Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1~7? How can the mayfly be comparable to the heavens and the earth and all the elephants g


On August 17, after half a night of commotion, the atmosphere in the city was deadly.

In the afternoon, the news that Lin Zongwu would challenge the "Millions of Soldiers and Horses" in the next few days was uploaded from the site of the "Roller King". In the next half day, it flooded the city's discussion circles.

On the one hand, people admire the master of Lin’s martial arts, and on the other hand they have already felt the dominance of the "runner" Xu Zhaonan. After experiencing a night of raids by Zhou Shang forces, not only did they not consider closing their hands, but also continued to challenge the rest of the forces, including Zhou Shang. In other words, the fire has been lit, and the next step will be It is almost impossible to go out again.

Some well-informed people have also heard the news. On this afternoon, the scale of the "runner king" force members outside Jiangning City has been significantly increased by beating gongs and drums into the city. Xu Zhaonan has clearly begun to shake flag. At the same time, the "Yam King" forces that entered the west of the city have also increased on a large scale. After the large-scale fight in the early morning, Wei Zhuwen also began to call people.

All the cities in the city occupied by the forming forces have begun to increase their defenses on a large scale. Some of the retail investors in the city who have come to "golden" are panicked and are already planning to escape outside the city. Of course, more desperadoes feel that the time is coming. At that point, they began to sharpen their swords and prepare to make a big vote, or to make a name for themselves, or to make a fortune, and more often people hope to have both.

From time to time, naturally, some people sigh for the "destroy of the world" and "the collapse of order".

Some people mentioned the "fair king" law enforcement team running around the city, and the "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo's efforts to convene all parties to negotiate. Of course, it turned out to be a farce in the end. . Neither Wei Zhuwen nor Xu Zhaonan gave him any face. The main force on the side of "God Killer" was arranged to leave the city after finishing the work. When Fu Pingbo called the two parties, they had already gone far away. Xu Zhaonan, push everything onto the master Lin, and let Fu Pingbo go to the other party and say that Fu Pingbo naturally didn't dare.

These specific messages were quickly spread after being added, and the details appeared rich.

At the moment when the other four kings each showed their magical powers, the so-called "just king" can only hold on to the deficiencies, repair and mend things, and have no enterprising will, and even the troublemakers have no choice. When everyone in the city talked about it, they couldn't help but ridicule, feeling that the "King of Justice" was really powerless about the situation in the city.

In an atmosphere of discussion and killing, the light of the day was condensed and night fell. Various factions have stepped up patrols on their own territories, and the law enforcement teams belonging to the "King of Fairness" are also patrolling some relatively neutral territories, and some passively maintain law and order.

People hold their breath and wait for the next rush...

At midnight.

Near a deserted village more than 20 miles south of Jiangning city, a group of people gathered silently and gathered at the predetermined location.

In the village not far away, there was a bonfire burning. Some figures of people from the rivers and lakes gathered around the bonfire. Some had fallen asleep, and some were still playing.

In the nearby mountains, there were some fine and broken sounds.

"Report to Master Fu that the outer secret whistle has been removed..."

Responsible for reporting that the scout passed through the sparse woodland, and on the edge of the hills overlooking the village, reported the information to the "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo who arrived silently. Fu Pingbo nodded.

"Do it," he said, "There are stubborn opponents...kill."

In a moment, a group of people rose from the darkness and encircled in the direction of the village. Then there was a fight, and the deserted village ignited a flame in the night, and the figure fought and fell in the flame...

The night gradually faded away.

When the morning light confided, the people who had been nervous all night were a little tired in a courtyard where "undead guards" concentrated in Jiangning City.

Kuang Wenbai applied medicine to the wound on his face while wearing a bronze mirror. Sometimes when the pain on the bridge of his nose was affected, he couldn't help cursing.

Everyone thought they were going out last night to join the fire with the "king of Yama" in order to retrieve the scene in the early hours of the 17th morning, but they did not know why, the order to dispatch has not been issued for a long time, and they asked some well-informed people, just It was said that something went wrong, so the arrangement was changed.

Most of those who can join the "Undead Guards" middle and upper-level action team are veterans with knife-edge blood licking. Although they remain tense at night, they also have ways to relax. In the morning, they just feel a little tired, but the state does not affect much. It’s just that Kuang Wenbo is more miserable. He was knocked down by a punch in that capture battle and fainted. When he woke up, the bridge of his nose was interrupted by the opponent and his upper lip was also broken under that punch. The teeth in the mouth are slightly loose.

These are not great injuries, but injuries to the face and mouth can cause pain if they are touched at any time. Even eating is affected, and the half-closed doors that were frequented in the past are no longer good. Staying up late is all kinds of pain.

Simply unlucky.

He couldn't even see the murderer's face.

At this time, medicine was applied to the broken bridge of the nose, and a new patch was applied to the bridge of the nose with gauze. He has tried his best to play better, but in any case it still makes people feel awkward...This is really the most embarrassing injury in decades of walking in the rivers and lakes, not to mention the name of an undead guard. People who can't see the death guard put on a bandage on his face, maybe they have to laugh behind his back: the undead guard is immortal at best, but it is unavoidable that he will still be injured, hahahaha...

After applying the patch, he was going to drink a bowl of meat porridge in the room, and then make up his sleep. At this time, the people below came knocking on the door and said: "Something happened.

It was not their side that had the problem.

When the morning sun dispelled the fog, "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo returned with the team from the south gate of the city. The whole team was **** and murderous. Some prisoners and wounded were roughly tied with ropes and drove forward. A large car was full of heads.

This ferocious message spread throughout the city. Curious people gathered in the large square at Caishikou in the center of the city. Kuang Wenbai and a group of undead guards also took a place. Among the crowd, representatives of various foreign forces also gathered. When they came, they concealed themselves and checked the situation on the stage.

When the square was almost filled with people, the middle-aged man called "Long Xian" stood up and began to speak to the crowd.

"...As we all know, on the early morning of August 17, the city was harassed by bandits who came in. These bandits carried knives and guns and killed people and set fires in the city... From the early morning of the 17th to dawn, hundreds of houses were set alight in the city. During that time, nearly a thousand people were killed and injured. These bandits were extremely vicious and left after killing, setting fire, and looting..."

"...Fu was entrusted by Mr. He Wenhe to manage the order in the city and investigate the lawlessness! Immediately after this incident, an investigation was launched... Yesterday night, they found out where these bandits were staying, and then started arrests, but these people These culprits-Negative Yu stubbornly resisted. After our persuasion was unsuccessful, we could only attack them with thunder."

"...Everyone has seen...In this arrest, many of us were injured and sacrificed because of the stubborn resistance of these bandits! But fortunately, we did not humiliate our mission. We captured these people one by one! There were fierce resistance, we killed them on the spot, and for others, some people knelt down and begged for mercy, and we spared his life, but there are also some people who have heavy debts in their hands and cannot be spared. We will also let him give the big guy today. Son, an explanation!"

Fu Pingbo’s voice was deep, his eyes were circulated and frustrated. The prisoners on the stage were divided into two groups. Most of them were kneeling behind. A small number of people were driven to the front, swinging and beating in front of everyone. Let them kneel.

"That's right." Fu Pingbo said, "...During the investigation of this matter, we found that some people said that these gangsters were the subordinates of General Wei Zhuwenwei... So yesterday, I personally asked General Wei. According to General Wei’s clarification, it has been proved that this is nonsense, false rumors, and vicious slander! How can these vicious bandits be General Wei’s people...shameless."

"So here, I also want to clarify this matter to everyone! To return General Wei's innocence."

The morning breeze blew over the square, and somewhere in the crowd, some people were swearing and clamoring. It was obviously the staff of the "Yama King" line. Fu Pingbo looked over there. The soldiers guarding the square banged on the ground with the gun stick in their hands, and said in unison: "Quiet! Quiet!" The voice was neat, obviously all elites in the army, and the others on the stage Some even took out crossbows and aimed at the tumultuous crowd.

Fu Pingbo just watched quietly and indifferently. After a while, the drum noise was defeated by this sense of oppression, but it gradually stopped. Fu Pingbo looked forward and opened his hands.

"Today, these culprits must be executed on the spot! In order to return all the dead, a fairness--"

The people in the audience watched this scene, and among the crowd, Kuang Wenbai and others probably understood why there was no reciprocal retaliation here last night. It was very likely that they were aware of Fu Pingbo's means. In the early morning of the seventeenth, Wei Zhuwen took action, and then evacuated all the murderers from Jiangning. Who knew that he was pirated by the troops led by Fu Pingbo only that night. If he did it today, maybe Fu Pingbo would also use the banner of chasing murderers. Kill directly here.

On the side of the square, on the second floor of a teahouse, Wei Zhuwen, a "heavenly killer," with a slightly feminine appearance and narrow eyes like a snake, watched this scene quietly. When the seventeen prisoners were pressed down and started to behead their heads. , He threw the teacup in his hand to the ground.

In a corner of the square, Zuo Xiuquan, Yin Ping, Yue Yun, and others watched the execution. After 17 people were beheaded one after another, the others would be sentenced to the rod one by one. Perhaps at this moment, everyone finally recalled that in many cases, the law of the "King of Justice" was also very fierce, either killing people or crippling people with military sticks.

Just like the thousands of people on the Su family’s old house, hundreds of people were arrested, one by one, and even a dozen sticks were interrupted. After a round of beating, most people were basically abandoned. .

"The'King of Justice' can't be overthrown.'God Killing' is not as good as'Long Xian'." Zuo Xiuquan said in a low voice, "In this way, I can meet this side in private."

Zuo Xiuquan and others came here on behalf of the Southeast court this time, with the purpose of finding a force that can appreciate each other among the five branches of the Fair Party, and cooperate with them to finally open the way of the Fair Party.

"Teacher Kecheng and they have been here several times. This Mr. He has a deep prejudice against us..."

"At this moment and then, since Mr. He has already opened his doors, it doesn't matter if he talks about it."

Among the crowd, people from all sides who saw this scene naturally had various thoughts, but this time it was the King of Justice who added a few more points for himself.

For the little people in the city, the disputes over tactics may be felt, but not profound.

When "Longxian" Fu Pingbo swaggered into the city with the captives, Xue Jin under the bridge was setting up the earthen jar he had finally found, and cooking medicine for his frail family members.

At this moment, the little knight who left medicine for him, now the more familiar "Five Chi YIN Demon" Long Aotian, was eating steamed buns while walking across this bridge. He glanced down and saw that they were fine, took out a bun and threw it to Xue Jin. When Xue Jin knelt down, the boy had already left the bridge.

He walked through the streets of the city and stared at a stall selling newspapers and some groceries.

This stall is not big. There are about five or six newspapers. The quality of the printing is quite poor. I would rather read it and find the newspaper that spread the rumors. This day’s copy is also a variety of lace news, which makes people look special. dislike; despise.

"Don't keep watching if you don't buy."

The stall owner spoke lazily.

"Buy, buy." Ningji nodded, "but boss, you have to answer me a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Who made your newsprint. Where do you buy it?"

"...Can I tell you this?"

The stall owner looked at him suspiciously.

Ning Ji took the money out of his pocket.

In the training of the Hua Xia Army, of course, there are also topics such as intelligence inquiries. Pure tracking will be time-consuming, and some small things can often be solved with money. Rather than "walking knights fighting righteousness" on the road several times, he was rich, but in the past, he mostly relied on selling cuteness in his dealings with people, and rarely tempted them to profit. At this time, he hinted at the stall owner. Fan, the price was increased two more times, which was not smooth.

"You kid...what's your idea...why ask this...I think you are suspicious..."

One criterion that needs to be paid attention to is not to reveal too much money, lest the other party wants to kill and **** directly, so he would rather increase the price several times instead of adding too much. But his face was pure, and after some inquiries, he couldn't cause any deterrence to the other party. The vendor's eyes looked more and more unkind.


Ning Ji sighed, shook his head angrily and walked away.

At this time, the sun is rising, and there are already some pedestrians on the road, but it is not bustling. Ning Ji walked back dejectedly, thinking about finding another newsstand. After walking a few steps like this, he stopped again, sighed, turned around, and walked towards the stall owner. The stall owner sneered, stood up, and was kicked to the ground by Ningji.

The other party wanted to get up and fight back. Ning Ji grabbed him and kicked it around the corner for a while. He didn't use too much strength. He just made the opponent unable to get up and couldn't take much damage. He was beaten for a while. Pedestrians walked by, just watching, some were scared to go far.

"... Heroes, heroes forgive me... I take it, I said..."

Ningji stood there with a complex expression.

"Aren't you getting better like this? I'm not a bad person!"

He is a little bit grief and anger, bad society turns good people into bad people.

Then he asked for an address from the other party, and then gave the other dozens of money to make soup and medicine for the other party, and hurriedly left from here.

Once the information is detected, and if there is no silence, these things must go to the next step as soon as possible, otherwise the other party will report the information and the information obtained will be meaningless.

Ning Ji ran across the city fast all the way.

At the same time, in the direction he was going, there were two black and limping three figures. At this moment, they were standing in front of a courtyard with messy facilities and exuding an atmosphere of ink, observing the dilapidated two-story building here.

"Is it here?"

"Smell it."

"The site of the Runner King." Yuwen Feidu pointed his finger at the banner planted by the side of the courtyard.

"Why is he having trouble with our brother Tian?" Xiao Hei frowned.

"The matter was in Tongshan, Li Yanfeng's site. Li Yanfeng took refuge in Xu Zhaonan, and the female son of Yanjiapu, who wants to marry to Shi's family, will be able to take care of the eye drops." Yuwen Feidu analyzed. UU reading www.uukANAshu.com

Xiao Hei nodded, thinking it made sense, and the case was half solved.

The black girl did not participate in the discussion. She had already rolled up her sleeves, stepped forward, and opened the door: "Just ask and you will know."

"Don't be so impulsive."

"Your girl should be gentle..."

"A few writers, what are you afraid of... No, I'm very gentle..."



"...Yes, that's right, I just think it should be courteous first and then pawn."

"Yes, yes, let's play Baofeng's people..."

Xiaohei and Yuwen Feidu persuaded them, but walked in helplessly, and Yuwen Feidu, who was walking at the end, looked outside.

Close the door.


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