Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 67: Run away (on)

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The night fell.

At the east end of the city, the block originally called Zhong'anfang now bears the banner of Shi Baofeng, the "king of equality".

Due to the early occupation and not too much toss, this Zhonganfang has become one of the busiest and busiest streets in the city. Entering from the Fangmen to the west, the various shops and businesses of the Baofeng are gathered on one side, and a large number of courtyards are surrounded on the other side, which become the VIP residences called "Juxian Hall" by the outside world.

As one of the five forces of the Fair Party that is best at doing business, in charge of logistics and operating supplies, the "king of equality" Shi Baofeng has taken a broad line of communication from the beginning. Although due to the initial complex situation of the Fair Party, there have not been any obvious contacts with the largest forces in the world, but when many small and medium-sized forces advocating wealth and danger come over, they are the easiest to come into contact with Shi Baofeng. Of this "Baofeng". . .

And in this process, there are also many desperadoes who, through trade with the "Baofeng", carried out dangerous material transfers, and then gradually emerged from the distress situation and became small or medium-sized armed groups. Therefore, he also forged a deep bond with Shi Baofeng.

This time the news of the Jiangning Conference was released, and the power of each department showed its own unique style: "The King of Wheels" Shi Baofeng gathered a large number of congregations, and even invited the leader of the Great Guangming who had been going north to sit for a long time; "The King of Yama" Zhou Shang maintained a radical style, gathering a large number of desperate men who were not afraid of death, and by the way, gathered many peripheral flies who wanted to take advantage, and gathered a huge momentum; "The King of Equality" Shi Baofeng, then From the very beginning, many large and small forces came to join in. In August, representatives of the three mountains and five sacred powers with names and even a lot of heroic deeds went to Zhonganfang every day. Gather.

Compared with the situation where there are many people in the "runner" and "Yan Luo" lines, but most of them are mobs, Shi Baofeng's group of people from far away are more "regular" and even more "extensive" "In the middle, there are big escorts that travel around and make friends, there are large chambers of commerce that represent a certain line of tyrants, and there are many "heroes and heroes" who have truly resisted when the Jurchens are raging...

After each of them entered Zhonganfang, there were dedicated staff on the streets nearby, and they began to promote and brag about the background of these people, which attracted admiration and admiration from the onlookers.

People who started in business know best what it means to lift people, and for these big and small forces from afar, they naturally understand this truth. For a time, the various forces that entered the "Juxian Hall" kept in touch with each other, and each day they drew on each other and touted each other, and it was an atmosphere of harmony and diversity. As a result, some "savvy" people have even begun to compare the "Juxian Pavilion" here to the "Yingbin Road" in Chengdu.

Of course, with the gathering of so many large and small forces, in addition to the liveliness and harmony on the bright side, various complicated things, good or bad, will also appear in private like waves.

Just like the Yanjiapu motorcade that arrived here a few days ago, the Yan family’s anti-gold deeds and the rumor that Yan Taiwei’s only daughter might be married to the Shi family attracted a lot of discussion and attention. The representative also deliberately went to visit the second master of the Yan family.

However, in these two days, due to the sudden appearance of a certain news, the affairs of Yan's family quickly fell silent. Even if someone talks about it, the attitudes of the people have mostly become ambiguous and vague, and they seem to want to temporarily forget the things of the previous few days.

On August 16, Yan Yunzhi sat in the courtyard late at night. He rubbed the two daggers in his hand, and in the quiet night, there would sometimes be a buzzing noise in his mind.

The excitement that came a few days ago suddenly disappeared again...

In fact, this time the Yan family came here, marriage is not necessarily the goal. From the beginning, my father has said that verbal agreements are not necessarily effective. For two big sons, the most reliable relationship is always the exchange of benefits that each other needs. If the two sides can cooperate and appreciate each other's character, they can naturally get married, but if they don't like each other, the Yan family also has its own dignity, and it is not necessary to favor some "king of equality".

Of course, this is the case. In general, this marriage will probably be fulfilled.

Yan Yunzhi is seventeen years old this year, and he is not so outrageous or rebellious in his mind. For things like marrying into Shijia, she had first prepared herself psychologically.

Arrived in Jiangning a few days earlier, when the "king of equality" Baofeng was said to be in charge of other affairs in Jiangbei. The gathering of talents lived here, and when the "king of equality" was the second son of Shi Baofeng, a few of the three talents of heaven, earth and people. Wei Yang hosted the reception. If there weren't too many changes, this Shi Weiyang son would be the one who fulfilled the marriage contract with her.

In the first contact, Yan Yunzhi's perception of the other party was not bad. With the help of several "big shopkeepers", this young man was able to deal with various matters decently, and his conversation could be considered safe, and he was also good-looking and was rumored to have a high martial arts skill. Yan Yunzhi was very concerned about marrying such a person. In the future, there is not too much rejection besides being worried-everyone will experience this kind of life, and there is always no escape.

But as the news came out, all this quickly changed.

Among the enthusiasm of the people in the past few days, most of the positively touted the deeds of the Yan family's resistance to gold, and the marriage contract with the Shi family was only circulated on the trail because Shi Baofeng had not come to make a decision. But the forces of the "king of equality" are willing to let such gossips spread, and it can be seen that they are not repentant.

But after the news about Tongshan County suddenly appeared, the people who had been coming to the door two days earlier had avoided the area where the Yan family lived. People are not ridiculing but directing things like marriage contracts. I chose to keep my mouth shut. In the eyes of others, Shi Baofeng will obviously not accept this marriage contract. If everyone talks about it, the "king of equality" will actually be offended.

The 17-year-old girl has gone through a lot of things, and even killed two Jurchen soldiers with difficulty, but at any stage of her life, has she ever seen such a change in the atmosphere around her?

When encountering an enemy, she can still fight hard. When encountering such a thing, she only feels that it is a huge embarrassment to exist here. She wants to shout and defend, but she can't speak.

A few days ago, she liked to sit quietly in the front lobby, listening to people talking about various things in the city, but in these two days, she felt unnatural even leaving the yard, eating and relaxing. Can only stay in this courtyard.

Around Haishi, my uncle Yan Tiehe came to sit with her for a while and talked for a while.

"...Several major events have occurred outside today, the most lively one is Lin Zongwu, the leader of the Great Guangming Church, who single-handedly picked the Zhou Shang's five-square ring, and now the outside world has spread the magic..."

Perhaps because she was worried about her being bored here, Yan Tiehe deliberately told her some new news in the city. But at this moment, Yan Yunzhi's mood was not above this.

"Our Yan family affairs...what should I do?" Yan Yunzhi tried to calm himself down, "or else...I'll go back..."

"Not at this point." Yan Tiehe said, "This matter...everyone actually didn't say anything. Because...in the end, your uncle has not yet entered the city. He is a clear-minded person, what is the matter? You can understand it. When he comes, he will take care of it properly. Don't worry."

"But..." Yan Yunzhi sniffed and paused slightly, "Who released the news? Have you found out?"

Yan Tiehe lowered his head and was silent for a moment: "Five-foot Y demon... this kind of nickname can never be put by the little demon himself, and the things of Tongshan, except for us, and the thing that should be killed... Who else knows?"

"...Li Family? Why did they do this? Didn't we have a good talk at Tongshan?" Yan Yunzhi's eyes widened.

Yan Tiehe shook his head: "...Li Yanfeng is in the city now, and his father is the protector of the Great Guangming Sect. Now he has also taken the position of protector of the Dharma. To release this kind of news is nothing more than embarrassing uncle Shi. ."

"Xu Zhaonan doesn't deal with this side?"

"Isn't it clear these days when I entered the city? There are five fair parties, who will deal with whom? And there are other reasons in the middle. You forgot...where did that kid come from..."

Yan Yunzhi thought for a while, and then understood: "He wants... here... to form an enemy in the southwest..."

"If things go wrong, you...The daughter-in-law of King Equality is humiliated, how could you not ask for justice here, and the kid from the southwest, what kind of trouble is there? Li Yanfeng is known as the monkey king, in fact, he is scheming It’s so deep, that’s why we can establish that foundation in Tongshan. The other party made trouble in Tongshan, and he backhanded the problem to the opponent. Now it is either us or your uncle that is troublesome. He’s great, We have seen it."

Yan Yunzhi lowered his head and was silent for a moment before he raised his head and said: "In Tongshan, everything is said well... I just want to confront him face to face, and then kill him..."

The girl sitting here is thin, holding the sword in her hand, her eyes seem to be bleeding. Yan Tiehe looked at her for a while, then stretched out his hand and patted her hand: "...I can't beat it. Forbearance, there will be a turnaround in a few days." He said that he couldn't beat her. I'm not sure about the meaning of the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng.

The two chatted for a while, Yan Tiehe tried his best to unravel, but in the end the effect was not great. After he left, the lantern under the eaves of the courtyard was gently swaying in the night breeze. Yan Yunzhi held his sword and sat at the stone table in the courtyard for a long time. Sometimes, in his mind, he thought of the disgusting people he had seen in the past. Sometimes I think of the little demon with great martial arts in Tongshan County... He said he would come to Jiangning... I wish he would find him and kill him with a sword.

Gradually after midnight, the hustle and bustle in the distance turned to quiet, and then in the silence, some people came back here laughing and joking, seeming to be drunk, playing and making noise along the way, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

Yan Yunzhi sat at the table and ignored it, expecting that these people would walk around on the side of the courtyard, but didn't want them to pass by the courtyard gate. She turned her back, unwilling to act as if she had seen each other, and people who had returned late passed by the door.

After a while, slight steps came in from the doorway.

When Yan Yunzhi looked back, Shi Weiyang was holding a lantern and had already approached him. He was drunk, but his words were polite and gentle: "Miss Yan, I haven't slept yet."

If there is no major change, this will be her future husband-in-law, bowing his head and giving a slight bow: "Shi Gongzi."

"Neglecting greetings these past two days is really neglecting."

"Young Master Shi has many things to do, originally he didn't have to..."

"No." Shi Weiyang shook his head and smiled, "In the past few days, there have been rumors outside, so I had to... first deal with it, but... I should think that the most sad girl Yan is the one who encounters such rumors... I was negligent, today... come here to apologize."

"No..." Yan Yunzhi shook his head, his heart warmed for a while, and he was somewhat speechless. Shi Weiyang took a step forward and reached out and put a hand on her shoulder: "Sit."

Yan Yunzhi took a step back slightly and sat down on the stone bench. Shi Weiyang also sat down. As she was getting closer, she felt that the alcohol became more and more serious, but the tone in her mouth was still gentle: "I know Miss Yan's mood, in fact, you don't have to take this matter too seriously. , The morality of the Yan family, I have heard my father talk about it since I was a child, I will definitely believe that girl Yan’s side...hiccup...sorry..."

With a few words of comfort in his mouth, Yan Yunzhi bowed his head to thank him, and said again: "By the way, after Miss Yan entered the city, she hasn't gone out to play yet?"

"Hey, being bored here all day will also be boring..."

Shi Weiyang's voice was warm and considerate, and the two of them talked for a while, and he said again: "Miss Yan is learning swords, this sword seems really interesting, can you show me..."

Yan Yunzhi nodded and handed the dagger over. Shi Weiyang stretched out his hand and held it in Yan Yunzhi's hand. Yan Yunzhi withdrew his hand abruptly. The dagger fell on the stone table. There was a bang, and Weiyang was stunned. Frozen, then laughed: "Ms. Yan's sword is really interesting. I heard that the sword technique passed down by Ms. Yan's family is called."

"Tan Gongjian."

"Ah, yes..."

Shi Weiyang played with the short sword for a while, and said softly: "Actually, the Yan family sister should also know that when her father comes, she will be the master and the master... um..."

"Brother...I've heard about the Yan's sister killing the Golden Dog in the past, but in fact...I've been looking forward to seeing you, a heroine..."

"Brother's heart... is actually willing..."

Among these heart-warming words, Yan Yunzhi lowered his head and his face was hot, but the smell of wine next to him became more and more intense. Shi Weiyang spoke while leaning over, he stretched out his hand and touched her lightly. His chin lifted Yan Yunzhi's face.

"Sister Yan...you are so beautiful..."

He said.

Yan Yunzhi stared, looking at him, and pressed her lips. She pushed her hands forward, and her body suddenly jumped backward.

"Uh..." Shi Weiyang was pushed backwards, a little surprised.

Yan Yunzhi stood there, his chest rising and falling: "Shi, son of Shi...No, it can't be like this..."

"No, it's okay..." Shi Weiyang stood up. He opened his mouth to breathe, his eyes were a little excited, and he took a step forward and grabbed Yan Yunzhi's left hand. "Sister Yan, I... I believe it is you. We...we will be married sooner or later, I...I want you..."

He hugged him with his other hand, and Yan Yunzhi said, "No." He retreated to the back, but Shi Weiyang grabbed her with great strength, and Yan Yunzhi only felt a pain in his left wrist, which he pulled towards him. Before, she pressed her right hand to his chest and flipped her left wrist. She had already used the means of getting rid of the restraint. At this moment, Weiyang almost hugged her, felt her resistance, but smiled: "Hey, your martial arts, can't escape Off..."

Both of them have years of experience in martial arts. At this time, one wanted to hug and the other struggled. After pulling several times on the spot, Shi Weiyang said: "Sister Yan, I want you... I will marry you... "The smell of wine in the mouth will be imprinted on Yan Yunzhi's face. Yan Yunzhi has only practiced swords for many years, and he has learned mostly with skill. At this time, no one can avoid the full strength of these mature men, struggling backwards under his feet, and full strength in his hands. She refused, and finally the lips were in front of her eyes, and she yelled "Ah" and drew another dagger from behind with her backhand.

With a swipe, Yan Yunzhi took two steps backwards and got rid of Shi Weiyang. At this moment, she was holding the sword in front of her right, and her left arm at the back, her wrist was just painful. Shi Weiyang stood there and shook, then slowly moved forward, raising his left arm, a scratch had already appeared on the arm, and blood was leaking from there.

"you you……"

"Don't come here..." Yan Yunzhi held the sword, UU reading www.uukanshu.com retreated backward.

A fierceness flashed in Shi Weiyang's eyes. He walked towards the opponent, stretched out his clothes and opened his chest, revealing his chest: "Come on." He strode over, "I want you today!"

"Go away!"

Yan Yunzhi screamed and swung his sword. After all, there was reason in her mind. The sword only pierced halfway, and she didn’t dare to pierce the opponent, but the sword light also passed by Shi Weiyang’s eyes. Shi Weiyang was striding away, shaking his head, too. Shocked in a cold sweat, his right hand slammed out.

A sound of "pop" resounded on Yan Yunzhi's face.

At this moment, both of them were stunned.

Yan Yunzhi's face was beaten to one side, and her hair covered her profile. There was no response for a while. Shi Weiyang gasped for a while, "huh, huh" and gasped for a while, staring at Yan Yunzhi fiercely, before leaving again. In the past: "Yan Yunzhi, if you don't follow me today, I will let your family get out of Jiangning..."

In his heart, he only thought that Yan Yunzhi had been beaten up, but the next moment, Yan Yunzhi's figure changed, and the sword in his hand stabbed forward. Shi Weiyang staggered and withdrew towards the rear, only to see the body of the opposite girl standing upright at this moment, holding the sword forward with her right hand and her left hand on her back, but it was the standard starting style of Tan Gongjian.

This Tan Gongjian is said to be the sword of assassination, but the sword in it is imitated the knight in "The Assassin's Biography". Yan Yunzhi had no intention of killing her future husband just now, but at this moment, the girl under the moonlight had her lips pressed tightly, her eyes were cold, her body was standing upright, but she had already revealed something that she could not reach in practice. The spirit is coming.

Shi Weiyang's chest rises and falls, and his martial arts is not low, but at this time, despite his alcoholic nature, he didn't dare to pounce on it for a while.

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