Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 73: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see sentient beings (4)

The autumn wind is rustling.

The noon has not yet passed. As the current "runner king" Xu Zhaonan and the "great luminous leader" Lin Zongwu are in front of the Xinhu Palace where they settled in Jiangning, there has been a long queue of people who have come to post and visit. As for the team that came to greet the saint leader, they gathered almost the entire long street.

All kinds of weirdly dressed "gods", dragon and lion dance teams, kneeling to worship, blowing, pulling, playing and singing, set off the whole scene with great enthusiasm.

This is the glorious scene after Lin Zongwu has played the five-sided arena. Although Zhou Shang’s lunatics retaliated yesterday, it was Xu Zhaonan who blew the horn, and after the merging with Zhou Shang, they were still preparing to fight the "Million Soldiers and Horses" step by step. This is enough. It proves how emboldened the "Roller King" forces are in the city.

The cultists, who were driven by fanaticism, were enthusiastic for a while, and some activists who had certain martial arts themselves wanted to call for battle immediately. Under the leadership of the invincible holy leader, they directly overthrew the entire Jiangning evil spirits and won them. The title of "Fair Party Zhengshuo".

At this time, all the small and medium forces in the city, as long as they were optimistic about Xu Zhaonan, all rushed to hand in the name certificate. Xu Zhaonan began to meet one by one, asking these people to line up on the road in order to show the whole city. "Audience", showing their power.

Half a street away from here, part of the courtyard facing the New Tiger Palace has been used as a hospitality place for the "king of runners" at this time. In a mansion with a martial arts field, "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng is sitting on a chair by the side of the martial arts field, watching the figure not far away shuttle and move among the dense long and short wooden piles, swinging his arms, making punches from time to time. Smart and fierce from time to time, the sawdust flying on those solid piles. .

The figure that shuttles through the stakes is shirtless on the upper body, and has muscle knots on the peak body of about 30 years old. There is no fat on the body, and the perfect combination of strength and agility. It is from Tongshan that came to Jiangning. This generation of "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng.

It was the first time for Tan Zheng and Li Yanfeng to meet in Jiangning, but after the battle side by side on the seventeenth morning, they admired each other's martial arts. In addition, Tan Zheng had a relationship with the previous monkey king Li Ruoque. At that time, the relationship got closer. Li Yanfeng called Tan Zheng his uncle, and Tan Zheng and You Rongyan also recognized this martial arts nephew.

What Li Yanfeng is fighting at this time is the essence of Big Monkey Boxing and White Monkey Tong Arm Boxing. In the few days after arriving in Jiangning, he had two discussions with Lin Zongwu, and in the second instructive match, the opponent pointed out a lot of methods and techniques for increasing the destructive power of Bai Yuan Tong Arm Fist. At this time, the understanding of this boxing method has reached a new level.

After the next round of punching, Tan Zheng couldn't help but stand up and applaud: "Okay! With this improvement, the white ape will definitely shine in the hands of his nephew, and he may become a master of the next generation and glorify future generations."

Li Yanfeng wiped off some sweat beads from his forehead. He was not proud. Instead, he said, "Uncle Zheng is absurd. I came to Jiangning this time, thanks to the inconsistent views of the leader, the uncle and the seniors. What is left, it must be the broad minds of the predecessors that will make the martial arts prosperous today."

Before Li Yanfeng fisted, Tan Zheng had already demonstrated his understanding of the sword technique once, and at this time smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s the general trend that you don’t stick to one person or one line. It’s the general trend. When the Central Plains fell more than ten years ago, Lin'an Wulin said that the north and south merged, but after all, it was just a gimmick. Then there was Jurchen’s fourth southward destruction. This is for the world’s martial arts. People’s lessons can’t be done now. It just so happens that the great master, the leader, will come to oppose the battle, and it will be a good talk in the future."

Li Yanfeng nodded: "I heard that the leader of this trip to the south, apart from Jiangning's affairs, is mainly to train a team of elite soldiers for Mr. Xu, in anticipation of future battles with the so-called'special soldiers' of Heiqi. This matter , Is Uncle Zheng going to be involved?"

Tan Zheng was originally nicknamed "Heshuo Heavenly Sword", and he used to be active in the Jin area. Later, the leader of Lin was defeated in the fight against gold, and he failed in the fight for power with the "descendant woman" and was suppressed before moving to Jiangnan. . Because when he arrived in Jiangnan, the word Heshuo made people laugh, so he simply changed it to "Heaven Sword", which was even more domineering. Under Xu Zhaonan's command, he had followed for a long time. Nodding at this time.

"The affairs of the courts have always been higher than those of the arena. Once in the army, there is nothing to hide. Mr. Xu is open-minded and has always been generous to the people of the arena. Over the past year or so, everyone has been together for a long time and the gains are far away. Higher than before, this time the leader came, everyone has the backbone, and I will definitely participate. I don't know how the nephew thinks about this."

"I'm in Tongshan, and I have actually opened the door to teach villagers martial arts. I hope that when foreign insults come, everyone will have the power to resist. This time I took the position of Da Guangming teaches the law again, and Mr. Xu is ten percent. I must echo each other in Tongshan. The two sides converge, or the leader and the uncle have gained something from this military training, and I hope I don’t forget my nephew. The essence of the big monkey boxing and the white monkey arms, my nephew at this moment. You can write it down and give it to Uncle Zheng."

He clasped his fists and spoke generously. Tan Zheng smiled and slapped his fists. He whispered: "What do you do for me? You find a time and give it to the leader. The leader will not be greedy for your fists, but you do. Sincerely, it’s not a good thing to be able to get some careful suggestions from the leader."

He paused, and then said: "...This matter can be done earlier. Now everyone's attention is still on the situation in Jiangning. I have not paid attention to the future, exchange and training, if you wait until the leader speaks. Announce this, everyone will do it when they submit the cheats, but it's too late."

Tan Zheng selflessly raised a point, and Li Yanfeng immediately thanked him. After a while, he heard the excitement coming from outside, before he whispered:

"It's just Uncle Zheng, the situation in the city nowadays, my nephew is really a bit difficult to understand. You see, there is still a view in the art of war. Now the five members of the party are fair in the city, plus some'big leader' waiting for the upper ranks, There are six or seven companies. Although our'runner king' side is strong and strong, it is logically no match for the other four. It is enough for the leader to fight Zhoushang. Anyway, no one is in line with him, so why do we need a family? All of them stepped on it. This is the first shot to take everything up, and I don’t know what Mr. Xu thinks. Is there any inside story we don’t know?"

After Li Yanfeng said these questions, he watched Tan Zheng's reaction from the corner of his eyes. Tan Zheng smiled and shook his head: "I don't know how to tell about this. With the master's magical powers, the family ring was beaten. It was originally unmatched. Yes. But why do you want to fight, it really makes people whisper, maybe Mr. Xu has the confidence to one-to-four, or... he has already united with the other companies to make a scene to paralyze others?"

Tan Zheng's knife skills are good, but apparently he has not investigated the matter in depth. When Li Yanfeng saw it, his eyes were slightly disappointed. He came to Jiangning as the deputy envoy of Liu Guangshi's mission. Although he did not necessarily have to be loyal to Liu Guangshi, he must be loyal to himself. Xu Zhaonan started to do things as soon as he entered the city. Where did the confidence of this reckless behavior come from? He could not grasp the whole picture, so he would always be a little worried. Of course, since Tan Zheng didn't understand, he had to consider asking others.

The topic of the two people is here. Li Yanfeng after performing martial arts has put on loose samurai clothes. At this time, someone came over and reported something to Tan Zheng in a low voice. Tan Zheng was slightly surprised, then he laughed and looked at Li Yanfeng.

"Uncle Zheng, what's the matter?"

"You posted a message in the city a few days ago?"

"...Hmm." Li Yanfeng thought for a while and nodded, "It's just a small matter. It's a brother under Lord Xu Longbiao Xu. What's wrong?"

"Today, two groups of people came up and asked about the matter and caused some minor disturbances. The first group had three people, two men and one woman. One of them was still lame. They asked for information and asked about you. These people Claiming to be Shi Baofeng's subordinate."

"Shi Baofeng..." Li Yanfeng frowned, and then stretched out, "...My nephew probably knows what's going on. Uncle Zheng, are we here to let them?"

"No need." Tan Zheng shook his head sharply, "There have always been rifts among the five kings of the fairness party. As a wise nephew, it doesn't matter whether you give Shi Baofeng face or not. If you are an ordinary person, I will persuade him to guard against the other party's revenge, but with the martial arts of the nephew, I don't think it matters."

When Tan Zheng said this, he paused again: "Of course, if the nephew Xian has just had some misunderstandings over there, I can come forward if I want to have a head wine."

In his remarks, he talked about all the possibilities. On the one hand, he believed that Li Yanfeng was qualified to cause friction there. On the other hand, he said that if it is not willing to cause friction, he did not inquire about what happened. Li Yanfeng also smiled and shook his head: "I don't conceal the truth from Uncle Zheng, but some problems in Tongshan..."

Regarding the friction that occurred in Tongshan and the purpose of his release of the news in the newspaper, it was not too confidential. He was just doing things casually, and he said it casually at this time. Tan Zheng suddenly realized: "It's no wonder...Who was the one who came to the door in the second wave, maybe the nephew might have guessed it?"


"This person calls himself Long Aotian." Tan Zheng smiled. "The nickname of the newspaper is called... the leader of the martial arts, hahahaha."

Li Yanfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Since the rise and proliferation of martial arts novels, the world has held meetings here and there called the Martial Arts Conference. There are not a thousand delusions who claim to be the masters of martial arts, and there are 800, all of them. A delusion who doesn't know the heights of the sky.

The two of them laughed for a while, Tan Zhengdao: "This person is not old, as the nephew said, but his skill is really good. Later, he ran away all the way, and the chasers found out that he had an accomplice who was a twelve or thirteen-year-old man. The little monk, called'Wukong'... This kind of delusional man who calls himself the leader of the martial arts may indeed be extremely small with a mission from the southwest, but a twelve or three-year-old, and a fourteen-five-year-old dare to venture outside, the origin of family learning It's possible, and there are."

Li Yanfeng said: "The letter sent from my home said that this young man had spoken out, and he wanted to come to Jiangning personally to find me to settle accounts. I thought it was a big talk, hehe, I didn't expect it to come. What a young hero..."

This is what he said, and there was a vaguely fierce glow in his eyes. This arrogant young man killed his sister and his husband's family in Tongshan, and killed his two guest officials. He was worried that he could not find him, but unexpectedly, the other party really dared to come to Jiangning. This is a sign that Li Yanfeng, the "monkey king", is really not treated as a character. He could not wait for the boy to come to the door at this moment. If he didn't strip the boy and make him suffer for three days and nights, he would have lost his reputation.

The fierceness in his heart did not let Tan Zheng see. Tan Zheng carried his hands on his back and shook his head: "A young man of fourteen or five years old is a talented person, and now it is difficult to threaten you. It is those of the Shi family. You don’t intend to negotiate a peace talk, you have to pay more attention to it in the future. Of course, don’t care too much. Remember, there is a leader in everything, and a brother in the teaching supports you, and it is Shi Baofeng who will kiss you. In front of him, he can't do much to you either."

Tan Zheng said generously, and Li Yanfeng nodded.

"Yes, Yanfeng will never lose the face of my Da Guangming Sect... Of course, if you really want to assassinate or fight, they just come. Uncle Zheng, you see, you said, two men and one woman, in the middle There is a lame man. What if I let the three of them join together?"

"Yes." Tan Zheng thought for a while, then laughed, "Two men and one woman, one lame."



The two laughed heroically, and both were happy.

Of course, looking back, Li Yanfeng found a relationship privately and let people pass the news that the "five-foot YIN demon" Long Aotian arrived in Jiangning to the "king of equality". His martial arts are strong and he has power behind him, so he is not afraid of it, but if he can put more eyedrops on the enemy, he can increase his strength. This is his consistent principle.

After all, in Jiangning City at this moment, it was Shi Baofeng's power who wanted to find Long Aotian the most--this matter was related to the face of the Shi family. It's not too late to wait until they fight, and then make a move, catch the boy and concoct it.

And even if things don't develop like this, Shi Baofeng must investigate his small actions in spreading the news, so let's fight when we fight. After all, two men, one woman and one lame...

In the way of martial arts, except that he is slightly inferior in front of Master Lin at this time, who is afraid of coming in this life?

Ding, Ding, Dang, Dang...

It was the afternoon, and the sound of war-blade fighting sounded in the dilapidated yard.

Liang Siyi waved the sword in his hand, and the dancing wind roared from the "Peacock Ming King Seven Zhan Yu", Yu Hongzhuo's imperial envoy single-handedly resisted and walked away. After playing like this for a while, Liang Siyi sweated slightly on his forehead, and You Hongzhuo did not show fatigue. His footsteps were light and he reached a certain point. He closed his knife and walked aside. Liang Siyi stopped and mixed his breathing evenly.

You Hongzhuo poured a bowl of water back and handed it to Liang Siyi.

"You, the Peacock Ming King Sword is too domineering. It is only suitable for use on the battlefield. If you encounter a rogue, you will lose power if you fight for a while. In addition, the Peacock Ming King sword is originally a double sword. On the contrary, it weakens the use of piercing, poking, and points in swordsmanship... Well, in fact, it was changed like this for the sake of going to the battlefield, right?"

After You Hongzhuo and An Xifu met, there was a night visit to Wei Zhuwen's station last night, but the whereabouts of Miao Zheng, who was captured by Wei Zhuwen, was not found for a while.

Although the two sides have a certain amount of trust at this time, they are both veterans who have been walking on the rivers and lakes for many years. An Xifu's main force will not let You Hongzhuo see them all, and it is impossible for him to ignore the other thing in order to rescue Miao Zheng. Therefore, the person who has contacted You Hongzhuo and his partner is still Liang Siyi, who is a bit paralyzed and has little speech. After meeting this afternoon, the two sides met a little bit to understand each other's details and to cooperate later.

After You Hongzhuo finished speaking, Liang Siyi nodded: "When practicing swordsman, I never thought about private fights. In fact, the double swords of the Peacock Ming King's sword consume more energy."

She probably introduced the Peacock Ming King Sword. In fact, the double swords in Wang Yin's hands were quite heavy. They chopped and swung all the way when facing the enemy, like a peacock opening the screen, which was dizzying. The few killer moves that are mixed in are turned into poking, stabbing, dotting, and swiping in the process of hacking. Although the killer moves that the peacock takes when the screen is opened, it is often caught off guard, but the strength required under inertia is actually Bigger.

Liang Siyi's figure is taller than an average woman, and his hands are considered strong and powerful, but the inheritance of the Peacock Ming King Sword in the past should be one pass in the general rivers and lakes, or at most a few passes. When Wang Yin was in the north, in order to have someone available, the number of adopted sons and daughters received was tens or hundreds. As a result, the supervision of each person's martial arts might not be so detailed, and some of the fine killings in the Peacock Ming King's sword had to be simplified. The move, even simply supplemented by the knife technique, just walked towards the open and close way.

"Your inner interest is much stronger than that of ordinary women, but in terms of sword technique, I always feel that it can be improved... Girl Liang, don't think I'm taking the liberty. I will go south this time and go to the Southwest China Army to learn. Some of the swordsmanship of the overlord, some thoughts in the middle, we can share..." The two sat under the eaves of the broken yard, and when it came to the swordsmanship, You Hongzhuo felt a little chatty.

"Okay." Liang Siyi said concisely.

"Yeah, let me talk about my opinion a little bit. I think Wang Shuai asked you to change a sword into a knife to better let you keep the chopping and slashing moves in the swordsmanship, but the essence of the swordsmanship. It's not used like that... If you want to understand this carefully, I think you might consider putting aside the sword and practicing single-sword... Look, the style you just used is like this..."

You Hongzhuo danced in the yard with a single sword in his hand. After a while, he took a wooden stick as a sword and demonstrated with both hands. Liang Siyi has practiced the Peacock Ming King Sword for many years, and his martial arts and comprehension are extremely high. Occasionally, when he sees the heartbeat, his arms and wrists move with it, or he can follow the exercises in the courtyard of You Hongzhuo Road. Although she didn't speak much, but the rehearsal techniques were in place, which made You Hongzhuo very happy.

The two communicated in this way for a long time, and realizing that both sides had improved, they sat down in the yard to drink.

Liang Siyi looked at him: "How do you practice your sword skills...?"


"Yeah." Liang Siyi nodded, "Forgive me."

"Oh, that's not the case." You Hongzhuo laughed, "I actually...I just practiced by myself..."

"Internal strength is from childhood." Liang Siyi said.

"Yeah." You Hongzhuo nodded and was slightly silent, "...Our family...I used to practice called Youjia Sword Technique, but it's actually like a wild road. My father...he didn't tell me about the origin of the sword technique before he died. , Anyway, I’ve been a silly practice since I was a child. When I was a teenager, I hadn’t actually beaten anyone and never hurt anyone, but then... something happened, I remember... it was the eighth year of Jianshuo... …"

You Hongzhuo recalled the past. At this time, he talked about the death of his parents lightly. He talked about how he felt when he killed and resuscitated for the first time. Later, when he walked the rivers and lakes, he got some advice from experts, such as "black wind and double evil." Mr. and Mrs. Zhao and his wife went through various fights afterwards, all of which were accumulated in the **** killing. At this time, they seemed to be understatement.

For some reason, he didn't talk about Luan Fei and the knot of justice. The afternoon sun shone into the dilapidated courtyard, Liang Siyi listened quietly, looking like a wave, and for a few times he seemed to want to say something, but after all, he did not say.

They then stood up, and simply fought for another...

Long Aotian took the little monk for a stroll around the city. They went to see the old house of the Su family, the former residence of the heart demon, and ate simple snacks at a few roadside stalls before returning to Xiaoao until dusk. Five lakes inn where I live.

Long Aotian, the leader of the martial arts, was generous and ordered three bowls of dishes, a boss fish, a tofu, and a vegetable, and a lot of rice. The little monk was stunned by the money he spent, and the shopkeepers of the inn came to persuade: "If you can't finish eating, you can eat less, and the fish will give you a small..."

Long Aotian patted the table: "We martial arts people have a big appetite. If you give you money, you can serve food, and then I will tear down your broken shop."

He has a cute face. Although he has reached the age of "adult" in this era, blowing his nose and staring when he does not intend to kill is actually not much deterrent. The inn shopkeeper put a cold **** on his hot face, smiled and walked away.

In fact, the owner of the inn is mainly afraid that his wealth will be too revealing and will attract covetousness. But our Long Aotian had already figured it out-he had long wanted to make a circle in the inn and stand up to his prestige, and at this time he didn't mind exposing his identity as a "martial arts master".

It's just that his face is kind, and the twelve or thirteen-year-old monk on the opposite side lowers his eyebrows and his eyes are even more pleasing. At this moment, some of the green forest people in the inn turned their heads and thought they might be some kind of elders with background. The children who were planning to come over to make trouble, didn't have any of them-mainly because it was troublesome for them, which was really a bit of a loss.

When they were growing up, the two of them ate up half of the food, and slowly enjoyed the end. When the light of the setting sun shined through the window next to the inn, Long Aotian mentioned the morning matter a little bit: "Huh, Zhuanlun The king's men are all bad guys!"

They had fun in the afternoon. Since they just met, the little monk didn't dare to talk about too sensitive topics, so he didn't even ask about things in the morning. At this time, "Big Brother Long" suddenly talked about it, and the little monk's shoulders shrank in fright. He bowed his head and picked up rice, not daring to be found out by the other party that his master might be the "king of runners".

Fortunately, the domineering Long Aotian didn't just curse one.

"You saw this in the afternoon, what a fair party, none of the five fools is good, unreasonable, indiscriminately killing innocents, and innocent... Well, by the way, what you want to do when you enter the city this time What's the matter? Just to visit Su's house?"

Long Aotian shrugged the fairness party for a while, the little monk nodded in agreement, and shook his head when he asked the last sentence.

"In fact, there is nothing else."

"Go to see your master?"

"It disappeared in Jiangning. This is Xiao Na's practice."

"Oh..." Long Aotian nodded, "Then I think your martial arts are okay, so let's just hang around with me for a while."

He graciously made an invitation. The little monk on the opposite side swallowed the food in his mouth, and then cringed his hands together: "Amitabha, actually... I have a question, I want to ask Brother Long..."


"Xiao Na wants to ask...why does Big Brother Long want to be that five or five feet...YIN demon..."

He didn't know where he heard the rumor, but he finally asked about it until he endured it. The voice didn't fall, and the opposite fell on the table with a palm. There was only a muffled noise on the table, and his fingerprints were already taken .

The little monk was not amazed at this kind of skill, he was just afraid of offending people, and at this moment he whispered: "Actually...Little Na doesn't want to have any opinion on Big Brother Long’s hobbies, but...but Xiao Na’s master I also said that there is a knife on the head of the color word, a woman is not a good thing, mainly...

"That's all slander!" Long Aotian stabilized his emotions and said simply.

"Huh? Is it slander?"

"Hmph, this is all done by the Tongshan gang, I have already thought of it!"

Long Aotian's eyes were serious, and he began to talk about his journey on this road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left the southwest, met a group of scholars and a pair of fathers and daughters, and then arrived at Tongshan. What happened Those series of things... The little monk's eyes were clearly relaxed. When he heard the experience of Tongshan Wang Xiuniang, Lu Wenke and others, there was a trace of blood in his eyes, and he nodded: "These bad guys should be killed. they!"

"Hmph, they knew that I was coming to Jiangning, so they sent someone to Jiangning to spread rumors, and they gave me... that kind of nickname. I will never let them succeed. When I leave Jiangning, I will kill him back to Tongshan. , Took their whole family! Of course, now in Jiangning, I have to do a few more good things to beat my name as the'Leader of the Martial Arts'..."

"Yeah, Brother Long, I will help you."

"Okay, then you will be the deputy leader of the Wulin League, and you will be called the Monkey King."

"Amitabha, it doesn't matter what Xiao Na is called."

"I have already figured it out. This time the fair party in the city is not a good thing. In the case of Tongshan, that Li Jianfeng is in the city. Sooner or later, he will kill him. The big fat man is making trouble for Xu Zhaonan. In order to let these foolish dogs bite the dogs, let's let him go. I have been around the city these days and there is a big thief. We can find him first, kill him, and make him famous. "

"Amitabha Buddha, good and good." The little monk blinked and looked at him.

"It's that "Heavenly Kill" Wei Zhuwen. We will find him from the beginning tonight, and then I will personally make a plan and find a way to do it."

In the sunset, Long Aotian patted his chest.

The little monk on the opposite side chewed the food in his mouth. A few days after he entered the city, he already knew Wei Zhuwen’s notoriety, and then nodded vigorously:


The fame plan of the martial arts leader was finalized in the fiery sunset.

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