Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 71: Mayfly can be compared to the world and all phenomena to see all beings (2)

The square in the distance was still bustling, and "Long Xian"'s execution of the captured fair party members was continuing, attracting a large crowd of people.

Zuo Xiuquan, who understood the opposite's intentions, had already returned first. Although everyone has been accustomed to various **** scenes in these years of war and chaos, as a gentleman who has been studying for a lifetime, he has no hobby of watching the scenes of more than a dozen people beheading and nearly a hundred people being put on military sticks. When they left, they also took Yin Ping, Yue Yun and others away from the square.

"Although it is unlikely that Zhou and Shang will be in trouble at this time, if Wei Zhuwen is really crazy and sends someone directly to attack this square, even if your martial arts are strong, you may not be able to get out."

He had seen the "King of Fairness" method and went back to think about the possibility of contacting each other under the **** of a few masters of the Beiwei army. Yin Ping and Yue Yun were more curious about the excitement in the city, and they stayed in the square at this time. Waiting to see if there will be further development in the nearby market.

The market near the main square is extremely chaotic, and many places have experienced signs of conflagration. Some houses and shops that were originally built of blue bricks have been greatly damaged. Yue Yun and his sister who disguised themselves as men walked for a while. , I found a stall selling tea with a shed and sat down.

"Teacher Cheng came here several times earlier and already said that He Wen's parents, wife and children were all killed by the old officials of the Wu Dynasty. Later, he fled with the people and was left in the dead of Jiangnan. He will no longer be sacred. Old Zuo has a hot face and a cold **** this time, and he will return without success.

The seventeen-year-old Yue Yun and her sister who pretended to be a man are now the same height, but her muscles are strong and well-proportioned. After a long career in the army, she looks like a masculine man. . He was also in his youth and vigor, he had his own views on many things, and he was quite confident in speaking.

Of course, we may still remember that when he was younger, he was already straight and full of courage. Even when he was caught by many murderers who took refuge in the female reals, he was not afraid to swear and resist to the end. Now he has only added more insights into the world. Although he has become less cute, he is still using his own The way matures.

Yin Ping, who is two years older than him, smiled slightly: "Political matters are not that simple. Although He Wen doesn't like us in the southeast, when Teacher Cheng brought rice and supplies here, he still took it. It's down."

"You also said that it is a political matter. If there is any advantage, of course it will be accounted for. After the account is taken, it may not be worthy of our favor."

"What you said is." Xiao Er sent two bowls of tea that seemed ugly, and the silver bottle moved the tea bowl without arguing with his younger brother. "However, since entering the city this time, it seems that this is the'Long Xian'. What we are doing today is a little bit bold. If you talk about the other ones, which one do you like?"

"Lao Zuo seems to have decided on He Wen and Gao Chang now, but I don't like any of them." Yue Yun glanced at the market with a sullen look, watching the impetuous rivers and lakes people coming and going, or showing off. The fair-minded party said, "The King Gao Tian is the least troublesome among the five branches of the fair-party, and he is also good at managing the army, but I think those people under him are just a bunch of ruffians. There is a kind of back to us. Against the battle, I cut him casually. As for He Wen, I bet he can’t agree. Although he is talking about the overall situation, He Wen is also one person. The blood feud of the whole family is so easy to pass. We are not the Hua Xia Army now. , Can press him down."

"You always have your own ideas." Yin Ping smiled.


"What to bet on?"

"I bet...I can't talk to He Wen. As for Gao Chang, if he is willing to cooperate with us after He Wen, I naturally have nothing to say, although I don't like it."

"How many people can you see."

"I can admire the Huaxia Army. Just like what Dad said, if one day in the future fight a battle upright, you will die on the battlefield. That is also the work of a hero, although death is honorable." Yue Yun said Then, he shook his fist vigorously to the side, and then lowered his voice, "Sister, do you think someone from the Huaxia Army will come here this time?"

"What if there are you?"

"Get to know you, you don't know, I am very familiar with Brother Wenhuai. I have asked about many things in the Southwest, and I will soon be able to get in touch with each other." Yue Yun smiled, "I will say when the time comes. Maybe I can still discuss with them, or... I can find you a good husband in the middle... Yeah."

Before he finished his words, Yin Ping's arm flicked lightly, and a thud rang directly on the unreliable brother's forehead: "What nonsense!"

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"... Telling the truth." Yue Yun clutched his head, lowered his head and smiled, "Actually, I heard Uncle Gao and the others say that if Fei Wenhuai already had a wife, it would be the best way to tell you a kiss. Okay, but the few sister-in-laws from the southwest are also incredible heroines, and most people can't afford it... In addition, there are also sayings that want to send you to the palace as a princess. But your majesty is a ZTE. Lord, I don’t want sister, you go to the palace, that’s not free."

He sat there talking about these things eloquently, Yin Ping's face was red, and he was angry and funny: "You guy who hasn't grown a beard, but everything has been arranged. Who will I marry in the future? You shit, do you want my sister to go out to avoid scoring your wealth."

"Father doesn't have any money, don't look at him giving gifts so fiercely. In fact, he doesn't touch me a penny. I just pick and search when I buy a pot of wine. We are a pauper." Yue Yun chuckled and licked his face. "In addition, I actually already have a beard. Sister, look, I shave it when it grows out. Uncle Gao said, "I shave it a few more times now, and it will grow dark and dense in the future, and look majestic."

"You get up." Yin Ping twisted his face to the side.

Yue Yun turned his head and laughed while drinking tea. The two sat there for a while, and Yin Ping said: "I told me about entering the palace once, not as a princess, but because I want me to protect your majesty’s safety. Go in... Maybe you have to consider your status." She paused slightly, then smiled at her younger brother, "In addition, I also considered you and sent us all into the palace. If one becomes the princess, you will be the little **** who serves the princess. "

"Uh..." Yue Yun's mouth twitched, as if he was stuffed with **** in his mouth.

"... Your Majesty has not many people who can be trusted, especially in the past year, he promoted respect for the king and banned the barbarian, took power up, and then opened a sea trade. After fighting with a few large merchants, many private problems were accumulating. You don’t know that you are fighting bravely with people in the barracks all day long..."

Yue Yun was silent for a moment: "...Speaking of this, if you are really allowed to enter the palace, sister, are you really willing to be the princess?"

"Your Majesty refused." Yin Ping smiled, "He said that the girl's fame should not be broken, and this matter will not be mentioned again. What you usually hear is lace news, what do you know about the ups and downs."

"..." Yue Yun bowed his head for a moment, nodded, picked up the tea bowl and raised his hands in the southeast direction, "With this matter, your Majesty is worth my Yue Yun's life for him."

"Your Majesty’s innovation today is a narrow road. There is a future if you can pass by. If you are careless, it will be forever. So, if you don’t hurt the foundation, it’s always good to have more friends, let alone He Wen and Gao Tianwang. , Even the other few... are the most unbearable Zhou Shang, as long as they are willing to talk, Zuo Gong will talk to people..."

Yin Ping's words were soft, and when the center was clicked at this time, Yue Yun was silent for a while, but no longer debated this topic.

The two brothers and sisters have gone through wars for several years, and naturally they have seen all kinds of cruel things, but on their side, father Yue Fei has always stood upright, and the original prince and now the emperor Junwu is not morally unbearable. Place. The nineteen-year-old Yin Ping has begun to accept the complexity of the world, but the seventeen-year-old Yue Yun is still somewhat clean. After entering the city this time, what he particularly looks down on is the so-called "Yam King" Zhou Shang and "Zhuan" "Round King" Xu Zhaonan...Of course, it matters to the overall situation. He has ideas and ideas. In general, he is still willing to be a soldier following orders.

The two drank a few sips of tea, but there was no loud commotion in the square in the distance. It is estimated that Zhou Shang did not intend to leave and turn their faces. At this time, UU read www.uukanshu. com Yueyun pulled her sister's sleeves and pointed to one end of the street: "Look."

What they saw was a hidden fighting scene taking place in the crowd. What they were doing was a girl carrying a baggage and another Green Forester who seemed to be blocking each other. The girl was not easily noticed when she was shrunk in the crowd, but as long as she noticed it, she seemed to be avoiding pursuit. A tall and thin green forest man blocked the edge of the street. After the two sides met each other, the green forest man stretched out his hand. To block, the girl also stretched out her hand to push each other away, the two sides grabbed and dismantled moves, splitting them in the crowd for two rounds.

This swift fight did not attract the attention of many people. After the concealed exchange, the girl staggered and suddenly jumped up. She slapped her backhand on the back of the tall and thin green forest man's head, and recognized her acupuncture point. Extremely accurate, the tall and thin man didn't even have time to call, his figure shook, and he fell softly to the side.

"This is...Tan Gongjian's technique?" Yin Ping's eyes narrowed.

Yue Yun's gaze swept across Long Street, but at this moment, he saw a few specific gazes, and whispered: "She has been discovered."

The previous fight between the two did not attract much attention, but the green forest man was quite tall. At this time, he trembled and fell suddenly. His companion on the long street discovered the abnormality in this place.

"Father once said that the sword of Tan Gong was awful. When Jurchen went south for the first time, one of the seniors was called by the master to stabbing him to death. I just don't know how the descendants of this sword technique..."

Yue Yun whispered, he picked up the tea bowl and looked at his sister. After that, he drank all the tea inside.

Yin Ping also lowered his head and held up the tea bowl, his eyes jokingly: "I just looked at it just now, the skill and technique are average."

"After all, I am still young..."

Yue Yun stood up, and Yin Ping had to get up and follow, and the figures of the elder brother and sister turned forward and merged into the pedestrian...

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