Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 69: Xiao Xiucai

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On the afternoon of August 16th, everyone was talking about Wufangxi being taken over by the leader of the Great Light. The people around her were filled with righteous indignation and murderous air, and she felt that things were going out of control.

I couldn't sleep well at night.

In the early hours of the morning, the roar roared, and the people in the broken yard and the broken house called one by one. Some picked up spears and long knives, and someone lit a torch. She followed and got up, shaking a lot. Wearing some torn clothes, looking for a wooden stick, trying to show his courage.

Fortunately, Mrs. Huo waved her hand: "You stay at home and don't go out. Take care of yourself."

Men and women with knives and guns gathered in the yard, and some people said, "You don't go there, little scholar..."

Aunt Huo's name is Huo Qinghua. She is a tall, middle-aged woman with scars on her face. It is said that she used to look a little pretty, but when the Jurchen came, she caught her. Lost his face. Later, he joined the Fair Party and became a member of the "White Rakshasa" in the "Seven Kills". Now he is the helm of this broken courtyard.

The fairness party is now chaotic.

In the whole of Jiangnan, nowadays, some big and small forces will play their own flags, but half of them are not true fair party members. For example, the "Seven Kills" under the command of "Yan Luowang", the basic unity of the initial entry is attributed to the "Mayfly" line. After the assessment, the "Heaven Kill", "Impermanence", "Abi Yuan Tu" and " There are six major divisions, “White Raksha”, “Karma”, “Karma”, etc. However, in fact, due to the rapid development of the “Yama King” branch, there are now many random flags. As long as they have some strength, they are also Absorbed casually.

Huo Qinghua's side belongs to the authentic "White Luosha" branch. The dilapidated courtyard is messy and messy. The people gathered at this time are not much in the jumble of fish and dragons in Jiangning, but the surrounding forces will give some face.

The so-called authentic "White Rakshasa" are "professionals" who cooperate with the "karma" department. Generally speaking, the fairness party occupies one place, and the “Karma” branch presides over the arrest and conviction of the “Yama King” side.

The "karma" set up the stage, and the "White Rakshasa" played the role of the victim, inciting the emotions of the surrounding people, so that the wealthy family under trial would be directly killed on the stage and divided up the property. Therefore, the "White Rakshasa" In one group, many beggars, women, and disabled persons with miserable destiny were gathered. These people have fierce personalities and extreme methods. Not only do they not fall behind when they harm people, but they are so real that they are also fierce. Not afraid of death, very difficult.

"Little Xiucai" is Qu Longjun's nickname in this broken courtyard.

After the Chengdu Conference last year, a girl named Qu Longjun left the southwest.

Although she probably understands that the situation in the southwest is the most peaceful now, in her heart, there is after all the grudge that her father died in Xiaocanghe. She no longer hates that black flag, but she can't bear to be so peacefully. Living in Chengdu, after all, if your father is alive in the sky, maybe he will still be a little unhappy, right?

The place she was most familiar with during her entire growth period, after all, was in Jiangnan.

After Wen Shoubin's death, the remaining property was applied for by the Long Xiaoxia and returned to her hands. In addition to the silver two, there are also several industries located in the south of the Yangtze River. Any one of them is actually enough for her. The weak woman has spent half of her life.

She followed the Hua Xia Army's motorcade out of the southwest and learned some skills in closing accounts. Under the face of Aunt Gu, the Hua Xia Army team that went outside for business also taught her a lot of skills for survival outside. After traveling with him for half a year, he really said goodbye and came to the south of the Yangtze River.

She knew that her appearance was too weak and bullying, so she pretended to be a beggar most of the time along the way, and put a piece of burned dead skin on one side of her cheek as a disguise, and walked low-key. . The skills learned from the Huaxia Army Caravan saved her from some troubles, but sometimes she was still unavoidably noticed by other beggars. Fortunately, she learned some simple breathing methods during the six months following the caravan. , Running every day, the speed of escape is not slow.

There were no dangers in this way, and it was fortunate to have traveled two to three thousand miles, but the whole Jiangnan has been killed by the fair party.

When she arrived in Jiangning more than two months ago, she had already understood that the land deeds and house deeds that she had originally belonged to Wen Shoubin were probably beyond count. She walked forward for a while, but before she reached Zhenjiang, she was about to turn around. When she arrived near Jiangning, she was stripped of her baggage by a thief, and she had to change from acting as a beggar to a real beggar.

During this period, he was chased by beggars and once blocked in the alleyway. When he could no longer run away, Qu Longjun took out his pocket knife to defend himself. Later he was about to commit suicide. Huo Qinghua happened to be seen by Huo Qinghua and rescued her. After coming down, joined the "Broken Yard".

Huo Qinghua said, mainly to appreciate her determination when she committed suicide.

Most people gathered in the courtyard were people with extreme temperaments. Qu Longjun was extremely scared when he first joined. Many people tried to bully her, but Huo Qinghua stopped them. She tried to do miscellaneous work in this broken courtyard, but the situation really improved after these people found out that she was literate.

There are five children in the broken yard. They were born in such an environment without much discipline. Qu Longjun once tried to teach them literacy. Later, Huo Qinghua asked her to help take care of these matters, and she would also bring some newsprint every day. If everyone gathers together, let Qu Longjun help them read the book. The story will relieve everyone's boredom.

In the courtyard of "Bai Luosha", there is not a single literate person. Although the life is messy, no one says to do something for the children. What they say is mostly self-defeating words, but when Qu Longjun After doing these things, she also found that although everyone didn't mention it, no one made trouble for her anymore. Later, she read newspapers day by day, and she became a "little scholar" as her title among these people.

Sometimes people would take her to see when they went out to "play big business", or they would bring her some smashed gold and silver artifacts when they came back. Qu Longjun secretly hid it and prepared to have a good life one day. A reliable and reliable way to leave here secretly.

Although these people in the yard did not hurt her, Qu Longjun still felt disgusted and repelled by the things they did, such as killing the whole family with various lies and deceptions. Although there are many strange sayings inside these people, such as "Although these people didn't do these bad things, we kill him, we can always have a killing effect on those who do bad things", but this kind of reason will never pass. Qu Longjun's measurement here.

Of course, other people are interested in discussing such fallacies, and she dare not refute it directly.

After staying in the southwest and experiencing the propaganda that women can hold up half the sky, Qu Longjun had a good impression of the fair party, but at this time, only confusion and fear were left.

Huo Qinghua sometimes talks about the changes of the Fair Party over the past year or so.

Although she is in the most radical faction of the Fair Party, she still feels a little disdainful of the mixed and muddled situation of these days.

For example, "Bai Luosha" was originally created in the early days of Zhou Shang to use fake and real scams to do things well. It was to make the law enforcement team on the side of the "fair king" have nothing to say and make the world "nothing." Words can be said" and established. Their "scam" should be quite perfect, so that people can't notice that it is a fake. However, with the development of the year, the conviction on the "Yam King" side has gradually become an extremely common routine.

No matter how clumsy the accusations and performances were on stage, and the people in the audience didn't believe it at all, they would pick up bricks, smash people to death, and rob them. In this way, the performance of "White Rakshasa" became a dispensable thing, and even after everyone went on beating and looting in the name of "Yam King", they simply buckled the black pot back here. Saying that the Yama King killed innocents in this way, the reputation here is getting worse.

This kind of thing is getting worse. Huo Qinghua and others don’t know if it’s good or bad, but occasionally she will sigh that “the world is going downhill” and “people’s minds are not old”. If all the “White Rakshas” are acting seriously. , So people can't make mistakes, why so many people say bad things here.

They considered themselves to be "craftsmen" who eat handicrafts, and even wanted to teach these skills to Qu Longjun, but after seeing Qu Longjun's resistance to the stage, they finally let her go.

Recently, the situation in Jiangning City has gradually become tense, but the wealthy have already been killed almost. Huo Qinghua and others are actually considering leaving, but such determination has not yet come down. In the early morning of August 17, this The clues of the conflagration have already appeared. With the order of the "God Killer" Wei Zhuwen, thousands of swordsmen attacked the site of the "Roller King", and everyone in the city who was carrying the banner of the "Yam King" also chose to take the opportunity one after another. Shot to grab the site.

As an authentic branch of the "White Rakshasa", even though there are not many people on the Poyuan side, it cannot be left behind in this matter.

The crowd gathered for a while, and went out screaming. Most of the people who stayed in the broken yard were old, weak, sick and disabled. Qu Longjun took a stick and hid in the darkness in the corner of the wall. She guarded it nervously for a long time. She knew that this kind of rush would pay the price, if you hit others, they would come over unscrupulously.

Fortunately, what happened this evening was ultimately the revenge led by the "king of Yama", and the counterattack from the "king of runners" did not arrive. About an hour later, Huo Qinghua came back with people shouting and drinking. Several people were injured and needed to be bandaged. One woman was seriously injured and broke a hand, crying and howling endlessly.

Qu Longjun learned to dress up, healed people sensibly, and listened to the people. It turned out that not long after the rush here began, the law enforcement team of "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo arrived nearby and drove them back. A group of people didn't occupy the remote place, cursing and saying that Fu Pingbo could not die. But Qu Longjun breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, he finally had an explanation to him.

Time was approaching dawn, and it was when the darkness was at its thickest. The fighting outside was slightly weakened. Presumably, the law enforcement team on the "Fair King" side was gradually calming down the situation.

Among the five major branches of the Fair Party, it is said that the situation on the "King of Fairness" side is slightly better. They circled a small area on the northwest side of the city. The damage in it was slightly smaller than that of the outside. There were not many cases of fighting. The territory of the "King of Equality" in the southeast is far from each other, making them the two most prosperous areas in the city. But for people from other factions, the "King of Fairness" has many rules, "superiority", and "no control". Law enforcement teams are always sent to tell other people. The most important thing is that "wealth and wealth are in danger." There are fewer opportunities than the other factions, so if it weren't for the family, there are not many who want to join there recently.

If you choose to make short-term profit, ordinary people will follow the "king of Yama" Zhou Shang, all the way, if you believe in religion, you can also choose Xu Zhaonan, who is powerful and believes in protecting your body; and if you are focusing on the long-term, the "king of equality" Baofeng has extensive contacts and the most resources. His target is the heart demon in the southwest, which is very promising in the eyes of everyone. As for the "Gao Tianwang", he has strict military discipline and strong soldiers. Now the troubled times are coming, this is also the most direct thing to rely on for a long time. Strength.

As for the King of Justice, it is annoying. At least in the eyes of the people on the broken yard, it is almost out of date. Sooner or later, you have to find a way to break the place and pull out those things that are rich and unkind and whose eyes are above the top. "once.

In the atmosphere of cursing and cursing, the people who originally stayed here walked up and down. After healing, some people cooked meat porridge to give these people who went out to fight. The woman who had broken her hand was placed in a room on the side of the yard. Although she had been treated for her wounds, she might not be ideal and was wailing. The crowd sat in the yard listening to the wailing voice, and said something like this for a while, and the sky gradually brightened.

"Little Xiucai." Wanyun, who was the most beautiful and demure in the crowd, and the most cruel temperament in fact, opened her mouth, "Take out a few pieces of newsprint from yesterday and read for us to relieve our boredom."

"Oh, good." Qu Longjun nodded.

She usually reads the news paper before dinner in the afternoon. Yesterday, because of the Wufang ring being beaten, everyone scolded for a long time and shouted for revenge. The new newspapers did not read. Qu Longjun took out the newspapers. , Sit in front of everyone and start reading.

The newsprint circulated on the Fair Party’s side does not record much news. Most of them are various stories and green forest legends from other places. There are also scripts from the southwest that are printed here again, and there are some vulgar jokes—anyway. Qu Longjun read it for a while, and everyone laughed. Someone said: "Read it louder, I can't hear it clearly."

Qu Longjun also read a little louder.

The reason why everyone felt "inaudible" was not that she did not read loud enough, but that the wailing of the woman who had broken her hand on the side of the yard continued. Everyone had no choice but to do nothing but listen here. Laughing forward and backwards at the story.

After reading the two newspapers in this way, I turned to the third one. The wailing in the side room gradually diminished. Sometimes, when some confused words were spoken, those voices echoed in the morning wind.


"It hurts..."

"My baby, darling...ah..."

"I was wrong..."

"It hurts me... mother... daddy..."

The woman who broke her hand is over forty years old, and her parents are already dead. These wailing sounds are so hoarse that the last "ah" in each sentence must be stretched for a long time until the breath in her throat is broken. Stop. Qu Longjun was sad when she heard it. She knew that she had to leave as soon as possible. "The King of Yama" went to play the site of "The King of Wheels" tonight. Wouldn't the "King of Wheels" have to come back the next day.

Thinking of this, I was mindful of a piece of news about Tongshan on the newsprint.

"...This demon, with high martial arts skills, is surrounded by a lot of... kidnapped the female son of Yanjiapu... and later left her name..."

"...This demon is known as a five-foot YIN demon... Dragon... Dragon..."

When she read this, she paused slightly without realizing anything, but after a while, she glanced at the newsprint again.

Everyone was talking.

"...What YIN demon?"

"...Shameless, that shameless YIN demon..."

"...What is the female son of Yanjiapu, it's not so good..."

"...According to me, when you meet a man like this, you should give him to..."

"...It hurts me...my mother...my father..."

"……Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed, and then began to discuss various ways to deal with such prostitutes...

The light in the morning gradually increased, and everyone who had listened to the newsprint gradually dispersed and returned to their place to rest. Huo Qinghua arranged a patrol and rested in the room. The woman wailing on the side of the yard gradually became silent. , She was dying, lying on a broken mat, only a faint breath remained. If someone listened to her ears in the past, all she could hear was the wailing of the single hanging.

"It hurts... mother..."

"I'm leaving... I'm leaving..."

Qu Longjun took the newsprint and sat in the yard. When he finally walked to this room, he went in and closed his eyes for the woman. That name still flashed in his mind.

Long Aotian...

How did he get to Tongshan...

Tongshan...Where is...

In the morning, Fu Pingbo, the "Long Xian" who is now in charge of Jiangning fair party security and law, summoned all parties including "Heavenly Kill" Wei Zhuwen and "Roller King" Xu Zhaonan to begin accountability and negotiations. Zhu Wen said that he did not know what happened in the early hours of the morning. It was because some violent fair party members were dissatisfied with the so-called "Master of the Great Bright Church" Lin Zongwu and took spontaneous revenge. He wanted to arrest these. People, but these people have fled outside the city, and said that if Fu Pingbo has evidence of these people's crimes, he can catch them for punishment.

On the other hand, Xu Zhaonan said that Lin Zongwu is a respected and unparalleled master of martial arts. He is highly respected, coupled with his martial arts, he cannot stop what he wants to do. If Fu Pingbo has any dissatisfaction with his style of work , You can talk to him in person. He can't manage it anyway.

Both the "King Gao Tian" and the "King of Equality" did not have any opinion on the fire that broke out last night. They supported Fu Pingbo's arrest and punishment, and at the same time warned Lin Zongwu not to continue chaos here. But Xu Zhaonan's status is higher than them, and he dismissed such warnings.

It was also that morning, after the fruitless negotiations ended, Lin Zongwu released the news that he would embark on the high-level "millions of soldiers and horses" within three days.

The atmosphere in the city suddenly became more tense and solemn, and a visible storm was already gathering.

But it's nothing more than fire. Everyone is mentally prepared and no one is afraid.

After a busy night, Ning Ji slept in the inn until noon.

For some reasons that he himself did not want to think about and admit, he did not plan to give up the name "Long Aotian" anyway, so last night, he beat many people.


Thousands of miles away in the southwest, Ning Yi and Ning Xi, who had spent the Mid-Autumn Festival in Zhangcun, were sitting in a carriage to Chengdu for work. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Father, say, where is the second brother now?"

"Who knows this kind of thing, it's fine if you don't die outside..." Ning Yi sighed.

"We all guessed that he must have gone to Jiangning. With Xiao Ji's martial arts, he can't suffer a big loss. Don't worry, dad." Ning Xi is more optimistic, "Maybe he is about to make a name for himself now. I really envy you. what……"

"Maybe all the names in the family have been defeated by him." Ning Yi rolled his eyes. Of course, this is just the old father's habitual ridicule, and he still has confidence in the martial arts and character of his second son.

As for the fact that he also dispatched manpower in Jiangning, he didn't need to talk too much to his eldest son.

"In this way, the second brother will be the first person in the family to return to Jiangning. In fact, over the years, the mother and the uncles of the Su family have said that they will go back to the old house one day."

Ning Xi sighed, Ning Yi thought for a while, but did not answer. He often missed Jiang Ning's condition in his heart. According to past information, although the old house had experienced several military disasters, it was actually preserved. .

After a while, Ning Xi moved away from the sad topic: "...Father, going back this time, my mother said that when you came out from Zhangcun last time, she asked you to bring a roast chicken."

"Is there?" Ning Yi asked with a frown.

"Yes." Ning Xi held her chin with her hands on the opposite side and stared at her father's eyes.

"I don't remember these little things clearly." Ning Yi held the document in his hand and responded calmly, "...Don't talk about this, you have something wrong with it..."

"Father, you can't do this..."

"Listen to me first. As for whether it makes sense, you can think about it carefully... Look at the first one here..."

The big sunlight shone on the newly built road, and the carriage galloped forward with the dust raised.

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