Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 72: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see sentient beings (3)

As the road moves forward, there are gradually fewer pedestrians on the road, and the stalls selling things are temporarily empty. Only at the foot of the wall on the side of the road can you see sparse tents and refugees living.

Yan Yunzhi's pace was fast, trying to use a small number of pedestrians to quickly go to the opposite intersection, but someone ran into the road ahead.

This is a man in the green forest with shabby clothes. It looks like Kong Wu is powerful. After facing him, he has one of his hands and he wants to hug her. Yan Yunzhi slammed on the back of the opponent's instep, smashed his arm, and hit the man on the ground. At this time, someone also rushed over from the side. The palm of the person grabbed it, and Yan Yunzhi also stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The opponent's two fingers, grabbing the hand and supporting the wrist.

Her steps are smooth, and she is walking backwards. Since one hand grabs the other's finger, it is equivalent to grabbing the key. The other side relied on his own strength and grabbed the other hand to get out of trouble. The two sides walked a few steps one after the other. Yan Yunzhi's hands continued to be folded. Hearing the man cried out in pain, his arm snapped and dislocated. On his face are the big beads of sweat pouring out of soybeans. . . Yan Yunzhi let go of the opponent, turned and left.

Although she has practiced swordsmanship for many years and has strict requirements on herself, she is after all the daughter of a hero. Except for the killing of two Jurchen soldiers, there was a breakthrough in actual combat between life and death. In a relatively safe location. However, after leaving Baofeng’s Juxianju this time, his temperament was in line with Tan Gongjian’s Yi Lie solitary aura. At this time, he used a clever technique to respond to the enemy, which was really clean and neat, and he had already gained a lot of martial arts.

After only hurting these two people on the spot, the road ahead can't be walked.

Several other figures ran from there panting, and behind, the previous trackers also gathered one after another at this time.

The person with the dislocated arm looked fiercely thinking about coming over, Yan Yunzhi's eyes had also gone cold, and the two swords in his hand were unfolded, and one of the swords pierced the opposite door, forcing the person back. She backed slowly towards the courtyard wall on the side of the street.

"Girl, don't run anymore." The head of these trackers shouted loudly, "This is the site where I found out with iron fist, and I can't run away."

"Whoever comes will die first." Yan Yunzhi's words were cold.

There were not many pedestrians on the road running away at this time. A total of ten people came around. The "iron fist" headed by shouted, "Girl, it's the'king of equality' who wants to catch you back and can't run away, so why bother. You see, we got the order, not to take weapons, and do not want to hurt your life, but your fists are hard to beat by four hands. When will you be able to resist, we will catch you later. If we tie you up with rope or fishing nets, You have to be ashamed of a girl’s family. You can’t run away anyway, so why bother to get there."

This man is tall, and although he looks at the shabby clothes and is only the leader of a small group, his words are well-founded and very convincing. Only when his words fell, Yan Yunzhi's right hand dagger was still moving forward, but his left hand was flipped, pressing the blade against his throat, and shouting: "Get out of the way!"

Her actions made everyone startled. At the next moment, the girl suddenly turned around and was about to run to the rear wall, but she wanted to break through the wall at this moment.

She turned around, but saw three figures on the fence behind, she was holding a fishing net and wanted to throw it down. When the other party saw Yan Yunzhi hitting his throat with a sword, he was slightly stunned, and Yan Yunzhi was also stunned. At this moment, a wooden stick whizzed and whizzed over Yan Yunzhi's head, directly thrown into the fishing net, and just listened to "Ah yeah. "Puffing" a few times, the three figures on the wall were rolled back by the fishing net, and they all fell into the courtyard behind.

On the street, Yan Yunzhi, Zha Jiu and others turned their heads to look, only to see the figure of a young man walking towards here.

"A group of lowly dogs bullying the less with more, it is really unsightly. If you want to fight, add me."

The boy was tall and straight, and walked straight in the sunshine, and the people here greeted him: "The "king of equality" works in the name of the king, no one waits to report."

"I am your long-lost father."

Amidst the light and dust, one of them rushed over, and the young man waved his hand, and that person suddenly turned into a ground gourd like a short one. This was indeed a crushing of strength and strength. Yan Yunzhi saw the iron fist. Zha Jiu's right hand shook, and an iron gloved fist appeared. He drank in a low voice, his inner strength was vigorous, his figure low, and then he rushed up, "Ah--" punched out. As if thunder exploded.

As the leader of a small force in Jiangning City, it is impossible for him to have no art industry. Yan Yunzhi's age and accumulation are not enough, but he can also see the fierceness of the opponent's punch from the inner strength and huge momentum of this punch. This iron fist Cha Jiu is nearly a head taller than the boy looked. With all his strength, he slammed into the face of the coming young man. In theory, this punch was to be avoided.

However, what followed was the dull sound of the flesh and blood on the iron boxing. The young man stretched out with one hand and directly caught the opponent's full punch in front of him. His clothes are bulging, but the outline of the bulging arms can be seen on the tight sleeves.

"Ah... ah ah ah ah ah -"

Tekken Zha Jiu kept his punching posture, one step forward and one step behind, trying his best to push forward, but the next moment, his steps slid on the ground, this valiant boy grabbed his fist with one hand. Stepping forward, he pushed an adult back away.

"'Iron Fist' checked nine, more than a dozen big men bullied a woman."

The young man stepped forward and spoke in his mouth. Cha Jiu's feet moved back inch by inch, marking a mark on the muddy ground. The moment he finally wanted to withdraw his fist and retreat, the young man grabbed his fist with one hand and the other hand Grabbed his wrist.

"I don't think I have given birth to your son today."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

In the light and shadow of the autumn day, the tall Zha Jiu was grabbed by the opponent's arm and slowly pressed forward. He screamed, his arms folded, his knees fell to the ground, and the boy knelt down. The whole person pressed to the ground.

This is the first time Yan Yunzhi has seen such a natural and supernatural person.

It was a bit more powerful than that hateful Long Aotian.

The rest of them hesitated for a moment, shouted and waved their weapons, and charged towards that side. Next, there was a side-to-side street fight.

Dust arose in the street.

When the young man punched one by one, beating everyone to the ground with incomparably violent force, Yan Yunzhi saw another tall and handsome young man approaching her gently.

"Practicing Tan Gongjian, you can see the family history." The other party smiled and opened his mouth. "I don't know who the girl's last name is, why are you being deceived by these villains?"

Even in troubled times, there are good people.

Yan Yunzhi's mood suddenly relaxed.

The other side of the city.

Ning Ji glanced casually on the street where the newspaper was located.

This is not to smash some martial arts venues, nor is it about to challenge the world's number one master in a daze. It would not be too dangerous to raid a newspaper without intention. It is the same even if the newspaper is covered by the "runner king" Xu Zhaonan.

So he didn't wait too long, so he turned in from the side wall.

The side and rear of the yard are messy, and there are some old jars and pots, and there is also a smell of pickles. Very normal place. Ning Ji moved towards the building in front of him, and when he was close, he suddenly felt a trace of violation, and the sound from upstairs and in front of him seemed a little wrong.

He frowned slightly. But looking at the simple structure of this wooden building, I have already kicked up the foot three times, brushing a few times to the window behind the second floor.

The people in the room made strange curses, which sounded like they were injured. Rather than sticking to the window and listening for a while, some people in the wooden building had a bad footsteps. The strong smell of ink seemed to be faintly revealed. A bit of blood.

what happened? Someone hit him when he printed a newspaper?

He opened the window and took a peek inside, only to see a few tables and chairs in the room in the window were arranged in a mess, some papers were knocked over on the ground, and there was a little blood on the ground, which was a trace of fighting.

Huh? These filthy and innocent sour talents have found that they are engaged in infighting? Is it so intense?

Suddenly seeing such a thing, Ning Ji was a little excited for a while, thinking about whether to join in immediately and give people some correct guidance.

Also at this time, the sound of the riot came from outside. A large group of people rushed towards this side, and some people had already reached the front gate.

Ning Ji frowned, closed the window, and fell down the wall.

Amid the commotion over there, someone opened the gate of the courtyard, and a group of people were coming in, cursing and saying something. Although some of the words were in dialects, and they couldn't distinguish anything for a while, Ningji probably guessed that he could not come. Coincidentally, the chaos in the room is probably more than just infighting.

This is a bit unlucky.

At this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He trot along the path, and turned out with the help of the rear wall. Only after he popped a head, he only saw someone looking over at the side of the back lane not far away. , Suddenly drew his sword and rushed here: "Who?"

This person looked good at his feet. At first, I was afraid that someone would appear behind the yard. At this time, when he met, he subconsciously had to stop him. Ning Ji turned around and ran away, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

I didn't do it...Of course I can't say that.

While the other party ran, they shouted from the rear: "This is the'runner king' site, so Nai Qiaobin Qiaobin, if you dare to come over and make trouble, why bother with your head, there is a kind of taboo, and I singled out— —"

"Huh." Ning Ji stepped quickly, crossing some of the debris and garbage piled in the lane ahead, as if flying over, and he was too lazy to cover it up, "Well, I am the legendary Wu...Wulin leader! Long Ao! day!"

"Long Aotian? This name... uh... are you the five... five-foot yin demon?"

The voice originally wrote down the name according to the number of Jianghu Road, but halfway through, it suddenly remembered. In fact, now the Jiangning Heroes Collection, a small flower-picking thief name, is recorded in a broken newspaper. There are not many people who care about it, but this newspaper was originally published in this block. After the other party read it, he left it. After receiving the impression, he blurted it out.

The "five-foot yin demon" ran ahead, and he was chasing after him with a knife. The people on the courtyard were alarmed by this side. At this time, they seemed to be rounding up too, but seeing this notorious young and young man with outstanding achievements, he opened the distance in a flash. He might not be able to catch up next. But at this moment, the young man who was about to rush out of the alley in front of him suddenly stopped when he heard these words.

"I... wipe..."

Qiao Bin saw the boy cursed, stretched his hands and turned and ran towards him.

"Good job!"

Qiao Bin laughed and slashed out, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly flashed, the "swift knife" he swayed was easily held up, and his entire body was pushed up into the air, and in a blink of an eye he pushed back. Yu, then was smashed to the ground severely, dizzy.

The boy kicked him in the stomach.

"I call you the quick knife... I call you the yin demon... the yin demon... the yin demon... the filthy innocent..."

The people in the front yard chased over, and what they saw was a scene of a young man kicking people crazy in the back alley. On this street, Qiao Bin, who had good skills, was knocked down in the corner by him, curled up, holding his head in his hands. There is no resistance to kick.

The cursing young man showed a fierce look, and saw the crowd rushing, he glanced violently toward this side, really vicious. But the next moment, he climbed over the wall on one side, and ran into the yard of someone unknown on the other side.

The whole shop was screaming for murder for a while, some people rang gongs and drums, and people armed with knives and guns rounded up. The figures chasing young people ran across the courtyard, over the roof, and rushed into the street again.

Too bad...

Rather than running, while grief and anger in his heart.

If he wants to go out and make trouble on weekdays, he may also prepare a scarf to cover his mouth and nose when appropriate, but today he is thinking about just assaulting a ruined newspaper office, where there is any danger, and all the cloth strips he uses No, it's too late to cover my face now.

Of course he had already reacted at this time. Not long before his arrival, he didn't know what the bad news was. He had already ran over the newspaper one step ahead of time, and he had heard some information revealed by the group of people. It is very likely that the "king of equality" Shibao's subordinates came to hit the scene.

Fuck, you **** baby, why did you ran to someone's newspaper and crashed the place? You have **** in your head...

He cursed secretly in his heart, rushing all the way on the street, and behind it was a scene of more than a dozen people and dozens of people chasing after him. Pedestrians around mostly avoided the scenes of revenge in the green forest. Even the various figures of knights from the rivers and lakes, they all gave way to the roadside to watch the excitement. At this moment, at the door of a restaurant in front of him, a young monk holding a rice bowl for alms was alarmed by the spreading movement, turned his head and looked over, had a face to face with Ning Ji from a distance, and then opened his mouth into an "o". type.

"Dragon...Dragon, Dragon..." He raised a finger and wanted to recognize each other. He seemed to hesitate, not understanding why this scene was in front of him.

Ning Ji ran all the way, hesitated for a moment, and then ran towards that side.

"Ha, Goku!"

He ran to the little monk, took both hands, and hugged him. At that moment, the little monk seemed to want to evade, but his body was already grabbed by the opponent. The whole person suddenly rose into the air and was turned towards the back by Ning Ji. Throw it out: "Block them!"

On the street behind, more than ten people headed by had already rushed in. The little monk turned into a cannonball and was smashed at the opponent. He was not panicked about this kind of thing. He was in the air and sighed, blocking the rice bowl in front of him.

The few people rushing in the front were unable to brake for a while, and they heard a few clanging noises in the air. As the little monk fell, the rice bowl waved, and the weapons in the hands of several people had been smashed away. When he landed Pushed twice on the leg of the person in the front, bumped into the body, and knocked the figure away, then grabbed it with one hand, and swiped the stick from the back of the figure, and slashed and waved the calf of the four or five people in the front. Was hit, thrown into a ball and chaotic.

After landing, the little monk held a bowl in his left hand and a dance stick in his right hand. After taking two steps, he stepped back on the street. He raised the stick horizontally, and the small figure stopped everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, there was something wrong. He nodded in embarrassment, and bowed slightly: "Ah, Amitabha..." He didn't know what to say, and looked back at "Big Brother Long" here.

Long Aotian stretched out his hand and scratched his head. He knew that the little monk was quite good at martial arts, but he didn't expect to play so beautifully. He opened his mouth for a while: "Something..."

"Long... Brother Long..."

"Wukong did a good job! As expected of my martial arts leader Long Aotian's brother--"

With this change, some of the green forest hawks on the street became more cautious. They would rather wave their arms and shout loudly. They took the opportunity to make a name for themselves, and then they turned around suddenly when they saw more chasers coming. :"Run--"

"Oh...oh!" The little monk reacted, threw the stick forward, and quickly turned around to follow it.

A large group of people wielded knives and guns and chased the block, but the two figures in front of them moved faster. They moved away from here in a blink of an eye, and then passed through the streets and alleys, leaving the chasers behind. To the rear.

The pace slowed down, and the little monk took advantage of the situation and caught up with him: "Long, Big Brother Long... So you can do martial arts..." He didn't know this when they met outside the city, but the other party caught him. The technique and strength of the throw, coupled with the rushing all the way at this moment, naturally made him understand.

"Of course, I'm a doctor!"

"Uh..." The little monk scratched his head.

Long Aotian grabbed his shoulders: "Go, take you to eat delicious food!"

"Oh! Good! Thank you, Brother Long!"

The smiling face opened, and the little monk had forgotten what he wanted to say last moment.

The two figures joked and sank into the crowd. This is the morning of August 18th. The autumn sun is warm and warm. Long Aotian and Monkey King are together in the broken Jiangning.

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