Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 68: Run away (below)

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The two confronted each other in the yard.

After a while, Jin Yongsheng, Yan Jiayan Tiehe, the big treasurers of the "king of equality" in the house, and others were all disturbed and rushed over.

Seeing this chaos, Jin Yongsheng, Yan Tiehe and others were naturally separated and confronted first, asking the ins and outs of the matter. It's just that Yan Yunzhi and Shi Weiyang refused to speak. At this moment, people outside the yard were spying and whispering in private. At the moment, they had no choice but to reassure them temporarily, trying to make things smaller.

In fact, Jin Yongsheng, Yan Tiehe and others have experienced worldly affairs for a long time. Seeing the faces and states of the two confronting each other, they can guess what happened from the slight movements that are revealed-it is not complicated. . .

But this matter can be big or small.

If Baofeng is really willing to marry the Yan family as the "king of equality", the young people's fight will be nothing. At most, they will benefit from the Yan family in the future business. And if this happens The marriage really couldn't end, and the Yan family wanted to make trouble with this, so the Shi family naturally had to prepare another response.

But these matters are only convenient for negotiation in private. No one is willing to put such a scandal in front of a crowd of onlookers. The reputation of Yan's daughter is certainly damaged, and when Shi Weiyang bullies her daughters in this kind of conference, it is definitely not a problem that can be solved by a few words of "love affair" after the trouble.

At this time, Weiyang's arm was bleeding, and Yan Yunzhi was slapped in the face, which was extremely insulting, but fortunately, the real damage was not too big. A few people calmed down with a tacit understanding, and persuaded everyone outside the courtyard to disperse. Jin Yongsheng dragged Shi Weiyang away first, and Yan Tiehe relieved Yan Yunzhi more.

"The son of Shi...in the past few days to greet guests, greet and greet them, and after being drunk, it is indeed wrong to do such things. But after all, after drinking... some things, you might as well wait for him. After waking up, I will ask him again...In fact, people are in the rivers and lakes, and in many cases it is inevitable to be involuntary. After all, he is young..."

So and so, some comfort. Yan Yunzhi was cold and did not speak, and nodded after a while.

"I see. Second Uncle, I have to apply medicine tonight, so go back to sleep first."

"You..." Yan Tiehe still wanted to persuade.

Yan Yunzhi said: "Second Uncle, I am the daughter of the Yan family, what else can be done. Come back."

When the two said this, Yan Tiehe nodded helplessly, turned to leave, and said before leaving: "Relax on this matter, and you will surely seek justice for you next."


The second uncle left the yard.

Yan Yunzhi stood under the dim lantern for a while, before turning his eyes back to the room quietly.

She sat in front of the mirror and looked at the side face that had been beaten. She touched the wrist that had been pinched out before. She was silent for a while before turning around to find a black suit suitable for night travel from her luggage, and found some silver pairs. , A few pieces of necessary clothing, put up a small baggage.

Blowing out the oil lamp in the room, she sat quietly in front of the window, looking through a crevice, observing the condition of the secret whistle outside.

The Juxian's residence was peaceful and quiet, as if everyone had already fallen asleep.

But Yan Yunzhi knew that there were a lot of secret whistles in this area, and the main function was to prevent outsiders from coming in and making trouble. They usually wouldn't control the actions of guests in the museum, but at this moment, maybe the second uncle had already greeted them. In addition, after experiencing the previous events, if he sneaked out and was seen by them, he would definitely notify Wei Yang and Jin Yongsheng at that time.

She must wait for a while, until the secret whistle outside feels that she has fallen asleep before she can act.

Shi Weiyang is not a good match. At this moment, Yan Yunzhi, who had not had much affection for him, has given up on him. Thinking of the whispers of the group of onlookers before, she could no longer tolerate herself staying here.

Leave this Juxian residence, go to Jiangning City, kill Li Yanfeng, or find the Southwestern boy who has tainted her innocence, and die with him!

She made up her mind and waited quietly in the darkness for a deeper night to come, waiting for the opportunity to come.

But the opportunity came earlier than she thought.

Not long afterwards, arrows and fireworks that sent messages suddenly rose from the north of the originally quiet city, and then a faint flame rose.

An inexplicable riot was gradually rising in the distance of the city. The commotion there lasted for a while. Every guest in this Juxianju was also awakened. Some people ran across the lanes between the courtyards, sending messages, more People began to gather outside, inquiring about what happened.

Yan Yunzhi quietly opened the window and rushed out silently like a black raccoon. Tan Gong's swordsmanship is good at assassination and concealment. At this time, she sneaked cautiously from the Juxian's house to the outside, to the outside, and slightly changed her costume, mixed with the crowd watching the lively, and directly took the pass token to go out the gate.

To the north of the city, the commotion is continuing to expand, and the people's ears are vaguely heard saying: "'The King of Yama' Zhou Shang is crazy. Thousands of people are dispatched, and they will kill everybody..."

She stayed in the Juxian Pavilion for several days without going out. She didn't expect the situation in Jiangning City to be so crazy. But at this moment, he couldn't control so much. When he walked out of the street in Zhong'anfang, Yan Yunzhi tightened his clothes, held the dagger, and walked in the opposite direction to the commotion. The most urgent task is to find a suitable place to stay. She has had the experience of settling down in the wilderness, but in such a city, she is still a little nervous and unfamiliar.

But at this moment, there are no more choices.

Li Yanfeng...

Long Aotian...

just wait……

As for Shi Weiyang, who had just been frivolous, she had been left behind at this moment, and she never wanted to think of it again.


The wind is violent.

To the east of Jiangning, when a little-known girl named Yan Yunzhi walked out of the "King of Equality"'s Juxian Residence, one of the two people in her mind, the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng who came from Tongshan was standing at this moment. On the roof of a house in the north of the city, I watched a group of people waving fired clay flasks at the street not far away, shouting at the situation of arson at the surrounding buildings. The clay flask hit the house and immediately burned.

The chaotic rush is spreading on the streets.

Yesterday morning, Lin Zongwu, the old master of martial arts here, was hailed as the world’s number one martial artist. He defeated Zhou and Shang’s five-sided ring with a strong stance under the eyes of everyone. The arrogance of the Yama King in the city. Unexpectedly, it was only midnight in the evening, and several batches of swordsmen belonging to the "king of Yama" launched crazy attacks on the "king of runners" in many sites in the city.

In the daytime, it was a one-to-four arena competition. At night, Zhou Shang brazenly provoked a frenzied rally on the scale of thousands of people, and they did not pay attention to the bottom line of public security and the basic tacit understanding in the city.

On the roof, Li Yanfeng watched this scene, his heart trembled slightly and his blood was boiling.

He is also a generation of heroes fighting from the bottom. In the past, others talked about the difficulties of fair party. Of course he took it seriously, but this time when he came to Jiangning, it is inevitable that there will be a kind of strong dragon who wants to break with the local snake. The urge to break the wrist. But after all, I didn’t expect that, as a member of the fair party, this "Yam King" is such a cruel role. The leader of Lin relied on martial arts to fight his face in the ring. He would spend hundreds of lives and lives that night. Sprinkle blood directly here.

"The one who is in charge is'Heaven Kill' Wei Zhuwen." Tan Zheng, the "Heaven Sword" who came from the rear, stepped onto the roof and stood with Li Yanfeng.

Li Yanfeng said: "Where is this person? I will meet him for a while?"

"I can't find it." Tan Zheng shook his head. "This man is cruel and decisive, but he doesn't feel good about doing things. He is arranging in the rear, fighting with others and will not stand in the front... Other people in the city are also moving. It’s going to be chaotic tonight, so let’s fight back these desperate things first. I'll go first, what about Brother Li's decision?"

"Go together." Li Yanfeng smiled and picked up the iron rod beside him.

"Just know Brother Li Junior Hero. Go!"

Tan Zheng laughed, and the two of them got off the roof and waved their hands. The surrounding figures were given orders, and they rushed forward while shouting.

Riots and fights are expanding in the city.

Wei Zhuwen’s attack on the north of the city seemed to have lighted the fuse. At this moment, the rest of the scattered forces in the city, who were eating together under the banner of "Yam King", also lit up flames after a long time of bewilderment. , Picked up a knife and gun, and launched an attack on the sites of other forces nearby and even the wealthy ordinary people in their homes.

Some squares have closed their roads relying on the barricades built earlier. In the city, the law enforcement team under the "King of Fairness" began to control the situation, but it was naturally unable to control the situation in a short time. He Wen's "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo personally dispatched to look for Wei Zhuwen, but at a short while, it was basically. No trace of this initiator can be found.

The flames lit up in the city.

Another enemy that Yan Yunzhi never forgets, Xiaoxia Long Aotian, who is also the initiator of some things, only received his first nickname for stepping into the rivers and lakes not long ago. At this moment, he is sitting stupidly in the darkness on the roof. Looking at this chaotic scene in a daze.

If time goes back a few hours and substitutes for him at noon today, he will be extremely excited at this moment. He will run around enthusiastically, checking the excitement or the heroes, or... because of the excitement in the morning, he will Plan to kill a certain fair party boss altogether, and then leave a name on the wall to make his name.

But at this moment, many thoughts seem to disappear...

That incident is obviously false, who wrote it on the newsprint...

Obviously, I killed bad guys and dog officials in Tongshan County, and left a very handsome message, where is the indecent girl...

What's so indecent about that ugly girl...

In his life, Xiao Aotian, who thought he had only been assaulted by women, was extremely wronged. He could already think of the situation when this name fell into the ears of those acquaintances. Just like the little bald head two days ago, he was very domineering and said to him. Report Long Aotian’s name if it’s troublesome, what should he do now, what will he look like when he hears these news... The most troublesome thing is Southwest. Once this information is passed back, his father and brother are dumbfounded, he can already imagine, as for The others laughed...

The reason why he came out to be a chivalrous man is that he hopes that one day he will get a big name, so that the people in his hometown will forget the embarrassment he was playing with by Yu Xiaoer. The title is directly on the newsprint...

Who wrote it, kill his family...

This is the first time in his life that the little knight who has been on the battlefield and killed a lot of Jurchen soldiers encountered such a dilemma. He heard the riots outside. He climbed on the roof and watched, wandering in a muddle-headed manner. Almost crying.

The name Long Aotian can no longer be used...

But if you don’t use this name...

The riots in the distance are still spreading. He sat on the roof where he didn't know where he was, with mixed feelings, and sometimes gritted his teeth. Thinking of the newsprint in my heart, I will first find the location of the newsprint tomorrow. I used to pick out the person who wrote the article and ate him bite by bite!

My heart was burning with anger.

At some point, in the street below the house, six or seven members of the "Yam King" holding torches and flags came over here loudly, and they saw a lone house facing the street and started whizzing past. Knock on the door, smash the reinforced windows and walls inside.


"Come out, come out..."

"This is the territory of'Yama King'..."

"Come out to hand over..."

"Hahahaha, who can hide..."

Several people found a piece of wood and began to slam the door forcefully. The people inside were holding the wooden door against the door. Women's calls and crying had already been heard, and the people here were even more excited, laughing.

"Come out! Come out..."

"Otherwise, set fire to the house..."

"Come out to make the men cool..."

The crowd was reveling, and the people with torches had already begun to try to light the windows. During this joy, the figure of the young man walked out of the darkness. Due to some problems, his mood was not high at the moment, and his eyes turned gray. : "Hello." He yelled.

A few people were caring about themselves, so the boy had to shout again as he walked forward: "Hey, your mother is dead..."

Someone noticed this figure: "What?"


Two or three of them greeted them, and the others looked over, and when they saw the appearance of the young man, they sneered a little and prepared to continue smashing the door.

"You shouldn't do this."

"I'm going to you..." One person reached out and grabbed it. This hand fell on the boy's collar, and the boy's left hand was also directly squeezed up, pinched his palm, and then turned over with the right hand. The fist screamed and hit the man's face.

The human body swayed in the air, and then he was thrown into the **** and debris on the side of the road. There was a rumbling noise. Everyone here hardly reacted. The boy had already picked up a stick. Hit the second person's calf twisted inward.

"Me! Follow! You! People! Say! No! Fuck! Do this—"

The young man wielded a wooden club. At this moment, it was like a tiger erupting in the dark, showing his teeth fiercely. He rushed into the crowd, swinging the club frantically, hitting people on the ground and rolling them with a knife. Interrupting his hand, he kicked the "Yam King" members who had fallen to the ground again, ran around, and threw them into a pile after knocking them over.

"People! Nothing! Annoy you!"

"Why are you! Go knock on someone's door!"

"You things!"


"I don't know what to do--"

"Why mess up--"

"The dirty man is innocent--"

He took the stick and beat the crowd, swearing bitterly. At this moment, most of these "King of Yama" men were interrupted, clutching their heads and getting beaten. Some people vomited blood and tried to sign up.

"I'm... under the command of'King Yama'..."

"... There is a kind of leaving a name..."

"...Big man..."

After the sound was heard, he didn't dare to say it any more. The young man played restrained for a while, stopped swinging his stick, and stared at these people with red eyes.

"Leave a name..."


"Little Master..."

He hesitated for a moment, then flew up and kicked again.

"Little Master is the legendary Wu..."

"Leader of Martial Arts! Long Aotian—"

As if he had made up his mind, he yelled from his mouth: "You gangsters remember, if you dare to do evil again, I will kill you one by one."

The young man’s voice pierced the street. At this moment, he really didn’t believe it.

When his fame reaches Jiang Ning, he will not believe those fools and women, and he will be fooled by a piece of newsprint!

At this moment, he thought so. In any case, the clear will clear themselves and will never surrender!


Due to the commotion in the north of the city at night, Yan Tiehe, who was asleep and regained, went to the small courtyard where Yan Yunzhi lived again due to his anxiety and knocked on the door to check. Soon after, he rushed into the home of Jin Yongsheng, the treasurer, and smashed the table in front of him with a cold expression.

"...The rumors in Tongshan County are nothing but nonsense..."

"My Yan family came to Jiangning, and I have always followed the rules and treated each other with courtesy, but such things can happen..."

"If something happens to Yunzhi... Even though Yan Jiabao is a small householder, he still has the backbone to bend and not bend--"

Jin Yongsheng kept apologizing, and then arranged for someone to go out to chase Yan Yunzhi. After a while, after dismissing Yan Tiehe, he walked into the courtyard bedroom where Shi Weiyang was with a gloomy face, and directly let him wake up Shi Weiyang with a cold towel, and then asked him to wash his face and drink sober soup.

Soon after, Shi Weiyang woke up temporarily. He did not lose his temper at the respected Jin Yongsheng, but sat on the side of the bed and recalled what happened.

"I have reminded you a long time ago." Jin Yongsheng said in a low voice, "If you want to play with a woman, you have to spend money. The flowers that should be spent are not a big deal. Now in this world, you want to play with a woman... but you have to use it. Strong, is the girl of the Yan family more sweet? This time the guests are more comfortable to play? You have a brain once, do you know how much money your father wants? How much is the Yan family worth? You are helping your father The face is long, or is it here to smash the scene?"

"Uncle Yong, I was wrong." Shi Weiyang rubbed his hands on his face, "I am... **** drunk too much and got up... I just think that Thief Y can play, why should I... …"

"Your brain is broken?" Jin Yongsheng cursed, "How many women can measure things about fighting the world? Not to mention that Tongshan's things may be rumours. Even if it is true, you have to give her some money to marry her. The sweetness of the year! The Yan family’s things are in your hands, what can you do with a woman! Be patient when you have to, and the overall situation is important, you forgot what your father taught you!?"

"Uncle Yong, I was wrong, I won't be like this again." Shi Weiyang shook his head, "Then...what can I do now? The Yan family... will really leave?"

"Of course it can only be remedied now."

"But between me and that... Girl Yan... it's like this... I apologize, can I go there..." Shi Weiyang rubbed his forehead in distress.

Jin Yongsheng was silent for a moment: "...It's like this. The girls are gone. Even if they come back, of course, most of them don't look down on you. Although Shi and Yan cooperate, whether this marriage contract can be negotiated, but after all There are many more variables...I have sent someone to find..."

"Then find her..."

"Find her, secretly buckle it down, what about you..." Jin Yongsheng glanced at him, "What about you, get what you want, cook her well, cook the raw rice, and then... treat this girl well Point. Then bring her back... In such a thing, as long as the scene can pass, you have to marry if she doesn't marry... Now this is the safest way."

Speaking of the words in the room, Shi Weiyang's eyes lit up: "Uncle Jin is still good... this way..."

"Don't flatter, get people back, don't have any more extravagances, what should I do to women, don't I need to teach you?"

When he said this, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was telling a joke. Shi Weiyang also laughed: "Of course not, I save it, Uncle Jin, this matter is my fault, I will take full responsibility. The Yan family girl...how long have you been away?"

"I guess it's almost an hour."

"Find someone as soon as possible. While she may not be far away, I will summon people and chase after her personally."

It was still early morning, the sky was lonely, and the riots in the north of the city continued. When Shi Weiyang put on his clothes, he wanted to call people out. For his appearance, Jin Yongsheng did not stop him. The children of the Shi family will be tested after all. No matter what the purpose is, it is a good thing to be motivated to do things.

At this moment, Yan Yunzhi walked towards the southern end of the city, in the darkness, cognizing this chaotic city.

Ning Ji began to beat chaotic and out-of-control fair party members on the street, preparing to promote the name "Long Aotian, the lord of the martial arts league" with ten times the power.

Yan Tiehe and Shi Weiyang both brought their hands and came out of Juxian's Residence, looking for Yan Yunzhi's trace in this dark night.

The city is still noisy in the dark.

Xu Zhaonan watched all this quietly in the high palace.

From the second day after the "Roller King" entered the city, the struggle of the five major lines entered a new stage. The relatively calm deadlock broke open at the moment when most people thought it was not enough to start fighting...

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