Hongzhuo, An Xifu, and Liang Siyi sat down and spoke out the questions in their hearts straightforwardly. He is a straightforward character, and he is unambiguous when he decides to help others. An Xifu naturally understands this, and smiles at this time.

"How the situation in the city will develop, in fact, no one can understand at the moment, but the general trend can still be understood..." He said, "The Fair Party has risen rapidly in Jiangnan in the past two years. , In fact, it was just a few dozen forces at first, all of which were named He Wen. In the past two years, they actually had several alliances, large and small. The first dozens of forces have now become The five largest fair parties. Today’s Jiangning Conference is a new league."

An Xifu said: "In the past few alliances of the Fair Party, no one's power has expanded to the entire Jiangnan. Therefore, it was an internal alliance at that time. Dozens of hills and any two combinations were all grown at once. But today is fair. The five largest branches of the party have become a situation where you have me and I have you, and there is a lot of friction between them. To put it bluntly, they have to be ranked in order... This is the entire Jiangning Conference today. the goal of."

You Hongzhuo nodded.

An Xifu said: "If only the five branches of the fair party fight with the door behind closed doors, many situations may not be as complicated as they are today, and the five parties can fight in a row and a row. But the forces in the south of the Yangtze River are divided up. Although it still seems chaotic, there are still small forces like the'big dragon head' that have risen one after another, but the big trend has already been set. So He Wen opened the door, and the other four companies also extended their hands to the outside world, and they played in the city. That’s the plan. The contest on the scene is just to join in the excitement. In fact, in private, the five fair parties are shaking people."

You Hongzhuo smiled and said, "This means that the insider can't tell the victory or defeat, so he first calls his helper. On the scene, see who has the big fist and many helpers, and then the fire will be combined. Or a certain party has a strong horse and a strong horse. Understand, then even save the fire."

"That's the truth." An Xifu said, "As with today, many of the various forces, large and small, have already sent people. As we know now, Wu Qimei and Tie Yan of Lin'an have sent people to lobby here. During this period of time, they have been beaten badly by the Fair Party, especially Gao Chang and Zhou Shang. Sooner or later they will be overwhelmed by the fight, so they saw the right time and wanted to find out whether the five fair parties There is one that can be talked about. Maybe if you take refuge in the past, you can find another way out."

Speaking of Lin'an Wu and Tie, An Xifu sneered slightly, and You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi also laughed at them. Liang Siyi said, "This class of people might live to the end."

You Hongzhuo thought for a while, but couldn't help but nodded: "It is indeed possible."

"Wu and Tie are the two clowns, but they are also a bargaining chip after all." An Xifu shook his head and smiled. "As for the other parties, such as Zou Xu, Liu Guangshi, and Dai Mengwei, they are actually sent by teams. Like Liu Guangshi's. People, our side is relatively clear. Among them, the deputy who leads the team is also the one with the highest martial arts, and is the'Monkey King' Li Yanfeng."

"... Brother You may not be clear. The original title of'Monkey King' came from Manichaeism and was originally one of the twelve guardians of Manichaeism. The earlier generations of Manichaeism were only poor in Jiangnan. There are many believers, but it is a mess. When the supreme leader He Yunsheng was privately implicated in Jiangnan big households, the former leader Fang La couldn't pass it, so together with the original "Baodao" Liu Dabiao and the Fang brothers , Killed He Yunsheng and replaced him. That generation of'monkey king' Li Ruoque left Manichaeism for this reason."

The heroes of the rivers and lakes love to listen to these green forest rumors. When An Xifu talked about these past, You Hongzhuo stared and nodded repeatedly.

"Later, Sheng Gong’s Yongle uprising failed. Sikongnan and Lin Echan came out again to take over the Manichaeism. When they lost their power in the capital, the Secret Investigative Division was banned. They received the instruction of the Qi family of Hebei. The veteran officials such as "Monkey King" Li Ruoque and "Quick Sword" Lu Bingyuan were summoned, and they planned to go north to Bianliang to make a vigorous momentum for the Great Guangming Sect."

You Hongzhuo laughed: "I know about this. Later, they were trampled to death by the southwest cavalry."

An Xifu nodded: "At that time, Da Guangming taught many elites and protectors. When they went to Zhuxian Town, they were all trampled to death by cavalry. Soon after that, the southwestern man killed the emperor with a knife on the Golden Luang Temple. Lin Echan was horrified. For half a lifetime, I dare not show up in front of the southwestern man. For more than ten years, I have not even thought of revenge, and it can be regarded as a causal delay. But the original Qi family later rebelled into the Kingdom of Jin and could not escape in the previous years. Retribution, involved in a great turmoil in the Kingdom of the Kingdom, more than half of the Qi family was killed and injured, Qi Yan's old man and his two grandchildren were locked in a water tank, and a fire cooked them up and down..."

"This happened?" You Hongzhuo thought for a while, "Heiqi did it?"

"I guess it is, but it is naturally impossible to find out. The tragedy in the cloud a few years ago, not only the Qi family, but also the many powerful, powerful and common people in Yunzhong City were involved, burned to death and killed many people. The one who is most involved is the grandson who loves the most when he is a traitor...This kind of thing, except for the black flag, we don't know what kind of hero can do it."

"Great heart...If it is really a hero in the Chinese Army, I really want to see him and thank him for his kindness." You Hongzhuo slapped his palm and said, convinced.

An Xifu narrated the incident in Yunzhong Mansion, invisibly narrowing the distance with You Hongzhuo, and then returned to business.

"Those people mentioned earlier are certainly just jumping clowns in front of the southwestern one, but they are considered powerful and powerful people who cannot be underestimated.'Monkey King' Li Ruoque was trampled to death by cavalry, but his His son Li Yanfengqing was born in blue, with amazing martial arts and tactics. Now he is entrenched in the Tongshan area and he is a local hegemon. He came on behalf of Liu Guangshi, and he naturally has a sense of incense with the Great Guangshi Church. In this way, he is also Liu Guangshi. Closed the relationship with Xu Zhaonan."

You Hongzhuo nodded: "In this way, Liu Guangshi is temporarily on Xu Zhaonan's side."

"At present, it seems that there is indeed such a clue. At least, although Li Yanfeng served under Liu Guangshi, he accepted the position of guardian of the Great Illuminati Sect after coming over, but it is difficult to say whether there will be any changes in such contact. ...As for the other larger forces, the people of Zou Xu and Dai Mengwei are just like us. They are newcomers and are still inquiring about and contacting all parties. It is not clear whether the little emperor in the southeast sent someone, but it is estimated Will send. And the southwest side..."

An Xifu's finger tapped on the table: "If Southwest is here, it will be a decisive step. No one can ignore the existence of this black flag... But in the past two years, Mr. Ning advocated openness. Being willing to stand in teams at will, coupled with the fairness party’s ambiguous attitude towards the Southwest, it is difficult to say whether his people will come, or whether they will show up in public."

"...In addition to these few big forces, the other parties of the three religions and nine ranks, such as some small and medium-sized forces with thousands or thousands of people, have also come this time. Jiangning situation, inevitably, there are also these people. Standing in line. As far as we know, among the five kings of the fairness party, the "king of equality" Shi Baofeng has the most such small and medium forces. In the past few days, there have been several teams that have arrived in Jiangning, and they have come to support him from outside. He opened a piece of "Juxian Pavilion" at the east end of the city, which has the taste of ancient Meng Changjun."

An Xifu smashed the situation in the city one by one, and you Hongzhuo nodded when he heard this.

"In this way, it is roughly clear." He said, "It's just such a situation. I don't know where we are. General Ann called me over...I hope I kill someone."

An Xifu smiled and nodded: "We are here this time. In the general direction, we actually don't plan to stand in line. After all, Jindi and Jiangnan are far apart. After Jiangning's news arrived, the female counterpart didn't mean to intervene. Strong, anyway, it’s safest to talk to whoever is in charge, and we also agree with this idea. However, Wang Shuai and Da Guangming Church have old times, and Brother You should know this."

You Hongzhuo nodded.

"It's true that Wang Shuai and I are both old people in Yongle. Although the uprising of the Holy Anglican failed, we still have a few living friends in Jiangnan. Wang Shuai's idea is that considering the future, we can When you settle down easily, you might as well drop some chess pieces. After all, in the early years, we were unable to protect ourselves in Yanmen Pass and Taiyuan, and we couldn’t talk about sheltering others. But now everyone has returned to Shanxi and has a family and business. Some old friends can find As soon as you look for it, you may be able to use it in the future. As for which team to choose, or sitting on the sidelines and watching tigers fight, you can see the development of things and talk about it later."

"However, two days earlier, there were some accidents about Miao Zheng's affairs..."

The accident of Miao Zheng he mentioned was originally something You Hongzhuo had participated in. Liang Siyi on the side lowered his head slightly and said, "This is my fault."

You Hongzhuo looked at the two of them: "This... Brother Miao, is your condition okay now?"

"After the accident the night before, Miao Zheng left home immediately and took refuge in the Zhou Shang side of King Yama, temporarily saving his life. But yesterday we asked someone to inquire and learned that he had been arrested by the Seven Killers. Get up... The orderer is Wei Zhuwen, the'God Killer' in the Seven Kills."

You Hongzhuo squinted his eyes: "...The head of the seven kills?"

An Xifu nodded: "According to our inquiries, this'God Killer' Wei Zhuwen is by no means simple. He is a think tank under the command of'Yam Luo King'. He has a surly temperament and a cruel heart. It is difficult for the person he is looking at to end well. Since Miao Zheng has been noticed by him, we then estimate that things will not be easy to end...Here is too far away from Jin, and it is not easy to recruit people, so I heard that Brother You is here, so I asked Si Yi to brazenly call and hope to do something later. On the occasion, there can be a reference."

"But it is incumbent to have fate."

The two sides haven't had much direct contact in Jindi before, but the side by side with Wang Juyun's "chaotic division" on the battlefield has long since been twice. At this point in An Xifu's words, You Hongzhuo didn't think too much, but he agreed with it, but it was extraordinarily natural.

An Xifu smiled and was about to elaborate, when he heard the footsteps of someone in the back yard, and then knocked on the door.

Coming in from the outside is naturally one of An Xifu's subordinates. He looked at the three people in the room. Since he didn't know if the matter was settled, he walked to An Xifu and relayed a message.

This message is not a big secret either, so the ear-information is also acting. After you heard this, You Hongzhuo was stunned, An Xifu frowned slightly, and then looked at You Hongzhuo.

"This fat man... is still so uncomfortable..." An Xifu whispered, and then said to You Hongzhuo, "It is Xu Zhaonan and Lin Zongwu who are the first to make the move. Lin Zongwu took the people to the Wufang ring, the first to be It's also Zhou Shang. Brother You, are you interested?"

"The legendary No. 1 in the world, I really want to see it." You Hongzhuo said.

"He may not be the best in the world, but in martial arts, there are indeed few who can hold him down..." An Xifu stood up, "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi got up one after another and left the dilapidated house one after another. At this time, the sun had dissipated the morning mist, and there were noisy human voices in the distant market. An Xifu walked ahead and spoke to You Hongzhuo in a low voice.

"I know that you brothers are highly skilled in martial arts, and even the'Jackdaw' Chen Juefang can repel head-on. However, this Wei Zhuwen is different from Chen Juefang's style, and he is good at making people. If the ring is set right, the difference between people is different. It may not be large, but in terms of the total number of people, there are more than tens of millions of people under the rule of the Jiangnan Fair Party. Under the rule of King Yama, the number of people in each branch is extremely large. Since Wei Zhuwen It is not as easy as Chen Juefang to get the name of being a good person, and I hope you brothers should not take it lightly."

"General Ann reminded me that I will remember."

You Hongzhuo agreed. He had heard of General Ann’s reputation in the army. On the one hand, he was ruthless at a critical time and he was able to purge military discipline. He was the most reassuring on the battlefield, but he was able to do both logistics and planning. Taking care of it is a first-class and reliable talent. At this time, he has to remind him carefully, but he has learned a little bit.

A woman named Liang Siyi walked in the back, but she was stern and expressionless from beginning to end, and she didn't know whether she felt guilty about Miao Zheng's affairs or felt guilty about Miao Zheng's affairs.

The three of them walked through the streets and walked in the direction of the "Yam King" five-sided ring. Along the way, people who used to watch the excitement began to gather. You Hongzhuo smiled and said: "After entering the city for a few days, looking at it, all the forces in the city, no matter whether they are good or bad, seem to have chosen to fight Zhou Shang first. This'king of Yama' is really the target of public criticism. Maybe it's not finished this time. , His power will be divided up."

He remembered that he had an enemy with the Great Guangming Sect, but now he wanted to help come over to fight Zhou Shang; An Xifu contacted the Yongle family of the Great Guangming Sect, and suddenly the enemy became Zhou Shang; Xu Zhaonan, "Master of Great Light" Lin Zongwu, and "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang were the first to attack Zhou Shang. This "Yam King" Zhou merchant's quality committee is really bad, and it makes it interesting to think about it.

An Xifu shook her head, "It's hard to tell... Although everyone shouts and beats on the surface, in fact, the number of Zhou and Shang first groups has increased the fastest. This matter is difficult to reason, it can only be regarded as... ."

"General An is actually familiar with this leader Lin?"

"I saw it when I was a child, and I had a few dealings in adulthood. I am already an enemy... I am actually the adopted child of Yongle Princess Fang Baihua. Later, I followed Wang Shuai and understood their grievances better than others. some……"

The three of them walked along and chatted casually about some interesting trivia. At this time An Xifu is nearly forty years old. He has been busy throughout his life. He had a family in his early years, but he was separated and never married again. At this time, he talked about the words "Princess Yongle Fang Baihua" , The words were calm, but the bottom of his eyes fluctuated slightly, as if the figure of the lady in red appeared in his vision. At this time, the crowd gathered on the street, and the thrilling uprising that once occurred in Jiangnan has also been twenty years...

In the square in front of the field of vision, a turbulent crowd gathered, and various flags were waving in the wind above the crowd.

That huge figure has already stepped onto the ring of the five-sided arena.

The people around are noisy, like boiling water.

"Let's make it! Let's make it! Boiling water—boiling water—"

On the side of the square, the humble Xiaoxia Long Aotian was speaking with a weird southwestern accent, squeezing into the crowd, occasionally looking up at this disorderly onlooker scene, muttering in his heart. : "I will fight in a while, don't you want to trample to death a few......"

But in order to join in the excitement, I can't take care of so much now. I really want to mess up, so I ran on people. Anyway, even such a dangerous place should be watched. It is probably not a good thing. Desperadoes. If you trample to death, you will trample to death. All deserve it...

"Boiling water! Let it go! Let it go—"

He exerted force on the soles of his feet, unfolded his posture, and moved forward quickly like a loach. After a while, he finally broke through the crowd and reached the front of the ring. In my ears, I heard a few deep voices forced by internal forces echoing above the heads of the onlookers.

The most vigorous internal force among them made Long Aotian's heart agitated. He raised his head to look at the Maitreya Buddha-like figure on the ring, and was deeply moved.

Aunt Hong, Aunt Gua, Dad, Uncle Chen... I finally saw the world’s largest fat man, his internal strength is so high...

The lord of the martial arts leader is not big. One of his pursuits in martial arts over the years is to one day unscrew this big fat man's head and kick the ball. At this time, he finally saw the leader and almost burst into tears.

Listen carefully to what they are saying, only the people on the Zhou Shang side of "Yam Luo" are accusing the "Master of Great Light" Lin Zong. We should not be bullied by the big ones here, and Master Lin said that he is not here. The bullies only saw them set up a ring and gave people plaques and titles after three games, so they came to question whether they were qualified to issue plaques and titles. UU Reading www. uukanshu. If com is a contest to recruit relatives, of course you are in love with me. If you say that you can be called a hero after playing in the ring, then the people behind the ring must have convincing qualifications. Therefore, for the big man in the ring, he should Come out, let everyone weigh it up.

These words were beautiful, and they overwhelmed a large noise below, and made Long Aotian touched by his inner strength.

Oh, it's worthy of being the enemy of my life, the internal strength is really high...

"stop fighting--"

He jumped in front of the crowd and shouted excitedly.

"Listen to my advice!"

"Fight up—"

Long Aotian's arms danced wildly like noodles, and the voice of this sentence was also exceptionally loud. Everyone in the rear was also infected for a while and felt that it was extraordinarily reasonable.

"Hit him, hit him--"

"kill him--"


"Dead bald head! Dead bald head—"

It was an extremely chaotic cry...

On the ring, the huge figure turned his head, scanned the audience slowly, and then opened his mouth to this side.

"be quiet--"

These two characters were accompanied by a peculiar rhythm, like the Sanskrit sound of a Buddhist temple, and in a blink of an eye, they pushed away like a sea tide, overwhelming the noise in the small half of the venue. For a while, everyone in front of the venue was involuntarily quiet.

Seeing that his strength alone was so terrifying, after a while, a group of people belonging to the Great Illumination Sect on the other side of the venue all knelt to the ground with tears and bowed their eyes.

Pooh! What's so great about this...

The figure named Long Aotian was not angry, looking for a stone on the ground, and was about to sneak open the heads of these people. But after finding the stone, he was concerned about the crowds in the venue, and made a few vicious gestures in his heart, but finally he could not really start...

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